MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 42 Horror variety (7)

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Zhou Luochen, the madman, he must have put the snake in the ventilation duct, in order to force himself to yell or drive him out of the pipeline!

Seeing that Zhou Luochen walked out of the living room with a glass box, Cheng Zhichu’s blood was cold, his hands and feet were numb, and it was unbelievable that someone would treat the young child in such a cruel and horrible way, and see his behavior and behavior. I did this for the first time.

So the things in the basement are stacked together, just enough for the children to climb into the pipe, the hood of the vent is aging, and Zhou Luochen deliberately left.

The vents of other rooms were not sealed, but the floral scent was used as a cover for the rot of the body. It was an opportunity for the children to climb out of the pipeline and play hide-and-seek with him in the villa.

This beast is enjoying the thrill of playing these children in the palm of your hand. Kill them when you have enough, sow the seeds of roses in their bodies and make them into pots and flowers!

And his fingers must have been deliberately broken by Zhou Luochen. Although he is not bleeding now, there must be a **** smell on his body. Once the snakes who are sensitive to blood smells come in, they will be able to find him immediately.

Cheng Zhichu didn't know if the snakes had any toxins. Zhou Luochen just clipped the snakes with clips. Without direct touch, it means that the snakes are at least not a meek breed. He can't stay in the pipeline and must find an exit from the pipeline. Go out.

He tried to shake the net cover of the living room, but perhaps Zhou Luochen was afraid that the child could escape directly from the door of the living room. The net cover here was extremely firm and could not be opened.

So he had to change direction, struggled to climb up, finally found a less secure net cover, tried to move the net cover halfway with minimal movement, and carefully jumped from above to the floor.

Before he jumped, he took off his shoes and put them in the ventilation ducts, only wearing socks. Because walking barefoot, the sound will be small and almost no sound will be heard.

Because Zhou Luochen could not find out where he came from, Cheng Zhichu moved the chair under the vents, held the album placed on the bedside, fixed the net cover back to the original position, and placed the chair and album back.

The room he climbed out was exactly the bedroom of Zhou Luochen. The layout here and almost nothing he had seen before, but the color of the wall was whiter and looked newer.

The portrait was hung in its original position. The boy in the painting was pure and smiling, and the light was clear. Standing in the sea of ​​roses, it was really beautiful.

Just thinking of the bones buried under the flowers, Cheng Zhichu shuddered and removed his gaze.

The chair he had just moved was just below the portrait. The chair seemed to be placed here. The floor supporting the legs of the chair had shallow dents. It seems that Zhou Luochen often sat here and obsessedly looked at the picture.

Cheng Zhichu knew that he couldn't stay here all the time. When he just wanted to go out, he suddenly heard a footstep in the corridor, and there was a gentle voice of Zhou Luochen.

"In the beginning, where are you? Don't hide from your uncle, come out soon."

How did this metamorphosis come up so soon!

When Cheng Zhichu's face changed slightly, he heard Zhou Luochen coming over and pressed the door handle of the bedroom and gently pushed the door in.

"Know the beginning?"

Zhou Luochen’s eyes swept through the house. Everything was as usual. There seemed to be no trace of anyone entering, and the vents were also intact.

Cheng Zhichu was kneeling under the bed, and through the narrow gap between the fallen sheets and the ground, he was nervously watching the feet standing at the door.

His tight palms ooze a thin sweat, and he prayed in his heart that Zhou Luochen did not find any abnormalities and could leave immediately.

However, contrary to expectations, Zhou Luochen just paused and then went straight into the bedroom and closed the door.

When Cheng Zhichu breathed a stagnation, the heart almost stopped. His hands and feet were cold, his forehead sweating, watching Zhou Luochen's figure turn around in the bedroom, then went to the corner, opened the closet, and flipped the clothes inside.

At this time, Zhou Luochen was facing the bed. If he could, Cheng Zhichu wanted to climb out and escaping from the door. He knew that Zhou Luochen would soon check the bed and he would definitely find him.

