MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 66 Devil's Bride (2)

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Wait, what the system was just said that he would wear this wedding dress? Let him wear it?

Cheng Zhichu embraced the wedding dress and stunned it. He thought that his brain had a problem, and the sound that the system transmitted into his consciousness was distorted.

[You didn't get it wrong, you just want to wear it. What's so strange, of course, the clothes you take out are of course to be worn, otherwise how can you use it? 】

The tone of the system is taken for granted, and Cheng Zhichu’s face is full of incredible looks, and he can’t help but shout out.

"Nothing strange? It's weird! I am a man. Why do you want to wear a wedding dress that a woman marries? What does this have to do with my escaping?"

Having said that, his face changed: "You don't tell me that I want to marry him!"

【of course not. 】 The system said, [this time to hold a wedding with you is someone else. 】

Cheng Zhichu: "..."

Cheng Zhichu: "What are you talking about?"

[Remember the silver ring you got before? The owner of this ring is going to have a wedding with you this time. 】

The system explained slowly.

[I have never told you before, in fact, this ring is equivalent to a key to open a copy, the groom is one of the bosses in the illustration, so you have to go through this copy sooner or later, the difference is only when to open, where to open Only. 】

[The existence of "cold branches and whites" is quite special. He seems to be the boss of the illustrations, but I don't know what happened in it. Now he has not been collected in the illustrations, nor can he trigger the actual copy. 】

[I guess this may be because "cold twigs" itself has no entity, but it has been attached to this forum account. He said that he would come over to find you, but he did not know what kind of form he would appear... 】

[If you go back to reality, everyone you encounter, everything, and even everything you can reach, may be the embodiment of "cold and white", when you feel like you How to deal with him? 】

"That..." Cheng Zhichu's face was white, only that this kind of conjecture was too horrible. "Now, knowing that this is not really a cold, can't you close this account? Maybe he will disappear." ”

[Can't close the account, because strictly speaking, the real owner of the account is not dead. 】

Is the real cold branch still alive?

Cheng Zhichu stunned: "How can he let this unidentified thing encroach on his account..."

Can it be said that even if the cold branches are not dead, the state is very bad, even if you know that your account has been invaded, there is no energy to manage?

Who can tell this kind of thing? 】System Road, [You still don’t care what the real cold branches are, you just need to know that this fake “cold twig” is now looking for you. 】

Cheng Zhichu’s body was stiff. He didn’t know why he was looking for him. But the reason is no longer important. The important thing is that he must find a way to get rid of this terrible thing.

"So... what does this have to do with my wedding dress?" he couldn't help but ask.

Even if he is going back to the school dormitory for a while, wearing a wedding dress to escape on campus will be so shocking, life-saving, face is no longer important, but how can he escape in such a large wedding dress, do you still have to follow What is the drama of "Running the Sweetheart Bride" in "Hot Branches and Whites"? by……

Even if he was still afraid, Cheng Zhichu was too lightly stunned by his own thoughts. He heard him doubts and the system explained to him.

[Your ring is the key to open the copy, but it is not enough. You must wear a wedding dress to fully open the copy, greet your groom, and carry out a "wedding". Both are indispensable. 】

[This ring acts as a curse, the side effect is that it will make you have some connection with the ghost of the copy, and after the copy is turned on, the side effect of the ring will be significantly enhanced, you can forcibly drag the cold branch into the copy, and count him As a member of the boss, you can use your ability to put him into the copy. 】

"Wait a minute." Cheng Zhichu suddenly thought of one thing, suddenly scalp numb, "Have you said that the groom is also one of the illustrated bosses?"

[Yes, so in this copy you have to kiss two bosses, no one will do nothing, hey, it seems a bit miserable...] Although it is said, there is no sympathy in the system sound.

Fuck, isn't this about his life? !

Cheng Zhichu’s face was pale and white, almost fainted, and even more terrifying is that if there is no fixed entity, or even a human figure, as the system says, how can he know who is "When the cold branches fall," how should you kiss him? ?

[It doesn't matter, I will help you find him when you arrive. You can kiss your groom before he comes, so that you don't just see it as "cold", causing tragedy. 】

"Not ‘my groom’!”

Cheng Zhichu hugged the wedding dress, revealing the annoyed color, and thought of leaving Bai Yi soon. He could not help but feel the grievances and guilt. He clearly decided that he liked Bai Yi, but he would "marry" with the ghost in the blink of an eye, and even Go and kiss them...

[Come on, don't grind, evade and solve the problem. 】


If you don't want to put on your wedding dress, the silver coin that hasn't been sounded for a long time suddenly said, maybe you can consider using me...

