MTL - I Really Want to Sleep Until I Wake Up Naturally-Chapter 8 Lazy wake up

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The next day, Ran Xing went to class as usual.

After breakfast in the cafeteria, Ran Xing saw Fu Xuechen from a distance.

Fu Xuechen was wearing white T, light blue jeans and sneakers. The simple and clean outfit made him look like a **** descended from the earth, with a celestial air and no dust.

He held a potted plant in his right hand at will. The potted plant was white potted with black soil and green leaves and pink flowers. Ran Xing did not recognize what species it was, but the potted plant was well taken care of and looked fresh and beautiful. , or the boy holding this potted plant is too shocking to be stunning, so there is a pleasing look.

Passing girls passed by him, all of them exclaimed in low voice: "So handsome!"

Fu Xuechen is the kind of character that only exists in romance novels or anime, so it's almost unreal.

Ran Xing stared at him for a few seconds, wondering if she should go up to say hello, but thinking that the two of them were not familiar at all, she gave up, turned around and left.

Fu Xuechen walked straight to her and handed the potted plant to Ran Xing: "Here."

She has a pair of talking eyes, which are particularly appropriate and moving when they are confused.

She is a little confused at the moment, but this confusion is not about Fu Xuechen's behavior, but: "What kind of flower is this?"

Forgive her shallow knowledge and clumsiness, she didn't see what kind of flower it was after looking at it for a long time.

But the flower is quite special, the heart-shaped petals are very interesting, so I asked curiously.

Fu Xuechen was accustomed to this girl's jumping thinking, and immediately said with a chuckle, "Pink palm."

Ran Xing nodded with a little head, and then said "oh" slowly.

Immediately afterwards, he didn't feel that he and Fu Xuechen were familiar enough to chat and say hello, so he just turned and walked towards the Eastern Church.

Go...go away...

Fu Xuechen stared at the petite and thin back that walked in front of him ruthlessly, and stood there in a daze.

She is...not going to accept it, right!

Fu Xuechen thought she should understand what he meant after he posted last night, but now this situation is a bit unexpected.

But he just wanted to give her this pot of flowers, no matter what.

He frowned and thought for a while, then chased after him and handed over the potted plant again. He changed his words: "Take it."

Ran Xing is quite lazy, but when others clearly ask her to help with something, she will cooperate obediently. hold.

It's just that Ran Xing thought that Fu Xuechen asked him to help with the potted plant, but in fact, he didn't do anything, so he handed the potted plant to her, and then walked side by side with her.

Ran Xing didn't quite understand this situation, her cheeks were bulging, and she didn't know what to do.

Fu Xuechen lowered his eyes slightly, thinking about how... confession.

The white wind blows slowly over the school, and the white and soft clouds slowly creep forward.

The school is beautiful, and in the early morning, the atmosphere is quiet and peaceful.

There are four little girls wearing camouflage uniforms with shoulders hooked on their backs, and they are the new students who come up this year.

The newcomers are full of expectations and curiosity about this top domestic school. They have undisguised and confident smiles on their faces, saying this loudly and making noise.

Looking at these freshmen, Ran Xing would recall the scene when she first entered the school last year, and then she immediately felt like an old man.

The girls passing by were very bright and beautiful. When they saw Fu Xuechen, they exclaimed, "Damn, the school principal is so handsome!"

Immediately, I sighed regretfully, "It's a pity that he has a girlfriend, but his girlfriend is also super beautiful."

Ran Xing listened to this conversation and glanced back at the other party, not knowing whether to call her blind or praise her for her good eyesight.

Blind because she is not Fu Xuechen's girlfriend.

Good eyesight is because she is really super beautiful.

Fu Xuechen smiled when he heard this, feeling that this new class...the future is promising.

He had a light smile on his face.

Well, if even the school girl thinks she is my girlfriend, I don't feel like making her my girlfriend... a little sorry.

What's more, she is his sleeping pill.

Without her, he would die.

Fu Xuechen was struggling with how to speak, and there was a rare feeling of "love is hard to open in my heart".

She had no reason to think of yesterday's forum post saying that the height difference between the two was thirty centimeters.

She probably really has, because she only went to Fu Xuechen's chest, she was 158, Fu Xuechen should have 188.

Ran wake up this person, when walking on the road, his thoughts are more floating, he will be in a daze and think about something in a mess.

She thought about the height difference between the two, glanced at the potted plant in her hand, and suddenly thought of the poster of a certain Hollywood movie. She felt that the two of them are now copies of the poster.

This idea is very interesting, she thought about sharing it with Fu Xuechen, and she opened her mouth and said, "Fu Xuechen, have you seen the movie "This Killer Is Not Too Cold"?"

Fu Xuechen smiled and nodded: "I have seen it."

When you have insomnia for a long time, you naturally have a lot of time waiting to pass, watching movies is one of them.

Ran Xing's voice was soft and a little excited: "Do you remember the scene where Matilda and Leon moved? Matilda was also holding a potted plant at that time, green radish, and Leon walks side by side together. I think the image of me walking side by side with you holding a potted plant is exactly the same as that scene."

"The Killer Is Not Too Cold" tells the story of an uncle and a loli.

