MTL - I Made the World Mutate-Chapter 1050 Orthodox area

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"Xiao Xiao, you hide behind me!"

Zhou Xuanmen, the light of the curse came over, directly covering Xiao Mu and protecting it.

Xiao Mu didn't panic, hiding behind Zhou Xuanmen, quietly observing.

He faintly felt that Zhou Xuanmen's behavior was weird, and that it was very different from usual, I am afraid that it had another purpose.

However, for this purpose, he suddenly guessed incorrectly.

"Zhou Xuanmen, want to leave, have you ever asked us? Asked me and Yin Kan, did you agree? The seal of life and death and the Yan Luoxi of the East Territory are bound to be won by the heavens. You and Xiao Mu must die here."

The man Jiaban with a big sword in his hand released the light of birth and death, and the breath of life and death continued to hover over his head.

This is obviously a righteous **** of life and death system.

The life and death system righteous gods, originally the number of people who took refuge in the Thai jade emperor was very small, but now the Thai jade emperor has successfully seized the clock of life and death, those life and death system righteous gods who have been watching, I am afraid that they will be completely loyal to the Thai emperor soon.

Yin Kan, the righteous **** powerhouse holding the sword on the right, is the righteous **** of the destiny system, and his whole body is releasing the power of gray-white destiny.

This person has the power of destiny to fall from a high altitude with a wave of the long sword in his hand.

The breath of destiny blocked Zhou Xuanmen’s retreat. This Yin Kan was followed by a roar, "Zhou Xuanmen, whether you let Xiao Mu go or not, you can’t escape, kill!"


Jiaban, said at the same time.

The Destiny Knife and the Life and Death Sword blasted out at the same time, bringing out a mass of destiny and the power of life and death, facing Zhou Xuanmen, and blasting straight down.

Zhou Xuanmen, seeing this scene, immediately stepped back.

The Destiny Knife, the Life and Death Sword, was too powerful. Once it was shot, it blocked the fate and distort the life and death, giving him the illusion that he was unstoppable.

Seeing the Destiny Sword, the Sword of Life and Death locked himself and shot it down, Zhou Xuanmen, after a loud roar, both hands danced at the same time.

The power of the curse flew out from his body, shining light between Zhou Xuanmen's hands at the same time, and in an instant, another aegis appeared in front of Zhou Xuanmen.

This Aegis, compared with the Aegis that was destroyed just now, was significantly larger and more powerful.

More than that, dense patterns of gods appeared on the surface of this shield.

The **** pattern is like a pattern, under the gray cursed light, it seems that a bunch of gray flowers are blooming.

Zhou Xuanmen held the Aegis with both hands at the same time, facing the offensive of Destiny Sword and Life and Death Sword at the same time.

Boom! boom! boom!

The sword of destiny and the sword of life and death blasted on the cursed aegis at the same time, and the power of life and death of fate and the power of curse were dispersed at the same time.

In the loud noise, the Destiny Knife and the Life and Death Sword were bounced, and the **** pattern on the surface of the Aegis trembling, the Cursed Aegis suddenly became strong. Finally, under the slash of the Destiny Knife and the Life and Death Sword, the surface of the Aegis, There are only two tiny gaps.

Holding the Aegis in the hands of Zhou Xuanmen, the **** pattern on the surface of the Aegis flickered, and the two small gaps quickly disappeared, making it invisible.

"The power of the True God Realm?"

Jia Ban was a little surprised, holding the big sword, his eyes staring at Zhou Xuanmen's cursing Aegis in shock.

Yin Kan also looked at Zhou Xuanmen’s cursed aegis in surprise, but he sneered, “Zhou Xuanmen, the power of the righteous gods is strong, but it consumes a lot. You have been using the power of the righteous gods, how long can it last? ?"

"Besides, if you have the Right God Realm, don't we have it? If you can use the power of the Right God Realm, can't we use it?"

"Call Zhengshenyu, Jiaban, kill!"


