MTL - I, Luffy, Awaken the Sun God on the Top-Chapter 158

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"It's the last minute. Let me (aedb) see how you defeat me. I'm so seriously injured that I can't fight. Fufufufu... Five Emperors, break your promise in front of the world."

After saying that, Doflamingo used up a lot of physical strength and unleashed the strongest move of Fruit Awakening.

He is more confident, and the Straw Hats are about to renege on their promises in front of the world.

"Pay the price for your arrogance!"

"Sixteen holy bullets! God kills!"

At this time, all over the world.

When the new news spread, everyone laughed when they saw it, waiting for a good show.

"Facing Doflamingo, you don't need to use all your strength."

"I really don't understand. Is he going to save his brother, or he doesn't want to?"

"I think he wants Whitebeard to contribute more. They are here to share some combat power. This is enough."

"But, just keep fighting with Doflamingo until the end of the war. Why do you say such stupid things as ending the battle in two minutes?"

"I can't figure it out either."

"Just to stimulate Doflamingo, read the newspaper, there are many lines on the picture, the ground, the surrounding buildings are all lines, this is what the straw hats want."

"Yes, I was afraid that Doflamingo would not be able to fight with him until the end of the war, so I deliberately provoked him and said for two minutes, so that Doflamingo would go all out. In this way, it seemed that he had joined the war again, and had another fierce fight fighting."


"That's all for the Five Emperors. It's boring. I don't want to continue to pay attention to the Straw Hats. Don't post any more news about the Straw Hats. The next news must be two minutes later. The Straw Hats are still fighting Doflamingo."

"Yeah, I can imagine that before the end of the war, I was fighting Doflamingo. It's boring. It's not as shocking as the previous two domineering looks, and it's better to turn the situation around."

"I thought it was to turn the situation around, but it seems that I have made a little effort, so I don't need to pay attention to it. The news in the future should not be about straw hats. There should be more white beards. He is the focus of this war. "

"The light of a straw hat is not as dazzling as that of a white beard."

That's what everyone in the world thinks.

However, few exceptions.

Windmill Town.

Makino shook his head: "Luffy won't be like this. He's not arrogant, and he didn't want to participate in this war easily. He must be the one who wants to save Ace the most and will do his best."

The village chief frowned: "But, is it really possible to defeat Qiwuhai in two minutes?"

Dadan came at this time: "Although it is unbelievable, Luffy will definitely go all out. Want to fight Doflamingo until the end of the war? Compared with this, I believe that Luffy can defeat Doflamingo in two minutes elder brother."

Makino agrees with Dadan's words.

They all choose to believe in Luffy, and Dadan is even more nervous and worried.

If Garp is the grandfather of Luffy and Ace, then Dadan is equivalent to grandma.

Not related by blood, but like relatives.

Dadan prayed: "Luffy, Ace, you must be fine. Luffy, you must save Ace!"

Dadan has expectations, because Luffy is very strong now, and he is still the Five Emperors. I believe that Luffy will be able to do it.

All efforts are mainly for change and for easier navigation in the future.

When teaching the space, in order to deal with the top, Luffy specially practiced the mastery of the overlord's color, so that the overlord's color does not affect the pirates.

The 100,000 elite navy must be defeated first, which is why Luffy mastered the overlord color explosion in the teaching space in advance.

Of course, in the teaching space, improving strength is important, but the most important thing is awakening! Open fifth gear!

Because Luffy knows that no matter how strong the fourth-level cultivation is, there is a limit, up to the general.

This kind of strength is not enough, you have to have the strength of the emperor, or even surpass the strength of the emperor.

And the fifth gear is the only choice.

However, it didn't work out.

But in this battle, Luffy is sure that if he can successfully awaken, he must open the fifth gear!

The tempering of the battle is also a good way to improve, but fighting Doflamingo will not have the effect of tempering, so the battle with Doflamingo must end after a while.

It's over in two minutes, no big talk.

Shampoo ground.

"Doflamingo used a more awakened move."

"There's less than a minute left, and the Straw Hat is about to renege on its promise."

"The Straw Hats are going to be embarrassing."

"Doflamingo's move is very strong just by hearing the name, and the straw hats can't do it."

Marlin Vandeau.

Sengoku and other navies were relieved to see Doflamingo go all out.

In this case, the battle between Doflamingo and the Straw Hat can continue.

Ace also breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, I hope Luffy will fight Doflamingo like this until the end of the war. If he comes towards me and wants to save me, then he will definitely encounter too many people along the way." Strong and dangerous obstruction. Although it is not far from the execution platform, it is extremely difficult and dangerous for a navy with such combat power to cross this distance to come to me. So, Luffy, fight with him and end up in punishment everywhere..."

However, Ace's inner words stopped abruptly again, and his face changed drastically!

At the same time, including Sengoku, Generals, Qiwuhai, Whitebeard Pirates and everyone else in Marlin Fando.

In addition, everyone in Shampoo was instantly horrified.

Doflamingo used the strongest move, in order to make it even more impossible for the Straw Hat to defeat him in the two minutes he said.

