MTL - I Was Fed the Fruit by the World Nobles and Became the Fifth Emperor-Chapter 164

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What he can do now is to hold off Chenos as much as possible until the helper Sengoku said arrives.

Only in this way can their navy have a chance of survival and a chance to turn defeat into victory.

"Kapp, you seemed to have a great time hitting me just now, now it's my turn!"

"You who are called Iron Fist Karp, offense is your strongest point. I hope your defense ability is as strong as your offense ability!"

After Chenos finished speaking, the figure flew up very fast, with two more guns in his hand, aiming the muzzle at Garp.

In an instant, countless light bullets vented towards Garp, forming a light curtain that bombarded Garp wildly.

Garp narrowed his eyes, his expression became serious, and he used his hands and feet to resist Chenos' light curtain.

When he was in Alabasta before, the moves that Garp could easily deal with with his fists were now extremely difficult. The lightning bombs that came at high speed kept bombarding Garp, which also made Garp's hands and feet a little busy. coming.

His arm bones were broken, which greatly affected his movements, making him unable to deal with it as easily as when his hands were healthy, causing the light bullets to keep retreating.

At this moment, a light bullet of different color appeared in the middle of the light bullet, just like a small sun, emitting an orange-red light.

Garp also saw this light bullet, and his face went black.

He knew that this move was the Sunset that he once beaten, but he was at his peak at that time and needed to use all his strength to beat the Sunset. Now he doesn't know if he can take this move.

But although the power of the sunset is terrifying, it is not the reason for his real black face. The real reason for his black face is the combo after the sunset, the move that wounded his arm - the sword of the sky!

In the face of Chenos' fierce offensive, Garp couldn't help but have a thought.

"Am I... going to be defeated?"

"If I am defeated, what will the others do?"

"What about the Warring States?"

"Can the navy survive these vicious pirates?"

Chapter 331 Garbage

Garp is still resisting those light bullets, but the number of light bullets is too much, too much to deal with, which also makes some light bullets hit Garp.

In such a dense attack, once it is hit, it is difficult to resist other light bomb attacks.


A light bomb smashed into Garp's body, knocking Garp upside down and flying out. Although the power of the explosion was terrifying, it did not cause much damage to Garp.

However, Garp's defensive posture was broken, so that he could not continue to defend against the attack of light bombs.

Countless light bullets continued to smash towards Garp.

boom boom boom...

Countless light bullets smashed into Garp's body. With the defensive ability of Garp's domineering top powerhouse, under the attack of countless light bullets, he was slowly beaten and seriously injured.

After the light bomb attack, the sunset slowly flew towards Garp, and also came to Garp. Garp gritted his teeth and wanted to stand up to resist the sunset, but he was seriously injured and could not resist the sunset at all.


A ruthless voice sounded, and the setting sun rose in response. It instantly changed from the size of an egg to a sun with a diameter of 100 meters. On the surface of this sun, a terrifying high temperature was exuding, roasting everything around it. Then, the surface of the sun Getting brighter, more dazzling, and hotter.

One after another dazzling light pierced from the surface of the sun, and in an instant, countless cracks appeared on the surface of the sun.


A huge mushroom cloud appeared, and the explosion of the sun produced a terrifying shock wave, which continued to spread around, and in an instant, all the remaining buildings, trees and ships on the sea were washed away.

The small island that was originally built by the navy to be very beautiful has become a bare rock block in an instant.

As for other people who are fighting, it has also been greatly affected.

Zefa's luck was not so good this time. Under the influence of the shock wave, he was rushed back several meters, and happened to hit Mihawk who was chasing after him. He was slashed in the chest with a knife and fell to the ground. Life and death do not know.

And Kuzan was even worse. When the shock wave came over, he was being slashed by Shanks, and was hit by the shock wave again in the air. He was knocked unconscious and fell to the ground, and was then picked up by Shanks. Grab Kuzan and walk towards the others.

