MTL - I Lost My Memory Before the Divorce Was Agreed-Chapter 57

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There are a total of three cameras around the exit of the alley, in order to perfectly capture the first appearance of Jichen.

The director stood in front of the monitor, surrounded by many people, including Shen Yuchi and Li Hui who were watching and studying, and some staff.

Almost all of them focused on the monitor screen, waiting for Jichen to walk out of the alley.

The sunset time is also calculated for this scene. Even if it is not smooth, it can only be shot three times at most. If there is more splendor of the sunset, the desired effect will not be achieved at this time.

After the shooting disaster yesterday morning, not only the director and Shen Yuchi, but also some staff felt uncomfortable watching it.

It's all the hard work of everyone getting up early and staying up late, walking through the streets and verifying many external factors every day. I didn't expect that just after the scene yesterday morning, all the previous efforts and efforts were ruined.

Although no one said anything during the meeting, after all, even if they disagreed at that time, there was no other better solution, and they would still appear to be special.

Although they were full of helplessness, they could only accept the grief that they had not ushered in success despite their hard work.

Almost the entire crew is now in a slump since yesterday's pre-meeting spat between directors, producers and some leaders.

You see, not only their small staff, but also the director and the producer have differences. The crew seems to have disintegrated and disintegrated from the beginning of the harmony and unity.

Today is their first day of restarting, and now Lu Yuanbai's role as Ji Chen is the first scene of the day and the highlight of the film.

The director stared intently at the camera, his hands clenched into fists unconsciously, not only Lu Yuanbai was under a lot of psychological pressure, but his mood at this time was comparable to that of Lu Yuanbai before filming started.

Although Lu Yuanbai's play seems to be his home court today, it is also the key to rejuvenating the crew.

Today's scene can't be smashed. The director is also a man with decades of experience, and he has been working with Lu Yuanbai for many years. Of course, it can be seen that Lu Yuanbai's inner unease when he is about to start filming.

Although this kid didn't show anything, but just because Lu Yuanbai didn't wait at the designated location before shooting started, he came to him, and the director knew that Lu Yuanbai's heart was not stable.

In fact, thinking about it just now, the director also felt that he was a bit unhuman.

Lu Yuanbai came to him obviously because he was uneasy, and wanted to ask some questions that he might not be able to solve, but he just glanced at Lu Yuanbai lightly and asked, "What's the matter?"

At that time, there were assistant directors, Shen Yuchi and Li Hui by his side.

Lu Yuanbai is such a proud person that he will never reveal his soft group in front of outsiders. In fact, he can follow Lu Yuanbai to other places to talk.

But he didn't, because the director knew he might not be able to solve it either.

They are all a group of unscrupulous gainers, who put all the burdens of the crew that cannot solve the problem on Lu Yuanbai, and whether Lu Yuanbai can bear it alone, whether he can face some difficulties by himself .

But now these were forced upon him.

In the previous filming, Lu Yuanbai was the most innocent. He didn't have any problems himself, which led to the fact that the leader and starring could not be used in the previous film, but in the end they pushed Lu Yuanbai out.

Lu Yuanbai is surrounded by cliffs and cliffs, and there is no way out. There is only one way to go.

Just when the bullied boy struggled to stand up, picked up the bottle from the ground and swung it at the back of the perpetrator's head, the director's heart froze.

Lu Yuanbai's figure in the middle of the monitor staggered slightly, and then stood there for a long time without moving. This period of time was extremely long, and the director's hands were clenched into fists. Just when he thought that the scene was going to end without a hitch, Lu Yuanbai moved. .

Because Jichen's appearance leaves room for suspense and imagination.

As the perpetrator, when he used violence against the victim, he only had a tall body, and his face was not photographed.

Either it is the back, or it is difficult to see the appearance with the light behind.

The filming method of this section is also deliberately arranged by the director, because there are countless perpetrators in life, and this kind of filming can also invisibly bring the audience into it.

The suffering and pain of the victim, the fear of the perpetrator when bullied.

From the perspective of the victim's psychology, the perpetrators are very scary and dangerous beings. They are tall like monsters, oppressing and bullying others to get pleasure, even if it is just a back view, it seems that people can't breathe.

I saw the man raised his hand and touched the wound, and then his blood-stained hand appeared on the monitor.

The director frowned slightly when he saw this. He didn't know that the props team also pressed the blood pack on Lu Yuanbai.

However, the color addition to the picture is not obtrusive.

What happened next was horrifying. The tall body of the perpetrator turned and walked deep into the dark alley, with the bullied teenager.

Just like the devil who dragged people into the abyss, accompanied by miserable pleas and calls for help.

