MTL - I Rely on Wilderness Survival Live Broadcast to Become Popular Across the Stars-Chapter 18 The eighteenth day of hoarding money to raise cubs

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The eighteenth day of hoarding money to raise cubs

Ke Ji breathed a sigh of relief, before he had time to check the situation of Lu Liran and Yuan Ding, he heard another muffled sound coming from ahead.

Soon, another mecha appeared on the snow field, but it was obviously smaller than Ke Ji's one, about the height of one and a half people. The body of the mecha was already full of scratches and dents. serious injury.

An Ke fell out of the mech, coughed heavily, and spit out a mouthful of saliva mixed with blood.

Under the two mechanical arms were Yuan Xiao, Yuan Long and Fei Le who were protected.

They had already run up a certain distance at that time, and the force and threat of the avalanche was much lighter than that of Lu Liran, but even so, all three of them were shaken by the huge impact, and their internal organs were damaged to varying degrees.

Yuan Xiao Yuanlong's injury was even more serious, he couldn't move at all, and lay semi-conscious on the snow, unconscious.

An Ke had no choice but to move the three of them to a relatively safe and solid place, and then went to find Lu Liran.

When he saw the huge pit on Lu Liran's side, like a small building inserted upside down, he was stunned.

He had never seen anything that could make such a movement.

"I don't know... When I woke up, I saw Lu Liran tying us up little by little, digging out the snow... But it didn't take long for me to pass out again, and when I woke up, I was already here. "Ke Ji looked dazed and uneasy.

He freely put on a weak and weeping expression, his clear steel blue eyes were watery, no one could bear to press him again.

Anke frowned and looked at the incredible crater in front of him. It was impossible for manpower to toss it out, but no mecha could make a crater seven or eight meters deep.

Just when An Ke was paying attention to the deep pit, the surrounding snow began to be unable to support the weight of the collapse in the middle, and poured into the hollow deep pit like quicksand, quickly filling up the huge pit.

Ke Ji paid attention to An Ke from the corner of his eyes, and diverted the other party's attention when he saw this: "Are they all right?"

An Ke came back to his senses after hearing the words, and it was meaningless to explore how they escaped from danger. The important thing was the injuries of Lu Liran and Yuan Ding.

The snow under Yuan Ding's body had been dyed red, Anke's eyelids jumped, and he tore off Yuan Ding's coat quickly, and saw more eye-catching wounds stabbed by ice edges and ice cubes on his body, There are different shades, and the only thing that is thankful is that it avoids the major arteries.

One of Yuan Ding's legs was broken, and the broken bone protruded directly out of the leg, and a blood hole leaked out.

An Ke immediately bandaged Yuan Ding's wound temporarily.

Compared with Yuan Ding's situation, Lu Liran's is much better.

With the accumulation of rich experience in survival in the wild, how to protect himself to the greatest extent has become Lu Liran's instinct. In addition, Ke Ji caught him at that time, almost blocking the great power of the avalanche in the first place.

Even so, Ke Ji was still not sure if Lu Liran was injured.

An Ke was busy dealing with Yuan Ding's injury, so Ke Ji moved to Lu Liran's side, intending to unbutton his coat to check.

Just when Ke Ji's fingers touched Lu Liran's collar, Lu Liran suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were cold and sharp, like a leopard, which made people's heart skip a beat.

Ke Ji raised his eyes to meet Lu Liran's gaze, and paused for a while, but soon, he noticed that Lu Liran's eyes were a little distracted, and he just forced his instinct to be on guard.

He sighed, the original annoyance that Lu Liran had recklessly saved and put himself in danger was like hitting a ball of cotton.

After experiencing that kind of war, Ke Ji is more aware of the meaning and premise of salvation. If you can't ensure your own safety, rescue is a meaningless and painful loss.

But obviously, Lu Liran is more inclined to do his best.

Ke Ji said in a low voice, "I'm just checking on your injuries."

Lu Liran clasped Ke Ji's wrist, but the strength was limp, like a powerless threat.

He has gradually regained consciousness. Hearing this, he barely propped up his body, put a distance away from Ke Ji, and said in a hoarse voice, "I'm fine."

The anger that had just dissipated because of these three words once again provoked Ke Ji's nerves.

He lowered his eyes, and the clear steel blue became deep and cold, like the sea before a storm.

Lu Liran just glanced at him indifferently, patted Ke Ji's hand away, stood up with his strength supporting the snow, staggered a little step, walked to An Ke's side, and asked Yuan Ding's situation: "How is he?"

