MTL - I Upended Yet Another Campus Urban Legend-Chapter 127 127

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Lin Yi reached out and pointed slightly to the next door.

Cheng Yang was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, he showed an expression of "I didn't expect it", and said admiringly: "It has to be our half brother Lin!"

Xia Hui is the one involved, and will never reject the express sent by Cheng Yang.

For the cursed letter to be sent, it must be filled with filth.

Judging from the curse letter Cheng Yang received, the filth has blood and the breath of the next cursed person.

The breath of the curse is easy to handle, the paint used to write Xia Hui's name on the 204 bedroom is still there.

The hard part is blood.

'It's your time to hide your life', these five characters are written in blood.

But whose blood is that, Cheng Yang has no idea.

"The note is floating in the sewer right now." Cheng Yang said regretfully, "I knew it earlier and kept it."

"It's no use keeping it."

Lin Yi said: "The curse letter you received was specially sent to you by the previous person, and the note has your breath on it, so there is no way to forward it to the next person."

Cheng Yang thought about it too, he wondered while thinking: "But whose blood is that?"

Although Cheng Yang was muttering to himself, Lin Yi next to him thought for a moment, and then answered him: "The cat or the blood of that thing."

Cheng Yang hurriedly asked: "How do you say?"

Lin Yidao: "There are two kinds of filth in the curse letter, one is the breath of the cursed person, this is to accurately find the cursed person."

Cheng Yang nodded, he could understand this.

Not only can he understand, he also has ideas, he raised his hand and said, "Brother Lin, I understand."

Lin Yi stopped and waited for Cheng Yang to speak.

the blood of the people.”

After finishing speaking, Cheng Yang asked Lin Yi in a complimenting tone: "Brother Lin Yi, am I understanding right?"

Lin Yi nodded, "But blood should only belong to cats."

Cheng Yang, who rarely followed Lin Yi's train of thought, didn't understand, and Lin Yi said: "The essence of the curse letter is called 'transmission' in alchemy."

Cheng Yang reminded: "Brother Lin, you said this."

"I know." Lin Yi continued: "The specific operation of Chuanshi clips the dead man's hair and spells on a pigeon that has been fed chronic/sex/poison/medicine, and then puts the pigeon Let go. The pigeons that have been fed with slow/sex/poison/medicine will die of in-flight poisoning, and then fall into someone's house. After the pigeon falls, it will put its filth on it, and the family will be unlucky. One after another."


Cheng Yang nodded affirmatively, Lin Yi's analogy is very clear, he is not high IQ but not defective.

Lin Yi continued: "The reason why the hair of the dead is used is because the dead rest in peace for the dead, but the hair of the dead is used, and there is no rest at all, so that the dead will be reborn Resentment, revenge on the family where the pigeon fell. Similarly, the blood on the note must also be the blood of the dead."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi stopped to look at Cheng Yang again.

He needs Cheng Yang to fully understand, so that he can carry out the follow-up main line exploration, and he can also pull Cheng Yang to a certain extent, so that Cheng Yang can grow up.

Cheng Yang lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then nodded: "Well."

"But blood is the blood of dead things, so what does that have to do with blood belonging to cats?"

Cheng Yang can't understand this logical causal relationship.

Lin Yi asked Cheng Yang: "Did you hear the cat scratching the door?"

Cheng Yang nodded, last night the cat scratched the door and he was flustered, as if the cat's paw was scratching on his nerves.

"Can you detect the cat's resentment?" Lin Yi asked.

Cheng Yang nodded: "That must be possible, the cat last night wanted to find a few holes for me to catch the door."

Lin Yi said: "Do you feel resentment at the thing guided by the cat?"

"I don't know." Cheng Yang said, "I haven't met it yet."

"That's right." Lin Yi waited for Cheng Yang to say: "If that thing resents that its rest is disturbed, it will not be too late."

Cheng Yang was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I rely on it."

Lin Yi told Cheng Yang about his confrontation with the thing last night. The state of the thing was obviously opposite to that of the cat. It was obvious that the cat had already pointed the way to the 202 bedroom. People, but that thing pushed open a crack first and quietly peered in.

Lin Yi continued to preach to Cheng Yang, "The person who releases the pigeon will tie the left leg of a frog corresponding to the pigeon with a rope at home, and the frog will also have stickers on it. The hair and the spell of the same dead person. If the filthy family has a pregnant female relative, the frog will jump around and want to run around, otherwise it will close its eyes and rest without food and water. 2 "

"If it's the former, the person putting the pigeons will use a piece of bluestone to shoot the frog to death, and then swallow it alive. After that, the fetus in the pregnant woman's belly will become a stillbirth, because the child's Yang qi and longevity are both stolen by the pigeons, and the child will die early. 3" Lin Yi said, "And the stillbirth looks infinitely close to the deceased, do you know why?"

