MTL - I Upended Yet Another Campus Urban Legend-Chapter 145 145

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After introducing the background of "Slim Body Academy", the staff will bring everyone into the secret room.

He asked players to line up in a long line, and handed blindfolds to each player, "Everyone, please put on blindfolds, and then put your hands on the shoulders of the previous person..."

Lin Yi looked at Qin Zhou, he promised Qin Zhou not to come forward, so he was waiting for Qin Zhou's decision.

The two of them are at the end of the team, or he put his hands on Qin Zhou's shoulders, so that he is the last person in the team. Either Qin Zhou put his shoulders on his shoulders and Qin Zhou came to be the last person in the team.

If this is normal, it doesn't matter who is in front of him or Qin Zhou.

something followed.

Lin Yi saw that Qin Zhou was also thinking about it, he thought about it and suggested: "Senior, shall I go last?"

The former can almost feel the movements of the people behind.

In front of him was Qin Zhou's words, so that he could not be noticed by others by looking around.

Qin Zhou saw what he was thinking, Lin Yi didn't need to come to the fore, but he couldn't help but look for clues.

It is indeed dangerous here, but Qin Zhou can't stop Lin Yi from finding clues. Only if he has enough clues can he survive.

In this way, Lin Yi is indeed a little safer at the end.

Qin Zhou tilted his head.

Lin Yi understood Qin Zhou's movements, put on a blindfold, and stretched his right arm on Qin Zhou's shoulder.

Adjust the position of the eyecup with your left hand so that you can see under your feet and behind you to your right.

Before adjusting, Lin Yi felt that the team was moving. Without paying attention, it fell off Qin Zhou's shoulder.

He hurriedly reached out to hook, and caught a warm hand that was leaning back.

This hand took his hand and put it on the waist of the owner of the hand.

Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief, grabbing the corner of Qin Zhou's waist.

He was sure that it was Qin Zhou. After all, he was in a certain dormitory of the school a few hours ago.

After that, Lin Yi started peeking, and he knew that the staff had brought them into a door.

After entering the door, the light dims, and there is a light behind the door, but this door is like a black hole, and no light can be refracted in.

Lin Yi saw the black fog. In the Unnatural Engineering University, the black fog represented the loading progress bar of the rule world.

Lin Yi guesses it should be the same here.

After seeing the situation at his feet, Lin Yi was about to look behind him again, suddenly his shoulders sank, and a pair of arms silently put on his shoulders.

He grabbed the corner of Qin Zhou's clothes and couldn't help but tighten.

This is a joint reaction, Lin Yi can feel Qin Zhou's body also stiff for a moment.

For Qin Zhou to worry, Lin Yi gently scratched Qin Zhou's waist.

Then his body slowly became stiff, and he clearly felt a hand on his shoulder fell down and grabbed the corner of his waist. and scratched.

Lin Yi tried his best to slow down his breathing, he scratched Qin Zhou twice.

The thing behind also scratched him twice, the frequency is the same.

That thing is learning from him!

Knowing that his every move was being noticed by the things behind him, Lin Yi hurriedly turned his head away and glanced to the right without using his peripheral vision.

After walking like this for about 4 or 5 minutes, the team finally stopped.

But there was no voice from the staff, no telling whether the team had reached the destination, or whether the team could take off the blindfold. It was as if a train had lost its locomotive, leaving only the connected cars parked on the tracks.

Lin Yi counted the number of people. This time, there were 27 players in the game plus him and Qin Zhou. The long team of 27 people was neither long nor short, so The voices coming from the front of the line were audible, but not very clear.

Lin Yi captured the keyword.

The "leader".


Keywords are captured so precisely that the situation can be clarified without wasting brain cells.

The first person in the team also wore a blindfold and was led by the staff to move forward. Now the staff is gone.

It disappeared, and this creepy feeling was transmitted from the front row of the team to the next second, Lin Yi felt his shoulders loosen, and the arms on his shoulders also gone.

After feeling the cold wind behind him, Lin Yi was sure that the thing that had been following him disappeared, and then he took a step forward, pressed against Qin Zhou's back, and whispered: " Senior, something has joined."

Qin Zhou took off the blindfold after hearing this.

Lin Yineng is so decisive, there must be something to join, he must feel it.

The light stabbed him, but Qin Zhou didn't close his eyes, and he was relieved after confirming that Lin Yi was all right.

Hearing Qin Zhou taking off the eye mask, Lin Yi was also about to take it off.

They know very well that the disappearance of the leader means that the monster world has loaded and they have reached their destination.

However, before Lin Yi took it off, Qin Zhou reached out and grabbed the hand he took off the blindfold.

Qin Zhou said softly, "No hurry."

In the team so far, Qin Zhou alone has taken off the blindfold, and the others are still blindfolded. Although taking off the blindfold is difficult to link with the act of killing, what is the situation now, it has even exceeded Qin Zhou's cognition.

In an environment of uncertainty, the best thing to do is not to be the first.

This is what Qin Zhou told Lin Yi not to come forward.

The reason why Qin Zhou took off the blindfold was to confirm Lin Yi's safety. He had already become the first person to take off the blindfold, and he would not let Lin Yi become the second person to take off the blindfold. First and second, sometimes there is no difference, and it is considered a tip.

Lin Yi could still see a little something, but Qin Zhou grabbed his hand to stop him, and put the eye patch on him again.

Lin Yi couldn't see anything, only Qin Zhou's breathing could be heard.

After a while, Qin Zhou released his hand, but there was no other words.

Lin Yi tentatively grabbed the blindfold. Seeing that Qin Zhou did not stop him, he took off the blindfold.

Most of the people in the team have taken off their blindfolds, and the team has spread out, no longer maintaining the 'long dragon' form.