But no matter how much the voice pleaded, no one came to save him in the end.

Many people clenched their fists in front of the monitor and the camera, and even looked a little breathless at the scene in the camera.

This is the first picture of the perpetrator inflicting violence on others. Although the face of the perpetrator cannot be seen, everyone brings in the image of the perpetrator who is bullying them in their hearts.

Anger, unwillingness, resentment spread and erupted in their hearts, and some people even forgot that this was just a play.

Li Hui watched this scene with red eyes, and wanted to step forward, but was pulled by the assistant director beside him.

Li Hui's eyes were red, "If he doesn't go, he will die."

This he obviously refers to the bullied person in the alley.

As he spoke, he tried to break free from the hand that was holding him back and walked forward.

"Won't die."

"Didn't you hear? He's calling for help!"

The assistant director grabbed Li Hui's arm, trying to make him sober, "Li Hui is acting, this is a scene."

Li Hui wanted to say something, but the assistant director stepped forward and dragged him away from the monitor.

"Don't look at it first, calm down yourself first."

He said very dissatisfiedly and emphasized: "It's a good thing for you to be in the scene as an actor, but if you can't tell what is reality and what is drama, it also shows that your ability is not enough."

Although Lu Yuanbai's play is very contagious, as a person in the same industry can't get out of the scene, it is too inappropriate.

Li Hui stood in the distance and looked at the alley, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

The tall body in the dark, the face that the perpetrator couldn't see clearly, and the pain that fell on his body were all real, and even reminded him of the unbearable past when he was a student.

He wanted to save the man in the alley, who was wailing and calling for help.

But as the assistant director said just now, this is just a play.

It's obviously just a play, but it's extraordinarily real.

Lu Yuanbai didn't even show his face, just his body movements combined with the opponent's actors made people immersive.

The alley that Li Hui kept his eyes on until the sullen boy walked out of the alley.

I saw the young man's peach blossom eyes sullen and sullen, as if everything that happened in the alley just now was nothing more than crushing a few bugs.

The man had a cigarette in his well-knotted hand, and then he saw the young man's thin lips parted lightly, and a thin wisp of smoke was exhaled from his mouth.

Li Hui's pupils shrank for a while, his eyes staring at the tall figure in the alley as if possessed by a demon.

It was Jae-chan who came out.

Jichen, who is completely different from Lu Yuanbai's whole person, does not lead Lu Yuanbai's personal touch.

Li Hui looked at it with red eyes, he had a personal prejudice against Lu Yuanbai before.

He used to think that Lu Yuanbai's popularity was just a matter of luck and meeting a good director.

But the praise for him in the circle was unexpectedly high, as if Lu Yuanbai was the only one in the circle who could act, and every time he heard it, he was very disdainful.

The Capital Film Academy, which he is currently studying at, will also use clips of Lu Yuanbai's acting to analyze and explain to the students.

Because he entered the circle early, he usually works and rarely goes to school, but his roommate specially sent him a copy of Lu Yuanbai's acting skills and information, saying that the teacher asked his roommate to send him.

At that time, he didn't open it either, and felt that Lu Yuanbai was being held too high, his virtue was not suitable, and he would fall down one day sooner or later, but all his ideas were not fulfilled.

Lu Yuanbai and Duan Yu got married, and their personal popularity remained high.

Backed by such a big backer, there is no need to worry about future resources.

At that time, Li Hui was also a little unhappy in his heart, feeling that it was too easy for Lu Yuan Bai Huo to get up, and he didn't put in any hard work at all.

Unlike them, who work day and night every day to create popularity, Lu Yuanbai can easily get the role he wants because he has a backer, and has an enviable huge traffic.

All of this is undoubtedly not to be envied.

What's more, the actors in the film they are shooting now say that they are recruiting new people and giving every young performer a chance. Everyone auditioned through their own efforts and strengths, and spelled it out among a large number of competitors, but there is a long way to go. It's not that Bai was determined by default, and the role of Jichen was not included in the audition at all.

I heard that the producer recommended a rookie actor to play, but because Lu Yuanbai went through the back door, the role was given to Lu Yuanbai.

It is ridiculous to hear that it is a chance to give everyone a chance in front of people, but it is not because of strength at all.

Even when Shen Yuchi, who usually co-starred, touted Lu Yuanbai to him, he just smiled and didn't speak.

Lu Yuanbai is just a star created by capital.

But looking at the people walking out of the alley at this time, Li Hui no longer had this idea in his mind.

The word actor is vividly reflected in Lu Yuanbai at this time.

Standing in front of the dark and dirty alley, with the wanton and publicity of a teenager, he is Jichen, and Jichen is him.


The director took two steps forward excitedly, and then said in a loud voice.