Fu Xuechen glanced at the little girl who was no more than 160. She had big eyes and a pointed chin.

In the poster, Matilda holds a bag in her left hand and Luluo in her right hand, which is similar to Ran Xing’s left shoulder canvas bag at the moment

However, Fu Xuechen was not convinced, and said in a long and lazy tone: "Ran Xing, you look really loli. But me, although I have dark circles under my eyes, I have not experienced the vicissitudes of life. Such an uncle!"

Ran Xing turned around, looked up at Fu Xuechen's beautiful face, looked at the way he was sleeping beside her every day, and knew that this guy stayed up late every day, but I didn't know if it was him He really used Ma Yinglong's hemorrhoid cream, his dark circles have lightened a little, of course they still exist, but they are not as deep as before.

If Ma Yinglong is used, it means that Ma Yinglong hemorrhoid cream is still useful for dark circles.

Ran Xing's thoughts wandered in various ways, and after a while, he also felt that it was not good for a boy of the same age as him to play the uncle, so he praised very seriously and sincerely: " still Pretty tender."

I'm really not used to rainbow farts, so it's embarrassing.

You’re so tender, so tender, so tender…

Being praised by a little girl as "very tender", that style of painting is called a weird one.

Ran Xing did not continue to entangle with him about this rainbow fart, which is not very rainbow, except to make herself more embarrassed, she defended herself seriously: "You don't think , We have such a huge height difference, do I walk with you like a daughter following my father?"

Fu Xuechen: "..."

Come on, girl!

Fu Xuechen also thinks that father and daughter are very suitable for them, but he is quite... sane Girl, basically every time she speaks astonishingly, she looks like she is about to cry.

Ran Xing was silent for a moment, then said slowly and warmly: "Also, I want to talk to you face to face, and I have to raise my head and look at the sky."

Speaking, the little girl raised her head, demonstrating the awkward chat angle of looking up at the sky.

Fu Xuechen really thinks that the girl's brain circuit is novel, but she is really funny and funny, watching the little girl look up at the sky like she is playing tricks, the corners of his lips are upturned, and he begins to cut in After a few chattering patterns, he replied leisurely: "No, it's not bad, talk to me more, and you don't have to worry about neck lines."

Ran Xing has always felt that she is not suitable for chatting awkwardly with strangers. She has a magical ability to chat awkwardly.

But Fu Xuechen has another ability, that is, he can strike back from time to time and make her particularly convinced.

For example, at this moment, she nodded in approval: "You said that, yes."

Fu Xuechen is so tall, chatting with him is really suitable for preventing neck wrinkles.

After Ran Xing finished speaking, he didn't say anything, just walked to the Eastern Church in silence.

She is very jumpy in her thinking, and the topic is constantly changing. Her biggest feeling just now is that the height difference between her and Fu Xuechen is too touching, so she chatted for a few words, and there was no topic to talk about. Chatted.

She is not the kind of person who will deliberately find topics to talk to people embarrassingly, not only that, even if she does not talk to people for a long time, she will not have any embarrassment, as for embarrassment of others, she will never let it go on the heart.

Therefore, the two of them quieted down and just walked forward quietly.

After walking for a while, Ran woke up and felt...a little tired.

Students at our school can’t help but laugh at themselves that their school has always competed with a university in Shanghai by relying on space.

This school covers an amazing area. From the living area to the teaching area, you can break your legs, so many people have bicycles, but it is not convenient to ride a bicycle. The congestion caused by everyone riding a bicycle is also super scary.

Ran Xing feels tired every time she walks so far, but today she has a reason.

She hugged the potted plant.

The potted plant was handed over, and Jiaojiao said: "This is so heavy, I can't carry it, and I have already carried half of the journey for you, and you can take the remaining half yourself!"

Fu Xuechen looked at the potted plant that was about to be returned, and laughed lightly, "I feel tired after holding it for so long!"

Ran Xing nodded vigorously, full of squeamishness: "I'm really tired."

Fu Xuechen looked down at her condescendingly, and jokingly said: "Ran Xing, you are calling lazy wake up!"

Ran Xing choked for a while, she admitted that she was lazy, but: "What's wrong with me being lazy, I'm too lazy to be candid, I'm too lazy to be calm, and it doesn't hinder anyone."

In short, a "I'm lazy, what can you do with me" expression.

Fu Xuechen gave the girl a full smile: "So lazy, you are quite proud."

Although Ran Xing is too lazy to be magnanimous, she will never be proud of her laziness. She only has a "super fierce" expression and shoved the potted plant with both hands: "Take it away, your potted plants."

Fu Xuechen inserted both hands into his trouser pockets, refused to take back the things he had given out, and replied nonchalantly, "I'm lazy too and don't want to move."

Ran Xing saw that he refused to move the potted plants, and she was very angry, she said angrily: "I didn't hinder you when I was lazy, but now you are so lazy and hinder me."

Fu Xuechen's expression was as light as the cloud over the school: "Yes, then continue to hinder you!"

Ran Xing: "..."

The author has something to say:This is God Fu who gave a potted plant to confess.

Read Bamboo Forest Manager