MTL - I Save The World In The Text Game-Chapter 25 Father and son bureau?

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Lin Xun opened Big G's rear door, intending to sit by the door.

Unexpectedly, the young sisters An Yun and An Ying did not move their buttocks, and with a smile in their eyes, they motioned for him to sit between them.

"Lin Xun, hurry up, don't dawdle. The owner of the barbecue shop said that the box is only reserved for us until six o'clock, and there will be no seats if we go late."

The short-haired beautiful girl in the front row turned her head and said in a hurry.

Lin Xun was not hypocritical, and sat directly among the sisters.

A rich and sweet fragrance came from both sides, charming and seductive, like the aroma of coffee, or the milky aroma of vanilla.

Lin Xun was already tall, close to 1.85 meters tall, and his physical fitness was improved due to his game talent.

At first, there were no visible muscles on his body, but his muscles have gradually become stronger in the past few days, and his eight-pack abdominal muscles are faintly showing their embryonic form.

It was August at this time, and the temperature was very hot. Several people in the car were dressed in cool clothes.

A tall, muscular, handsome man was squeezed between two women in the back of the car.

Naturally, arm against arm, thigh against thigh.

The pair of sisters, however, were generous and showed no twitching. They chatted with Lin Xun along the way, looking like big sisters who cared about their juniors.

Ye Xiaoqi, the co-driver, also interrupted from time to time to cheer up the atmosphere, allowing Lin Xun, a new colleague, to quickly integrate into this small group.

The off-road vehicle galloped all the way, and soon stopped at the entrance of the barbecue shop.

There are still red carpet flower baskets at the entrance of the newly opened barbecue restaurant, and you can see the diners in the store from the side of the road, and the business is booming.

A burst of aroma of grilled meat drilled into the nose, making people unable to hold back their saliva.


Lin Xun saw a slightly familiar black old Audi on the side of the road.

"Let's go~" Ye Xiaoqi pushed him from behind, the short-haired beautiful girl had green eyes, and couldn't wait to taste the food.

When a group of people entered the store, the combination of four top beauties and a handsome man was very eye-catching.

The diners in the store kept paying attention to several people, which contained various emotions such as amazement, envy, and shock.

"Welcome, how many people do you have, do you have a reservation?" The waiter at the barbecue restaurant greeted him.

"Five, we have reserved a box..." Ye Xiaoqi stepped forward and said.

Lin Xun looked around the store. This barbecue restaurant is a Chinese-style barbecue restaurant. The tables in the store are full of customers, and there is a line of small chairs at the front desk, all of which are full of waiting customers.

He was observing the meat ordered by other customers when he suddenly caught sight of a middle-aged man not far away who was flipping the barbecue.



There was a strange beautiful woman sitting opposite the middle-aged man, Lin Xun was sure that he didn't know this woman.

This old guy came out to roam behind his mother's back!

This was Lin Xun's first reaction.

A trace of panic flashed in Dad's eyes, but he quickly whispered a few words to the woman opposite, then got up and walked towards Lin Xun.

"Meet someone you know?" Li Xingyue asked at the side.

"Well, you guys go to the box first, I'll come later."

Li Xingyue nodded, and left with the others first.

Dad walked up to Lin Xun, stroked his chin, looked him up and down, and said loudly, "Good boy, I can't beat a fart for a long time, but now I'm eating with four girls in silence."

"I heard from your mother that you were on a blind date before, we can't eat from the bowl and look at the pot..."

"Stop, stop, stop, stop!" Lin Xun waved his hands quickly, and this unreliable father came up and beat him up, "I'm all colleagues, it's just a simple dinner party..."

"Are you lying to a three-year-old child? You stay up at home and type all day long. Just a few of your author friends who are not bald and fat with glasses... These female dolls are more beautiful than the female stars on TV. You and I said it was your colleague? No ghost would believe it!"

"Don't worry about me, what's the matter with the woman you had dinner with? You old guy, you're going out behind your mother's back..."

Dad covered Lin Xun's mouth: "You speak softly."

As he spoke, he winked at Lin Xun vigorously, with an expression that you understand. It means, don't go out and talk nonsense about me, I don't think I saw you having dinner with so many girls, whoever we father and I are with whom.

Lin Xun rolled his eyes and nodded slightly.

The father and son looked at each other and smiled, everything was kept silent...

Saying goodbye to his father, Lin Xun didn't go directly to the private room, but went to the bathroom.

He took out his mobile phone, flipped through the address book, and dialed his mother's number.

Heh, who told you everything without saying anything? Dad, you just wait for shit.

"The number you dialed is busy, please try again later..."

Lin Xun called several times in a row and found that his mother's mobile phone was busy.

Reluctantly, I could only send a text message to ask my mother to come to the barbecue restaurant to clean up my father.

After sending the text message, Lin Xun walked towards the box.

"Hey, old guy, I'm playing mahjong! Tell me something!"

The middle-aged woman touched the cards with one hand and answered the phone with the other.

"Honey! Something big happened!"

"I saw your brat eating with four girl dolls. Those four girl dolls, tsk tsk tsk, are more beautiful than the stars on TV. They are just a little bit worse than my wife when you were young..."

The middle-aged woman shook her hand, and the mahjong tiles almost fell to the ground.

"What? Did I hear you right? It's worse than when I was younger... No, no, you mean that brat Lin Xun is dating four little girls?"

The middle-aged woman came to her senses and trembled with anger: "This bastard, it's in vain that I still find acquaintances to introduce him to blind dates every day. How dare he take both sides?"

"That is to say, today I specially invited an acquaintance to treat me to dinner. I just heard that there is a junior girl doll there, which is very suitable for your brat... Sigh, UU reading wasted my efforts, poor The hearts of parents in the world..."

The middle-aged man who was grilling meat and talking on the phone sighed bitterly, with a heartbroken look on his face.

Pushing open the door of the box, four beautiful colleagues sat around the round table.

Before the food was served on the table, there were dozens of cold beers with the bottle caps opened.

"Lin Xun, come here quickly, let's go first." The short-haired beautiful girl raised a full draft beer mug.

The draft beer mug has a large capacity, and pouring a glass will consume more than half of a bottle of beer.

Lin Xun stayed with his father for a while just now, but he didn't shirk.

Without further ado, he took the draft beer mug from An Yun or An Ying, clinked glasses with Ye Xiaoqi, and drank it down with his head raised.

"It's a pleasure~ Barbecue should be served with beer." Ye Xiaoqi wiped the corner of her mouth and gave him an appreciative look.

Girl, the barbecue is not served yet, what do you serve with...

As soon as Lin Xun put down his cup, the young woman sister Hua filled the cup for him.

An Yun didn't know that An Ying toasted him and said, "Congratulations to our little handsome guy joining the job today, my sister respects you."

What kind of battle is this? Father and son bureau?

After drinking the wine in the glass, another charming young woman did not give him any time to breathe, raised the wine glass in her hand and raised her eyebrows at him.

Lin Xun was taken aback for a moment, this was a recollection, and he dared to let these beautiful colleagues want to drink him down.

Ah! When it comes to drinking, he, Lin Xun, has never been afraid of anyone.

When he was in college, the dormitory where Lin Xun lived was called the wine king's dormitory. Several roommates are all experienced wine heroes, so naturally he was not far behind.

Even if it is 1V4, it is not certain who will get down.

With a slight smile, today he will go on a killing spree, beheading all these ignorant women.