MTL - I Really Want To Go Against The Sky-Chapter 1771 The origin of water system spirit veins!

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After a few words with Yang Fan, the spirit emperor cut his voice and asked Yang Fan, his eyes involuntarily fell on the cypress who had been standing behind Yang Fan and turned into a white beard and white flower.

"Brother didn't let it go, nor did he help it destroy the water system spirit veins here, right?"

Yang Fan shook his head slightly, waved to Hinoki, Hinoki gestured, and politely bowed to the spirit emperor, thunder emperor, and sword emperor. Then his chin slightly raised, and he spoke softly with a small face :

"The deity Juniper, that is the'that tree demon' just mentioned by Lord Linghuang, has seen three Lord Emperors."

"I want to correct a problem with Lord Linghuang, that is, although the deity is enlightened by cypress trees, it is not Yaozhi, but the line of Lingzhi. I hope Lord Linghuang will not use such a humble name as the tree demon to insult this deity. ."


Yang Fan kicked the cypress who was pretending to be big here to the ground.

"Asshole thing, how do you talk to my sister Linghuang?"

"Remember, the words of my sister Linghuang are imperial edicts. She said that you are a tree demon and you are a tree demon. You have to be a tree demon. You don't have the right to speak and question here. Remember?"

"It's really the opposite!"

Speaking, Yang Fan hurriedly accompanied Ye Feiyan with a smiling face, and said softly:

"Sister Linghuang, don't blame it, this girl is the pet beast that the younger brother just conquered. He hasn't been trained and doesn't understand the rules. When I look back, my younger brother will definitely clean it up!"

When the spirit emperor, thunder emperor and sword emperor heard the words, the corners of their mouths twitched at the same time.

Seeing that he was kicked to the ground by Yang Fan, he was kneeling on the ground and didn't even dare to lift his head. He was full of disbelief.

It’s just that you don’t understand the rules?

A strong second-level Hedao Realm, who was so tame by you that you knelt on the ground like a third grandson and dare not even say a word. This is not because you don’t know the rules, this is too much!

Yang Fan, this kid, absolutely deliberately!

Seeing his glamorous and dazzling look, what is the difference from a kid who got a full score and won a certificate and ran home and kept showing off in front of his parents?

At least, in the eyes of the three emperors, Yang Fan's appearance is not only unpleasant, but even very cute.

Yang Fan wanted to tell them with facts that this alien spirit plant from an alien star field was completely under his control, so that they didn't have to worry about it.

"This child's talent and means in taming the beasts is really unacceptable!"

The three emperors sighed in their hearts at the same time.

Regarding everything about Yang Fan, they had already understood from the original will that was fed back from the clone.

But memory and feedback, how can they see it with their own eyes more real and shocking?


In their memory, the highest pet beast cultivation level that Yang Fan can master is only the highest level of the supreme level.

And the alien plant in front of him, but a great master who fits the Dao Realm properly, even if it is compared to their three second-level supreme ones, it is a whole higher level.

Now, even such a strong Lingzhi in the Harmony Realm was taken by Yang Fan as a pet beast, and he was more obedient and well-behaved than the three grandsons. How could this make them not surprised and shocked?

Especially the sword emperor Pan Shaoyang, he remembered clearly that when his divine sword clone left Yang Fan to return to the main body, he also specially advised Yang Fan to let them proceed with caution, and don’t underestimate them. All the rules of the Origin Avenue comprehend the complete elementary supreme.

It is quite certain that Yang Fan and the likes of a group of imperial peaks and incomplete sacreds, who have not fulfilled the rules of the avenue, will certainly not be the opponents of the five demon kings and their three emperors who can enter the state of harmony at any time.

now what.

Is there any slap in the face?

Yang Fan was still the same Yang Fan, but he easily subdued a spiritual plant in the realm of harmony, and rescued the three of them who had just broken the boundary and could enter the state of harmony at any time.

This cypress tree spirit plant could easily capture the three of them with the strength of the pinnacle supreme realm before it broke the boundary. Now everyone has successfully entered the He Dao realm, and the cultivation base has been increased several times. Wanting to shoot the three of them to death is just like playing.

As a result, such an awesome plant in the spirit of the Taoist realm became Yang Fan's favorite beast, no matter what they thought, it would make them feel incredible.

"Brother Yang Fanxian, great!"

The Sword Emperor gave Yang Fan a thumbs up cruelly, and there was an inexplicable flame in his eyes, admiring Yang Fan.

"Yes, yes!" Ling Huang Ye Feiyan also giggled: "My younger brother is amazing, and even the spiritual plants of the entire Dao realm can be subdued, much better than my sister!"

Lei Huang also showed a kind and kind smile, and said quietly: "It's really unexpected, I'm amazed by my brother!"

The three emperors all praised Yang Fan. No one was jealous or dissatisfied because of Yang Fan’s strength and aptitude. They all sincerely felt extremely gratified and happy for Yang Fan’s achievement today. .

