MTL - I Made a Fortune By Raiding Houses In Ancient Times-Chapter 379 interrogate

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 Seeing more and more masked men falling down, Commander Pang became excited and was about to let the imperial army kill them all in one go.

 Suddenly, a sharp and rapid whistle came from the forest nearby.

 “Withdraw!” A masked man feinted at the imperial army in front of him, then quickly turned around and left.

As soon as he retreated, the other masked men followed him and fled into the woods without looking back.

However, those masked men who were much inferior in martial arts had no time to escape, and were killed by the imperial army. In the end, only a few were left alive.

Ning Chuyi and Commander Pang did not give orders to pursue the masked men who escaped.

Don't chase after the enemy. The masked men who escaped may not be easy. No one knows how many people the other party has hiding in the dark. If the emperor was not here, they would naturally not let them escape.

 But the most important thing on their trip was to protect the emperor's safety.

Ning Chuyi glanced at Ling Chu and saw that she was fine. She breathed a sigh of relief secretly and ordered Wei Feng and Yin Sha to interrogate the few survivors they had captured.

With a fierce look on his face, Wei Feng put the **** knife on the neck of a masked man, "Tell me, who asked you to come? You are so brave that you even dare to kill the emperor."

I thought it would take some time to find out, but as soon as I finished speaking, the masked men kowtowed to the emperor in fear.

 “Your Majesty, please spare your life, Your Majesty, please spare my life.”

“We didn’t do it on purpose, we just wanted to grab some food and money.”

“Your Majesty, spare your life, Your Excellency, please spare your life. We were deceived. We just want to live a good life, and we don’t want to kill anyone..."

Facing the emperor and Yin Sha Wei Feng's sword, these people rushed to beg for mercy incoherently.

 Seeing that they were so frightened, they couldn’t even get to the point. Ning Chuyi pointed to a masked man who seemed to speak relatively clearly.

 “The others shut up and you answer the question.”

The masked man took a cautious look at the emperor and saw that he was looking over with a majestic expression. He did not stop him and could only respond tremblingly.

 “Who are you?”

 “Return to your lord, we…we…”

Seeing him hesitating, Ning Chuyi glanced at him.

Yin Sha raised the knife in his hand with a cold face.

The masked man shivered in fright and did not dare to hide it anymore.

"Don't kill me, I said, I said. We are bandits from the Black Wind Village in Buffalo Mountain."

Wei Feng saw that he was still covering his face and pulled off the black scarf.

This man does have a bandit face.

Ning Chuyi frowned. These were real bandits, but the tricks of those masked warriors with strong martial arts skills did not look like bandits could use them.

Before the dead bodies could be cleaned up, Ning Chuyi lowered his head and swept them. He selected a few corpses of masked men who had fought with him, and used his long sword to pick away the black scarves on their faces.

“Are these people from your Heifeng Village too?”

The bandit swallowed his saliva. Although he didn't know who Ning Chuyi was, his aura was more terrifying than that of the man who wanted to chop him just now.

“Sir, they are not from our Black Wind Village.”

 “Then what are their identities?”

 The bandit shook his head, "I don't know."

Seeing that he only replied after asking a question, Wei Feng became a little impatient and said, "Hurry up and get the real deal. If you hesitate again, I will chop you with a knife."

Seeing that Wei Feng spoke freely and dared to call me "I" in front of the emperor, Ning Chuyi frowned and glared at him.

Wei Feng's heart tightened. He knew that he was used to talking and didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore.

“I really don’t know who those people are, but they are indeed not from our Heifeng Village. Some time ago, we heard that the imperial court sent high-ranking officials to suppress bandits, and we in Heifeng Village did not dare to commit crimes.

 Originally, we all wanted to disband, thinking about opening up some wasteland and growing some food to make a living. But yesterday, our boss said that it is impossible to grow food in the winter and the freezing weather, and the Chinese New Year will be coming soon. Let us make some money to have a good year, and then go farming next year.

We were unwilling to do so at first, but the head of the family received news that a large caravan was going to pass through here. As long as everyone completed this last step, they would be done with it after the New Year. Many brothers in the village felt that what the leader said was reasonable, so they agreed.

Those people came to our village just before setting off. I heard from the boss that they are from another village and want to rob the caravan with us.

We have never cooperated with other villages before, but the boss said that the news about the caravan was provided by those people. If they were not short of manpower, they would not tell us the news.

If we don't agree to go with them, they will kill all of us in the village to ensure that the news does not leak out.

 We from Heifeng Village cannot defeat them and have no choice but to surrender. "

The bandit was already frightened, and he told everything he knew as if he were pouring beans out of a bamboo tube.

Several other bandits also testified and swore that what they said was true.

At the end, he begged for mercy, "Sir, spare your life, we didn't know this was the emperor's team. Those people deceived us, and we didn't want to kill anyone. We were forced by them."

Ask the emperor to spare our suffering, and guarantee that we will not rob. "

Ning Chuyi saw that what they said did not seem to be false, but in case there was anything to hide, he still asked Wei Feng Yin Sha to separate them for interrogation again, and even used tricks.

  But the final result is still the same.

 The identities of those people could not be determined, and Ning Chuyi was not very satisfied with the result.

 The emperor was even more angry.

Ling Chu frowned and took out the porcelain bottle he had just put away.

 “Let me give it a try.”

Everyone looked at her confused, not knowing what she meant.

Ling Chu didn’t explain either.

 Hands up directly to seal the seal on the bottle.

 Caught a ghost out and quickly put a talisman on him.

 Just about to seal the bottle, after thinking about it, he grabbed another one and put a talisman on it too.

 Others can only see her movements, but they cannot see the ghost and do not know what she is doing.

Seeing that everyone looked suspicious, Ling Chu thought it would be troublesome and a waste of time to explain. He simply used two more soul-revealing talismans to make the two ghosts reveal their original forms.

 Suddenly seeing such two ghosts, everyone was shocked at first, but everyone present was not an ordinary person, and they quickly calmed down.

 Only the few bandits who were still alive looked frightened.

“Tell me, who are you and who sent you?”

Those two ghosts were the masked men who had tried to kill Ling Chu, but had their throats cut with a big shovel.

They couldn't move or speak, they just stared at Ling Chu sinisterly.

Ling Chu was not annoyed, but he felt a little uncomfortable because he was cold and hungry after staying in the rain for so long.

She just wanted to leave here quickly, find a dry place to rest, and eat something hot to pad her stomach.

Lingchu didn't say anything and took out the Bodhi Whip.

  Hit one of the masked men with three whips.

The puppet soul was so painful that its soul was trembling.

But he still gritted his teeth and did not admit it.

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