Looking straight at the person standing in the alley, a hanging heart also dropped.

The play was a success without any mistakes!

Lu Yuanbai's figure was reflected in the director's pupils.

Good boy, he really did not see the wrong person.

The director's words fell behind, and many staff members slowly woke up from their investment just now. Lu Yuanbai's scene was impeccable.

The success of Lu Yuanbai's play was also a reassurance for the crew, and the achievements they made on the first day of the film's restart were very inspiring.

Shen Yuchi looked at Lu Yuanbai who had not yet moved on the monitor, with endless admiration and yearning in his heart.

Lu Yuanbai never disappoints.

Whether it was being misunderstood and running a red light before, or now playing under huge pressure, it seems that as long as he does what he does, there is no example of failure, even if the process is quite difficult, full of doubts and pressure, but for some reason, as long as Lu Yuanbai appears, he can Reassuring.

Then Shen Yuchi stood up and clasped his hands together, and began to applaud Lu Yuanbai. Even though he was offstage and the movie was not finished, Lu Yuanbai still deserved the applause.

Following Shen Yuchi's actions, the other fascinated staff members who had just watched it also followed. The small alley on the side of the street was full of praise and boasting.

For the men standing in the alley.

But the man has been standing in front of the alley without any movement, his face is cold and without the slightest expression, a pair of peach blossom eyes staring at the distance is very empty, as if he is a soulless robot at this time.

Can't feel the emotion and splendor of the outside world at all.

The remaining afterglow of the setting sun finally descended gradually, and the brilliance on the man's face gradually dimmed with time.

Lu Yuanbai looked down at the sunset that was about to disappear in the sky. He couldn't hear the people around him cheering for him. What flashed in his mind were countless fragments of memories during this period of time. He woke up from the hospital. , and Duan Yu at home, the two of them get along very closely, and there is a light kiss when parting.

As the setting sun went down, the smoke in Lu Yuanbai's hand gradually burned out.

But no matter which scene he remembered, there was no trace of waves on the man's cold face, and there was no emotion in his peach blossom eyes, as if the people in those sweet memories in his mind were not him.

It was as if those things were done by a stranger and had nothing to do with him Lu Yuanbai.

The setting sun was completely submerged at the sea level, and Lu Yuanbai's last strength was also drained at this time.

Just when the director wanted to shoot Lu Yuanbai's shoulders, before he even took a step, he saw the actor who was playing opposite Lu Yuanbai, hurriedly running out of the alley.

"Brother Yuanbai!"

With the sound of Brother Yuanbai, Lu Yuanbai's thin body fell down, and the wound on the back of his head continued to overflow with blood, staining the blue and white school uniform on his body red.

"The road is far white!"

The director widened his eyes and hurriedly pushed away the instrument and ran to Lu Yuanbai's side.

After the actor came out of the alley, his whole body was trembling. He took the wrong prop just now, and the one who was waving on Lu Yuanbai's head was a real guy.

At that time, after waving the bottle, he realized that something was wrong, and the whole person couldn't panic, but he was playing the bullied student at the time, and his panic and fear were real expressions. For a time, everyone thought he was still acting.

At that moment, he panicked instantly. After staggering, Lu Yuanbai's body stiffened in place and wanted to go up to ask if the other party was okay, but just when he wanted to stop the shooting, Lu Yuanbai turned his head and gave him a look , motioning him to continue.

Lu Yuanbai took a hit. If the real guy still smashed the performance, it would be a sin, and the actor continued to play even though he was flustered in his heart.

It was not until the director called him that he dared to run out of the alley, for fear that he would come out too early and ruin the scene.

Lu Yuanbai's sudden fall to the ground frightened everyone present. The director rushed to Lu Yuanbai's body and looked at Lu Yuanbai lying on the ground in disbelief, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to help him up.

However, this hand, but touched the hands full of bright red blood.

The director stared at the blood in the palm of his hand, and the actor playing the opposite scene hurriedly said: "I'm sorry director, I'm sorry, I just got the wrong prop, I'm sorry, Brother Yuanbai..."

The director stepped forward and grabbed the actor's collar, "Didn't I just ask you to watch and take the wrong props!"

The actor's face was full of tears at this time, "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it, I'm sorry... Brother Yuanbai..."

"Ambulance! Call 120!"

Shen Yuchi and some staff stepped forward to lift Lu Yuanbai, and found that the man was unexpectedly light. Shen Yuchi looked at Lu Yuanbai and his hands were shaking.

How could such a thing happen? When everything was fine before, Lu Yuanbai walked out of the alley very normally.

At that time, they only cared about applauding for the success of this play, but they didn't notice the strangeness of Lu Yuanbai.