Cheng Yang: "I want to know, but I don't dare to know."

"..." Lin Yi said: "Because the people who put pigeons disturbed the rest of the deceased and were afraid of retribution by the deceased, so generally give the deceased a sweet treat to appease the grievances of the deceased. If it were you, you would What sweetness to give to the dead?"

Cheng Yang said: "money?"

Lin Yi: "...people are dead, and they can't use their money."

Forget it, he decided to stop the meaningless question and answer with Cheng Yang, and said directly: "Yangshou."

Cheng Yang was stunned for a moment: "You can still give Yangshou to the dead, so how do you give it? Should you share the Yangshou stolen from the fetus to the deceased?"

"It's like a hard-earned baby that is not willing to share it with others. The deceased was actually deceived." Lin Yi said: "The time the fetus was in the mother's womb It is the yangshou they give to the deceased."

Cheng Yang paused and looked next door: "Brother Lin, I seem to know something."

Lin Yi nodded.

Lin Yi heard the 'meow' in Xia Hui's throat, and then thought of Chuan.

"What about that thing?" Cheng Yang hurriedly asked after digesting it, "Is it equivalent to someone who puts pigeons?"

"No." Lin Yi said: "The person who put the pigeons doesn't need to show up at all. If that thing is the person who put the pigeons, he has already done it himself, so why bother with the curse letter."

When Lin Yi said this, Cheng Yang felt that he asked a mentally handicapped question, but he couldn't help but ask Lin Yi another mentally handicapped question: "That thing is used to shoot frogs to death stone?"

Not waiting for Lin Yi to answer, Cheng Yang immediately said: "No. The stone and the frog are both beside the pigeon man, and they will not appear directly at the curse scene."

In fact, Cheng Yang's doubts also troubled Lin Yi.

Cats don't actually have the ability to kill, just like the hair of the dead, just to spread filth.

The one who can really kill should be the one who puts the pigeons, and he can pick up stones at any time and throw them at the frogs that are fettered by the pigeons.

But what they have now is that the thing is killing people.

Lin thought for a while, walked to the desk in the bedroom, took out a piece of paper and wrote.

What he told Cheng Yang just now included pigeons, hair of the dead, spells, fetuses, people who put pigeons, stones, and frogs.

He connected these words with the current situation.

Dove - Cursed Letter

Dead Hair - Cat's Blood/Cat

Charms—paint with names on doors

The fetus—the implicated after death (Xia Hui)

The one who put the pigeons—?



Lin Yi tried to fill in the blank, but he couldn't write.

That thing does not correspond to these words, it seems to be completely redundant, and even makes Lin Yi have the illusion that the curse letter will be more complicated.

However, Lin Yi doesn't plan to give up on problems that he can't think of for the time being. The most important thing right now is to send Cheng Yang's curse letter.

Lin Yi put away the paper in his hand, took out another piece of paper, and wrote "It's time for you to hide your life" with the pen in his hand.

'It's time for you to hide' Lin Yi wrote the five words twice, and when Cheng Yang was about to ask Lin Yi why he wrote it twice, Lin Yi put down his pen and said, "Let's go."

Cheng Yang said "oh", "where to go?"

Lin Yi said: "Look for cat hair."

Said and walked out.

Cheng Yang hurried to keep up, and as soon as he went out, he saw Lin Yi entered the 204 bedroom, thinking of the things in the 204 bedroom, Cheng Yang did a long time of mental construction before entering.

When I went in, I saw Lin Yi squatting under the bed, sticking the paper in his hand to Xia Hui, who was hiding under the bed.

The paper was stained with some meat residue.

Xia Hui sternly said: "Meow."

"I've wiped off the paint outside the door, and the spell is there." Lin Yi gave Cheng Yang one of the two pieces of paper: "I also have the hair of the dead."

Cheng Yang hated his brains, now he couldn't keep up with Lin Yi's rhythm at all, so he could only put on a blank expression.

Lin disagreed, explaining: "The fetus will move closer to the deceased."

So now Xia Hui is equal to a cat to some extent, and the blood on Xia Hui is the cat blood needed for the curse letter to take effect.

It took Cheng Yang a long time to react, "Is this still possible?"