But when Zhou Luochen entered the house, he closed the door. If he had to go out from the door, the sound of the hand being pressed would inevitably alarm Zhou Luochen. At that time, he would definitely be seen by Zhou Luochen.

Zhou Luochen turned over the closet, determined that there was no one inside, and picked up the curtains of the ground, and there was no figure.

The bedroom can hide only the bottom of the bed. Zhou Luochen raised a smile on his lips and leaned over to open the sheets, but the bed was empty and the boy was not hidden inside.

Not here?

The handsome man picked up his eyebrows and was not annoyed. The interest in his look was more intense. He stood in front of the boy's portrait and quietly enjoyed it for a while before turning around and going out of the bedroom to continue searching for other places.


When the door was closed, the house was quiet, and after a while, the clothes in the closet moved, and Cheng Zhichu got out of it and gasped.

Just as Zhou Luochen was facing the house and flipping the curtains, he saw that if he didn’t transfer, he would really be discovered, so he ventured out of the bed and hid in the closet that had just been turned over and got into the clothes. In the heap.

Fortunately, Zhou Luochen did not close the closet door, and he flipped the curtains and the sound of the cloth rubbing into the pile of clothes. He did not cause suspicion. He was lucky enough to escape and was not seen by Zhou Luochen.

If there are more times, he will probably be scared to death before being discovered by this perversion.

Cheng Zhichu licked his chest and his face was very pale.

Just now he was nervous and the heart was exploding, but he did not even dare to breathe, and desperately licked his mouth, not letting himself make any movements.

This feeling is really terrible... I couldn’t think of it before, a living person could be even more terrible than a ghost.

After waiting for a while in the room, I couldn't hear Zhou Luochen's footsteps. Cheng Zhichu carefully opened the door to a door and secretly looked out to make sure that Zhou Luochen was not nearby, and he went out quietly.

This villa is very large, except this time just hit Zhou Luochen, every time I heard a voice, Cheng Zhichu quickly turned and fled, and never even got close to each other.

The villa is filled with fragrance everywhere, and the colorful flowers are beautifully filled. Even if Cheng Zhichu can't smell the smell of the body, it has been completely covered up.

The corridors are full of paintings, many of which are portraits of children. When Cheng Zhichu passed under the paintings, there was always an illusion that they were watching him. The pure smile of that day seemed to be covered with layers of shadows. Among the **** villas, it looks like awkward.

Unknowingly, Cheng Zhichu walked into a studio, where many statues and unfinished paintings were filled with the smell of paint.

Cheng Zhichu looked up at the clock on the wall. Although he didn't know what time it was when he woke up, it was more than an hour since he first saw the time.

Plus the time ahead, the time limit of two hours is very close, as long as he insists for a while, he will win.

Even if he wins the game, he still has to find another way to see the boss, and the result of losing the game is the same, but Cheng Zhichu does not want to lose the game, do not want to fall into this Zhou Luochen, at least after going out from the painting, He can still face the boss with his current body.

And that boss... Cheng Zhichu frowned and frowned.

Although the game was just beginning, he decided that this ghost should be Zhou Luochen, but after gradually calming down, he felt some violation.

The ghost claimed that he would appear as a "person" and chase him. It is now certain that the person chasing him is Zhou Luochen. However, when the ghost exchanges games with him, he still uses only words and does not use Zhou Luochen's image to explain.

Chasing him, Zhou Luochen seems to be a two-divided individual. He does not mention the game, and he only seems to regard him as a child, not an adult who uses children's body.

What is going on here... Is the ghost hiding something, or is it lying, in fact, it is not Zhou Luochen? However, there is no third person in this villa...

Cheng Zhichu did not want to understand, no longer think about it, turned and walked out of the studio.

He did not dare to stay too much in the same position, because Zhou Luochen obviously found out that he did not always hide somewhere, but used his voice to judge where Zhou Luochen was and to circle with him.

So not long after, Zhou Luochen did not say anything, the villa fell into a silence, Cheng Zhichu does not know where Zhou Luochen is.