Jiaban responded loudly, and together with Yin Kan, once again made a sword and a sword.

This time, as the two men wielded their destiny swords, life and death swords, with each sword, a **** pattern similar to the surface of Zhou Xuanmen's shield appeared on the sword.

"Zhou Xuanmen, this blow will break your aegis!"

Yin Kan, in the roar, wielded the Destiny Knife, bringing up masses of destiny power, and this Destiny Force was very similar to the destiny power attached to the surface of the Destiny Knife, and also brought out the **** pattern.


Jia Ban was also roaring at the same time, moving quickly, brandishing the sword of life and death, cooperating with Yin Kan, and stabbing at Zhou Xuanmen.

On the surface of the sword of life and death, similar **** patterns appeared on the surface of the sword body, and even the power of life and death brought out by the sword light was also all over the **** pattern.

Zhou Xuanmen, seeing this, his face changed slightly.

As he backed away, he once again propped up the Aegis of Cursing.

The light of cursing flew out from its body, and the surface of the shield had a **** pattern. More than that, in the light of the curse released on the surface of the shield, there are also **** patterns all over it.

boom! boom!

The power of life and death and destiny slashed down, and in the midst of a loud noise, the sword of life and death, the sword of destiny, once again blasted on the cursed aegis of Zhou Xuanmen.

With a crisp sound of Kara, the light of cursing, the light of life and death, the light of destiny flew in the air, and the cursed aegis of Zhou Xuanmen, under the combined bombardment of Yinkan and Jiaban, suffered both fate and life and death. , Was chopped up again.

"Zhou Xuanmen, now that the curse of the aegis has been broken, what other means do you have? Death!"

Destroying the cursed aegis, Yin Kan, in the roar, decided not to give Zhou Xuanmen any chance to breathe, brandishing the Destiny Knife, his figure flickered, and rushed towards Zhou Xuanmen again.

"Zhou Xuanmen, block, block, I let you block. Without cursing the Aegis, let's see if you can block me!"

Jiaban also rushed out at the same time, and Yin Kan left and right, respectively bringing the light of birth and death and the light of destiny, brandishing the sword of life and death, and slashing at Zhou Xuanmen again.

Zhou Xuanmen moved his figure, and in his hand, a cursed shield was formed in a hurry. In a hurry, he raised it with both hands to face the sword of life and death and the sword of destiny of Jiaban and Yin Kan.


During the shock, Zhou Xuanmen's body shook, cursing the Aegis, and shattered again under the simultaneous slashes of Jiaban and Yin Kan.

More than that, the violent destiny authority and life and death authority impacted, directly distorting fate, changing life and death, and hitting the weird power on Zhou Xuanmen.


Zhou Xuanmen directly opened his mouth and vomited blood.

The cursed authority in his body helped him block the authority of fate and life and death, but the violent attack still injured his body.

"Zhou Xuanmen, today is your death date!"

"Zhou Xuanmen, let you die in my hands!"

Jiaban, Yin Kan, laughed wildly, and gave Zhou Xuanmen no chance again. In the roar, they waved the sword of life and death and the sword of destiny, and rushed towards Zhou Xuanmen again.

Even, the two of them once again used the power of Zheng Shenyu.

Zhou Xuanmen hurriedly responded, once again condensed the cursed Aegis to block, but the Aegis was cut to pieces by the two again, and was injured again.

Jiaban, Yin Kan, after a single blow, rushed over again and continued to attack Zhou Xuanmen frantically.

Zhou Xuanmen took out the Aegis of Cursing to block it again and again, but the Aegis was smashed again and again, each time, his violent destiny and power of life and death made him spurt blood.

"Senior Zhou's strength shouldn't be so weak."

Xiao Mu, seeing the battle between Zhou Xuanmen and Jiaban Yinkan in his eyes, suddenly felt extremely strange in his heart.