Cheng Zhichu took off his shirt arbitrarily, red. Naked the upper body and began to put a wedding dress on his body.


There is no sound in the silver coin. There is nothing more. In fact, the tone of its speech has been very turbulent. There is no ups and downs. It seems that there is no expectation, just numbly taking a form.

The skirt of this wedding dress is very large and layered. In order to put on it, Cheng Zhichu spent a lot of time and hands, and for a long time, he finally panted after wearing it.

He had thought that he would be very miserable after wearing a wedding dress, because he is a man, although it is relatively thin, but it is different from the woman's skeleton, the upper body will be very tightly supported by him, and may even break open.

However, after finishing the skirt, he was surprised to find that this wedding dress was very fit, as if it was custom-made for him, and it was light and fluttering. After wearing it, there was no real feeling. He didn’t have to worry about his own skirt when he escaped. I can't move.

[I didn’t expect you to wear a wedding dress, it’s quite good. 】

The system blew a whistle.

"You shut up." Cheng Zhichu thought it was hurting him, his face suddenly rose red, and he was extremely uncomfortable to reach up and pull the wedding dress to open the word collar, which is almost all off the shoulder, relying on why He wants to wear this kind of thing...! !

However, this time it was not the system that was ridiculing him, but the effect of wearing a wedding dress was really good. After all, he was not tall, his bones were slender, his skin was fair and clean, and he was a cute and charming look. There is almost no sense of disobedience on his body. If it is modified with a proper makeup, it will be a real mess.

[You wait, I will record a video for you, return the hair to Bai Yi's system, let Bai Yi also have a look. 】

"No, you can't record!"

Cheng Zhichu's face was white, and he lifted his arm to cover his face. He said anxiously: "I can't give it to Bai Yi... I beg you, don't record it!"

The way he wore a woman's dress was ridiculous. If Bai Yi saw it, although he would not laugh at him because of his good character, but what he thought was not necessarily in the heart... If he left Bai Yi What a bad impression, he is not as good as a bite! !

【okay then. 】

The system that has already been recorded says so, but it seems to be promised, but it is actually ready to be handed over after preparation.

Not afraid of shame, how is it possible, Bai Yi that guy will definitely like to die, can't wait to hide this kind of Cheng Zhichu, so that no one can see ... but wait, it recorded, it shows that it has been seen To the beginning of the process, Bai Yi should not kill it.

The system was awkwardly groaning in the heart. Cheng Zhichu didn't know what it was thinking. He thought it promised, and he barely breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the system came back to God, and looked at Cheng Zhichu from the perspective of God. Suddenly, he found that the pants he had hidden under the skirt had not been taken off, and he immediately said dissatisfied.

[Wait a minute, why didn't you take off your pants, and your pair of sneakers, they will take off immediately. If you want to wear, you must wear a full set. Otherwise, the groom will find that you are so casual about the wedding, maybe on the spot. Will take your skin down. 】

How can I take off my pants...

Cheng Zhichu's expression was a bit distorted. He felt that he couldn't see it anyway, so he didn't have to take it off, but the system also made him more jealous. If he angered the "groom", let him and "cold" Falling white together to chase him, when he is finished.

Therefore, even if the heart is no longer in conflict, Cheng Zhichu took off his pants and suddenly felt that his legs were cold and very uncomfortable. According to the guidance of the system, he bought a pair of silk shoes matching the wedding dress in the mall, which would not hinder him. walk.

Finally, he put on the veil, and the system screamed, his tone was very satisfactory, and said: "Well, then you put on that ring, and then go out from here, you can trigger a copy." 】

Cheng Zhichu’s face was not very good-looking. He nodded his lips and took out the silver ring from his backpack.

This silver ring is the second curse he got. It was stained with dark blood. When he first got it, Cheng Zhichu felt a horrible horror, but then he used it again, but he didn’t This feeling.

However, now he put on his wedding dress and took the ring out again, but he was not surprised.

More intense blood and darkness than before, the process of Cheng Zhichu's fingertips trembled slightly, and the blood on the contaminated ring slowly faded, revealing the letters engraved on the inside of the ring.


