MTL - I Rely on Wilderness Survival Live Broadcast to Become Popular Across the Stars-Chapter 43 Hoarding money to raise cubs Day 43

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Lu Liran felt that something was wrong with Ke Ji. It seemed that since he entered the Sarba Desert, this man had always looked at him vaguely, and he was not as eager to find his own Alpha as before.

Could it be empathy?

Lu Liran sounded the alarm.

"You got leaves on your hair, did I pick them off for you?" Ke Ji pointed and asked.

Stained with leaves? What an old lame excuse. Lu Liran snorted coldly in his heart, rejected Ke Ji's initiative, and directly reached out to stroke his hair.

There is indeed a small leaf.


Lu Liran nodded to the other party with a bad face: "Thank you."

Ke Ji withdrew his gaze, and quietly heaved a sigh of relief.

He couldn't help but keep looking at Lu Liran, which aroused Lu Liran's sensitivity.

He rubbed the center of his brows, his face was slightly pale, but it was not so obvious among a group of people in worse condition.

Recently, his mental power has become unstoppable again. After the long-term injection of the injection of concoction medicine since adult differentiation, resistance to the drug finally gradually appeared, so that this domineering mental power is always in his body. The brain was turned upside down.

In fact, he is used to this force that makes trouble in his mind all the time, but recently he has become very active, and he has to allocate more energy to deal with it for a while.

He cannot bring the threat of instability to those he values, and he must stay away if necessary.

As Ke Ji thought about it, his eyes darkened, his eyes avoided Lu Liran, and his eyes stopped at Lu Liran's fingers casually propped on the sand.

The hand was stained with gravel and water, the knuckles were slightly bent, and the fingers were slightly rounded and curved, which looked extraordinarily slender and elegant, like a hand that should be carefully cared for and placed on a musical instrument.

——Ke Ji didn't realize that he was distracted again, but when he looked at these hands, the mental energy that was stirring in his mind seemed to be soothed.

Lu Liran uncomfortably grabbed the sandy surface under his palm slightly.

There is really something wrong with this Omega, why are you still staring at his fingers in a daze.

Lu Liran pursed his lips indiscriminately, his ears turned red, but fortunately no one could see it.

Ke Ji stared at that hand, and saw that the fingers and the inner side of the palm were slightly red and swollen, and his eyes paused, which should be the sequelae of always holding the probe before.

He got up and searched around, then broke two branches about one meter long and sat down, slowly peeling off the surrounding bark and branches, and patiently smoothing the thorny branches to smooth and round.

Lu Liran’s probe that was swallowed by the quicksand just cut off the small branches growing on the side. It is actually very scratchy to hold in his hand, but he didn’t have that long to think about a probe, so he could only use it .

When Ke Ji handed the polished branch to Lu Liran, Lu Liran was stunned for a moment. The rough bark on the outside of the stick had been shaved off, and it was ground into a rounded arc. Just right.

"You were doing this just now?" Lu Liran blinked, "Is this for me?"

Ke Ji responded, and said with a smile: "Tools must be handy."

Lu Liran took it, and the red marks and broken skin that had been worn out before were more clearly visible on the open palm.

He avoided Ke Ji's sight somewhat unnaturally, and thanked him in a low voice, never expecting that the other party would notice such a small thing.

After a long hot noon, the group finally set off again.

Xiandan led the team to Lu Liran, completely at the mercy of the other party's orders.

Lu Liran glanced at the team indifferently, there were less than fifteen people left in the team, three had cornea burns and were placed on the humpback of the camel horse, and the remaining thirteen people were more or less half-dehydrated and half-heatstroked symptom.

What a **** for a team.

But it is also much better than when they made an emergency landing.

Lu Liran stood right in front of the team and said, "I only have two requests."

No one in the team made a sound, everyone looked at Lu Liran quietly and pricked up their ears, apprehensive about the upcoming journey.

Even if Lu Liran asked them to exchange all the supplies, or even asked them to exchange the remaining drinking water, they seemed to have no right to bargain.

"First, obey orders."

"Second, never go in front of me."

The Merchant Fleet was taken aback for a moment, just these two requests? Nothing else?

There was a little bewilderment in their eyes, and they all looked at Xiandan subconsciously.

With a glance, Xiandan knew what his subordinates were thinking, and he repeated loudly: "Did you hear everything!"

"I heard it!" The whole team came back to their senses and replied subconsciously.

Lu Liran took out the remaining charcoal and gave it to Xiandan: "Apply it under the eyes and on both sides of the nose to avoid corneal burns. As for the eyes of the three people, they are all covered with cloth, so as not to aggravate the disease."

Xiandan took the charcoal with a little surprise, never thought that such an insignificant thing could play such a big role.