Sengoku still couldn't defeat Aunt, and even because he was worried about the situation on Karp's side, he was beaten back by Aunt, and the situation became evenly matched.

On Kaido's side, Sakaski and Magellan, one put magma everywhere, the other put poison everywhere, even Magellan let Kaido get compound toxin, still failed to defeat Kaido, even Can't make Kaido fall.

As for Polusalino and Beckman, it can only be said that the two were still fighting intensely and evenly.

After this shock wave, the people on the battlefield also stopped to fight briefly and observed the situation around them, but the emotions on both sides were different.

The navy is in mourning, and the pirates are happy.

It is now basically certain that the Navy has lost the battle.

The strongest Garp in the navy has been defeated by Chenos. In the setting sun just now, Garp was seriously injured even if he didn't die, and there was no way to continue the fight.

And both Admiral Zefa and Kuzan were also defeated, which is equivalent to the other admiral-level combat power of the Navy, and now there are only four remaining, while the pirates are still intact, and they are still six emperor-level combat powers. .

Such an obvious gap also makes the remaining navy feel desperate!

But at this moment, Chenos, who had planned to stop, suddenly condensed ten swords of the sky in the air and shot them in one direction.

At this time, five figures appeared in the air, blocking the Sword of Heaven launched by Chenos. Even Whitebeard had to face it seriously. The Sword of Heaven, which could even be wounded by Garp's fist, was actually hit by five figures. People stopped easily.

And behind the five people, there is a tall figure. This figure wears a crown and has a pair of scarlet eyes. With one hand, he grabs Karp's collar and lifts it in his hand, with disdain. He glanced at Chenos.

He didn't say anything, just looked at the Warring States icyly, saw the Warring States break down in cold sweat, and lowered his head in shame.

Then the man threw Karp aside, turned around and walked back, completely ignoring everyone present.

Kaido frowned and looked at the man, and then said to the five figures: "I didn't expect that your five old stars would actually appear in person, and even that person appeared, which is really rare!"

One of the Five Old Stars with a birthmark on his face was about to say something, but at this moment, Chenos, like a fallen angel, waving his black wings, charged towards the man wearing the crown.

"You...Isn't that the strongest Im in the world that Whitebeard said?"

Wu Laoxing was about to make a move, but saw Yimu raised his hand to them and stopped them.

Then with a wave of that hand, the sea behind Im suddenly formed an incomparably huge whale, opening its **** mouth and biting towards Chenos.

This whale is so huge that it is as big as the entire Admiralty Island. The whole whale can be said to be a small ocean. Once a fruit person like Chenos is swallowed by a whale, he will lose his fruit. The ability to force him to exit the awakened state.

Chenos spread his wings behind his back, and instantly stopped the figure that was rushing down at a high speed. He stretched out his finger at the whale that was rushing towards him, and launched a light bullet.

The light bomb hit the whale in an instant, and the terrifying power of the light bomb directly blew the whale into pieces, but in the next second, the whale that was blown to pieces recovered again and continued to pounce towards Chenos.

Seeing this, Chenos couldn't help frowning, and swiped his fist towards the whale.

"Air Shock·Shock Fist!"

The whale was blasted again by Chenos, only in the next second, the whale recovered again.

Chenos said angrily: "It's endless!"

He slammed the whale again with one punch, then ignored the whale and looked at Im.

dong dong!

dong dong!

Chenos' heart began to vibrate, and when the vibration sounded, everything around him came to a standstill, wrapping Im.

"The Shock of Time!!"

Chenos took one step after another, moving towards the same frequency, with the same vibration from his body, and walked towards Yim step by step.

When Chenos reached the forty-ninth step, he spat out a mouthful of blood, but his eyes became brighter.

His figure suddenly disappeared in the air, raised his fists high, and charged towards Im at extreme speed.

When Chenos came to Im in front of him, he punched Im in the head.

But at this moment, Im suddenly moved, stretched out a hand and grabbed Chenos' fist.

Im's scarlet eyes looked down at Chenos, and said coldly, "Trash!"