Now Cheng Zhichu is on the second floor, hiding behind a huge potted plant, and watching it very carefully. There were no obvious obstacles under his feet, so he didn't pay much attention, but when he noticed, he found that he had stepped on a messy thing.

It is glue!

I found that I couldn’t lift my feet. Cheng Zhichu’s face changed. I really couldn’t think that Zhou Luochen was so insidious. He applied glue to places that are easy to hide and wanted to stick him.

In order to avoid footsteps, he had already put his shoes in the ventilation ducts, and now he only has a pair of socks on his feet. Fortunately fortunately, he is not completely barefoot, otherwise the flesh is glued to it, and he really can't get out.

Cheng Zhichu immediately kneel down to take off the socks, the action must be very careful, otherwise it is easy to stick to the hand.

But at this time, a footstep suddenly came from the stairs, and Zhou Luochen came up from the first floor.


Rao is the good temper of Cheng Zhichu. At this time, he can't help but greet Zhou Luochen's family in his heart. He is so anxious that he is sweating. He wants to take off his socks, but he can't make any sound, and he can't touch the potted leaves. Very difficult.

Zhou Luochen walked up to the second floor, his face was sinking like water, his lips were tight, and his mood was extremely bad.

Because he couldn't find the boy's trace, his patience has been warned. He didn't expect the boy to be so smart, but also so patient. After so long, no sound was made. It is very difficult for ordinary children to do this.

Will it not have escaped? Impossible, except for the gate, there are no other exits here, but the gates are not open easily, and must have the keys in his hands.

Despite this thought, Zhou Luochen couldn't help but wonder if the boy had escaped, and the look was more and more gloomy.

After Cheng Zhichu was in the pot, he saw Zhou Luochen getting closer and closer, but his socks had just been taken off. He couldn’t help but look pale and nervous enough to breathe.

"Bell - bell -"

At this time, a very hurried doorbell suddenly came downstairs, and the door was also ringing hard. Bai Xixing shouted outside the door: "Zhou teacher, teacher! We found the beginning!"

The two people in the house were shocked at the same time. Cheng Zhichu had not reacted yet. How could he be "find"? Zhou Luochen changed his face slightly and immediately returned to go downstairs. He wanted to open the door and ask what was going on.

As he left, Cheng Zhichu took the time to take off another stocking, and hid in a house with bare feet, and gasped on the ground.

Why haven't it been two hours? Why is it not over yet? He is really going to hold up!

His emotions have collapsed a bit, and his heart is extremely tormented. He only hopes that time will pass faster. Perhaps his prayers have worked. At this time, a bloodline appeared on the floor and he announced to him that the game is over.

Two hours have arrived. you win.

He won...? Did he escape from Zhou Luochen's hand?

Is it true that he won, no need to escape...

Cheng Zhichu squatted for a few seconds, and the tight body relaxed and squatted. He was soft and immediately fell to the ground. After a huge fear and exhaustion, he couldn’t move with a finger. The feeling of crying.

After a while, suddenly there was a sound of heavy objects falling to the ground downstairs. Then two footsteps hurried up the stairs. The doorway was heard by the door. The people seemed to be looking anxiously. what.

Why has he not returned yet? Even if he wins the game, he still has to face Zhou Luochen's metamorphosis?

Cheng Zhichu was a little panicked, struggling to get up from the ground, flinching back, subconsciously wanting to hide in the closet.


It was at this time that the door was opened and a figure came in from outside the door—


In the dark villa, Bai Xixing and Ji Yunxiao waited in the room. The photographer who was in a coma before woke up and sat on the ground desperately, thinking that he was going to die here.

Since Cheng Zhichu went upstairs, the blood words told them not to go out of the room, they never appeared again, and the upstairs was very quiet.

Ji Yunxiao clenched his hands, his face was pale, his lower lip had been faintly biting and bleeding, and he was obviously worried about Cheng Zhichu's condition.

Compared with him, Bai Xixing is relatively indifferent, silent for a long time, suddenly said a gentle sentence: "Cheng Xuedi will not have something, we will go out safely from here."

