MTL - I Made Scientific Magic-Chapter 19 It's time to wrap things up!

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  Chapter 19 It's time for closure!

  【Warning...No signal...Warning...Not connected to the network...Please find the signal source in time...】

  Ling En's face suddenly revealed a look of astonishment and joy, and after seeing the content clearly, the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

  This artificial mental retardation...

  'I don't need online narration, turn off the warning sound for me and report the remaining energy! ’ Lynn said silently in her heart.

  【The remaining energy is 19.5%. It is detected that the surrounding energy density has increased significantly, and the energy reserve is expected to increase by 1% per hour. 】

   It was so fast, Lynn couldn't help but be a little surprised. If it increases by 1% per hour, wouldn't it be able to fully store energy in about four days.

  But it has been five days since the system was shut down before!

  Lynn looked at the prompt from Zhinao again.

  Is the energy density greatly increased?

   Of course, this is unlikely to be related to the castle below, so... it can only be affected by the lunar day!


  Lin En was thinking, but was interrupted by Johnny's shout in his ear, and the three-meter-high spirit world guard rushed in front of him, raised a stone hammer and threw it at him.

  ‘Enter overload mode for three seconds! ’ Lin En didn’t look back, but instead said silently in his heart.

The next moment, a large amount of data flowed into his mind. Lin En kicked hard. Under the astonished eyes of the two witches, he leaped into the air with the help of reaction force, avoided the heavy stone hammer, and then stepped on the ground. From the thick stone arm of the spirit world guard, he pulled out the sharp witch hunter's long sword, embedded it along the crack in the neck of the stone statue, and nailed it firmly to the wall behind!

   But this blow obviously couldn't completely defeat the stone statue, and Lynn didn't force it. After temporarily restraining the spirit guard's actions, he released the overload mode, grabbed Jonny who hadn't reacted yet, and continued to run.

  The energy of the intellectual brain is less than 20% left, and it must be used in more critical places.

   Several people ran wildly all the way, and after more than ten seconds, the sound of the giant stone statue stepping and shaking the floor sounded again, and the white pigeon holding Jonny's arm was trembling constantly, sobbing in a low voice. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry...Jonny...Carl..."

   "You knew from the beginning that Will betrayed us, right?" Lynn said with certainty as he turned his head to look at the white pigeon.

  When following Will tonight, Lynn already noticed something was wrong, because Will's behavior in going to the storage room was too strange.

   It is necessary to know that the white pigeons on the night watch may be driving the gray crows to monitor the entire castle, but Will is not vigilant at all, and he has never looked up before the window or behind the house.

   This is obviously not in line with common sense.

   Unless... Will was sure that he wouldn't have any problems being discovered by these gray crows.

   "Can you tell me the reason?" Jonny tightly held the white pigeon's slender hand, she really couldn't believe that the other party would do something betrayal.

  Bai Ge's nose twitched, and she explained in a choked tone with a crying voice.

Three nights ago, it was Will who was on duty at that time, but she let the gray crow out to patrol as usual to be on the safe side, but unexpectedly discovered that Will was secretly reporting the situation here to the police through the alchemy circle. Holy See…

   "Then why didn't you tell me about this?" Johnny asked.

"But Will... Will found me first, he said that the Holy See already knew my identity, if I dare to tell you this, my parents, brothers and sisters will be tied to the stake and burned to death ..." Bai Ge said with a terrified expression, sobbing.

  Jonny was silent. For these displaced wizard apprentices, the safety of their families is indeed a big problem.

  Because of this, it has always been taboo to inquire about each other's identities, and they can't even confirm whether they are using fake names.

   "Obviously, he lied to you. Maybe Will doesn't know your real identity, or maybe he's going to take the credit for it alone..." Lynn said calmly.

   From Will's performance in everything, it can be seen that the other party's words are most likely to deceive people, otherwise they can use this to coerce Baige to do more things.

  Of course, it is also possible that Will intends to take the credit all by himself. After all, the more he does, the more likely the Holy See will see his "sincerity" and forgive him as a "devil's believer."

   "Do you want to live? Dove? I have a way that might be able to deal with Anrioke..." Lynn asked suddenly.

  Before Johnny could speak, the white dove beside him nodded with tears in his eyes. "think!"

  She doesn't want to die...

   "Now tell me all the magics you know. I need to know their principles and how to use them." Lynn said bluntly.

   "What do you want to do?" Johnny asked in astonishment.

   "I don't think it's too late to start learning now, isn't it?" Lynn said seriously.

  Now that 071 has been restarted, it's time to finish it!

   Being chased all the way, and witnessing the deaths of Buck and Button with his own eyes, Lynn is already furious!

  But... is there really time? Jonny looked at Lynn in disbelief, but after hesitating for a while, he explained it to him.

  【Touch of Flame】, 【Fosmise into Mud】, 【Curtain of Ice】, 【Secondary-Hand of Balrog】...

As the most valued disciple of the wizard Kelu, Jonny has mastered more than a dozen kinds of first-ring magic, but the white pigeons can only rarely know it. There are only two extremely special psionic spells. It is said that only a few apprentices with psionic talents can master it. master.

  Considering the time constraints, Lynn did not greedy for too many, but selectively memorized a few, and performed simulation exercises in his mind with the help of his brain.

  Lin En's calm and composed appearance also infected Jonny and Baige, and he was more confident in defeating Anrioke.

  While the three of them were walking, the sound of surging water came from the front, and the breeze blowing was a little wet.

  Into the eyes is a rapidly surging underground river, the rapids of water are constantly gushing out from the ground, passing through a long tunnel, leading directly to the outside of the castle...

  【Holy Light Shock】!

   Before Lynn and Jonny reached the river, a white light flew from behind.

  【Curtain of Ice】*2

  Jonny and Lynn looked at each other, then raised their hands at the same time, and two shield walls made of ice crystals rose from the ground, working together to resist the second-ring magic.

  The two walls of ice crystals also disintegrated instantly, and the fragments fell like hailstones.

"What should we do now?" Johnny looked at Lynn anxiously, the exit passage was in front of him, but once they were caught in the turbulent water and attacked by Anrioke, they didn't even have the ability to resist All gone.

   "It's very simple!" Lin En glanced at Jonny, reached out and took off the girl's saber without warning, and then pushed her directly into the rushing water with Jonny's expression of surprise, astonishment and anxiety.

  The cold river water flooded his mouth and nose, and soon soaked his whole body. Jonny clearly felt that the huge inertial force formed by the rapids was forcibly pulling him towards the exit.

  Through the blurred water curtain, Jonny vaguely saw Lynn's mouth opening and closing, as if he was saying his final goodbye, and then a heavy object was thrown over by the other party, which was the panicked white dove...

  Looking at the two who were swept away by the current, Lin En wasn't worried about the safety of the two witches. A wizard who could manipulate oxygen would not be drowned in the water, but he silently added the second half of the sentence in his heart...

   "It's very simple, as long as you don't get in my way here!"

   (PS: new book recommendation, collection, follow-up, monthly ticket...)

  (end of this chapter)