Everyone was smeared with the same black charcoal on the faces of Lu Liran and Ke Ji. At first glance, they were all neat and tidy pandaren.

【Pfft, how can I be so happy hahahaha】

[Brother Lu didn’t think it was so funny when he put it on. In a blink of an eye, he saw a row of more than a dozen people who put it on, and he laughed stupidly hahaha]

【serious and serious】

After the preparations were completed, Lu Liran led the team to set off.

Lu Liran still wanted to head towards the hinterland of the desert, while the evacuation route of the merchant fleet would pass through the edge of the hinterland, bypass the hinterland, turn into the low-lying and flat sand dunes, and walk south out of the desert.

A team of more than ten people was added behind him, like a tail behind him, but it didn't affect Lu Liran's live broadcast at all.

The number of viewers in the live broadcast room has already reached 90,000, and the peak was 120,000. This is because some people left during the previous lunch break.

Now starting again, the number of people began to grow slowly again.

"In order to avoid the hottest time in Salba, we found a shady tree and had a short respite for a few hours. Fortunately, we found a water source and made enough supplies." Lu Liran held a new He made the probe, and said while walking, "Although we encountered terrible quicksand before, this also implies that we are indeed getting closer to the source of water and the oasis."

"You can see that on the sandy **** along the road, there are already many small bushes emerging from piles of stones, which is much stronger than the barren scene you saw at first."

The drone lifted up to a high altitude and overlooked the surrounding area. From the perspective of the drone, it can be clearly seen that such a bush dividing line seems to start from that quicksand belt.

"Behind me is a merchant fleet that wanted to enter the desert to search for treasures and commercial routes. They encountered a sandstorm on the way, lost their way, completely deviated from their original route, and almost strayed into the desert hinterland."

"For the next short distance, I will walk with them."

"The desert is full of death traps. Everything here is the enemy of human beings. The hot climate is like an oven, and there are poisonous snakes, poisonous insects and scorpions hidden in the sand... If you want to survive, you must be more cautious and make full use of all resources. Learn what you know, and never make a wrong move.”

"In a place like this, even a small wrong step could lead to death."

Lu Liran spoke at a steady pace, as if an announcer was recording in the background, without panting at all.

After he finished speaking, he glanced at the team behind him. He somewhat overestimated the physical fitness of the dozen or so people. Obviously, they were only traveling at a normal speed, and even an Omega could keep up, but that team was several meters behind.

Lu Liran squinted his eyes, was too lazy to urge, saved some saliva, and continued to move forward.

"We have traveled a long way in this relatively low-lying place." Lu Liran squinted and looked around. The endless desert looked the same everywhere, and it was very easy to lose the ability to judge the direction.

"Remember what I said before, find the highest point and determine the direction you want to go next."

He pointed to a sand dune on his right. The leeward **** facing him was shorter and steeper, about as high as a Star City Central Hotel.

[Fuck, this is too high! 】

【Mom, I feel like I can stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun】

[The anchor wants to climb this dune? ? You can't even climb it for a day! 】

Climbing the sand dunes is no problem for Lu Liran, the question is whether the team behind him can climb up.

And it is very likely that the direction they will go next is to cross the sand dune.

After hearing Lu Liran's words, Xiandan nodded and said: "We can go, Mr. Lu leads the team, we will follow."

Seeing this, Lu Liran nodded and didn't say much.

He turned his head to look at Ke Ji who hadn't spoken much all the way, and asked, "What about you? Are you okay?"

"En." Ke Ji nodded, not talking much.

The difficulty of crossing the sand dunes is that the sand on the sand **** is loose, and every step seems to be stuck in it. The sand reaches the ankles, and it is impossible to step on the ground at all. As you walk up, you slide down.

And the sand during the day, scalded by the high sun, is like stepping into boiling syrup.

Even the local camel horses, known for being good at running in the desert, seem to have difficulty walking an inch on such sand dunes.

Three camel horses followed closely behind Lu Liran and Ke Ji, followed by Xiandan and two men who looked like team leaders, and the rest of the team dragged at the end of the team in twos and threes, tripping over the sand after a few steps, Very embarrassed.

After finally climbing to the top of the sand dunes, the wind was blowing heat waves. Lu Liran narrowed his eyes slightly and looked around. The scenery was unexpectedly majestic and magnificent.

The prevailing wind in Salba sculpts this dune into a unique shape. The windward **** is blown into long shallow slopes, like linear waves, while the leeward **** is blown into steep sand cliffs with jagged shapes.

Lu Liran narrowed his eyes slightly, this is the unique charm of Salba Desert.

Even though this place has swallowed countless bones and flesh and is the nightmare of countless hunters, no one can deny that the beauty here is thrilling.