Why didn't they think about it when they were behind the monitor at that time, obviously there was no clip of Jichen leaving blood in the script, and there was no blood package for Lu Yuanbai on the props.

The blood was all Lu Yuanbai's own, but the other party continued to play tricks after being injured, and didn't fall down until the director shouted.

Everyone looked at this scene and couldn't speak, Lu Yuanbai was always beyond the unexpected.


After Duan Yu contacted Assistant Lu Yuanbai, he stood at the door of the flower shop and waited. The other party said that he would come to him now. Duan Yu held the flower in his hand and looked at the sunset that was about to fall in the sky. The smile on his face.

Duan Yu was standing not far from the flower shop, when he suddenly heard a response, he turned around to look.

I saw the old couple came out of the flower shop and walked outside the shop, started to pack up, and prepared to close the shop.

Because of their age, the old couple both hunched over and carried potted plants in small pots and small pots.

"Be careful, old lady, don't get smashed in the foot."

"Understood, you first move your things in."

The setting sun shines on the old couple. They have lived like this for a lifetime, not for one day or two days, not for a year or two years, but for a lifetime of countless seasons.

The two support each other and stay together until old age.

Duan Yu stood not far away and watched, suddenly remembering what Lu Yuanbai had said to him before.

The man looked at him with a sweet smile, "Wife, we don't want those so-called family relationships, we spend a lifetime in love, every day and every year in the future, I will be by your side, and then together we become The old man just took the savings to travel around the world, I will try my best to make money, we two will spend a lifetime together!"

Looking at the old couple for some reason, Duan Yu couldn't stop imagining what he and Lu Yuanbai would be like when they got old.

Duan Yu has always been a very sober person, never having unrealistic fantasies about those nihilistic things.

No one can tell the future, but even so, Duan Yu still wants to have a future with Lu Yuanbai.

He is also an ordinary man in front of Lu Yuanbai.

No matter how common it is, it will imagine the future, and there are countless possibilities in this future, but in Duan Yu's imagination, there are Lu Yuanbai in these countless possibilities.

Just when the old couple was working together to carry a larger potted plant, they felt their heavy hands light up just a few steps away.

Looking up, Duan Yu reached out and took the potted plant that the old couple moved.

The old grandpa was a little surprised, "Young man..."

Duan Yu's eyes were light, and there was no emotion on his face, "I'll help you."

Duan Yu never felt that he was an enthusiastic person, and now he only came to help when he saw that Assistant Lu Yuanbai hadn't come yet, and he had nothing to do.

The old couple was a little surprised for a while, and then the old woman smiled at Duan Yu: "Thank you so much, young man."

Duan Yu didn't say anything, the tall and strong body began to come and go in and out of the store.

Due to the low door frame, Duan Yu sometimes accidentally knocked his head.

After moving the potted plants, there are large flower stands arranged outside, and the flower stands also have many decorative flower vines.

"You have moved so much, young man. Our old husband and wife can move the flower stand."

Duan Yu glanced down at the flower stand. The flower stand was made of solid wood with white paint on it, and looked very bulky.

The man looked at it lightly and said, "Whatever."

However, just after the old couple put the small potted plants in their hands back into the flower shop, they found that a large flower stand had been moved in, and soon the tall man walked in with a second flower stand on his back.

The old grandfather stepped forward and said, "It's really hard for you, boy, thank you."

Duan Yu glanced at the couple and said nothing.

Usually, the old couple would take a small bench to sit in front of the flower shop and watch the sunset fall into the sea after moving things. Today, it was no surprise, and they even gave Duan Yu a bench to sit on.

Then the old couple started chatting with Duan Yu, and while chatting, the old lady got up and picked up the flower branches and vines that fell off because they just moved things.

Then sit on a small bench and start weaving garlands that can be worn on your hands.

Duan Yu couldn't help but take a second glance.

After the old woman noticed it, she smiled and said to Duan Yu, "Young man, do you want to try weaving a flower bracelet?"

Before Duan Yu could answer, he heard the old woman continue: "We have something to say about weaving flowers in this small place. If we weave flowers into flower bracelets and bring them to our loved ones, the two will be together in the next life."

Duan Yu said lightly, "It's just superstition."

Duan Yu's heart was very dull after hearing this, where will people come from in the next life.

It's just that the older generation listens to these things more.

The assistant walked through the streets and alleys in this small county town for a long time before finding a flower shop at the exit of an alley.

Then the sight that he saw after reaching the flower shop not far away surprised the assistant for a moment.

I saw the man's tall body slumped on a small bench, Jun Yi's face without a trace of expression, he was concentrating on editing something with his head down.