[The nature of the curse changes, danger, please pay attention. 】

[Item name: Cheng Zhichu's engagement ring. 】

[The original name is "the ring of blood." 】

[Item type: curse. 】

[Description: A silver ring, specially customized by the original owner for his crush, the acronym of the name of the secret object is engraved in the ring. But in the future, it was sent out, and its owner disappeared because of a terrible accident. 】

[The person he secretly loves is you. 】

[Now, its owner has been reawakened, will return to the world in a non-human face, greet you wearing this ring, become his bride. 】

[He still loves you. 】

[Hazard level: a]

[practical level: can not be rated]

[Effect: Open the key of the copy "The Bride of the Devil". 】

[Side effects: At the end of the wedding, if you can't stop your groom, your soul will be dragged into **** and always with him. 】

[Note: Binding items, the holder may not discard, trade or transfer the item to others. 】

"Knowing the beginning..."

When the blood color faded, Cheng Zhichu’s ear suddenly sounded a low whisper, which was very cold, but it seemed to be full of endless temptations.

"I am coming to pick you up..."

At the same time, Cheng Zhichu saw the three letters, and learned the name of the ring after the change, not shrinking from the pupil, a cold from the soles of the feet.

When he first got the ring, he saw that the first two letters in the engraving were the same as the first two letters of his initials. I thought it was just a coincidence, but now it seems that the ring is carved from the beginning. It is his name!

Damn, this boss doesn't seem to be better than "cold twigs", is he not supposed to open this copy...

Although Cheng Zhichu convinced himself in the heart, this ring would have his name engraved, precisely because he had the boss's illustration, but the sudden and terrible feeling was too real, so that he even had the illusion, as if in him I don't know, there is a person who is deeply infatuated with him and has already died.

His look stunned for a moment, stepping toward the door of the campus, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed, the light returned to brightness, and the surrounding space became small and messy. He had already withdrawn from the copy of the "Writing Campus" and returned to him. In the bedroom of the university.

[Open the real copy: the ghost of the bride. 】

【grade:? 】

[Difficulty:? 】

[Number of people: 1 person. 】

[Background introduction]

[Because of an accident, you got a blood-stained silver ring. You don't know who the owner of the ring is, but you are very curious and collect it, thinking that maybe one day you will meet its owner. 】

[Now its owner has really appeared, he told you that he has been secretly in love with you, even if he has died, turned into a devil, can not forget you, so he is back, he wants to marry you to become his bride. 】

[You will be holding a wedding at a mass grave, but you are very scared. You don't want to marry him, because you know that at the end of the wedding, it will be your death. 】

[You must escape, but you know, if you can't get the groom's vow to kiss, let him be satisfied, even if you escape this time, he will continue to find you in the future. 】

[Another non-human thing called "cold branches and whites" is also looking for you. You don't know what purpose he has. You can intuitively tell you that if you catch him, your end will be equally miserable. 】

[They are coming soon. 】

[Main line task 1: Live. 】

[Main line task 2: Complete the kiss of the vow of the "groom" at the place where the wedding is held. 】

[Main line task three: find the "cold branch white", kiss him, and seal him into the book. 】

[Special requirements for copy: First, the kiss of the vow of the groom can only be completed in the mass grave, and the kiss completed in advance will not make the ability effective. 】

[Second, only to get a kiss of two bosses, you can end the copy. 】

[3. Don't kiss the "cold branches and whites" in front of the groom's face, and don't feel free to kiss the wrong object, otherwise it will make the groom go crazy. 】

[I wish you a happy game. 】


Cheng Zhichu’s face was pale, and he felt that the request for the copy was too abnormal. He simply did not know what the “cold twigs would be” would be. He felt that if he could not, he might have to try several times, but now it seems that It won't work, and he can't kiss the "cold branches and whites" in front of the groom.

But this is also how, there may be a bridegroom who is willing to see his "bride" kissing other wild men, although for him, these two guys are wild men.

He is more hopeful that "cold branches are white" is a handsome guy... Of course, this is not because he has bent to have any strange expectations of the boss, even if he likes men, he will only like Bai Yi.

But after experiencing these copies, he is also considered to be through, the boss will not be a woman, and there are eight. ninth is the best looking man in the copy, he hopes that "cold branches are white" is a handsome guy, but only I want this unknown thing to be more recognizable...


Just in the moment when Cheng Zhichu thought of these thoughts, the mobile phone that had been hit by him on the ground continued to vibrate, and a text message frantically rushed into the mobile phone.

The screen lights up on its own, and there are many messages that appear to flash very fast. Most of them are meaningless garbled numbers and numbers, but there are also many messages from the "cold branches".

I am coming to you, I am at your school, I think I should be at the East Gate.

Your school is very beautiful and very lively. Are you among them?

It turns out that you are in the dormitory.

South District a building?

I have already arrived at the library, very close to the South, and I am here to find you.

