MTL - I Truly Am The God of Learning-Chapter 692 Plant Affinity MAX

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Chapter 692 Plant Affinity MAX

The champion is born!

The Masked Song King was born!

The next day.

in the morning.

The news is still raging.

"The King of Masked Song Ends! 》

"A record number of live streaming! 》

"Superman wins the championship! 》

"Popular Little Fresh Meat Lost Collectively! 》

"A shocking night! 》

On Weibo:

[I rely on it, it's terrible. Have you all watched the live broadcast? The number of online people in the live broadcast room is terrible! 】

[Yeah, this time the masked song king refreshed the record. 】

[I don't think there will be such a high number of online users in ten years. 】

[Superman became the King of Songs. 】

[I like listening to Superman songs so much. It's so nice. 】

[Unfortunately, I do n’t know who Superman is until now. It ’s a pity. 】

[The masked song king program group is also a pit, and actually let Superman leave, hey. 】

Just then, a Weibo account called Star Spy suddenly posted a status.

"I think everyone must want to know where this Superman is sacred. In fact, like everyone, with my own strength, and in almost zero popularity, I can actually smash small fresh meat and make three full names popular. It's simply unthinkable that fresh meat is kicked out, but the fact has happened. Who has this strength?

You may wish to guess boldly, there are very few of them, we have guessed all the talents in the singer circle, but no one is, however, there is one person we did not guess, that is music Y!

Originally, I was just skeptical, but after my careful thinking, this possibility is extremely great! Everyone knows the strength of Music Y, and this time Superman sings original songs. Is n’t it similar to Music Y? Moreover, look at the mentor on the stage. Chen Xiaoyan is the mentor. Can she invite music Y to take the lead? "

This one microblog suddenly made countless people suddenly open, only feeling a real image spread out.

[Mistweed! Listen to your analysis, really! 】

[Yes, original songs, and they sing so well, only music Y! 】

[Damn, what was a good guess, I didn't think of it? 】

[Music Y! He actually came to power, ah ah! 】

[Too excited, no wonder I was able to hang small fresh meat, this is taken for granted. 】

[Yes, Music Y is the ultimate symbol of the music industry. 】


For online speculation, Music Y did not acknowledge or deny it, and on the third day, a news once again caused the Internet to boil, and directly revealed the identity of Superman.

QQ Music's official website released a message: "The company has signed a contract with Music Y," Guangdong Love Story "," Ordinary Road "," Once You "," Natural "will be released on this platform one after another, everyone please stay tuned ! "

Later, the price of the contract was also picked out by good people, 90 million!

That's right, a total of 90 million yuan!

This is also the reason why the music "Guangdong Love Story" is only an adaptation. If the four capitals are original, it is estimated that it can exceed one billion!

Once released, the entire network was shocked.

[Sure enough, it's Music Y! 】

[It's terrible, ninety million! Just a few songs. 】

[Too rich, a golden artifact! 】

[Music Y, ask for support! I can do anything, really, professional! 】

[My mother, I dare not think about so much money in my dreams, envy, hate! 】

[A talented person can really do whatever he wants. 】


At this point, as the focus of the network, Ye Lingchen has returned to Miracle Island.

He counted his popularity and couldn't help smiling.

Since the last hacking war, I prepared to shoot "Bright Sword", and coupled with the popularity of "King of Masked Singers", the popularity value actually increased by more than 3 million during this period, reaching 23 million!

Compared to some of the earth-shattering events that I did before, it seems that increasing the popularity of 3 million is not much, but we must know that this is just singing. To increase the popularity of 4 million, it is estimated that at least 50 million people have heard of it. My own song, then it is possible to gain four million popular fans, after all, singing and medical skills to save people are very different.

Of course, this is just after participating in the show, after I have recorded the three songs, there will be follow-up popularity.

Looking at the current popularity, Ye Lingchen was a little bit tempted, and then could not help but call up his knowledge interface.

There are already five advanced knowledge, one is cool running (advanced), the other is animal training (advanced), eight pole cross-training (advanced), and Luohan Quanjin (advanced), matrix formation (advanced).

As for the intermediate knowledge, there are only two, Mu Ling body (intermediate), dog language (intermediate).

Fifteen elementary knowledge, Xiuxian (beginner), Cat language (beginner), gas defense (beginner), dragon catcher (beginner), bird language (beginner), mouth beak (beginner), **** of food (beginner), nature Voice of Voice (Elementary), Yi Rong Shu (Elementary), Hope (Elementary), Water Body (Elementary), Dragon Search Technique (Elementary), Poison Free (Elementary), Bug Word (Elementary), Acupoint (Elementary) ).

100% proficiency in knowledge: palms, legs, biology, chemistry, calligraphy, painting, ball games, Western medicine, German, Italian, Russian ...

Unconsciously, I have five advanced knowledge, and each of them is very practical. Not only can I increase my combat effectiveness, but also increase the combat effectiveness around and around myself.

But when he saw the intermediate knowledge, Ye Lingchen couldn't help sighing. The wooden spirit body was naturally good, but the dog language was really speechless.

Now he can communicate well with dogs with intermediate dog language. What's the use of upgrading to advanced?

However, he coveted Mu Ling's body for a long time, this time it was iron heart to upgrade.

10 million popularity, but it must not be dog language!

Ye Lingchen prayed in his heart, and then swallowed a mouthful, then ... let's start!

Consume 10 million popularity points to upgrade advanced knowledge!

The dark golden aperture fluttered across the two knowledge, and the speed was so fast that Ye Lingchen's heart also beat.

Choosing one or the other makes your heart beat faster and more nervous.

The wooden spirit body must be the wooden spirit body!

Ye Lingchen growled in his heart.

Finally, the speed of the aperture is getting slower and slower, and Ye Lingchen's eyes are gradually condensed.


With a light sound, the aperture was finally fixed on the wooden spirit body (intermediate)!

Lying down!

Ye Lingchen's heart was suddenly loose, and she couldn't help but swear a curse and was pleasantly surprised.

With the dazzling light flashing--

Wooden Spirit Body (Advanced): The highest physical property of wood, now your affinity for vegetation has reached MAX, and you have the power to control the vegetation!


(End of this chapter)