"Sixteen holy bullets! God kills!"

Around Doflamingo, sixteen lines wrapped around the armed color rose up, and under the cover of the armed color, the sixteen lines appeared purple.

Although there are not as many lines as the previous thousand lines, each of the sixteen purple lines is as huge as a sea tornado, piercing Luffy into the sky at an extremely fast speed.

Luffy glanced at the time and said: "The time is almost up, and it should be over. This trick is the last collision between you and me."

Hearing this, Doflamingo still laughed angrily.


Luffy blows huge air with both hands, karmic fire emerges, rushing into the sky, flowing cherry blossoms, and entwined with overlord color!

Suddenly, Ye Huo's fists above Luffy bombarded.

"Third gear! Karma Overlord Double Spears!"


Suddenly, the two collided, the Yehuo Overlord's fists and the sixteen huge waves of purple lines.

Both fists collided with the eight huge waves of purple lines, and Doflamingo tried his best to control, trying to pierce the straw hat's fist.

However, it was discovered that they were not in contact with each other, but collided at a distance from each other.

This made Doflamingo realize that something was wrong, the power was stronger, and his strongest trick, unable to go up, was frozen, which meant that the power was stronger.

"This is, the entanglement of overlord color..."

Doflamingo was a little uneasy, but quickly dispersed.

"Impossible, defeating me in two minutes, making me unable to fight, how is it possible, let alone not using all my strength, what am I thinking, it is impossible, even if he uses the overlord color to entangle."

Doflamingo didn't believe it, and thought to himself, just hold on for two minutes.

From the very beginning, he won after dragging for two hours, and now facing Luffy who doesn't use his full strength, if he persists for two minutes, he is the first to win and let the straw hat break his promise.

Doflamingo's veins bulged all over his body, and he tried his best to control the upward movement of the sixteen purple lines.

However, if he wanted to pierce Luffy's fist, he was confident that he could break through the armed force and stab in. However, he still couldn't pass through the distance where the overlord's color was entangled, and it was still a collision in the air.

Even, following Luffy's growl, Su's sixteen purple lines were constantly bending deeply.

Whether it is the navy or the Whitebeard Pirates, the battlefield is a shock.

"No, it's really okay..."

"It's the same move that knocked Doflamingo to the ground just now, but it was just one punch, now it's two punches, and there's an overlord's entanglement."

"The overlord's color is entangled, and there are only a handful of people in the world who can do it. Not only can the straw hat, but the overlord's color of the straw hat is too strong!"

"The overlord's color entanglement can make the attack power stronger, not to mention, it is the overlord's color entanglement of Straw Hat Luffy! It can cause substantial damage, even a major general will be dizzy and kneel on one knee. Overlord's color! "

"So... is it really possible..."

At this moment, they were shaken.

Shampoo ground.

After being shocked, many people felt that it was impossible, that it was impossible for them to be slapped in the face again.

"Don't be shaken, how is it possible, Doflamingo lost in two minutes against the straw hat who was not at full strength, and was seriously injured and unable to fight, it is impossible."

"If the straw hat is in fourth gear, and then use this move, I think it might really end in an instant, but since it's not fourth gear, then it must be impossible."

"Doflamingo's move is also very strong, it's impossible to fall..."

They didn't believe it, or they didn't want to believe it. They were staring at the battle, at the collision of lines and punches.

As I said before, the attention should be focused on White Beard. In terms of combat power, White Beard is naturally more attractive.

But now, on the battlefield, everyone's eyes in Shampoo are still focused on Luffy.


When the sound of shattering sounded, Doflamingo's face changed drastically, it was his own thread!

Constantly bending until it collapsed, Luffy's entangled fists of karmic fire overlord also continued to descend.

The attack of the two is no longer a stalemate in mid-air, and as the purple lines collapse, Luffy's fists keep falling!

With the crash, there will be faster and more crashes in the future!

Click! !

With the ear-piercing sound of shattering, Doflamingo raised his head, his eyes widened, his pupils contracted to the size of a pinprick, panicked and desperate.

His strongest attack was defeated! Huge Yehuo Overlord's fists, getting closer and closer to him, quickly enlarged in his constricted pupils!

The despair in his heart was also amplifying with the approach of his fists. Doflamingo could only block with his arms above his head, but it was useless at all.

boom! !

Yehuo Overlord smashed his fists down, and the ground under Doflamingo's feet was suddenly sunken in a large area, and he lay on the bottom of the pit, screaming terribly.




Doflamingo hit the bottom of the pit with a bomb, his whole body was flattened, he vomited blood, screamed miserably, and even accompanied by the sound of bones moving and breaking.

Doflamingo was in severe pain all over his body, his bones were broken in many places, his internal organs were damaged, and he fell down with serious injuries!

In two minutes, Five Emperors Luffy defeated Brother Ming! .

Chapter 156 Luffy: Ace! Wait for me to save you in fifth gear!


Luffy landed, the black stand-up collar cloak fluttered, and the brim of the hat was raised, his face was domineering, and he said awe-inspiringly:

"Two minutes, it's over. Now, it's time to save Ace!"