The first thing Lin Yi did when he took off his blindfold was to count people, Qin Zhou said, "28."

The thing behind Lin Yi has successfully mixed in.

Lin Yineng could hear a hint of solemnity in Qin Zhou's tone.

In the ruled world, monsters choose to be involved in hiding. According to the rules of the monster, their strength will decrease with the strength of the involved person, so as to ensure the fun of the ruled world sex.

The monster here doesn't seem to do this, it joins directly, so whether its strength is weakened, and whether there are rules to restrict it, no one can guarantee it.

Lin Yi looked at the other people. When he entered the store, he looked at other people's faces, but now Lin Yi looks familiar to anyone, unless he is sure that his shoulders are put on by hands However, he even had the illusion that he was counting the wrong number of people.

Qin Zhou noticed these actions earlier than he did, so Lin Yi didn't waste more time in distinguishing who was the twenty-eighth extra person, he looked at the person in front of him Scenes.

At this time, they were in a dilapidated room, the room was empty and there was nothing, the walls were dilapidated, the top of the wall was still seeping, and there was dark green moss growing in the seepage, the whole room There is a damp smell.

In addition to humidity, there is a sense of horror rendered by others in the air.

At this time, their impulses have disappeared, and no one can understand why they would suddenly change their schedule and come here to play escape room, but it is indeed their own choice to come here.

This is bizarre enough, and even more bizarre is the sudden disappearance of the leader.

The boy led by the leader is shaking all over, his fear is more intuitive than others, he has been describing to others the incomprehensible phenomenon he encountered.

"I'm sure my hand was on that little brother's shoulder, but he was gone in the next second! Gone!"

Someone tried to explain this phenomenon: "Did the leader run away suddenly?"

After all, they just put their arms on the former's shoulders, and the former can easily shake off the person behind if they walk a little faster.

The boy shook his head in horror: "Impossible! I grabbed his shoulders and clothes, I remember very clearly, I was worried about this happening, so I grabbed it tightly, but I'll be empty in the next second."

After he finished speaking, he also spread his hands flat, palms up, just like his situation just now, the palms were empty.

Although he described it very terribly, few people could feel the same way as him, and even when the boy had made it clear, he still said firmly: "It must be that you didn't grasp it firmly."

The boy became anxious, but the others did not want to talk to him any more, and began to wander around the room.

"What's going on?"

"Do you want to get out of here?"

Someone pulled the iron door, the iron door was not stable, it made a 'bang bang' sound in the process of pushing and pulling. With a sound: "Okay, even if I feel something is wrong, but I don't play anymore."

There is no window in the room, only this door. The boy walked to the door angrily and yelled at the door: "I'm not playing anymore, let me out!"

No answer.

Everyone stopped and looked at the boy, and Lin Yi and Qin Zhou also looked at the boy.

The boy shouted again: "Hello! Is there anyone? Can you hear me? I! Say! I'm not playing! Open the door."

No answer.

The boy flinched, but at this time a girl also spoke up.

Lin Yi recognized that this was the young lady who sent WeChat with friends.

The girl also said: "I don't play anymore, I still have something to do, the money does not need to be refunded to me."

With a companion on the front line, the boy gathered up his courage and kicked the iron door: "Fuck, we said we won't play, we didn't ask you to refund the money, open the door! "

No answer.

The boy became annoyed and kicked the door a few times, "I said..."


The door was kicked open by the boy, probably because he didn't expect that he would kick the door open, the boy was stunned for two seconds.

Lin Yi immediately looked out the door. In the eyes of others, it was pitch black outside the door. Lin Yi saw people walking through the darkness.

Before he had time to tell Qin Zhou, his footsteps began to sound.

The boy was still hesitating whether to go out like this, when he was kicked hard by someone from outside. The kick was so hard that the boy was kicked and fell to the ground, and his face was immediately seen blood.

Immediately after that, eight bald men stronger than Cheng Yang poured in. These eight men were covered with tattoos and held stainless steel keel whips.

Everyone was stunned when they saw it. The people who entered the room didn't look like good people.

But because of the background of "Slim Academy", they all regarded these people as NPCs in the escape room, which also diluted the fear of normal people for people with tattoos.

The crowd was dissatisfied.

They are here to play the game, they are the customers, the choice is up to them whether to continue playing the game or not, but now some of the customers have been beaten.

"Why do you beat people?"

"Fuck, refund money, stop playing."

Lin Yi curled his fingers, obviously, these people haven't realized that they have come to another world.

But he doesn't seem to be able to make them understand, just like a freshman selected by a non-natural engineering university, if he hadn't seen someone die, he wouldn't be able to figure out the current situation at all.

The accusations in the room came one after another, but the people who came in did not intend to let them continue. The keel whip in their hands was a weapon to keep them quiet.

Eight people and eight keel whips, and they were whipping randomly at the people in the room.

Sounds do not sound, boys and girls are no different, as soon as the whip goes off, the skin immediately turns dark purple, there is no blood, but you can see the blood penetrate the skin.

Screams resounded through the room, but the louder they were, the harder they pumped.

Bone cracking can be heard when the whip hits the bone.

Slim Academy assures parents that it is not violent corporal punishment to change the way of their children.

From this point of view, the academy's guarantee is worthless.

Lin Yi was tightly protected by Qin Zhou in his arms, so he also received several whips on his body, not to mention Qin Zhou who was protecting him.

Bone crushing pain.

"Senior!" Lin Yi wanted to rush out of Qin Zhou's embrace, but Qin Zhou pressed him firmly.

"Don't move." Qin Zhou gritted his teeth, every word trembled with pain: "Don't worry, senior doesn't hurt."