MTL - I Own a Garden with One Hundred Herbs-v100 Chapter 425 Three root soup to relieve the epidemic

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  Chapter 425 Three soups to relieve epidemics

  At ten o'clock in the evening, three carriages arrived outside Fengcheng.

  In the carriage sat the dusty green-headed Weng and Zhenyilou who had come from Wanzhou. The other two cars are loaded with herbal medicines.

  Baicaoshi, Zheyu, and Baixiaoshu were waiting there.

"Master!" Baicaoshi stepped forward happily, reaching out her hand to help the green-headed man. The old man rolled his eyes and saw his apprentice's palm-sized face with a somewhat haggard face, "I'm not yet seventy or eighty, strong Like a cow, you don't need to help it."

   Having said that, he still stretched out his arm, not to help, but to pull.

  Baicaoshi echoed him with a smile, "Yes, yes, yes, master, you are always strong and strong, and you have a long-term ambition. Are you hungry, Shishi will prepare a big meal for you."

  The green-headed man squeezed his goatee, and asked quizzically, "I'm tired of the big meals at Quanjufang. What else can you make?"

   As he spoke, his small eyes flicked over Baicaoshi, Zheyu, and Baixiaoshu one by one.

   These days, foodies are also very picky.

  Baicaoshi was speechless for a moment.

  Zhe Yu smiled helplessly, and led the green-headed man to the hall, "Master, the room is ready for you, let's rest first."

  The green-headed man stood in front of the hall, looked up at the majestic palace, with the raised eaves, stroked his beard, "I heard from Xiaolou, you have snatched a walking palace, it is really... a good thing!"

   As he spoke, the old man flicked up the corner of his robe, and rushed in, his posture was just like a child.

   Shinichi was behind, and ordered people to move down the medicinal materials and pretend to enter the hall.

  Businessmen gathered around one after another, and a strong man was so nervous by the crowd that he accidentally spilled some medicinal materials. The merchants were immediately overjoyed, and murmured: "There are so many medicinal materials, they can be saved, they can be saved.

   Green-headed Man entered the hall, sat down, and tapped on the table.

   Baicaoshi hurriedly served him tea. "Master, the top-quality Hangbai chrysanthemums are all picked from the Royal Chrysanthemum Garden. Try it."

  The old man rolled his eyes again, "Who wants tea? Didn't you have been sent to Wanzhou? I drank it. I want to feel your pulse now."

  My heart was hit again, the old man is like this, proud and cute. He was not good at words, but he didn't know how much he cared about her.

  Baicaoshi rolled up her sleeves, revealing a small piece of wrist like jade lotus root, and put it on the table.

  The old fingers pressed it up. There was no trace of playfulness on the green-headed man's face, replaced by seriousness, concentration and meticulousness.

  After a while, the old man withdrew his fingers, his face became more serious, and he sighed. "It's my fault that I'm not good at learning. Your pulse is very strange. I'm not sure. I've only heard about the quilt Gu, but I haven't seen it."

  Baicaoshi pursed her lips. The master who is always on the road to medicine is also helpless. After seeing a glimmer of hope, it is so sad to break it.

However, she quickly adjusted her mood and squeezed out a bright smile, "Master, in this vast world, there are many diseases and manpower is limited. It's normal to encounter diseases you don't know. However, if we work together as master and apprentice, I don't believe there is anything else that can cure you." We are stumped. Given time, a broken Gu thousands of years ago can be unraveled."

The green-headed man clapped his hands immediately, very pleased, "Shishi, you are worthy of being a disciple of the King of Medicine. If you have this spirit, you will be able to solve it. However, regarding the witch doctor and Gu art in Yunzhao's hometown, Yaowang Valley There are some books. I didn’t trust witch doctors before, so I didn’t study them carefully. Now it seems that I can pick them up.”

  What does it mean to have heavy mountains and rivers, no way out, and another village with dark willows and flowers, which is probably the situation in front of you.

  Baicaoshi and Zheyu glanced at each other, seeing the surprise in each other's eyes. Yaowanggu and his party can be put on the agenda.

  Zhe Yu said: "Master, I sent a letter to Yun Shihui to ask them to help search for relevant books. Before Yun Shihui wiped out the Sect of the Snail, it should have gained something."

The green-headed man squeezed his beard again, "The Yuluo God Sect you mentioned has existed in Yunzhao's hometown for hundreds of years. However, according to the records of Yaowang Valley, the inheritance has been broken several times among them. , may not be comparable to the Valley of the Medicine King. So, Shishi, pack up and go to the Valley of the Medicine King. Now, you can inherit my mantle."

