MTL - I Rely on Wilderness Survival Live Broadcast to Become Popular Across the Stars-Chapter 114 Hoarding money to raise cubs Day 114

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No one expected the thing to be hidden in the tree, especially the incredible size of the banyan tree in front of me. In the spirit of humanity and environmental protection, the people of the maritime guard could not cut open the tree right away. .

The vice-captain had no choice but to contact the police station urgently, and sent suitable processing equipment with Star Shuttle.

The rest has nothing to do with Lu Liran. Lu Liran greeted the deputy team and left the place.

The question Lu Liran was thinking about at the moment was whether to continue sleeping in a hammock at night, or to build a decent shelter.

There is nothing wrong with sleeping in a hammock, but Lu Liran's only worry is that the fishing nets and ropes used as hammocks will not be able to support the weight for two nights.

Although it took a little time and effort to build a shelter, at least I slept comfortably.

Lu Liran glanced at the sky, there was still time to go back and build a shelter, he could simply eat some oysters and coconut meat at night, and he would cook some sea salt just in case.

Thinking so, Lu Liran briefly talked to Ke Ji and asked, "What do you think?"

"Well, the two-person shelter built last time still has usable materials. After a day of exposure to the sun, it should be dried, and it will not take much effort to rebuild it." Ke Ji said.

Lu Liran gave a dry cough, double shelter? He had planned to build two separate sheds.

Ke Ji tilted his head, his eyes showed a little doubt: "Is there a problem?"

"No problem." Lu Liran said immediately.

Sleeping in a shelter with Your Excellency Commander? Stimulate.

The matter of picking up the stolen goods was handed over to the coast guard. Lu Liran and Ke Ji returned to the beach and simply picked up the ruins of the shelter that had collapsed before.

The ones that were still useful were picked up and placed aside. Lu Liran dismantled the hammock again. The gables of the two awnings were large enough, and they were completely ready-made roofs, and they were still extremely strong.

However, the height of the roof was not enough, so Lu Liran built a simple base underneath to raise the two crosses. In this way, it didn't take much effort at all, and version 2.0 of the double shelter came out.

"It's more spacious than before." Lu Liran was very satisfied.

He quickly turned around and piled up **** of pine needles, spread them on the ground, and covered the top layer with a layer of coconut leaves, which was their simple bed for tonight.

Ke Ji lit a fire near the small hut. Hearing what Lu Liran said, he turned his head to look at the newly built double hut, and sighed a little disappointed in his heart.

He felt that the slanted hut last time was good, the space that two adults could curl up to accommodate was just right, and there was no missing a single physical touch that should be had.

"I found a good thing when I was picking up these pine leaf clusters just now." Lu Liran walked over, sat down beside Ke Ji naturally, took half a coconut shell, spread out his palm, and took a few red and purple flowers in his palm. The three-leaf flower bud was thrown in.

Seeing this, Ke Ji frowned slightly: "Is it nightmare weed?"

Lu Liran nodded, picked a moderately sized stone as a pestle, and smashed it into a pulp in the coconut shell. The purple-red flower juice was contained in the coconut shell, with only a shallow bottom.

"These should be enough." Lu Liran exhaled, took a piece of fishing net and went straight to the reef stand.

Nightmare weed is still a relatively common coastal leguminous Deerweed plant, with three hundred and sixty-five days, only 30 days are when the flowers are in full bloom, and only during those 30 days when the flowers are in full bloom, the flowers of nightmare weed are in full bloom. Has a toxin called rotenone.

All Lu Liran had to do was crush the petals to squeeze out the flower juice, soak it in the small puddles on the reef, and wait for the small fish that swam in at high and low tides to turn their stomachs and throw themselves into the net.

This toxin is only effective on aquatic animals, it is safe for humans and animals, and it will not pollute the environment. However, because the flowering period is too short, it is not suitable to be used as a large-scale economical pesticide, and can only be used for some biochemical research.

Lu Liran found a suitable shallow puddle, like a U-shaped tank surrounded by reefs.

He sprinkled the fishing net in the puddle, picked up a few stones and pressed them on top to prevent them from being carried away by the current, and then sprinkled the purple-red flower liquid that had been crushed out into the water to clean the coconut shells. .

If you come back after a while, you may see some small fish caught in the net.

After returning to the beach, Lu Liran saw that Ke Ji had already started boiling salt.

Seeing Lu Liran come back, Ke Ji looked up and said, "Come and see, do you want to reduce the fire?"

After he finished speaking, he noticed the purple-red flower liquid splashed on Lu Liran's chin, and he couldn't help but bend the corner of his mouth, pointing to the same spot on his chin, and reminded with a smile, "It's dirty here."

Lu Liran groaned when he heard the words, wiped his chin with the back of his hand, and saw a small piece of bright red and purple mark was wiped away.

I also want to know how wonderful the face looks at this moment.

Lu Liran pursed his lips tightly, his expression stiff.

He naturally hoped to leave a good surface image in front of the commander, otherwise he wouldn't suddenly be interested in the progress of the repair.

But now there are hideous scars on his face, the appearance that can scare a child to cry, plus the funny colorful flower liquid, and the rough and peeling skin after long-term sun and rain, Lu Liran just imagines what he will be like The image of the child is a little suffocating.

Maybe there was an unpleasant smell of sweat, mixed with blood, fish and garbage.