Lin Yi nodded and said, "It should be possible."

This is related to his own life, Cheng Yang asked: "Brother Lin, how much confidence is there?"

Lin Yi said the truth: "Seventy percent."

There are still 30% uncertain, because the superfluous existence of that thing makes Lin Yi not directly sure that the 8-4 rule is about a transmission.

"Okay, 70% sure is enough." Cheng Yang took the paper handed over by Lin Yi and looked at the paper left in Lin Yi's hand: "But why two?"

Lin Yi said, "I have one more."

Whether there will be a package sent today, no one can say who it will be sent to, Lin Yi simply sent the curse letter ahead of time to ensure that he will not violate the second rule death rule.

Cheng Yang: "ok."

The two waited until the other participants went to class before leaving the dormitory. They did not immediately go to the mail room to send the courier, but first went to the public toilet to wash off the smell of their bodies. 204's dormitory was too long, and his body was stained with rancid odor.

If the mail room aunt heard about it and went to clean the 204 bedroom, they would not be able to escape the first rule of death.

After washing it, they sent it by express.

The aunt in the mail room can really pick up the package. After Lin Yi and Cheng Yang filled out the mailing list, the aunt in the mail room said: "Let's leave the package, and the little brother who receives it will take it away. Are you already late?"

Lin Yi hurriedly said, "Let's go."

The two left the dormitory building and followed this road to the teaching building.

After walking for a while, Cheng Yang said, "The delivery address is the dormitory building, and the mail room aunt has to ask the courier brother to pick up the package."

Lin Yi didn't say a word, Cheng Yang said it again, but Lin Yi still didn't say a word.

Cheng Yang shut up.

He estimated that Lin Yi was thinking, and the content of his thinking was the correspondence that Lin Yi wrote down with his pen.

There are several terms that have not found a corresponding connection.

After a while, they arrived in the classroom of Class Two (1).

It was not the first time they were late. After reporting, they walked into the classroom.

The female teacher is still counting the number: "One, two, three, four... twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five..."

Counted to the end with a 'tsk', and muttered, "Why is there still one less."

The weird picture became less weird after watching it for a long time, Lin Yi stared at the female teacher.

Cheng Yang scolded in a low voice next to him. Cheng Yang was scolding those involved who looked back at them. The involved looked at them both with suspicion.

The voice of the female teacher mixed with Cheng Yang's voice and fell into my ears.

For some reason, Lin Yi suddenly thought of what Cheng Yang said to himself.

Cheng Yang always felt that the female teacher always emphasized that one person was missing, which was a trap deliberately set by the 8-4 monster.

According to the rules he found in many ghost stories, the general ghost story will set up a mystery that attracts people to decipher. When the characters in the story are curious about this mystery, they will leave The lunch box is not far away.

Female teacher: "Why is there one less."

"Why one less."

The female teacher's brainwashing repetition is still in my ear.

No wonder even Cheng Yang felt deliberate, the female teacher was really emphasizing, as if she was deliberately letting everyone find out that there was one person missing from the second grade (1) class, so that they would be more aware of the missing person Curiosity entices them to look for the missing person.

Lin Yi set his eyes on the vacant seat in the class, that desk should belong to the missing person.

Because there are books on the desk and a pencil case. This is also the reason why those involved did not choose this desk. They chose as much as possible seats with no personal belongings on the table top and the belly of the table.

Where is the missing person, and whether it has anything to do with Chuan, Lin Yi doesn't know anything.

Because Cheng Yang was caught by the death rule and stumbled, Lin Yi has basically zero mainline information so far.

Looking down, Lin Yi put his eyes on the table again.

Personal belongings can reveal the owner's situation, so Lin Yi looked into the depths of the table.

With good eyesight, he saw an open notebook a little deep inside the table, with some content on the inside of the notebook.

Maybe it is a diary or a weekly diary. Many language teachers will assign this homework.

Thinking this way, Lin Yi moved his chair back a little bit, so that he could have a wider perspective and see the content on the inner page.

20xx year, x month x day, rain

School cleaning today.

Principal Wang said to clean up.

Spotless outside and inside.

But I don't have the tools.

I'm not talking shit.

I didn't borrow the broom until after school.

It's no use running too late.

Lin Yi can see so much, the content is indeed a diary, he knows every word, but he doesn't understand it together.

Don't say this is a diary written by a high school student, even the things written by elementary school students will not be so confusing.

He lowered his head.

After a while, Lin Yi's face sank.