In his opinion, Jiaban, Yin Kan, and the strength of the two men are at most similar to Zun, Yu Tong, and Yuanmen. Compared with Zhou Xuanmen, they should be far behind.

After all, he had personally experienced Zhou Xuanmen's strength. Zhou Xuanmen was someone who could see through his primordial spirit.

And the other one who saw through his primordial spirit was Meng Xuantong.

This means that Zhou Xuanmen's strength should be comparable to Meng Xuantong.

Meng Xuantong is a top righteous god, and has even entered the realm of heavenly gods.

Meng Xuantong's strength far surpasses ordinary righteous gods.

This level of existence, in the face of ordinary righteous gods, does not say one fights two, but it is definitely not limited to being beaten so embarrassed by two people joining hands.

"Senior Zhou, it seems that he is deliberately concealing his strength, what exactly does he want to do?"

Xiao Mu, the more he couldn't figure out the purpose of Zhou Xuanmen, but in his heart felt that Zhou Xuanmen must have some special arrangements for doing this.

Despite this arrangement, Xiao Mu couldn't guess it for a while.


"Jia Ming, Lei Zhanghua, you go to help Zhou Xuanmen."

The great elder Jin Yuan noticed Zhou Xuanmen's situation, and while frowning deeply, he suddenly issued an order to the two great elders.

At the same time, his heart couldn't help being disappointed with Zhou Xuanmen.

He always thought that Zhou Xuanmen had hidden strength, but he couldn't even deal with two ordinary Zhengshen late stage teaming together.

Is Zhou Xuanmen's strength actually useless?



Among the six great elders who are fighting Yu Tong and Yuanmen, each side has a great elder, namely Lei Zhanghua of Fuxing's position and Jia Ming of Longjun's position.

These two great elders, as soon as they vacated their hands, they directly attacked the destiny system's righteous **** Yinkan.



"Yin Kan, your opponent is us."

Lei Zhanghua, Jia Ming, the two great elders, directly killed Yin Kan.

The power of destiny and retribution flew out at the same time, and the two elders of Lei Jia, each brandishing a secret magic weapon, a fan of destiny and a cone of retribution, blasted against Yin Kan.

"Three people work together, I still have scruples, two people work together, can also stop me? Yan Ming, Meng Kui, who do you think I am?"

On the other side, Yu Tong, whose opponents had changed from three to two, yelled in surprise. With a wave of the Nether Divine Halberd, the Nether River emerged, the power of reincarnation poured out, and layers of divine patterns appeared on the surface of the Divine Halberd.

Seeing that his opponents were reduced and his strength weakened, this person immediately used the power of the Right God Realm, wielded the Nether Divine Halberd, and stab at the two elders of the world, Yan Ming and Meng Kui.

Yan Ming and Meng Kui looked at each other, almost at the same time, there was a tacit understanding, and there was a bright light on their bodies.

"The Treasure of the Right God!"

Xiao Mu, when he saw that kind of light, especially the flowers of righteous gods that appeared in the light, he knew that Yan Ming and Meng Kui were using the righteous god's treasure.

The treasure of the righteous gods used by these two people was even more powerful than their own blood cloud flag.

The blood cloud flag had only three-petal righteous god's flower, and the treasures used by the two veterans were all seven-petaled righteous god's flowers, which were obviously the first-class existence among the righteous god's treasures.

The next moment, a golden bell suddenly appeared in Yan Ming's hand, but an extra gray-black mini hatchet appeared in Meng Kui's hand.

With a loud roar, the two of them directly stretched their bodies, suddenly becoming bigger.

Immediately afterwards, a divine light rose into the sky and gathered above the two of them.

Above the heads of the two of them, among the divine light, a wonderful space, looming, inside, is flooded with all the powers of their respective gods.

At this time, there was another roar.

The bell in Yan Ming's hand and the mini axe in Meng Kui's hand flew up at the same time and landed in the wonderful space above the two of them.


