MTL - I Really Am a Slag Shou!-Chapter 92 Residue that Regent (8)

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[Goose, you fairy board, assassin, assassin comes in! 】

The system was smoked by Chi Zhao, and the main board smoked, but the latter shook his face and shouted, only to react.

"What assassin?"

The system also doesn't know, it can only broadcast to Chi Zhao the situation outside now.

[Assassin is fighting with Red Tears. Red Tears is so powerful that one person entangles four people, but the number of assassins is too many, ah! An assassin went around! 】

[He rushed in! 】

[He cut off the screen! He came towards you, ah ah ah his sword came over! 】

Chi Zhao: "..."

Obviously it was a life-threatening scene, but because the real-time broadcast of the system was too exciting, Chi Zhao couldn't be nervous at all. The cold-light long sword quickly lifted the curtain on the side of the dragon bed. Chi Zhao took this opportunity to roll on the bed flexibly, land quickly, and then ran out. The assassin saw this, his expression sank, and immediately Chase it.

If it was usual, Chi Zhao would not just run away like a desperate man. He would definitely turn around and choose the front face. However, once the opponent has a weapon, the second time, people in this world will martial arts. He can win by skill alone.

As a result, Chi Zhao decisively chose to escape. He died in Shen Wumian's hands for at least a while, but after all, the plot collapsed was not one or two times, but how could he die in the hands of the assassins.

The emperor's dormitory is particularly large and full of various equipment. Assassins and Chi Zhao are just like the eagle catching the chicks, one flees and the other chases. All of Chi Zhao's thoughts were not to be killed by the assassin, and he didn't notice other details at all, but the system noticed that it looked at the assassin in confusion and felt that there was something wrong.

The assassin's face was exasperated, and he did not know that the little emperor could run so much, and he was as light as a swallow. He did not know that his majesty had practiced light exercises.

After chasing for a while, I didn't catch up. Seeing the little emperor was about to run out, he was anxious and quickly shouted: "Your Majesty! Come back, I am not trying to kill you, I am taking you out of the palace!"

When Chi Zhao heard this sentence, he stopped the car immediately. He turned his head strangely and suspiciously before he could talk. I saw the assassin glaring his eyes sharply, his expression quickly vigilant, and the sword stabbed forward. Guo Chizhao's face stabbed behind him, but stabbed empty.

Chi Zhao seemed to be aware of it. He hadn't turned his head back yet, and before he looked back, the assassin and another tall and familiar figure had been fighting together.

This assassin was considered Chen Guoli's first-class master, otherwise his master would not give him the task of taking the little emperor out of the palace, but before five moves, he was captured by the defenseless Shen Wumian.

A creaking voice came, and the assassin's face flushed, and the blue tendons on his forehead almost burst. He turned his eyes hard and looked at Chi Zhao. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but he hadn't waited for him. Speaking that word out, his neck bone was broken alive by Shen Wumian.

The assassin collapsed softly, his neck bent at a very weird angle, Shen Wumian stared at the impenetrable assassin dead on the ground, and turned for a moment after a silence. Looked at the little emperor who was stagnant at the door and didn't dare move.

Just now Shen Wumian came in too fast, and Chi Zhao didn't notice his appearance. Now I saw that Chi Zhao found that he was not well-dressed, he was wearing a coat, and a robe was worn on the outside. He did n’t even wear a belt. It's like just getting up from sleep.

Chi Zhao had never seen him like this. There was no expression on his face and no temperature in his eyes. He looked at Chi Zhao with a strange look, as if looking at an object, a dead object.

Shen Wumian rushed all the way from the regent's palace outside the palace. The raid came without warning. The other party sent a total of twenty people, all of whom were top masters and were extremely familiar with the palace. Obviously, both inside and outside the palace have been replaced by his men, but these people come in effortlessly. If there is no one to answer, it is impossible.

Shen Wumian instantly remembered the last life, Chen Ye also replaced his people so quickly and silently, together with other people inside and outside, when he did not respond, took over his power and everything .

Originally heard that the assassin appeared in the palace, Shen Wumian didn't think so much. He didn't even have clothes to wear, so he came to the palace with anxiety. The Qinzheng Palace, where the jade seal and many important things were placed, did not manage it, occupying the most important geography He didn't go to the Taixing Gate where he was located. He rushed all the way, thinking of the little emperor in his heart.

When he didn't figure out who the assassin was, what he feared most was that those people were really assassins, and they came to take Chen Ye's life.