[I finally understand why some people know that Salba is so dangerous, but they also come here to pack an airship and air tour to check in]

[+1 package of airship is still expensive]

[Well, let’s find out about Xianxing General Aviation, there are discounts for fans in Brother Lu’s live broadcast room! —Salted fish, fish and fish give the anchor 1x Buddha jumping over the wall]

[Local fan is not the management of Xingxing General Aviation, right? XD]

[Boss, can you consider launching a route of the same type as Brother Lu! We don't walk on the ground, we walk high in the air! 】

Xian Yu rubbed his chin, it seemed that it was not impossible, but he had to discuss it with the flight team to see how the turbulence in the air area was.

As soon as Xian Yu clapped his hands, he was extremely mobile, and immediately contacted the flight team, and held a video conference to discuss the possibility of opening the same travel route.

"The route close to the area where Mr. Lu is currently is definitely not allowed. This area is called the cemetery of pilots. It is impossible to fly there. If any airship flies over this area, the radar, engine, and all instruments will fail. Only Flying blind, and finally crashed." The captain of the flight team categorically denied it.

"If you really want to take the same tourist route, you can open it in the first half at most, but the impact of turbulence is not small, and there are risks." He continued.

Xianyu was taken aback when he heard the words: "All the airships can't fly over? What about the search and rescue boat? Didn't the Huangxing government send a search and rescue boat to search and rescue the hinterland before?"

"It also hovered far away from this area for a short time, allowing the search and rescue team to walk there." The captain said, "Anything related to the airship must not be close. The desert is very weird."

Xianyu didn't expect Salba to be like this, and his expression became heavy: "Why didn't anyone mention it before?"

"Pilots are very secretive about this area, and usually don't take the initiative to mention it." The captain said, "And there are very few pilots who know that desert area. I dare to assure you that there are only a handful of people in the whole barren star .”

Xianyu took a deep breath, restored the evacuation route that Lu Liran had drawn for Xiandan in the live broadcast room, and showed it to the flight team, and asked: "Then if Xiandan's team passed through this area, where can you meet the nearest point?" to them?"

The other party looked at it, and after discussing with his team members, he carefully selected a landing point: "It's about this place."

"it is good."

Xianyu discussed in detail the details of supporting the merchant fleet with the flying team on the opposite side, and in the live broadcast room, other members of the merchant fleet finally climbed up one after another.

Everyone was shocked by the magnificent scenery in front of them, and no one spoke for a while.

At this moment, when the sunset is slanting, the far skyline rolls up fiery clouds, which look like burning clouds from a distance. The afterglow of the sun coats the whole desert with a gorgeous fiery red, which is as magical as a work of art. picture scroll.

"Suddenly I feel that the hard work to climb up, even if I only see this scene, is worth it." A young beta in the team whispered.

What he said immediately aroused the approval and resonance of others: "That's right! Who would have thought that this **** place could be so beautiful..."

"It's so beautiful... If only other people could see this scene."


There was a moment of silence in the team. They walked all the way here, watching their companions decrease one by one, and finally only a dozen or so survivors remained.

I don't know if it was because of being infected by the magnificence and desolation of the sunset in front of the desert, the people in the team felt an inexplicable sadness, and some people sobbed softly.

Lu Liran narrowed his eyes and watched deeply, he could empathize with these people's current mood better than anyone else.

He waited quietly for a few minutes, and then said: "Now that you have come here, you living people should realize more deeply that what you are carrying now is not only your own life, but also those who don't The responsibilities and obligations of the companions who can survive, everything about them is also tied to you."

"Cherish the chance to survive. If you don't do your best, the death of those people will be meaningless." His voice was low, like an alarm bell, and he let out a low voice, "Got it?!"

Everyone was shocked, and subconsciously stood up straight: "Understood!"

Ke Ji looked at Lu Liran, the face of the man in front of him looked like it was imprinted in the firelight under the fiery red sunset, he suddenly understood something, and asked in a low voice: "If you don't do your best, the death of those people is meaningless? "

Lu Liran looked at it as a matter of course: "What's wrong?"

"The purpose of doing my best is to survive well, not to remind myself repeatedly that those people are dead, and I am alive." Ke Ji looked into Lu Liran's eyes, "It doesn't mean that those who survived will have to live forever." Do everything with the baggage of doing your best.”

Knowing that the glacier fissures will close, he has to do his best to take people out; knowing that an avalanche is coming, but he has to do his best to save people, Ke Ji now vaguely understands what the other party is thinking.

Lu Liran couldn't avoid being looked at by those eyes, he had the illusion that he was being pierced, and the feeling of being exposed for a while made him angry from embarrassment, and he couldn't help bringing a trace of self-protection sharpness.

"It has nothing to do with you." He said coldly, "Instead of focusing on me, you might as well pray that the person you are looking for is still alive."