"Do you have any clues about the ghosts that exist in the villa?" Ji Yunxiao licked his lips and asked, "Will it be Zhou Luochen Zhou teacher?"

"I don't know." Bai Xixing said, his eyes showed a little bit of ridiculous irony, calmly said, "But I think... it won't be Teacher Zhou."

- If Zhou Luochen will become a devil, it should have changed long ago, and he will certainly be killed by the devil.

After all, he personally buried Zhou Luochen's body in the courtyard, using those flesh and blood to plant a beautiful rose, just like Zhou Luochen once did to those children.

What's more, on the day the cousin killed Zhou Luochen, he also helped a lot.

Bai Xixing lowered his eyelashes and raised a faint smile on his lips.

In fact, how could he not know Cheng Zhichu? He not only knew, even after his cousin disappeared, he also monitored Cheng Zhichu, and he knew everything about his every move.

Because he is the child in the cousin's painting, and also the sweetheart of the cousin.

He has always believed that one day, the cousin will come back for Cheng Zhichu, and he must be at the side of Cheng Zhichu.

Cheng Zhichu, who was still very young, was strongly stimulated and forgot many things, but he remembered everything that happened in the villa at that time.

"Brother, are you crazy? How can you stun Zhou teacher?"

Seeing that Zhou Luochen fainted, Bai Xixing looked incredulous and looked at his cousin with amazement: "We haven't determined that Cheng Zhichu was hidden by Teacher Zhou. If he is not here, he is stunned. How do you explain it later?"

"Someone saw that Zhou Luochen took a boy out of the trunk of the car and brought it into the villa. Isn't that enough?"

The handsome young man was lightly stunned and glanced at Zhou Luochen, who was unconscious. He said without any temperature: "Time can also be right, that is, at the beginning of the knowledge, he hid the knowledge, but did not admit it. We lie."


Bai Xixing is speechless. Indeed, they came to see Teacher Zhou for the first time. Teacher Zhou said that he did not know the whereabouts of the child. Later, they asked around and finally said that it was like seeing a boy, but here is Mr. Zhou.

They were suspicious of the teacher, so they lied that they found the boy and tried to test the teacher. If not, the teacher’s expression was a little flustered, and they opened the door and asked them what was going on.

He had wanted to test a few more words, but he didn't expect the cousin to stun the teacher directly, and he was very heavy.

He never knew that the cousin who had always been indifferent had such a terrible tyrannical side.

"Take Zhou Luochen up, block his mouth and throw it into the room."

Bai Yi suddenly said coldly.

"... Is this necessary? This is Teacher Zhou..."

Hearing his words, Bai Xixing opened his mouth slightly. Every move of today's cousin goes far beyond his cognition, making him feel very strange, as if from the boy's appearance, his cousin becomes another person.

"No matter who he is, he has touched the beginning."

Bai Yi’s voice is very light, but the twilight is as thick as the darkness of the dead, without the slightest light, which makes Bai Xi’s body cold and cold, and has produced deep fear from the bottom of his heart.

"What if he did what he knew..."

"I will kill him."


Bai Yi's Diary · Part 42

The nightmare is still going on.

This time, the first time I fell into the water, the goddess of spring brought out the current knowledge, the early childhood, and the girl’s early knowledge, asked me which one was my knowledge.

Although I liked it at any time, I still liked the question of the goddess honestly. I said that the beginning of the knowledge is my knowledge.

But the goddess took all three of the knowledge.

She said that I was lying and said that I didn't know at all.


I hate this story.

The author has something to say: I have never been clear about it. When I reply to you, will jj have a hint, or do you want to flip it yourself to see the duck? 0v0

Thanks to Wang Du, Rabbit, be.no1, Star Zero's tear marks, Lucy Hartfili, 1279 is already a waste liao, 卐承蒙蒙不不,凌灵妖,枫泾泾泾泾泾泾泾Hey. And one or two mines! ! =3=2k novel reading network