But just now, he clearly saw that when the assassin was dying, he didn't forget to remind Chen Ye to let him run away.

It turned out that this was Chen Yan's person.

This also explains why when he came over, the assassins and Chen Yan were standing at the door because they were about to leave here.

Shen Wumian now looks like Hell Shura. His eyes are full of blood, and even the end of his eyes has become a pale blood red because of too much indignation and coldness.

[He what he wants to do? Isn't he about to kill you? !! Ooooooooooo host you don't die! ——]

At the beginning, Chi Zhao was also afraid, but when the system cried so much, he was not afraid. He didn't know where he came from, so he stood in front of Shen Wumian and calmly looked at him.

Shen Wumian smiled silently, and his face was still stained with blood that he did n’t know. Rao is Shen Wumian's beautiful beauty. Such a smile can scare people ’s souls, let alone his The voice was ghastly and mumbled like death.

"Can your Majesty tell Wei Chen, where do you want to go?"

Chi took a look at him, and then looked at the assassin who was terribly dead on the ground. He opened his mouth, "I ..."

He wanted to say that he was looking for him, but Shen Wumian didn't give him a chance to continue talking. He suddenly became so mad that he grabbed the little emperor by the way he just scratched the neck of the assassin, and banged, Chi Zhao hit his head back At the thick door panel, all of a sudden, he bumped his eyes into Venus, and Shen Wumian's hand holding his neck was raised with blue muscles. It looked like he had used a great deal of force to break the pool of Chi Zhao's neck.

But in fact, Chi Zhao was able to talk and didn't feel any pain. Shen Wumian wanted to add gravity and wanted Chi Zhao to be speechless, but he couldn't tighten his hand anymore, because he knew that the neck pinched by him was very fragile, not as good as before. One tenth of the assassin. With a little hard work, the other party will not survive, and it will become a hollow body, with blank eyes, never moving again.

Chi Zhao closed her eyes and eased the aftereffects caused by the slow impact. Then he opened his eyes and looked at Shen Wumian. His expression seemed a bit painful, and even the speed of speech became slower. "I didn't want to I'm going to find you ... you bleed, let me go first ... "

Speaking, Chi Zhao stretched out a hand to touch his left shoulder. Shen Wumian froze. He looked down and found that he was really hurt, and he had a deep wound. He did n’t know when. He was stabbed by the enemy. Until now, he felt a sting, like the big hand of a pliers loosening loosely, disappearing in imprisonment. Chi Zhao did not respond for a moment, and fell directly to the ground.


The assassin was quickly dealt with, and Red Tears was sent by Shen Wumian to lead the family law because of the ineffective protector. The so-called family law was ten whip. With one whip, he could directly smash Chi Zhao to death. Her body is stronger. She is also a girl. After she has taken ten whip, it is estimated that she will not be able to return in two or three months.

The person who stayed behind in the palace was sent, and Shen Wumian sent another four to protect Chi Zhao, all four of which were Wangfu dark guards. Previously, there was only one around Chi Zhao, and now there are four. The change.

As for Shen Wumian himself, after arranging all these things, he left in a hurry. Chi Zhao sat in the brightly lit dormitory and looked at Shen Wumian's leaving figure. He felt like he was fleeing.

After busy working for half a night, Chi Zhao thought that Shen Wumian would not return, but when he was dozing his head, a figure came up in front of him. Chi Zhao opened his eyes and saw Shen Wumian, and he stood immediately Get up, "What about your shoulder injury?"

It wasn't asking whether the assassin had solved it, or whether he had caught the murderer behind the scenes. After he clearly showed his intention to kill the little emperor, the little emperor saw him. The most important thing to remember was the injury on his shoulder.

Shen Wumian stared at Chizhao for too long. Chizhao stood up carefully, and changed her name from the easy-going and intimate to the usual restraint and politeness, "Uncle Huang, are you okay?"

Shen Wumian's voice was hoarse, and he shook his head. "There is nothing to worry about, your Majesty."

Chi Zhao frowned. The four dark guards next to him were like pillars. They did not raise their heads or speak. They tried to reduce their sense of existence. Although the master did not say anything to show weakness, but in this tone, in this look, it was personal. It can be seen that he is showing his fragile side to the little emperor, the four dark guards dare not pant, and Chi Zhao also made a past.

