MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 40

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Anxu and Lydia spent a peaceful night, and the next morning, soldiers knocked on their door.

The young ascetic woke up immediately. She stayed there for a few seconds, then slipped out of the embrace of the blessed one, quickly packed up her bed and went down to answer the door. A set of ascetic robes was fine, and the soldiers didn't notice the eyeballs on Lydia's face and the saliva around her mouth, but this did not comfort Lydia's mood at all.

An Xu stretched and got up, and yawned contentedly. "Who is it?" She rubbed her eyes and met Lydia's gloomy face. Although the other party could still be called expressionless, An Xu felt that Lydia seemed to be sulking for no reason. You were fine (?) last night, why are you unhappy today? She looked around strangely for a while, and finally thought optimistically, probably people who entered the camp of the Holy See are easily agitated.

"Your Excellency, please." Lydia said.

Speaking of the general, An Xu immediately recalled the friendly reception yesterday. She put on her clothes and smelled the neckline, and she still felt that she could still smell the aroma of barbecue. After being teased like this, she was hungry (gluten) again, and she really hoped that there would be some rations that could be snatched from the general.

With such a beautiful longing, An Xu packed up in a few minutes, and followed the orderly to Jane. Jane was waiting for them at the bottom of the city tower. She probably didn't expect the speed at which Miss Sullivan got up. When they met each other from a distance, the general was still eating a small round cake. People in this world basically only eat two meals, and the very rich nobles and laborers who consume a lot of manual labor only eat some bread mats in the morning. But in her world, An Xu only eats steamed stuffed buns bought on the road for breakfast. She feels that there is not much difference between snacks and breakfast in this world.

Simply put, it's OK to let her eat, she doesn't pick anything.

"Good day, Your Excellency the Blessed One." Jane greeted and saluted from afar. Her salute was much more solemn than when she greeted the abbot yesterday, but it was still not completely formal - no one could formally salute with half a biscuit.

"Good morning, General!" An Xu ran over quickly, staring at the round cake in her hand. Jane missed her focus, ate a few bites faster, and threw away the remaining crumbs. As soon as she was about to speak, she saw the girl of God's favor slump her shoulders visibly to the naked eye.

"Do you want to eat it?" She asked tentatively with happiness in her heart.

"Thank you!" An Xu said without hesitation.

Jane smiled and looked at the adjutant. The adjutant whispered something to the soldier next to him. The soldier quickly ran back and forth and put the small round cake in An Xu's hand. After thanking An Xu, he took a bite and felt as if he had bitten a stainless steel spoon, and his head was numb from the shock force.

"Your Excellency God's Blessed One? Why are you so overwhelmed..." Jane said dumbly, "Are you all right? Don't worry!"

But is this thing really edible? An Xu stared at the cake that took out his mouth, there was only saliva and no teeth marks on it. With lingering fear, she pinched the cake with her fingers, and didn't even leave a scratch.

Is this the daily food level? The general only eats this for breakfast? The living conditions of the soldiers on the border are too difficult! How miserable! An Xu looked at Jane with sympathy.

Is it true that the rumor that you don't want to eat enough to enter the seminary is true? Is the rumor that it will be confiscated if you don't eat it all at once true? How miserable! Jane looked at Anna sympathetically and thought. The only daughter of the dignified Sullivan family, still looking at me with such pitiful eyes... She endured it, but she couldn't hold it back, and took a step forward to take the round cake - when she took it away, she could still feel that the gods were holding on to it Its weak strength made the carefree general feel a rare sadness—it broke into two halves with a click.

"Eat slowly, don't worry." She slowed down her voice as much as possible, and looked at the favored man with the eyes she used to feed a young girl a long time ago. The adjutant accidentally saw this expression and shivered.

Although diamonds are hard, they are very brittle, which seems to be the reason. But diamond powder can't be eaten either? An Xu looked in awe at the general who had very good teeth and looked expectant (?), as if standing in a dormitory many years ago, being stuffed with a handful of local specialty roasted grasshoppers by his roommate.

That's all, give up your life to accompany the gentleman! She gritted her teeth and grabbed the edge of the pancake... Huh, soft?

An Xu took the round cake away from his mouth again, and took a closer look, only to see that the hard rock skin was covered with a soft layer. She tentatively licked it, and could taste the thick milky smell. It was only then that she realized that it wasn't wheatbread, but some kind of cheese.

If there is Anna in Anxu. Sullivan's memory, or if she didn't try convenience meals and only ate manna when she was in the seminary, or if Chris didn't take care of her enough to feed her only processed ingredients, An Xu should have known what it was . Soft rind cheese, made of pressed and dried fresh cheese, has a hard shell and a soft and delicate interior. Its raw materials are simple and easy to obtain, it tastes good, it is easy to store, and it is easy to fill the stomach and provide energy. The unscrupulous warriors take it on the road, and the nobles will cut it and spread it on the bread. It is a kind of breakfast that is cheap and cheap.

Incidentally, another reason for convenient storage is that the shell is so hard that bugs don't eat it. Expired rock rind cheese can be used as weapons and bowl mats, and throwing it directly on the ground is equivalent to paving the road with gravel, so it really isn't a waste to throw those away, General.

