MTL - I Thought I Got the Redemption Script-Chapter 13

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The room was silent.

Xie Qianqiu was silent for a long time, closed his eyes, and said solemnly: "I don't have... hemorrhoids."

At this moment, Yu Que abruptly saw a trace of lovelessness from his calm face.

Yan Xingzhou's expression did not change, he only raised his eyebrows and said, "No? That's right, they seem to be in a hurry to hold the wedding, if you are not sick..."


Yu Que raised his head suddenly, his eyes widened with a "swoosh".

Xie Qianqiu didn't respond yet, Yu Que jumped up first, took two steps forward and grabbed Yan Xingzhou's hand, and said loudly: "He has! Of course he is sick! He has that serious illness! He not only has hemorrhoids but also Snoring, treat him quickly!"

Just kidding! He managed to escape from under that female ghost's eyelids, what if he ran off to marry her again, a musician? Is it really "I play in the mud in the Northeast" at their wedding? This is not looking for death!

Some impassioned words fell, and the two men reacted differently.

Xie Qianqiu's face was blue when he heard it, and he couldn't help but sternly said: "Miss Yu! Scholars can be killed and not humiliated! How can I..."

"Oh." Yu Que interrupted him indifferently: "Hemorrhoids or marriage, you choose one."

Xie Qianqiu got stuck.

After a while, he rubbed his brows, closed his eyes and said, "The girl is kind, it's me who lost my temper."

Then he didn't open his eyes again, it was as if he couldn't see, and his chest kept heaving.

Yan Xingzhou looked aside, the smile on the corner of his mouth faded unconsciously.

He paused and asked casually, "Miss Yu really doesn't want Brother Xie to marry?"

Yu Que let out a long sigh, nodding heartily.

Who made her a fake musician, she happened to be attracted by the ghost.

When they get married, she only knows the song "I Play Mud in the Northeast" and pick it up... hoo! She didn't even dare to think how she would die in the end.

Yan Xingzhou saw her nodding, and the smile on the corner of his mouth faded even more.

He was full of interest when he came, but at this time he felt that even Xie Qianqiu's shriveled face was not so interesting, and a faint boredom was rampant in his heart.

Xie Qianqiu didn't know when he opened his eyes and saw Yan Xingzhou's fake smile that he didn't bother to maintain. He sneered and asked: "Brother Yan asked so much, but I I haven't asked Senior Brother, why are you here?"

Yan Xingzhou looked up at him, laughed lightly, and said with great interest: "There is a group of ghosts who are looking for a doctor who can cure hemorrhoids in the Cangdang Mountains. I was really curious as to who got hemorrhoids and needed so many ghosts to come out, so I took the initiative to invite Ying to come along."

After he finished speaking, he swept Xie Qianqiu up and down: "After coming here, I found out that this person is actually Brother Xie, I was really surprised."

Xie Qianqiu's smile gradually disappeared.

He was silent for a moment, then asked calmly: "They are looking for...medical repairs?"

Yan Xingzhou nodded calmly: "I have two hours to treat your hemorrhoids, and if they can't be cured after two hours, they will probably seek medical treatment until your hemorrhoids are cured. It's over, so now Brother Xie has two hours to think about, you hemorrhoids, do you want to let it heal."


Either die or sell yourself.

Xie Qianqiu walked out without saying a word.

Yu Que's scalp went numb, he immediately stepped forward to grab him and asked, "Brother Xie! What are you going to do!"

Xie Qianqiu said calmly: "To perish together."

Yu Que: "Calm down! Calm down! Look..."

She paused, realizing that this was a good opportunity.

He wants to die together, but is he afraid of a few spirit stones on his body and a few buttons on his clothes?

She immediately changed her mind: "Look... what is this!" She raised the rabbit in her arms.

Xie Qianqiu and Yan Xingzhou looked over at the same time, one was puzzled, the other was full of interest.

Xie Qianqiu suddenly remembered that just now, Yu Que kept pulling his clothes for this rabbit.

He hesitated: "This is..."

Yu Que touched the rabbit's ear with an unfathomable expression: "Gold-swallowing beast."

Her eyes were aimed at the buttons made of large spirit stones on Xie Qianqiu's gorgeous dress, and for a while she felt that the female ghost's aesthetic was really good.

"Brother Xie, I'll give you two more choices, do you want clothes or chastity!"

Xie Qianqiu: "..." Can't he have both?

Haemorrhoids or marriage?

Social death or prostitution?

Clothes or chastity?

Xie Qianqiu multiple choice questions on the spot ptsd!

But in the end he chose.

The rabbit was gnawing there, and the owner of the rabbit kept his eyes on him.

He also has a gem on his shirt.

But the gemstone is very different, probably to take care of the female ghost's taste, the entire lingerie is only fixed by the gemstone, as long as the gemstone is gently pulled off, this lingerie and A rag makes no difference.

Xie Qianqiu felt that people can't, at least they shouldn't even leave a piece of clothes for others.

But he obviously overestimated Yu Que's integrity.

She hesitated and hesitated, and finally said, "Brother Xie, look at your gem..."

