MTL - I Might Be A Fake Cultivator-Chapter 2340 The real Buddha is here, disaster is broken

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The sky bursts into the sky, the heavens collapse, and the world sinks.

The western bliss has golden light, which illuminates the night sky of the early mainland.

Countless powerful people have set their sights on the western bliss, and their faces are shocked. I did not expect that at this time, there is also a world-wide existence.

The most shocking is the enlightened person.

It has always been concerned about the disaster of the western Buddhist nation, and also asserted that the western Buddhist nation will be destroyed in half a quarter of an hour. But what it didn't expect was that with a single palm, with just one palm, the plague of the annihilating demon was completely eliminated, and it was a resurgence!

"This is Shakyamuni Buddha?"

The enlightened man looked at the huge Buddha shadow hanging in the sky, and looked at the golden lotus sitting in the shadow of the Buddha, and he had an epiphany.

"That's it, it's been this way ... incorporating lotus, waiting for cause and effect ..."

"No wonder it has disappeared for a while. It turned out that it would have been today, and to make such a big sacrifice for the fruits of today ..."

The enlightened people are extremely impressed and admired.

It doesn't understand the sentiment of self-sacrificing and saving people. It is good to have philosophies every day. Why it is necessary to sacrifice precious thinking time to do this kind of thing, it cannot understand.

But this does not prevent it from admiring Shakyamuni, because the existence of such things must be the existence of great wisdom.

Shakyamuni Buddha did it!

Almost at the same time.

The ruins of Kyushu Realm and the Purple Star, the black ink creeping on the sky, suddenly trembled suddenly, no longer creeping, but slowly sucked into the heaven.

Faced with the two peerless demon, Xiao Ze and Xiao Tu, who were beaten online, looked at the peerless demon who suddenly became weaker and weaker. Then they looked at the infinite golden light that came from the West, and they realized it.

Before the two apprentices could take the shot, the Peerless Demon was tragically reluctant and was directly sucked into the sky and disappeared into the black cracks.

Similar to the situation of Xiao Ze Xiao Tu, it continues in every place in the Kyushu Realm and the Purple Star Ruins.

Within a quarter of an hour, all the demons disappeared.

After the catastrophe, the Kyushu border was restored to Qingming.

The monks looked up at the sky. For the first time, they felt that there was no sky falling from the demon. It was so beautiful and worth cherishing.

Forty-nine Immortals, on the altar in the center of Zixingge Avenue.

Bai Ling exhaled softly, his tense nerves finally relaxed slightly, and smiled lightly: "It seems that the creation gods have not given up their homeland. This time the Jedi counterattacked, the West The Buddha country won! "

The heart of the Purple Star Ruins.

The black ink filled with pupils retracted into the heavens, leaving the swollen earth.

Cyril's resolute face showed a hint of surprise: "Success."

Chen Chen nodded: "The real Buddha Shakyamuni in the western Buddhist country is now alive, trying to turn the tide and destroy the demon."

Cyril sighed: "It's a terrific figure, even God has calculated it. The most powerful spears often have the most lethal flaws. Tiandao thought that the Western Buddhist Parliament was a good entry point, but he did not expect that guy Everything has been laid down long ago, waiting for God to set the entrance there ... "

"Thanks to Shakyamuni, we have helped him!"

On the first day, Cyril was in a good mood, and his face was full of joy and appreciation.

Suddenly a powerful teammate popped up, which would break the headaches that made him a headache, and anyone would be happy for a while.

Chen Chen is also pleased: "Although it is our thing to break the sky, but guarding is never the only thing we do."

The seventh day of robbery, the devil of robbery, was completely destroyed! !!

Cyril ’s sky-breaking black and white spear continued to penetrate into the heavenly path, and had already fallen into most of it. The collapse of the heavenly path had also reached the final stage.

The black lines of the ground-breaking array are getting deeper and darker, not only crawling from the earth to the sky, but the black lines are getting bigger and bigger, and the branches are more and more. The two lines are different, but they seem to be slowly blending together.

In Chen Chen's hands, a black origin began to appear.

Pure darkness, extreme darkness, is the only thing that survives after the end of all things. It can be infinitely small or infinitely large. Any tangible and intangible existence is nothingness to it.

"Breaking the Eighth Form, Dark Road."

Chen Chen threw the black origin in his hand into the sky.

The Dark Road quickly flew to the sky and suddenly disappeared at the top of the sky.

The members of the Skybreaker Gang were at a loss for a while, wondering how Chen Chen's technique did not respond, and suddenly darkness completely covered the sky.


The Dark Road has blown up!

The darkness that can even be swallowed by light, devours the surrounding space, energy, and even rules, time, and everything.

Ordinary returning to the virtual state, just looking at it, feels a vertigo, as if even one's existence is to be swallowed up in an instant.

Tiandi Avenue wailed again.

A crisp crackling sound echoed in the ears of the early continent and even the infinite star domain, as if something around them was missing ~ ~ The early continent and the infinite star domain, including the big world small How many creatures are there in the world? No creation **** can count it!

But to be sure, that number is absolutely very, very amazing!

Now, Chen Chen's actions have affected all beings in this universe. So how will the creatures of this universe react?

Most of them will not have any extra reactions.

The big deal just gets confused.

Only some strong men who become strong can feel uneasy.

They will feel in the midst of it, the heaven is going to be destroyed, and they will lose a long-used heaven.

A creature's dissatisfaction may not be enough.

But what about 10,000 souls?

What about 100 million souls? What about one trillion beings?

Any number multiplied by one trillion will become extremely huge. All beings in the universe will have negative emotions because of the broken heaven. When these negative emotions come together, a very special and terrifying force will form.

Where is this special force going?

There is cause and effect.

Whoever breaks the heavens, this power goes.

First and foremost is the two great sons of Cyril and Chen Chen.

Above the cracked sky, a huge red fruit began to emerge from the crack, it was about a hundred feet in diameter, round and shiny, and released a very seductive smell.

At first glance, it looks like a red apple. But if you take a closer look, you will find that it is more reddish, more rounded than the red apple, and even flawless.

The members of the Skybreakers saw this apple. Although they were vigilant, they instinctively swallowed saliva. Only Chen Chen and Cyril took a deep breath.

Here comes the eighth calamity in heaven! !!