Inside the wonderful space, there was a sudden shock of the power of the gods. The space suddenly became bigger, but disappeared from sight, as if it had blended into the bodies of the two.

The authority revealed in the bodies of the two great elders immediately skyrocketed. Originally, it was only at the level of righteous gods, but now, it is almost at the level of righteous gods, and it is no different from true righteous gods in the early or even middle stages.



In the sound of the two veterans shouting to kill, the secret weapons suddenly became a bit stronger. Although there was no **** pattern, they were obviously much stronger.



Yan Luo Pen and Retribution Cone left and right, blasting into the air at the same time, directly facing Tong's Nether Divine Halberd.

boom! boom! boom!

Three different kinds of divine light soared into the sky, and suddenly all kinds of explosive authority appeared in the air, the authority of reincarnation, the authority of the orthodox system, and the authority of retribution were shattered.

Afterwards, various powers dissipated, Yu Tong's Nether Divine Halberd was blocked, Yan Ming and Meng Kui two veterans just stepped back, shaking their bodies and turning red, and resisted their injuries.

"Shenbao blesses the realm of the gods?"

Yu Tong was a little surprised, looking at the two elders Yan Ming and Meng Kui in surprise.


Hum! Hum! Hum!

The voice of authoritarian tremor sounded again, and the great elders Fei Xuan, Xiong Jin, Lei Zhanghua, and Jia Ming opened their respective righteous gods at the same time, and at the same time, used the treasures of the righteous gods to bless the righteous gods.

Therefore, the four elders joined forces in pairs to stop Yin Kan and Yuanmen just like Yan Ming and Meng Kui intercepted Yu Tong.

The pressure on Zhou Xuanmen, whose opponent was only Jia Ban alone, was suddenly reduced.

"Jiaban, now, you are the only one left, can you still be my opponent? No matter, I will send you on the road first, and then take Xiao Mu away."

Zhou Xuanmen, energetic, so proud, at that moment, it seemed that even his injuries were completely healed.

In the voice, under his feet, a cursing cannon suddenly rose up.

"Xiao Zhou, why do you need to deal with Jiaban in the area? Leave it to me, you quickly take Xiao Mu and leave."

A light of five virtues suddenly descended from the sky, and the **** of five virtues stepped on the clouds of five virtues and appeared in vain in front of Zhou Xuanmen, facing Jiaban directly.

"A trivial junior, why don't you need a Five Virtues Taoist friends to do it. I'll be enough!"

Immediately afterwards, another cloud of the Five Elements appeared, supporting the body of the Zun, and falling in front of the Five Virtues God Sovereign, face to face with Jiaban.

Jiaban, seeing this, was shocked and couldn't help but step back a few steps. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

He stared at the two of them, and said in surprise: "Mei Zun, the **** of five virtues!"

Mei Zun, the God of Five Virtues, worried that Xiao Mu would have an accident. After getting rid of the Heavenly Righteous God powers Ran Ling and Cen Ping who had entangled him, he hurriedly rushed over to help Zhou Xuanmen.

"Very well, Honor, Friends of the Five Virtues, I'm relieved with you. Jiaban, leave it to you, I will take Xiao Xiao away."

Zhou Xuanmen, seeing the five virtues and the gods appearing, he immediately left Jiaban and walked towards Xiao Mu after he was overjoyed.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he grabbed Xiao Mu in his hand, a cloud of cursing rose under his feet, and Zhou Xuanmen rode on the cloud again, preparing to take off.

However, before Zhou Xuanmen flew, two gray-black clouds fell from the sky. The two men wielded secret weapons and completely cut off Zhou Xuanmen's cloud path.

It was Ran Ling and Cen Ping who had been thrown off by Zun and the Five Virtues before.

The two stopped in the air, completely sealing the road to the cloud, so that Zhou Xuanmen could not leave from the air by the cloud, staring at Zhou Xuanmen, sneered, "Zhou Xuanmen, do you still want to go? In front of us, there is Your chance to escape?"