"Mr. Lu?! Are you alright?" Anke didn't expect Lu Liran to wake up. After all, they were so strongly impacted, he thought he had to wait until the official rescue team from Desolate Star arrived.

Lu Liran waved his hand and asked again: "Where's Yuan Ding? How about the others?"

Anke shook his head and said: "Feller and his two brothers are in good condition, some of the aftereffects of the impact are more severe, Yuan Ding is worse, plus the snow and freezing weather, leg injuries will leave hidden diseases, but the medical planet should be enough to heal them That's fine, it's not a big problem."

Lu Liran responded, and breathed a sigh of relief: "It's good that we are all alive."

An Ke showed a slight smile: "It's really lucky to be able to survive."

While the two were talking, there was the sound of propellers "da da da" in the distance.

Lu Liran immediately looked over and said, "It's the Desolate Star Rescue Team!"

Anke released a signal flare, and not long after, a dozen rescue airships came towards them in a huge formation, and there were two media helicopters in the sky following the scene of the disaster rescue.

However, only two rescue airships were sent, and the other large troops rushed towards the camp and the scenic spot.

The rescue team on the airship came quickly and looked at Lu Liran and the others in disbelief: "You guys survived the avalanche! It's a miracle!"

An Ke smiled wryly, if he hadn't been accompanied by a mecha, it would have been impossible for him to survive.

"The space on the rescue boat is limited, and there are only five people at most. We must check the injuries for you first, and select a group of wounded who board the rescue boat first." The rescue team said.

An Ke nodded in understanding, and said, "There are two Omega, take them away first."

The rescue team was surprised, there was still an Omega? !

They hurriedly checked more carefully, and Ke Ji blocked the scan of one of the rescuers without any trace, and said, "I'm not injured, and the situation is more serious over there, you go and check the other end."

"This can't be done, you are a fragile Omega. Under the same conditions, Omega's constitution is more prone to unexpected situations, such as being susceptible to passion in advance, or immune fluctuations..." the rescue team kept talking.

Ke Ji is well aware of the problems Omega will have, but he is not an Omega.

He looked at the rescue team member, and his powerful and vast mental power suddenly pressed against him, like an endless ocean drowning people in it, and he said in a deep voice: "Go to the other people's side, this side has been checked, you know there is no People need to get into lifeboats."

As if hypnotized, the rescuer repeated Ke Ji's words in a daze: "Yes, the inspection is over here, and no one needs to get on the lifeboat."

Ke Ji withdrew his mental strength, and the man suddenly came back to his senses, he stroked his hair blankly, always feeling as if he had wandered off.

He smiled mischievously, and while packing up the inspection tools, he walked to his teammates on the other side and asked, "I have checked on my side, and there is no quota for lifeboats. What about your side?"

"Still checking!" shouted the man over there.

He had just finished checking up on Yuan Long and the others. Their internal organs were damaged in various ways and needed treatment.

He was about to check on Lu Liran again, but was refused by the other party.

"I'm fine, take those people away." Lu Liran said coldly, he looked at the survival time on the task panel, there were still four hours before completing the survival task, he couldn't just leave like this.

"But I have to check..." the man said slowly, but under Lu Liran's gaze, he gradually stopped talking.

The poor Beta search and rescue officer only felt that the Alpha in front of him was too scary. The pheromone was so choking that he seemed to be drowning himself, making him involuntarily have delusions. If he insisted on checking the other party, he might be beaten and needed treatment The only person is himself.

For such an energetic Alpha, there is definitely no need to get into the lifeboat, so let it be... The man struggled in his heart, and quickly bowed down to Lu Liran's ferocity.

The last ones to board the rescue boat were the five brothers An Ke, Yuan Ding and Rock Feller.

"The rescue needs in the camps and scenic spots are even greater. We will rush back as soon as possible. You are waiting for us here!" the rescue team urged.

Lu Liran frowned slightly. From the chatter of the rescuers when they checked for them just now, it can be concluded that this avalanche is more terrifying than before, and the camp and scenic spots need the support of these rescue teams more.

What's more, he hasn't met the mission survival time yet.

He said: "I don't need help. I am a survival expert myself. Leave your energy and time to those who need help more."

He paused, then turned to Ke Ji, frowned and said, "Stay here and wait for rescue."

Ke Ji: "...I have sound limbs, even better than yours."

The rescue captain, who had been baptized by Ke Ji's spiritual power before, nodded in agreement: "That's right, he doesn't need it."

Lu Liran & other team members: "...?"