It feels like a parent who has accompanied a high school student for three years and finally sees that his child has received his favorite college admission letter. Parents are even more happier than those who are admitted to college.

Yang Fan was blushing when they saw him, and he felt happy.

He could feel that the reason why the three Emperors were like this was not only because they were affected by the Favorability of the Charm skill.

More importantly, the three of them are seniors with broad minds like the sea. Seeing that there are younger generations, Tianjiao, and latecomers, and seeing the future of the human race like a rainbow, they are all happy from the heart. .

"The three elder brothers and sisters are too acclaimed, these are basic operations, not worth mentioning!"

Yang Fan humbly said a few words seriously, and then answered her second question to Linghuang with a face.

"As for the water system spirit veins in this secret realm, sister Linghuang doesn't have to worry about it. It has been safely separated from Cypress, which is the eyeless little tree monster."

"It's a pity that this water system spiritual vein has not yet given birth to autonomous spirituality and cannot communicate normally, otherwise the younger brother can call it out to meet the three brothers and sisters!"

"To be honest, if it wasn't for the Linghuang sister to remind her in time, the younger brother might have cut the water vein in two with a single knife. It should come out to speak to the Linghuang sister. thank."

Ye Feiyan chuckled and shook his head: "Brother's words are a bit exaggerated, and I don't have that much credit."

"The main thing is that the younger brother is more capable. If you hadn't tame this spiritual plant in advance, even if the older sister could transmit a hundred sentences, it might not be of any use."

When sending a warning to Yang Fan in a trance, Ye Feiyan just reported the dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Unexpectedly, Yang Fan was so awesome, he immediately clamped down on Juniper, not only preserved the water system spirit veins, but also easily rescued the three of them.

For Ye Feiyan, this was definitely a surprise.

"My elder sister is too modest, and my elder sister was able to risk the sound transmission in that situation. It is also indispensable. In any case, this water system spirit vein owes my sister a great favor, if it knows a little bit of things. , There should be some expression."


As soon as Yang Fan's words fell, the ground under their feet trembled and roared slightly, and then, just three feet in front of Ye Feiyan, a crack in the ground suddenly appeared.



Several blue lights flashed, and there were four drops of water-blue spiritual veins floating between Yang Fan and Linghuang.

Seeing this situation, Yang Fan couldn't help but twitched, and he chuckled lightly.


This underground water system spiritual vein still has some sense, even if the spiritual wisdom is not born, it already possesses some spirituality.

It's like a monster that hasn't fully opened up its mind, even if it can't speak and think like a human being, it already has its own likes and dislikes.

Knowing who is good to oneself and who is evil to oneself naturally also has the concept of knowing gratitude and retribution.

Yang Fan kept mentioning this matter just now, he was deliberately guiding this water system spirit vein. Now it seems that Yang Fan's guidance was very successful.

Looking at the origin of the four drops of water-blue spirit veins floating in front of him, Yang Fan directly threw it away with an identification technique.

Soon, blue attribute text descriptions appeared on the four drops of origin.

Item name: Water System Spirit Vein Origin (Imperial Level)

Quality: Five-star perfect

Efficacy: Strengthen the flesh and blood, improve the martial arts qualifications.

Attributes: Strength +99999, Constitution +99999, Agility +99999, Qi and Blood Strength +999999, Current Level +2.

Restrictions on consumption: above the first level

Remarks: The gospel of Faye and the hope of warriors are not available to those who are not lucky!

Seeing the attributes of the origin of these spiritual pulses, Yang Fan's breathing couldn't help but his blood pressure began to soar.

The other attributes that increase the measurement attributes and the strength of Qi and blood are nothing more than they are basically the same as the Water Vein Elf that Yang Fan conquered before.

But its last attribute description is to make Yang Fan's eyes straight.

The current level is +2!

The effect turned out to be twice the origin of the Heaven and Earth Spirit Vessel!

Such a powerful attribute is simply the Plath in the origin of spiritual veins!

Beside, UU reading has been kneeling on the ground and serving as the background board. When he saw the origin of the four drops of blue spirit veins, his two eyes were about to bulge out.

"It turned out to be the origin of the water system spirit vein!"

"Nima! Ah, it's hidden deep enough!"

"The deity has been in harmony with you for more than one hundred and fifty years. You are reluctant to take out a drop to share with the deity. You also lied to the deity that you have never condensed this thing, which caused the deity to suffer so hard at the ninth level It will take a long time to make progress!"

"It's great now. On the first day of meeting with others, I took out four drops of the source in one breath. It's really unreasonable!"

"The deity is not convinced!"

Cypress growled unwillingly in the bottom of her heart.

However, there was no use for eggs. Everyone present, whether it was Yang Fan, the Three Emperors, or the underground water system spirit vein, didn't care what the mood of a prisoner was.