MTL - I Make Games To Scare Crying Players-Chapter 182 old-timers of the stage play

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  Chapter 182 The old man of the stage play

   Two days later, at Yucheng Airport.

  Meng Shu carried her bag and came to the exit. Looking at the unfamiliar environment around him, he stretched his waist and stretched out the restrained sitting posture that he had been on the plane for almost 2 hours.

   Then he took a deep breath, took out his phone and called an online car-hailing car.

  The main purpose of coming to Yucheng from thousands of miles this time is to meet and communicate with Director Li.

  Two days ago, after Director Lian gave the contact information, he contacted Director Li by phone.

  Then, the two simply communicated and got to know each other.

   Director Li's full name is Li Chengshuang, and he is an old artist.

  According to the autobiographical information on the Internet, he was originally a handyman in the crew in his early years, and later met his life mentor in a stage play by accident. From then on, I started my stage life, and gradually grew from a small stage actor to a successful artist director.

   It is said that it also brought out many successful apprentices.

   At first, did Meng Shu think that he could invite such a character? In other words, will you play freely after you move?

   But after some communication, it was discovered that the other party was not as stubborn as Meng Shu thought, but seemed very kind instead.

  The person that Director Lian is looking for is really good.

  And when he heard that he was willing to direct the stage play, the other party did not directly refuse, but his tone was a little embarrassed.

   After careful questioning, I found out that Director Li has retired and is living a retirement life.

  If he is asked to direct a stage play again, he will be a bit powerless.

  Meng Shu, who heard this, expressed his understanding, and planned to give up the idea of ​​inviting Director Li.

  No way, since he has retired, why bother him?

   As a result, when Director Li learned that it was a horror-type stage play during the polite inquiry, he even changed his tone on the spot and began to keep asking for details.

  Although Meng Shu found that Director Li seemed to have changed suddenly, he still briefly explained the overall story flow.

  As a result, Director Li was silent for a while after listening, and replied with a sentence.

  [Maybe we should meet up. ]

   Then, Meng Shu came to Yucheng.

  The reason why Meng Shu came to see Director Li was not because the other party was playing a big game, but out of respect for the old artist, and he deserved to go anyway.

  So now, Meng Shu, who has arrived in Yucheng, came to a company called 'Yu Yang Media' through the specific address sent by Director Li.

   This is a street store, and the decoration of the door is quite in line with Meng Shu's aesthetics.

  Looking at the busy traffic on both sides, it seems that the area here is very prosperous.

  Meng Shu picked up her bag, and as soon as she walked in, she saw the front desk lady standing up with a water glass.

   As a result, after seeing someone coming in, she put down the water glass again and asked politely and softly.

   "Hello, what do I need?"

  Meng Shu looked around, then looked at the front desk.

   "My surname is Meng, and I have an appointment with Mr. Li."

  The front desk lady nodded in understanding immediately.

   "Hi Mr. Meng, please wait a moment."

   As he spoke, he showed a smile, and then walked towards the back of the background wall, presumably to notify.

   I have to say that this company is a bit beyond Meng Shu's imagination.

  He thought it was the kind of advertising store on the street, but he didn't expect it to be a high-end business company.

  In short, he was very satisfied with the first impression.

   Soon, within a minute, the front desk lady came out.

   "Hi Mr. Meng, this way please."

  The front desk lady stretched out her hand to signal, Meng Shu nodded and followed.

   After passing through the staff office area, I came to an office with frosted cellophane.

  The front desk lady knocked on the door, and soon a slightly old voice came from inside.

   "Come in."

  The front desk lady pushed open the door and looked at Meng Shu with a smile.

  The latter smiled back and walked in.

   With just one glance, I saw an old man over fifty years old sitting on the mahogany coffee table.

  Although she is very old, she doesn't show any signs of fatigue and looks hale and hearty.

  After seeing Meng Shu coming in, he was taken aback for a moment, then immediately stood up with a smile to greet him.

   "Hi Mr. Meng, come, please sit down."

  Meng Shu nodded with a smile, and before he could speak after taking his seat, he saw Director Li pour a cup of tea and hand it over.

   "The clean teacup for serving guests has just been filtered, so there is no tea stain in it, so the tea may be a little weak, please forgive me."

   "It's okay Director Li, I don't mind about this."

  Meng Shu glanced at the teacup, feeling more satisfied with Director Li.

  In the past, when you went to someone else’s company, although there were tea sets, for the guests, you basically used a disposable cup. Who would give you a teacup?

   It's not a good relationship, let alone meeting for the first time.

  From this point of view, Director Li attaches great importance to it.

  Of course, it is also possible to see people, maybe others are visiting, and it may be a disposable cup that Director Li serves.

  Thinking, Meng Shu handed over a business card.

  Director Li took it, glanced at it, and smiled. Then he put it away and started making tea for himself.

