MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 53

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Suddenly the sky brightened.

People hiding in the cellar have lost the concept of time, and the weather can no longer be used as a criterion for judgment. When the blizzard was raging, the sun, moon and stars were all gone, the sky seemed to be tightly covered by a torn quilt, and the sky light occasionally shone through the uneven cotton wadding. However, white ice crystals were flying everywhere again, like countless tiny prisms, reflecting any light, so the sky and the earth turned into a moldy gray.

Being in it is like being trapped in an old TV, the voice is distorted into a weird whimper, the faces are dimly lit, and the screen is full of snowflakes, matching the hideous faces of the uninvited alien beast extras , just like a B-grade horror film from the 1950s and 1960s. The waiting victims were fixed on expressions of horror and despair, and then, dawn.

Different from the previous light when the cellar collapsed, this time the light was extremely crisp and sharp, like a sharp knife cutting through the mud. It fell straight down from the sky without delay, smashing the haze that looked like the space of the dead—no, it should be them, they came and went so fast that it was difficult for the naked eye to notice that a dozen rays of light had just passed by. Only the body of the alien beast that fell to the ground said that what happened just now was not as light as it seemed.

The fastest reaction was the pack of ice wolves. The largest one let out a low growl, and the other ice wolf galloped and jumped into the air, closing its mouth at the highest point. Its teeth snapped together less than half a meter below the flyer's feet, making a loud clicking sound, and at the same time several ice arrows were shot out in random order. The windy and snowy environment enhanced the power of the Frostbolts. They flashed a cold light different from metal in the air, pointing trickily at the enemy's surroundings. Bingling rushed towards the sky like a rainbow, but before approaching the highest point, it seemed to hit something, and fell to the ground anticlimactic.

At first no one could see what was happening, but those with sharp eyes seemed to see a light. The ice wolves missed a single blow and did not retreat. The blizzard strengthened their strength and courage, making them dump ice arrows like they didn't want money. They are not known for their strength, but when traveling in packs they can make young earth bears flee. The rain of arrows was more dense than snowflakes, and they rushed towards the enemies in the sky in pieces. I am afraid that the steel plates would be reduced to sieves under this kind of attack.

Someone let out a scream of fear. The arrow rain covered an area so large that it could fall down after killing the target and pass through the huge gap in the cellar to create a large pile of dead bodies. The villagers swarmed to hide in the uncollapsed part as if they had just woken up from a dream. At this moment, there were countless cries of being pushed and fell to the ground. However, before everyone became chaotic, the dense ice arrows had disappeared.

Those who looked at the sky could see the clues. A large net was spread out under the feet of the visitors from the sky. It was not static. Countless jumping lightning bolts weaved this net, happily smashing everything that had thrown themselves into the net. Countless Frostbolts shattered in the blink of an eye, and the sound was like a huge mirror falling to the ground. boom! Those who failed to find shelter were covered with white hair, and debris smaller than snowflakes was sprinkled down one after another, which was actually somewhat poetic.

"I hate snow, it's freezing to death," said the voice from the sky, "and I hate ice arrows too. The last person who flew ice arrows at me..."

The voice was lost in the murmur, perhaps because she had risen again. Everyone straightened their necks involuntarily, trying to look at the shadow in the sky. The thunder and lightning scattered towards the group of alien beasts stopped, and the remaining alien beasts began to become restless again, unable to resist the temptation of a large amount of food here. They ventured closer to the cellar hesitantly, but at this time, the people in the cellar forgot to be afraid of them.

When the light elsewhere disappears, the only remaining light is extremely conspicuous. At first it was like a firefly, before long it became a candle, and then the rising sun in the distance. It dispelled the surrounding darkness, so people discovered that this sun was held in their hands.

The girl in the sky held the rising sun in her hands, and her whole body was illuminated by light golden light. She seemed to be standing in the middle of the stage, being hit by the spotlight, but in this world without spotlights, people who saw this scene could not think of this analogy.

What they thought was—

God said let there be light, and there was light.

Some people's eyes are wet unconsciously, not out of fear and sadness, or even crying with joy, but more like being moved by the extreme beauty that shocks the soul. It is not the beauty of a certain person's appearance. The strange beauty of this scene surpasses human beings. Only the rising sun and the brilliance of the galaxy can compare with it. Hope suddenly ignited amidst despair, light suddenly appeared in the darkness that human beings naturally fear, and the hearts filled with all kinds of negative emotions were also ignited. It's almost like being redeemed.

The "sun" fell under people's ardent gaze.

The people in the cellar cried out in unison, more than when they felt that they were in danger just now, as if they saw the real sun set. But the round ball of brilliant light did not shatter, it drifted down slowly, like a group of gentle and harmless dandelions. The only two people standing on the ground (and the only ones who have not been immersed in the miracle) heard the hissing sound in the air, instinctively took a few steps back, and jumped back into the cellar together.

The intuition of the general and the adjutant was right, the slow ball of light suddenly accelerated when it was a few meters away from the ground, and rushed into the pack of ice wolves as if teleporting. The group of beasts stood on end, fleeing around in anticipation of deadly danger... only had time to make a fleeing movement.