Waiting for me, knowing the beginning.

These news made Cheng Zhichu shudder, but if he could grasp the position of "cold branches and whites" and even actively chat with the other party, he would get more information and judge what kind of form "cold branches are white". It will be very beneficial for him to complete the task.

Therefore, he resisted the shudder of the body, picked up the mobile phone that was shaking, and opened the keyboard in the interface that was about to be stuck, sending a message to the "cold branch".

What do you use to see me, how can I recognize you?

The vibration of the phone stopped short.

Those garbled gradually disappeared into the screen, and the phone was quiet for a few seconds before new information was sent.

I am very happy, you will take the initiative to ask me about my appearance.

This is really like a netizen's offline meeting.

He is talking about "my looks", which means that he should appear in human form? Cheng Zhichu couldn’t help but be happy.

"Hot branches and whites" continue to send new information.

What do you want me to look like?

What does he want him to be like?

Cheng Zhichu stunned and was thinking about how to say "cold branches and whites", but suddenly he heard that the locked dormitory door was knocked a few times by "咚咚", and then came a "squeaky" sound, the door quietly Opened a gap.

"Knowing the beginning."

The young man’s voice appeared at the door, with a hint of faint smile, gentle and sweet, and gently called his name.

"I will pick you up."

"The look you wear in your wedding dress is really good."

It’s the groom coming...

Cheng Zhichu, who was facing away from the door, was slightly stiff and slowly turned back. His eyes swept over and the veil fell. He was seen through a layer of white gauze and he saw a tall figure.

The groom's body is excellent, wide shoulders and narrow waist, long legs, black suit extra slim, suit pants slightly tight, close to the thigh lines, faintly outline the muscles, just a pair of long legs, it is very **** .

He leaned forward slightly and politely gave a trip to Cheng Zhi.

At the same time, a blood spurted out from the neck of the neck, sprinkled on the veil of Cheng Zhichu, and also flowed to the snow-white shirt exposed in front of the groom's chest.

Through the white gauze, Cheng Zhichu suddenly widened his eyes, and the whole face of the groom was reflected in the pupil.

This is a man without a head.

There was a jagged incision in his neck, revealing a fleshy cross section, the head above was missing, and only walked into a headless body.

"I'm sorry... I am overjoyed, and some are smug."

The headless groom pulled out a handkerchief from his trouser pocket, his fingers were long and beautiful, holding a handkerchief, gently rubbing the veil of Cheng Zhichu, and his neck was still bleeding outside.

"I blame me for accidentally losing my head, and even your clothes are stuck with my blood. I am sorry."

"I originally wanted to make a good impression on you..."


Cheng Zhichu’s expression is stupid.

Looking at the headless young man, his mind is filled with another thought than fear and horror.

The vow of the wedding vows... Where should he swear?...?


Bai Yi's Diary · Part Sixty Six

(I feel depressed, refuse to write a diary, and draw a lot of paintings.)


Bai Xixing's Diary · Excerpt

Bai Jia has always had a similar requirement for family rules. As a member of this family, he must write a diary. Anything can be written and written very short. Only one point is that a diary must be written every day.

This is a strange rule, but what is even more strange is that the elders at home still pay attention to the diary, and will regularly check whether our juniors have finished.

I think it may be because they have been so strict since they were young, and they are very upset, so when they grow up, they must retaliate against the next generation of younger generations. (If any elders have checked this diary, I am sorry, please When I didn't say this sentence).

Being so strictly supervised, no one of us dared to write a diary. Except my cousin, he said that nothing is worth making him down.

He is so maverick, his character is indifferent and bad, and he can't look down on anyone. It can be said that everyone can't take him. He can't just control him, and he is often unknowingly called by him.

Occasionally, the old man in the house will check our diary, because the father is too strict, we are worried that the cousin will be punished, and each person will help him to write a few diaries, and he has dealt with the inspection of the old man, which was the most written by me.

Although my cousin has been missing for several years now, no one will check our diary, but I don’t know why, I occasionally have a feeling that "the cousin did not write a diary and would take my diary out to top out."

... is not good.

The author has something to say: I have an idea when I wrote the article, that is, let me have the protagonist of each article (long article) once, although I don’t know if the protagonist will be realized in the future, but at least the first two Success, remember (if the text is successful in the future, I will copy this passage to the text of the article as it is (.

Thanks to Star Zero's tears, lgxshwqc, Ling Ling Yao, 1279 is already a waste, shiro, Lucy Hartfili, Silent, Yunxiao and Huoyuan's mine! =3=2k novel reading network