  Baicaoshi can't leave now, there are still many lives outside, waiting for treatment. Anyway, my Gu is not in a hurry. Discuss with Greenhead Man, and decide to look at those merchants first.


  On the twelfth day of the first lunar month, women and children in Fengcheng were infected with the epidemic and were sent out of the city by the people in the city.

  Baicaoshi looked at the setting sun, the lonely mother and daughter figures with nowhere to go, finally couldn't bear it, and brought them back to the camp.

  On the fourteenth day of the first lunar month, several merchants came from outside Fengcheng. The difference is that they came with their families.

  However, Fengcheng was inaccessible, and the people of Fengcheng closed the city gate spontaneously to prevent Dayan from invading.

  In this wave of merchants, some people have been confirmed to be infected, and they hope that Fengcheng, where they are stationed, will open the door.

  The result was disappointed.

  However, some sharp-eyed people found the camp outside the city gate, and found friends who were also doing business in Qinzhou in the camp.

   Shopkeeper Liu found Baicaoshi and asked if he could take them in.

  Baicaoshi agreed.

  In the days that followed, Baicaoshi and the green-headed man devoted all their efforts to the battle against the epidemic, and they couldn't even pass the Lantern Festival.

   "Puderaria root, cools wind and cold, purifies external evils, relieves muscle heat, raises yin qi, relieves polydipsia, and detoxifies all kinds of poisons. Master, I want to use Pueraria root as a monarch medicine to cure this epidemic."

  Kudzu root is excavated in autumn and winter. Fortunately, Baicaoshi found this medicinal material in the mountains around Fengcheng.

  Pulsatilla picked up the Pueraria root cut into cubes and smelled it, "I remember that in the records of the ancestors, there is a precedent for sharing Pueraria root with reed rhizome and Imperata rhizome. Adding water to decoct it can benefit water, reduce swelling, reduce fever and detoxify."

   "Then give it a try."

  On the same day, Baicaoshi cooked a decoction and gave it to the merchants to drink. The next day, the merchants came to report that the condition had improved significantly, much better than the Radix Radix before.

  Baicaoshi was overjoyed, and after discussing with Pulsatilla, they named this prescription "Sangen Tang".

  After taking the Sangen Tang, the infected patients recovered one after another, and there was only time left for recovery.

  The green-headed man has already started urging Baicao poetry and is leaving for Yaowang Valley.

  However, a piece of news interrupted Baicaoshi's trip.

  The merchant who joined later brought news of yam.

  In the hall of Xingdian, a businessman surnamed Zheng told yam. "It's like this, Madam Bai, my leather goods store is not far from Quanjufang. I often go to Quanjufang for dinner, and I am very familiar with Brother Shanyao. On New Year's Eve, I took my wife to set off fireworks in the yard. I wanted to say hello to Brother Shanyao, but I saw a group of people from a distance, and took away everyone in the shop. Brother Shanyao was at the end, tied with a rope, and the manager was still whipping with a whip. Again and again, It was all on Brother Yam."

   While telling the story, shopkeeper Zheng blinked his eyes, as if the whip was dangling in front of his eyes, and it was him who was whipped.

  Hearing Baicao Poetry, her heart ached, Zhe Yu pinched her fingers, and asked, "What are the characteristics of the person who captured everyone in Quanjufang?"

   Shopkeeper Zheng thought for a while, and said: "The one who did it has a scar on his forehead, and he looks very fierce and scary."

  Baicaoshi's mind came to the kidnapping of the Queen Mother on her birthday. Yes, that person wanted to catch her. "What happened later? Have you ever seen Yam again?"

   "Later, we were also captured by that group. They locked us up and gave us unknown medicine, which is what you saw later, and then they let us out and let us come to Fengcheng."

  It was a hell-like experience, facing the fear of the unknown every day, and when the illness came, life was worse than death.

  Desperate, this is the first impression of Baicaoshi.

   They are clearly creating a mobile source of infection. "How is Qinzhou now?"

"Qinzhou..." Shopkeeper Zheng closed his eyes, with tears streaming from the corners of his eyes, "Later, Qinzhou was in chaos. I vaguely heard their subordinates discuss that this plague was out of control. So, they all evacuated. We After being sent out, I don’t know what’s inside.”

  What is this called? Skynet is sparse but not leaky.

  Those who want to harm others end up harming themselves.

   And the price is a whole city.

  (end of this chapter)