Lu Liran was used to going out like this, but now, he seemed to be awakened, and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Subconsciously, he took a big step back and distanced himself from Ke Ji, lest the man opposite him smell him.

When Ke Ji saw Lu Liran's face suddenly froze, he thought it was something wrong, but then he saw Lu Liran take a big step back, and he frowned slightly: "What's wrong?"

Lu Liran put away his depressed mood, looked away, pursed his lips and said in a low voice, "It's nothing."

He glanced over the shed, squeezed his fist uncomfortably, and asked Ke Ji in a low voice: "I think it's not appropriate for us to spend the night separately."

"Why?" Ke Ji frowned, he knew that Lu Liran's sudden awkwardness started when he pointed out the drop of flower fluid, but he didn't understand why.

Lu Liran subconsciously moved the tip of his nose twice, sniffing the air—actually he didn’t smell anything, but he believed that if he lowered his head and smelled himself, it would be very refreshing—he said: “Two big men crowded together so In a small space... the smell is a bit heavy."

Ke Ji was taken aback for a moment, then laughed angrily: "Does this mean that I... stink?"

His complexion was slightly distorted, but he thought of something immediately, and couldn't help but lower his head and smell himself, it really didn't smell good.

Ke Ji's face changed a few times. Of course he wanted to leave a perfect and perfect image in front of his Omega, but he forgot that in this kind of place, first of all, personal image is a big problem.

Let’s talk about the previous war, when we were on the front line, the battle situation became stalemate, and there were days and nights without bathing, just scrubbing with clean water, but surrounded by a group of the same rough private soldiers, no one thought about it. details.

Ke Ji was annoyed secretly, knowing that he should have brought some deodorant spray before setting off.

What should I do if I feel disgusted by my Omega?

"...I don't think you smell bad." Lu Liran didn't expect Ke Ji's brain circuit to turn directly on him, he explained dryly, opened his mouth but didn't know what to say, "It's just...uh..."

Ke Ji narrowed his eyes slightly, he stepped over the low fire where the salt was boiled, and approached Lu Liran.

When he took a step forward, Lu Liran subconsciously stepped back, with a heavy burden on his personal image.

Ke Ji suddenly reacted, combined with Lu Liran's series of facial expressions just now, he suddenly guessed what the other party was struggling with.

Just like he wants to make the best impression on Lu Liran, maybe Lu Liran also cares about his own image?

However, he was like a careless bastard, he never thought that the small details of the flower fluid would cause such a series of chain reactions.

Because the previous Lu Liran never showed the slightest concern about his face in front of him, he thought that Lu Liran had already turned the page calmly, so he never treated this matter with an extra, special attitude because of this.

He thinks this is a respect for a fighter, and pity and caution are both insults and superficial to this meaning.

But now Ke Ji realized that Lu Liran didn't care before, maybe it was just because he was just an insignificant passer-by before, at most a friend who walked together, but now Lu Liran cared because he was Ke Ji.

He suddenly remembered that in the past when he was training and queuing up, every time he inspected, he could always see that the other party was the most energetic one, and his beautiful but determined eyes were amazingly bright.

Bronte would joke from time to time: "Look at the youngest son of the Lu family, he wasn't that energetic when I passed by just now."

Ke Ji's heart was sore and aching, as if being pinched by an invisible hand.

But at the same time, he was thankful that at least he discovered this problem early, instead of hiding it until the end and accumulating a big contradiction like a snowball.

He suddenly said, "Remember when I talked to you about the person I like when I was in Arlok?"

Lu Liran was slightly stunned, but soon he remembered that even though he didn't know Ke Ji's real identity at that time, he was sure that he was jealous of the person Ke Ji secretly liked at that time.

Lu Liran tightened his lips, feeling a little embarrassed, and didn't understand why Ke Ji had to bring up this topic at this moment.

Ke Ji stared into his eyes, not missing the embarrassment on the other side that flashed past and was quickly covered up.

His eyes were sore and astringent, he squeezed his fist hard, suppressed the trembling in his voice, took a deep breath and continued:

"As I said, I originally thought it was a little guy who was spoiled by a wealthy family. He wanted to join because of a whim. His family even warned... told me to take good care of him."

"But I didn't expect him to be more resolute than anyone else, unswervingly approaching his goal step by step, surprising me again and again."

"When I didn't realize it, my eyes and time on him almost took up all my spare time."

"I slipped away to watch his troop review, watch his assessment and training, pretended to meet him when he and his teammates went to the cafeteria for dinner, and asked Bronte to add a battle channel connected to him in my mecha..."

"When he didn't know it, he was in my life, and he was everywhere in every corner."

Ke Ji looked at Lu Liran, his eyes were deep and gentle, and the unresolved sadness melted into the deep sea-like steel blue eyes.

"But like I said, I always thought there was a more appropriate time and place to pierce the paper and tell him, but the reality is that I missed it, and almost missed it forever."

"I am glad that I still have the opportunity to make up for it, but I ignored his changes. I thought he would never bow his head proudly, but I forgot that war and injury have changed me as well as him. Disappeared where I could get hold of it, and he was like a wounded little beast, jumping away from my carelessness."

"But what I want to tell him is that in my eyes, no matter what my lover becomes, his eyes are brighter than the stars, and his perseverance, courage and wisdom are the charm that surpasses his appearance."

"I want to kiss him, hug him, touch his body temperature."

"Repeating the same words in his ear every night before falling asleep."

"I like you."