MTL - I Want To Be Qin II-Chapter 1081 This is a hope.

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  Chapter 1081 This is a hope.

   Just these words made Meng Yi a little helpless, but he knew that over the years, he had asked Wang Li to attack Baiyue for the sake of slaves. In the process, Daqin soldiers also suffered a lot of casualties.

  For military generals, war is necessary and what they desire, but one thing is that Xiazhou is currently such a terrifying amount of work, coupled with the expenditure of war, this is an extremely huge number.

   He also has his own difficulties.

   It's just these things. In front of Yinggao, he has no face to say it. As a minister, he is to solve problems for the king, not to find problems for the king.

   "If the road is not connected for one day, Xiazhou will not be stable for one day. At that time, whether it is to send a large army or transport food and grass, it will be extremely difficult."

  Yinggao looked at the construction site that was in full swing, and shook his head involuntarily.

   "One hundred thousand troops sit here, enough to swept away all dangers, so it must be done as soon as possible."

   Under the Qin law, corruption may occur, but in a region like Xiazhou, even if there is, it is not large, and Yinggao does not want to ask about it.

  He and I want to just go through the road and let Xiazhou completely Qinhua, for this reason, some things that are not the bottom line, he can tolerate.

   "My ministers are aware of it."

   Seeing Meng Yi and others nodding, Ying Gao looked at the galloping road under construction, and said towards Tie Ying with a faint tone: "After returning, set up an inspection team with a scale of 1,000 people to inspect the construction of the galloping road."

   "Before Da Qin completely destroys Zhao, all the roads in Xiazhou and Liangzhou must be fully connected, so that the Silk Road can play its proper role."


   Seeing that his goal has been achieved, Ying Gao turned towards Wang Ben and said, "Mengzhou Mu will continue to sit in Yuecheng, Gu and Uncle Wang will go to Shennong Valley, their speed is too slow."


   Yinggao understands that scientific research cannot blindly pursue speed, but Daqin does not have so much time, and the optimization of grain varieties is imperative. Once Chamcheng rice is successfully developed, it will make the entire South a land of fish and rice.

   In this way, after Daqin establishes an empire, the world will return to its heart, and the treasury will be sufficient, so that some major chaos and drought will not occur. In this way, Daqin will use troops in the future, and the court will not unite against it.

   His identity has changed.

   He is no longer a simple Prince of Great Qin, but the Prince of Great Qin. Under such circumstances, his words and deeds represent the Great Qin court.

   Therefore, the rules must be followed.

  Although this made him uncomfortable, the biggest beneficiaries of obeying the rules were Qin Wangzheng and him, the Great Qin Prince.

   There has never been peace in Daqin. All prosperous times need blood and forging. In this life, Yinggao has such an opportunity. He naturally hopes to change his fate and let Daqin live forever.

   Watching Ying Gao leave, Meng Yi's eyes showed a touch of contemplation. He had seen Ying Gao's vigorous and resolute actions, and he was even more aware of the cruelty and madness of this young man.

  The Prince of Great Qin is like this, and he is inevitably a little worried in his heart.

The Wansheng Army was dispatched, the Iron Eagle Ruishi accompanied him, and Ying Gao led a mighty group of people towards the Shennong Valley. This was not Xianyang. Even though Wang Li had already controlled an army of 100,000 people, Ying Gao was still very strong. cautious.

   Naturally, he will not only take two thousand iron eagles with him when he travels, because in the event of an accident, if he wants the support of a large army, it cannot be achieved in a short period of time.

   For their own safety, it is natural to lead a large army, which is the easiest.

   The people from Wumuya led the way, and three days later, the people from Yinggao arrived at the Shennong Valley.

   "The ministers are waiting to meet the prince!" The crowd headed by Shennong saluted Yinggao one after another.

   "You don't have to be too polite!"

  Yinggao got off his horse, stretched out his arms towards the people in Shennong Valley, and said, "Everyone is trapped in this place for the sake of Daqin, and for the sake of the people of the world, and cannot return home. Such a righteousness, I admire it."

   "Father, King and Gu all remember you."

"Although there have been some breakthroughs in the research and development of Shennong Rice, it has not yet reached the level required by the prince. According to the conjectures and observations of the ministers, it will take at least a few years." As the controller of Shennong Valley, he has always been called It is Shennong.

   "It's been a few years, Daqin has already destroyed Han, and it has completely started the great cause of destroying the country from the east. The rice that meets the requirements needs to be researched before Chu is destroyed, and enough rice seeds need to be cultivated."

   "So, there is not much time left for you. This is also the reason why the lonely person went south to Xiazhou and came to Shennong Valley at this time."

   Yinggao is naturally clear that the so-called Champaign rice is only one of the methods, and it is only suitable for planting in Xiazhou, Baiyue and Chu, but it is not suitable for cultivation in the northwest and north.

   But his current ability, only these, whether it is sweet potato or corn or potato, requires Daqin to integrate all the building crews to do it.

   Moreover, potatoes and sweet potatoes in this era must not be as high-yield as later generations. Therefore, Shennong Valley developed Champaign rice to accumulate experience.

   As the saying goes, things are rich and people are abundant.

   As long as there is no shortage of food, the population of Daqin will explode as expected.

   "The ministers understand that the prince's strong support for Shennong Valley over the years has been clearly seen by the ministers. Regarding this, the ministers will strive to achieve results as soon as possible."

   In the end, Shennong stated that he knew in his heart that although it was inconvenient to study here, the rice was all here, so he could only study it here, and then gather the support of the Central Plains.


   nodded slightly, Ying Gao moved towards the crowd in Shennong Valley, chuckled lightly, and said, "Everyone just needs to go all out in research and development, but whatever is needed, the Guhui will fully support it."

   "If the Shepherd's House in Xiazhou Prefecture is unable to satisfy it, the news will be passed on to Gu, who will find a way in Xianyang to gather the power of Daqin to meet your needs."


  People take food as their heaven.

   Ying Gao attaches great importance to the research and development of Champaign rice. He knows in his heart that this is a kind of pioneering. Once he has experience, when seeds such as potatoes arrive, they can naturally be cultivated in a short period of time.

   At that time, Daqin is truly qualified to enter the prosperous world, and it is possible for the population to reach 60 to 70 million.

   After all, he is still young, and he has at least two decades to witness the prosperity of Daqin.

   At this moment, the eyes of everyone in Shennong Valley were also reddish. They belonged to farmers and their status was not high, but they could see from Yinggao that they valued them.

   This is a hope.

   A hope for the rise of peasants, and whether it is from peasant families or from the internal history of the Great Qin Dynasty, they all hope that there will be no hungry people in the world.

   They all have a simple ideal, that is, there will be no famine in this world and everyone in the world will be full.

   (end of this chapter)