Xie Qianqiu opened his eyes: "Miss Yu, otherwise I'll go and die together."

Yu Que immediately turned his eyes away: "No, no!"

Yu Que saw that there was no more wool on the sheep, and turned to Yan Xingzhou.

Yan Xingzhou was dressed in clean white clothes, not to mention spirit stones, there was not even a single gold thread on his body.

Yan Xingzhou saw her gaze, smiled apologetically, and said sincerely: "Zi Xia comes from a small sect, he is not as rich as Brother Xie, and he can still inlay spiritual stones on his robes. Moreover, the storage ring under the table has just been taken away, but there is no spiritual stone for the girl's pet to eat, but they seem to think that the next is just a medical practitioner, and they didn't seal my meridians like Brother Xie. Later, the girl When you make a shot, you can follow it when you are down."


But when she first met Yan Xingzhou, she didn't feel regretful when she first saw the scene of this person killing a few times in a group of ghosts.

However, the wool that should be plucked still needs to be plucked.

Her gaze swept over twice, her sharp eyes fixed on his crown.

The crown must be made of high-quality spiritual jade, exuding a strong spiritual energy.

Yu Que reminded: "Brother Yan, look at your crown..."

Yan travelled.

Xie Qianqiu laughed without hesitation: "It's a very moment, presumably Brother Yan is also willing to give up love?"

Yan Xingzhou smiled slowly: "That's nature."

He lifted his hand and took off the crown.

A pair of supple black hair scattered along the way, hanging lazily by the side of the man's face, like a waterfall.

Yu Que always felt that no matter how handsome a man in ancient costume was, he would not look good when his hair was disheveled.

But the person in front of her strongly broke her prejudice.

She covered her chest and said to the system: "Ah! My **** xp!"

System: " put on some clothes."

At this time, Yan Xingzhou had already handed over the hair crown.

Faced with such beauty, Yu Que could hardly bear to accept it.

System: "But I think you got it right."

Yu Que suddenly turned serious: "Then do you know what is more exciting than beauty?"

System: "You said."

System: "..." It shouldn't expect this person!

The rabbit finished eating the spiritual stone on the clothes, and then gnawed Yan Xingzhou's crown.

Yu Que asked, "How full is this rabbit now?"

The system did the math: "Eighty full, enough!"

Yu Que was excited and picked up the rabbit.

At this moment, the voice of the female ghost came from outside the door.

"Couple, are you ready?"

The three all looked out the door.

The door was pushed open, and a female ghost in a happy dress walked in from the outside.

…and saw a little beauty with disheveled clothes and a big beauty with disheveled hair.

The female ghost clutched her chest and took two steps back.

She couldn't help muttering: "I thought Xie Lang was already the most beautiful in the world..."

Yu Que suddenly felt bad.

Then she saw a little ghost walking out from behind the female ghost, supported her with a worried look, and asked, "Master, what's the matter with you?"

The female ghost grabbed the kid and pointed at Yan Xingzhou: "A cup of tea! I want all the information on this man!"

The little ghost looked at Yan Xingzhou with a puzzled face: "This... this is the doctor we brought to treat Xie Langjun, and we only know that his surname is Yan."

The female ghost said sweetly: "Yan Lang~"

The smile on Yu Que's face gradually disappeared.

Xie Qianqiu sneered without hesitation.

Yan Xingzhou's often smiling face was finally expressionless.

The female ghost said softly: "What do you say? How could I abandon Xie Lang, I fell in love with him at first sight."

Xie Qianqiu's smile gradually disappeared.

When the little ghost heard the words, he wondered: "Then, who is the master going to marry this time?"

Female ghost: "Children make choices, of course I want them all!"

She waved her hand: "The wedding will be held immediately. I will marry two husbands tonight. Isn't it good for everyone to live together!"

Yu Que was shocked!

She stammered to the system: "This, these sisters are pretty wild!"

System: "..." Stop talking, take a look at the faces of the male protagonist and the villain!

The war of destruction in the original book is about to start in advance! Hey!

She was still in shock and didn't react.

Someone said gently: "Miss Yu, give me the rabbit."

Yu Que subconsciously handed it over.

Then she reacted immediately and looked over with wide eyes.

Yan Xingzhou threw the rabbit out without hesitation!

The rabbit suddenly grew bigger in mid-air, bursting the entire room.

Yu Que hid the fallen wood, and when he coughed and finally stood up, he saw the giant rabbit standing in front of everyone, feeling extremely oppressive.

More oppressive than the behemoth is Yan Xingzhou holding a long sword.

He held a sword with one hand, and found an empty sword and threw it to Xie Qianqiu.

He tilted his head to look over and asked lightly, "You still have to raise your sword."

Xie Qianqiu sneered: "It doesn't matter."

At this moment, Yan Xingzhou and Xie Qianqiu actually united the front.

The system takes pictures like crazy.

What made the undead male protagonist and villain in the original work together?

Oh, chastity.

At this time, outside the ghost house, the sword immortal Qingjun opened the door with one sword and one sword. Facing the menacing ghost crowd, he said lightly, "I'm here to find my apprentice."

my people."

The strongest alliance of pros and cons in history is about to be reached.