MTL - I, The New Hokage of Konoha-Chapter 277 Desperately

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, update me as soon as possible, the latest chapter of Konoha's new Hokage!

"Yo~~ Mizukage can't do this!"

Just as Terumi Mei was about to sink into the bottom of the sea from the wooden figure, a voice with a slightly strange accent sounded suddenly.

Accompanied by it, there are eight huge octopus tails.

At this moment, Kirabi also joined the battle.

Boom! Boom!

The long octopus tail kept beating on the sea surface, stirring up waves one after another.

Among them, the figure belonging to Terumi Mei quickly dodges, and at the same time, his hands quickly seal.

"Water Escape·Water Breaking Wave!"

In an instant, she spit out an extremely straight ultra-high-pressure water column from her mouth, like an extremely sharp scalpel, slashing at Qirabbi's eight tails with full destructive power.

"What a powerful water escape~ I'll hide!"

Sensing the sharpness of the approaching high-pressure water column, Kirabi uttered a strange cry, immediately retracted his eight tails, jumped into the sea, and narrowly escaped the blow.

At the same time, when he just retracted his tail, he also hooked back the water polo wrapped in the wooden man.

Taking advantage of avoiding kung fu, Kirabi broke the technique of the water prison, and greeted his companion with a smile: "It's been a long time since I saw you, Yumu, why are you so embarrassed?"


Yumu gave Kirabi an annoyed look, feeling very upset.

Originally, she wanted to make meritorious service as soon as possible, but in a hurry, she found the way of the enemy, which is a bit embarrassing to say.

Having no time to pay attention to his gloating companions, Yukito, who was eager to get back his place, put on his tailed beast coat again, and was going to trouble Terumi Mei again.

"Young~ wait for me."

Qirabbi, who was able to come and go freely in the sea, also rushed forward with his eight tails flicking.

Seeing this, Terumi Mei frowned tightly, and was about to put his hands together again.

A big skeleton hand wrapped in green chakra suddenly descended from the sky and slapped her fiercely.


The rapid piercing sound sounded in the next second.

Terumi Mei, who was unable to dodge for a while, was slammed into the air and rolled over a dozen times in a row on the sea surface, dragging out a large ripple before finally stopping her body.

"Zuo Neng?"

Wiping the blood from his mouth, Terumi Mei, who was half squatting on the sea, squinted slightly, looking at the crimson skeleton giant who was chasing after him.

Then he looked at You Muren and Qi Rabi who were coming from two other directions.

Taking a deep breath, she clapped her hands together, and her **** red lips parted.

Boiling Escape · Skillful Mist Technique!

In an instant, a high-heat mist with strong acid was spit out from Terumi Meimei's red lips, rushing towards the three of Shisui quickly like a sea wave.

At the beginning, Shisui wanted to rely on Suzunohu's defensive power to resist the boiling escape technique.

Just fast.

After discovering that his Zuo Nenghu had melted in the high-heat mist, his complexion suddenly changed, and he quickly backed away without any further delay.

This is true for Shisui who has Suzano's powerful defense, not to mention Kirabi and Yuki.

Seeing this, the two had no choice but to stop and avoid the boiling.

"As expected of Your Excellency Mizukage."

Seeing that Terumi Mei stopped himself and the others again by himself, Shisui who backed away sighed slightly, and his eyes became extraordinarily serious.

As the mighty Mizukage of the Fifth Generation, he chose to cut off the heir alone, at the cost of his own life in exchange for the life of his companions. This behavior made him very admirable.

But no matter how much he admired him, he still couldn't change his mind that he wanted to wipe out Arriving Mist Ninja in one go.

Seeing Mizukage's procrastination just now, the other Kirinin's figures had been fading away, and Shisui Kaleidoscope, who was no longer delayed, moved his eyes.


Wrapped on his body, Xu Zuo Nenghu, which was originally only a skeleton, was quickly covered with meridians and flesh, followed by the Xie Tiangu armor, and finally expanded the lower body and legs.

From the second state to the fourth state, the green left-handed warrior is quickly formed.

In the larger Suzunoku than before, Shisui quickly ordered to the others: "Kirabi, Yukito, and all Konoha ninjas, now go and chase Mistnin. As for the Fifth Mizukage , I will handle it alone.”


Hearing this, although he was a little unwilling, Yuki still nodded in response like Kirabi and the others, and then he staggered away from Terumi Mei and left from his side.

"Don't think about it!"

Seeing this, Terumi meditated without thinking about expanding the range of Boiling to stop Konoha and the others.

At this moment, the voice from Shishui sounded: "Lord Shuiying, your opponent is me."

Saying that, Shimizu Sunoko opened the breastplate in front of him, and fired many green chakra arrows from the center towards Terumi Meimei.

This is one of the abilities he has mastered, Xu Zuo Nenghu Ninety-Nine.

A large number of thick green chakra arrows came at this moment with a sharp piercing sound.

Terumi Mei's complexion changed, he could only dodge first.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Shisui manipulated Xu Zuo Nenghu to kill in big strides.

In front of Terumi Mei, the effect of Boiling Escape · Artful Mist Art is still there.

It's just that the boiling steam that could melt Xuzuonenghu before can't affect the shell in the fourth state at all.

Ignoring these, and looking closely at Terumi Mei's Shisui, the green Xuzuo Nenghu giant pulled out the spiral sword.

Although compared to Uchiha Madara, the Xu Zuo Nou displayed by Shisui right now is not as desperate and powerless as the former in Terumi Mei's opinion.

But for now, she is still under tremendous pressure.

But even so, Terumi Mei was still distracted in the next fight with Shisui.

She didn't forget that the reason why she appeared here was not to compete with Zhishui and others, but to delay as much time as possible, even if she sacrificed herself for it.

"Water Escape·Water Flow Whip."

Grasping the gap, Terumi Mei aimed at Kirabi and the others instead of Shisui, and quickly made a seal with both hands.

In an instant, I saw long whips made up of water flow one after another suddenly thrown out of the sea around the many Konoha ninjas who just passed by, entangled them unexpectedly, and then pulled them hard.

The sound of "plop" and "plop" falling into the water resounded continuously, and the Konoha ninjas who were chasing stopped again.

And as the price of distraction, Terumi Mei, who was almost hit by the spiral sword, was also flying upside down in the aftermath, spitting blood at the mouth.

"Your Excellency Mizukage, I said that your opponent is me."

Shisui slashed again In terms of real combat power, the strength that Terumi Mei can display in the sea can compete with Shisui who has a kaleidoscope Sharingan for a while.

But after a long time, it will eventually show its decline.

But now Terumi Mei is still distracted unknowingly.

Although this did slow down Kirabi and the others, it also widened the gap between her and Zhishui.

Not long after.

Under the violent offensive of Xu Zuo Nou, Terumi Mei fell into a dangerous situation.

Seeing that the latter's body was stained with a lot of blood, his aura became even more lethargic.

Zhishui's eyes moved.

"It's time to end!"

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Chapter 277 Desperately free to read.https://