MTL - I Married the Second Male Lead After Reincarnating-Chapter 491 Extra Story: Professor Han Xi X Que (9)

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  Qin Mutian's attention was all focused on Han Xi just now, but now that Que Nanqing was standing in front of Han Xi, he noticed this gentleman-looking man.

  He raised his hand, motioning for the person pushing him to stop.

  His eyes only stayed on Que Nanqing for a second, and then returned to Han Xi, nostalgic and focused.

   "Of course, I have something to tell you."

   "Just ten minutes, okay?"

  His voice was very soft, but even so, the fear in Han Xi's heart did not diminish in the slightest. Those unbearable memories of the past were like wild beasts, biting her nerves fiercely.

  She didn't speak, turned around and wanted to leave, but found that there were several men standing on the stairs at some time.

   It seems to be Qin Mutian's person.

  She only brought Nan Nian by her side, and it was impossible for her to break through.

  Her face was "shua" pale, she lowered her head, grabbed the hem of her clothes tightly, and did not speak.

  Qin Mutian looked at her obsessively, and coaxed: "Of course, turn around and let me see how you are?

   "I just want to talk to you, I don't mean to hurt you.

   "Come here obediently."

  Han Xi mustered up the courage to interrupt him: "I have nothing to say to you, you asked me to leave."

  Qin Mutian controlled the wheelchair and approached slowly, his eyes were still staring at Han Xi, paranoid.

   "Of course, since we haven't seen each other for a year, don't you miss me?

   "After you left, I miss you every day.

   "Because of you, I have already broken a pair of legs, and the past grievances have been cancelled.

   "Of course, let's start again, shall we?"

  He finally reached Han Xi's side and reached out to grab Han Xi. "Ran Ran."

"Do not touch me!"

  Han Xi felt his approach, and immediately seemed to go crazy, screamed sharply, crouched down with his head in his arms, and his body kept shaking.

   "Don't touch me, don't touch me"

  She kept muttering in her mouth, as if she was haunted by something.

  The dilapidated and damp basement, the dim and depressing lights, the white turbidity left by men all over the body

  Everything in her memory about those days made her sick and desperate.

  Qin Mutian still wanted to reach out to reach her, but Que Nanqing grabbed her hand and threw it away.

  Que Nanqing's clear and handsome facial features were covered with a layer of ice, "What do you want to do to my wife?"

  Qin Mutian's legs are inconvenient, Que Nanqing can't do too much.

   Otherwise, when Qin Mutian approached just now, he already wanted to kick him away.

  Qin Mutian was stunned, "Who is your wife?"

  Que Nanqing: "Han Xi."

  Hearing this, Qin Mutian was completely stunned.

  He said in disbelief: "Impossible, I haven't heard about her marriage, you are lying to me!"

  Que Nanqing's tone was extremely indifferent: "She and I just got married four days ago. I didn't invite you, so of course you don't know."

  After he finished speaking, he squatted down, held Han Xi's shoulders, and coaxed softly, "Xi Xi, get up, let's go home."

  Han Xi's last sliver of rationality let her know that he was helping her out, so she paused for a while before gently nodding her head.

  In the past two weeks, the open office has been surrounded by strong floral fragrance.

  Xia Zimu's office is even more filled with flowers, almost turning into a flower shop.

   She thought about going back and told Lu Jinghao not to send it off in the future.

   After all, it will wither.

   It was a pity when I threw it away.

   An employee in their department left not long ago, and today a new employee took office, and He Tian brought someone in to say hello.

   "Hello, Manager Xia, my name is Shi Yinyin, and I am very glad to work in your company."

  Shi Yinyin is tall and thin, wearing round glasses, her ponytail is **** high and slightly curled at the end.

   Wearing a small professional suit, he is very smartly dressed.

  Xia Zimu simply went through the process of lecturing, and then said: "You can go out now. If you have any questions, you can ask He Tian at any time. He will take care of you."


   Not long after, there was another knock on the office door.

  Xia Zi was buried in the pile of documents and did not lift it up. "Please come in."

  A cold and harsh voice came from the door: "It seems that you have many suitors and received so many flowers."

  Hearing this voice, Xia Zimu raised his head, "Why are you here?"

   "Work matters." Gu Huaixi unbuttoned his suit and sat down on the sofa, "You don't want to see me, so I can only come to see you in person."

  In the past two days, he has been asking people to contact Xia Zimu for a meeting, but she refused to let go, so he had no choice but to come to the door in person.

  Xia Zimu put down his pen, leaned back lazily, and asked knowingly, "What's the big deal, that Mr. Gu can take the initiative to find the person you least want to see?"

  Gu Huaixi was silent for a moment, his handsome face was arrogant and indifferent, "I want you to give up the Lanshui area."

  He seldom asks others to do things. Even though he is in an unfavorable situation now, he still uses a consistent commanding tone.

   "Why should I listen to you?"

   "The Lanshui area is of no use to Ruiwen. If you decided to shoot this land just to target me, I advise you not to be impulsive. Bringing personal feelings to work is a taboo in shopping malls."

"Who said I took this piece of land because of you?" Xia Zimu curled his lips into a smile, and his eyes were a bit surly, "Mr. Gu said before that self-awareness is the most important thing to be a human being. Back to you.

   "I fell in love with this land not out of any personal feelings, but for the benefit of Ruiwen. It's better for Mr. Gu not to be too sentimental."

  Displeasure flashed across Gu Huaixi's eyes, "If that's the case, it only means that you are not suitable for business at all. You spend a lot of manpower and material resources building a building in a deserted place, and a five-year-old child has more business acumen than you."

   "Whether I'm suitable for business or not doesn't seem to have anything to do with Mr. Gu. Even if I ruin Ruiwen, that's my own business, so I don't need you to worry about it."

  Gu Huaixi frowned, "Are you really going your own way?"

   "Auctions are always for the highest bidder. If Mr. Gu wants me to give up, he can offer a higher price than me. If you have nothing else to do, please go back and don't disturb my work."

  Seeing that she refused to let go, Gu Huaixi stood up, her pupils were darkened, suppressing her anger, "You're so reckless, Ruiwen will be ruined by you sooner or later!"

  Xia Zimu had a decent smile on his face, "None of your business."

  Gu Huaixi's complexion completely sank, he stopped talking, turned around and left.

  Pull open the door, just at the door someone is about to come in.

   Lu Jinghao held a bunch of baby's breath in his arms, as if he had stepped out of an oil painting.

  There is a clear indifference between his eyebrows and eyes, he is polite, showing a sense of alienation, "Thank you, Young Master Gu, for opening the door for me."

  The two were about the same height, their eyes met each other, and Gu Huaixi's eyes turned cold.

  Xia Zimu actually didn't know how to bring this person to work!