As soon as he said something, he regretted it a little, but he was never someone who would take back what he said. He turned around after he finished speaking, but from the corner of his eye, he noticed that Ke Ji's eyes suddenly went blank, and his face turned pale.

Lu Liran pursed his lips tightly.

[Hey, this, this is a bit heavy (whispering)]

[Brother Lu is a hedgehog cub, what Ke Meiren said may have touched the softest belly of the hedgehog cub]

[I think these two people must be in private while the live broadcast is off, and the progress is like a rocket. I didn't understand how to say it, and Brother Lu blew up]


Before Lu Liran could figure out what to do next, he heard someone beside him yelling—

"Look over there! Is it an oasis?! Was there just now?!"

"I saw it too! Isn't this the oasis we've been looking for???"

"It's actually here! It's so close to us! It can be reached by running down the sandy slope!?"

Lu Liran looked over suddenly, and saw them obliquely in front of them. Under the afterglow and the scorching and distorted air waves, dense trees were growing in layers, and birds were flying between the branches, clearly visible, just like a rainforest. It was a miracle.

There were two team members who wanted to rush down excitedly, but Lu Liran made a sudden move. They slipped up by the collars of each hand and threw them behind them.

His face was even colder: "Want to die?"

The two team members subconsciously turned their heads to look at Lu Liran's cold eyes, and trembled all over. The feeling was more exciting than seeing the one-horned viper python. They suddenly remembered Lu Liran's warning before—never go to his place. Front.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I was just too excited and forgot..." the team member flinched and said in a low voice.

Lu Liran snorted coldly.

Xiandan looked at the oasis that seemed to be right in front of him, then looked at Lu Liran's face, and couldn't help asking: "Isn't that an oasis?"

He thought for a while, vaguely came up with an answer, and asked tentatively, "Is it a mirage?"

Lu Liran nodded slightly.

To put it bluntly, a mirage is just an optical illusion, a virtual image formed by the refraction of light. Such mirages usually appear repeatedly at the same place and at the same time.

Lu Liran remembered that in the information collected before, there were many opinions about the location of the oasis, but the time was mentioned at the same time, but they were all at six or seven o'clock in the afternoon. I think what those people saw was probably just a mirage.

"The scene refracted by the mirage seems to be right in front of you, but the real location is hard to estimate. If you run to the location of the mirage, and run to the point where you die of dehydration, you may not be able to reach the oasis." Lu Liran Twitching the corner of his mouth, he looked mockingly at the two young players who almost rushed down.

The two were so frightened that they became numb, swallowed, and dared not speak.

After Lu Liran finished speaking, he glanced at Ke Ji quietly, but saw that the other party didn't seem to be listening to him at all, and his face seemed worse than a few minutes ago.

No way, no way, could it be that you are even angrier because you didn't let him go? Tsk...

Lu Liran pursed his lips, thinking in his own shoes, if Ke Ji said that about the Commander, whose life and death are uncertain on the battlefield, then he...

Xiandan stayed by Lu Liran's side, but felt a sudden murderous aura. He was startled, and subconsciously turned his head to look at the source of the murderous aura.

Seeing that Lu Liran was frowning tightly, as if he had encountered some insurmountable difficulty, Xiandan could not help but raise his heart, thinking that there was a problem with the route they were going to take.

However, Lu Liran just walked slowly to that Omega's side, gently poked the other's shoulder with his hand, and said in a low voice, "Hey, are you still angry?"

String Dan:? ? ?

Ke Ji snorted, from just now, the frenzied mental power was like a rolling blade, causing sharp pains in the brain, those memory palaces built by mental power were smashed into powder, and they were tenaciously crushed by a Put it back together little by little.

"Hey, are you still angry?" He heard a voice that seemed to come from a distant place, like a clear spring flowing through, gently soothing the dull pain in the brain.

He looked at the source of the sound, only to see a soft, warm, dark brown like caramel.

angry? Ke Ji managed to recall the memory of the previous moment, and slowly replied: "I'm not angry."

Lu Liran looked at him with a clear look, and his brows were furrowed into knots, was he angry? What a duplicity Omega.

"I know I've crossed the line, so I'm not angry." Ke Ji endured the dull pain and organized his words word by word. He gently held Lu Liran's poking finger, "It has nothing to do with you."

Lu Liran coughed uncomfortably, the soft and dry warmth from his fingertips made him feel hot all over his body, he didn't know why, it seemed that every time he had physical contact with Ke Ji, he couldn't bear it. Live palpitations.

It must be too good-looking to resist beauty.

Lu Liran thought wildly in his heart, and withdrew his finger, it was rare that he didn't make a few more sarcastic remarks because of this intimate gesture.

He turned around and walked away in a bit of a panic, not noticing Ke Ji's increasingly pale and ugly face.