An Xu, who wanted to understand this, nodded gratefully to Jane, and in Jane's eyes, it became the gratitude of being fed. This oolong disrupted the original plan, and also made Jane unknowingly share the same hatred with the enemy, and did not put An Xu in the position of the target.

"Those in robes..." she said angrily, seeing the wink from Adjutant David, she swallowed the next half of the sentence vaguely. An Xu was busy eating cheese, and Jane took advantage of this gap to glance at the ascetic monk beside her. Lydia looked at her nose, nose, and heart, the rosary was twitching in her hand, her lips moved, and she knew what she was saying. The general snorted coldly in her heart, she hated these hypocrites putting on airs the most.

"Come on, let's go to the city wall and have a look." Jane said, "Your father, Earl Edward, served here."

The general led the way, Anxu followed behind, Lydia was one step behind, and the adjutant was at the end of the line. The city wall was as high as it looked below, and the steps were a bit strange to walk on. An Xu always felt that he would stumble while walking. She looked forward, and Jane was still walking with her head held high; looking back, Lydia, who was walking with her head bowed, walked with small and fast steps, and the adjutant also walked without any abnormality, and smiled politely when she saw her looking back.

"Please watch your step, Your Excellency the Favored One," he said.

"Has your father talked to you about the walls of the Thebes defense line?" Jane asked, and then answered to herself, "Thebes is the youngest defense line, and it was built here only a few decades ago. The size of the steps is a bit It's different, the defenders who are used to walking can run up and down, and the spies, enemy soldiers and strange beasts that climbed the wall will fall."

An Xu let out a "wow", amazed at this kind of battlefield wisdom. The city walls are ancient in style (from a modern perspective), made of hard stones, and the color is gray, really a bit like the rock cheese you just ate. Wouldn't the building material to fill the gap be cheese? An Xu thought of the Great Wall, and heard that the ancient city walls used glutinous rice as an adhesive.

"It was built decades ago?"

"Yes, it was about fifty years ago that Yamenan stabilized the defense line at this position." Jane climbed up the city wall and patted the watchtower with emotion, "Since then Fort Sullivan... which is now the city of Abery is no longer It is the extreme southern line of defense for human beings. It used to be a wilderness that had been abandoned for hundreds of years, and the generation of the grandmother of Your Excellency the Favored One saw this city built on the wilderness with their own eyes."

A few words outline the struggle of human beings on the frontier half a century ago. An Xu imagined the scene back then, how much hard work and sacrifices did the ancestors have to pay to nail down this majestic fortress on the border between humans and alien beasts? Of course, Tibisburg couldn’t compare with the magnificence of the Seminary. Its appearance was unattractive, but it looked heavy and solid, like a stubborn rock, like a muscular dwarf holding his breath and rooted in place.

"How long did it take to build?" An Xu asked.

"Half a year."

"Half a year?" An Xu repeated in surprise.

She has seen pictures of pyramids that are said to be impenetrable by knives, and she has also climbed ancient city walls that are cultural relics. Comparing those ancient city walls with the young ancient city walls under her feet, the latter seems to be as strong and tidy as it is. The buildings in ancient Egypt and ancient China all relied on huge manpower, material resources, time, and painstaking efforts of countless skilled craftsmen, but this castle only took half a year?

"At that time, His Majesty the King brought almost all the earth-stone supernatural powers that could be used in the whole country." Jane laughed, "The most troublesome thing is to let those warriors who can only throw stones learn to build like craftsmen. It is said that it took two months The city was built, but there was a load-bearing problem, the first time it faced a strange beast attack, it collapsed after a short period of time, and it was only through the beast tide thrown by the supernatural beings."

An Xu laughed at the picture in his mind. Yes, there are abilities set here. Trapped in the academy before, the existence of abilities is a bit like personal ability level, she thought, except for comparison, there is not much sense of existence (people who have experienced the "Day of Thunder" in the entire academy will definitely shake their heads desperately), and the essence can only be felt outside. different. If there were more people with supernatural powers, the human beings in this dream would probably be similar to the magical races in fantasy stories that rely on talent to survive.

"The Sullivan family has been stationed at the border for generations, even after the Tibes line of defense was built. The 'Sentinel of the South' is worthy of the name." Jane said, "Many years ago, Earl Edward also looked into the distance from the watchtower, looking for beasts. Traces of the approaching tide. How about it, would you like to go up with me, Your Excellency the Favored One?"

An Xu nodded, and Jane immediately pushed away a step to get out of the entrance of the watchtower. "Come on, hold on to the iron bars, don't worry, I'll follow you behind." She said, when An Xu climbed up, she also dodged into the watchtower, turned her head and said, "David, don't squeeze over Make a mess!"

Lydia was about to go up when David held her back. "There are always only one or two sentinels. If there are too many sentries, I am afraid that there will be problems with the load." The adjutant said kindly, "Do you want to eat something too? It is windy up there, do you want to follow me to a place where you can shelter from the wind? When the adults come down You can see it at a glance over there, it’s not a problem.”

The ascetic glanced at him and stood still. The adjutant was not embarrassed because she vetoed all the suggestions, he smiled good-naturedly, took out cheese from his arms and ate it.

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RomanceReincarnationAdventureMartial Arts