The little emperor was still growing. Now he only reached Shen Wumian's shoulder. He raised his hand and tore off Shen Wumian's clothes. When he saw the wound that had not been bandaged at all, it was a rare anger. "Uncle! You are Are you dead! Come, pass on the doctor! "

The dark guard was hesitant for a moment, Shen Wumian turned his back on them. They could not see the expression of the master, and did not know the meaning of the master. However, after thinking about it, the dark guard responded quickly, "Yes."

The Royal Doctor came very quickly and saw that he was going to see the Regent King. The Royal Doctor shook his leg and almost knelt on the ground.

The Royal Medical Doctor specifically treats the emperor, and the Taiyi Medical Doctor sees the royal family. Before coming, the Royal Medical Doctor has heard that the Regent King led soldiers to rush into the residences of seven ministers of the Central Government, and directly told the ministers who were still sleeping. The dog dragged out the door like a dead dog. The three beheaded directly, and the remaining four went to jail.

If people used to be dissatisfied with the regent's approach because of his power, then now people don't dare to say dissatisfaction, because this is the tyrant behavior properly! He was convicted without asking. What if he was wronged?

The doctor did not know that the emperor had been assassinated, and thought that something else had happened. At this time, he gave the regent medicine, but he did not show it, but in fact he was crying. He wanted to finish the medicine and hurried away, but the little emperor stared at him side by side, and from time to time he uttered a sentence, "How come the medicine powder is so much out, will you ever take the medicine?"

The regent was a tyrant, and the emperor was not much better.

For a moment, the royal doctor seemed to see Chen Guo's miserable future.


After finally taking the medicine, the royal doctor quickly quit. Just because of the medicine, Shen Wumian dropped his shirt, and the dark guards were also sent out by him. At this time, there are two of them, Shen Wumian. Gathering his coat and pursing his lips for a moment, he said, "Wei Chen blame Your Majesty, please Majesty punish me."

Hearing this, Chi Zhao's heart shook. Don't tease him and punish him. Then he should die?

Chi Zhao smiled, intending to confuse the matter. "Uncle Huang joked, I never blame the Uncle Huang. Uncle Huang has been busy all night and is tired now. Why not rest here?"

With Shen Wumian's rigid temper, he would certainly not stay in the emperor's palace. Chi Zhao said that he wanted to leave him. Who knows, Shen Wumian looked up at him and nodded obediently. "Thank Your Majesty."

Chi Zhao: "..." You too would go down the donkey.

Shen Wumian rested here for a whole day, even though it was out of business, because there were four dark guards guarding it here, and a fly could not fly in, so those who had troubled the regent ’s voice to release the minister, It didn't even reach the Lord ’s ears.

Chi Zhao looked bitterly and bitterly at Shen Wumian's sleeping appearance, and did not know when he would return his bed.

What rules, oh, are deceiving.

It was already dark, and Shen Wumian on the other side finally opened his eyes. He was really tired last night. He was really tired, and coupled with the narcotic effect in the powder, he only slept longer.

When he woke up, Chi Zhao had finished eating dinner. Chi Zhao heard the movement behind him and dropped the dark brown glass bowl in his hand. He turned his head and blinked, "Uncle Huang is awake, wait, wait, 朕Go and get you a cup of tea. "

Shen Wumian didn't like others to serve in person, so no **** eunuch dared to come in this day, or they had given the little emperor food and medicine before, and they came in boldly a few times. At this time, two bowls of medicine were on the table. Shen Wumian sat up slowly, seeing the two bowls of medicine, he paused.

His gaze stayed on these two bowls of medicine. After watching for a while, he got out of bed and came to the table. Pozhao poured tea, turned around, and saw Shen Wumian picking up the bowl he had just taken. Then he raised his arm and looked like that, he seemed to want to drink it.

Chi Zhao opened his eyes wide, lowered the tea cup, ran over, grabbed it back, because he had too much strength, and scattered half a bowl of medicine on the carpet.

"Wrong! This is mine, that's yours!"

Looking at the scared and scared look of the little emperor, Shen Wumian froze. Chi Zhao laid down the medicine bowl and said, "Uncle Huang, are you hungry? Do you need to make a meal?"

What the little emperor was saying, Shen Wumian could not hear him anymore, and his heart was cooling down bit by bit, just like the medicinal juice with rapid temperature loss on the ground. Now he has only one thought left in his mind.

— It turns out he knew.

The author has something to say: System: [Applause and cheer where Chi Zhao cannot see] abuse him! Give me a lot of abuse! 2k novel reading network