Only a ball the size of a human head exploded with a deafening roar the moment it hit the ground. The force of its burst was stronger than any bolt of lightning, and it might be more terrifying than the sum of them. When it landed, people had already discovered its true colors. Not a toy, but a tangled ball of lightning. As soon as this orange-red cutie left the girl's hands, it turned into a catastrophe with a terrible temper. The bones of a dozen or so wolves nearby disappeared immediately, and the blasted air wave overturned all living things within tens of meters. The creature who was lucky enough to have a whole body in the distance was also thrown high, and it seemed that the intact body was already a piece of minced meat.

The opening above the cellar was ripped wider, but nothing fell from it. Everything on the ground was torn into pieces, and the pieces were then pulverized and blown far away in the air waves. Rather than destroying, perhaps the word "cleaning" is more appropriate. The flies attracted by the delicious meal were swept away, and the ruins that were densely covered with alien beasts just now were empty, as clean as a scrubbed tabletop. The surviving alien beasts fled in all directions, but the girl in the sky did not intend to let them go.

A new light spot appeared in her hand.

As if watching a pantomime, neither the small lightning sound nor the huge explosion can reach the ears of the bystanders, only to see the stars falling to the ground, and unimaginable power sweeping the earth. Perhaps at the beginning of creation, God also held the sun and the moon in this way. The monsters in the dark fled in all directions, the gods threw stars in the sky, and the ancestors survived under such mercy. I don't know when people have knelt down.

She landed after cleaning up the ground, jumped off a **** her back, and rummaged through the corpses of the still intact beasts. The general took a breath, and staggered quickly towards her.

Jane stopped in front of the person who was expelled by her but saved them, and for a moment she didn't know how to speak. Instead, the other party glanced at her and said, "Lydia! Come here and treat her."

Jane's face flushed immediately, she opened and closed her mouth a few times, and asked, "Why?"

"Why what?" asked the girl.

"Why do you want to save us?" the general asked stubbornly.

The other party frowned, as if troubled by this question.

"You have a lot of strange beasts here, I'll deal with them first. If I don't come, you won't be able to hold on anymore, right?" She tilted her head and thought for a while, then said, "I saw a lot of strange beasts in your city just now. , A lot of people have already rushed in, shall I go over there?"

"You, would you like to?" Jane said in amazement. It was a surprise to be willing to save them. This girl who had already broken her face with the border army was willing to rescue the defense line, which made her suspect that she had heard it wrong.

"Yes." The girl replied naturally, "If you want."

Trembling and exhaling, Jane knelt down on one knee, performed a standard knight salute, and said, "If you are willing to help the Tibes defense line, I, Jane Stuart, swear to become Anna Sullivan's attendant..."

"don't want."

The general looked up abruptly, and saw a calm face. The humiliation of being teased gnawed at her heart, but Jane knew that she could not expect more, and the other party had no obligation to help anyway. She pursed her lips and stood up slowly, thinking about how to reduce the loss of the line of defense next, Ann spoke again.

"It's good that I have Lydia, you can do whatever you want." The girl said casually, "I'll go to the defense line now, otherwise I'm afraid I'll finish the fight if I go later."

"Are you going to rescue?" Jane was dazed by the repeated good news and bad news, and confirmed in disbelief.

"Yeah, didn't I just say that?" An gave her a strange look, as if she thought the question was stupid.

She waited for Lydia to finish treating Jane and tidy up the corpse, then took a few crystal nuclei and put them in her mouth, chewing as if thinking of something, said vaguely: "I have to say why, probably because I think, and I can."

Jane's face was flushed red. What a simple answer, so simple that everyone's guessing has become a villain's heart, and the targeted person chooses to forgive without caring. anna. Sullivan may be a weirdo, but her heart is so strong and noble that it makes people feel embarrassed. Jane's wound no longer hurts, only a strong sense of shame burns her internal organs and skin, making her stare at the back of the person who took off into the air for a long time, unable to move at all.

"Master General!"

An old man, that is, the head of this village, ran over tremblingly, "That name, that name..." He stuttered for a long time and couldn't figure out how to address him, but asked in awe, "He is?"

The village chief himself didn't realize that he was referring to the girl with the terms priests used to refer to gods, and neither did the absent-minded general. "Anna Sullivan, the one favored by the gods," she said, laughed at herself, and raised her voice, "It's also the blood Anna in your mouth!"

The news spread extremely quickly among the survivors, who opened their mouths in surprise and then accepted the fact with astonishing speed. To the general's surprise, there was no shame on their faces, but instead they showed "that's how it is" expressions, and they all began to pray.

Priests would roll their eyes at random prayers and thanks, but if any priests popped up to make the point at this point, they would be ignored.

Compared with the God who asks for offerings and exchanges grace in the mouth of the priests, isn't a powerful being who neither asks to please nor favors anyone, cannot be defined by good or evil, and kills and redeems at will, isn't it more like a god?

These mountain people, who fear nature more than God, believe this devoutly.