"Mr. Meng is really young and promising. Ms. Lian introduced you to me. When I called you before, I could hear the sound of your voice. Now when we meet, sure enough, capable people come forth in large numbers, and there are such talents at such a young age. Achievement."

   "If my son had half the ability of yours, I would probably enter the coffin with a smile."

  Meng Shu waved his hand immediately and became humble.

   "It's nothing, Mr. Li is too much. I came here this time mainly because of what I talked on the phone before."

   As he spoke, Meng Shu took out a stack of stapled A4 papers from his bag and handed them over.

  This is the stage script of "Dead Space", and there is also a conceptual design draft of the monster image.

  After Li Dao saw it, he quickly put down the tea set, took out a piece of paper and wiped the wet spots on his hands, and then took it with both hands.

   It can be seen that his attitude also has a trace of respect.

   Then, he put on his glasses and began to look carefully.

   Not long after, the expression became more and more frightened, and the more he looked, the more short of breath.

  In the huge office, apart from the sound of flipping papers, there was Director Li's slight breathing.

  He flipped through page by page. In the script in front of him, the story developed smoothly, the style was obvious, and several scary places even caught his eyes.

   There is also the image of a monster, which is horrifyingly painted, and its appearance is simply beyond the scope of ordinary people's comprehension. Especially for him, it is simply a novelty!

  After matching the pictures and texts, Mr. Li couldn't help feeling the picture in his mind, and his expression slowly changed at this moment.

  Meng Shu was not in a hurry, he picked up the teacup and took a sip.

  Well, I can’t drink it.

  After waiting for about ten minutes, Director Li finished flipping through the script, took off his glasses, and looked amazed.

   After taking a sip of tea, he asked.

   "Mr. Meng, you made it clear on the phone before. This stage play doesn't need a setting, a stage effect device and actors on stage, right?"


  Meng Shu nodded and continued.

   "It's called a stage play, but it's actually just an exhibition stage. It can't have some fire-breathing, water-spraying, and ribbon-effect devices like a performance stage. That's why it adopts the form of holographic virtual 3D."

   Director Li expressed his understanding and continued to flip through the script.

   Then he frowned and opened his mouth.

   "I have some understanding of the virtual stage play. If it follows what you said on the phone. The scenes, backgrounds, characters, special effects, etc. are all in charge of other teams, then there is really no problem. Just."

   Director Li paused, his brows furrowed deeper and deeper.

   “Is horror-style stage play…really possible? For decades, the horror genre, whether it’s movies or otherwise, has had the impression that it’s a gimmick.”

"This may not sound very pleasant. A long time ago, my teacher also tried a horror-style stage play. The script was written, but in the end the investor stopped it urgently. The written script was also adapted into A movie called "Dark Road". It turned out to be dismal at the box office, and it was notorious."

   "I'm not saying that this horror genre is bad, but that the directors in the entire stage play circle have no experience, don't know how to do it, and don't know how to arrange it."

"Mr. Meng, I read your script, and it's really amazing. Like this scene." The captain brought the survivors to the restaurant, only to find that the place was full of corpses and a mess. A large number of human corpses piled up in mountains, dripping with blood .A few necromorphs are crawling flexibly on the mountain of corpses, eating flesh'. My God, I can't even imagine what kind of scene this is."

   After Director Li finished speaking, he flipped through the script again.

"And this scene shocked me even more." Landa tried her best to save Hansen at the moment when the necromorph attacked him. As a result, while he was panting and wiping off his sweat, Hansen suddenly went mad Split into two halves from behind with a chainsaw'. This kind of human nature in a crisis, and the invincibility of being attacked by teammates in a joint battle, is really more shocking than in a war movie. In addition, it is realized on the stage. This effect, the on-the-spot effect is absolutely unimaginable!"

   "Mr. Meng, your script is more like a movie script than a stage play."

  Meng Shu smiled and put down the teacup.

   "That's why an artist like you is needed to shoot the script."

  Director Li opened his mouth, momentarily at a loss for words. There seems to be some hesitation, but also some yearning.

  Finally, he took a deep breath and spoke slowly.

"Mr. Meng, I need to clarify. As for the horror-type stage plays I just mentioned, there are no cases in the entire circle, and no experience in production. If you ask me to come, I am worried that I will not be able to do it well. But .”

   Director Li paused, then spoke again.

"I want to give it a try, I want to accomplish what my teacher didn't do, and I want to create a horror-style work by myself. I didn't have the opportunity until I retired, and there was no good script, and no one wrote this kind of work. Script. Now that I'm retired, no one can restrict me, and I can try as much as I want. So I didn't directly reject you on the phone, but I also hope to clarify this situation with you face to face."

   "This is the reason we met, it can also be said to be a request from my old man."

   "Mr. Meng, I have explained the situation clearly. If you are still willing to let me try, I will ask my students to borrow some manpower. If not, then you can come to me again if you have a chance to cooperate."

  Hearing this, Meng Shu smiled.

  (end of this chapter)