Chapter 332 Go to be the next unambitious white beard

After Chenos got his fist, he looked at Im in disbelief.

But then he also understood that Whitebeard must have fought against Yimu at the beginning, and used the shock of time, but at that time, this move was cracked by Yimu.

Now Chenos takes out the same move to deal with Im, and it will definitely not work.

Although the shock of time didn't work, Chenos didn't plan to give up just like that. He had already defeated Whitebeard and Garp. As long as he defeated Im, he would be the real strongest in this world.

After becoming the strongest, it is time for him to settle the sins of the Tianlong people.

Chenos waved his left fist and smashed it towards Yimu's head, but before Chenos' fist could hit Yimu's body, a tentacle-like current emerged from Chenos' back. Chenos' arm was pulled, and there were several streams of water behind Chenos, which firmly imprisoned Chenos' body.

Chenos just wanted to exert his strength to disperse the water flow around his body, but Chenos tried his best, but found that he could not exert any strength, and he also broke away from the state of fruit awakening.

At this moment, Im threw his hand and smashed Chenos on the ground, then stepped on Chenos' head and pulled Chenos' arm so hard that Chenos could not move at all. If he moved, his head would be torn off by Im.

Im leaned over to Chenos and said, "You're not bad, just like Whitebeard... No, you are better than Whitebeard, and you have developed the ability of this fruit very well. It can even be said that the owner of this fruit, from No one in ancient times can develop as powerful as you.


In my eyes, you are just as **** as Whitebeard!

Even if you develop the fruit to the extreme, you still can't beat me, understand?

Go be the next unambitious Whitebeard, if you keep jumping like this, I don't mind taking the time to obliterate you! "

After finishing speaking, Im put down Chenos' arm and stepped directly on Chenos' head and walked towards the boat.

Everyone present fell silent, Chenos' strength was the strongest among them, but in Im's hands, like a child, he was knocked to the ground at will.

Is such an existence, an existence so powerful that it is despairing, the real strongest in the world?

How to defeat such a person?

Shanks lowered his head, he already knew the existence of Im, and it was because of this that he did not dare to eat the devil fruit to make his strength stronger, because the other party was restraining all devil fruit abilities The person's natural water fruit ability.

Anyone with fruit power will never be able to defeat each other, because...

All devil fruit abilities are afraid of water!

Im, who can freely control the sea water, is the nemesis of all devil fruit abilities!

It's just that it's hard for him to defeat Im just by being domineering, alas, captain, can I really just wait for the person you predicted to appear?

Is there no other way?

So unhappy!

Wu Laoxing did not take advantage of Yimu's presence to attack the other four emperors, but said to the Warring States: "Bring all the navies with us!"

After the five old stars finished speaking, they also walked straight towards the boat, ignoring the interests of the other four emperors.

When Wu Laoxing walked to Chenos' side, everyone else passed by Chenos lying on the ground indifferently, only the five Laoxing with a knife gave Chenos a look with interest.

It's just that he didn't say anything, and silently followed the other five old stars and got on the boat.

Sengoku left with the other admirals, and he personally picked up Garp, who was seriously injured, and boarded the ship of the Five Old Stars.

The fact that Lord Yimu will come this time is also very shocking to the Warring States period. He originally applied for the air of the world government as the general marshal of the army to help him win this battle and solve the new world pirates once and for all. threat.

But Kong did not appear, instead Yimu and Wu Laoxing came.

This also made the Warring States a little puzzled, why Im didn't kill Chenos, or even the other four emperors present. If you know that if you kill these four emperors, then the navy can attack the new world in a big way in the future. The stubborn diseases are generally cleaned up by the pirates.

But looking at Im's attitude just now, it seems that he doesn't want to destroy these pirates, and even let Chenos go to the next Whitebeard and let Chenos dominate the world of pirates. Why?

After watching the navy leave, Shanks sighed and walked towards Chenos who was still lying on the ground.

A genius like Chenos, all the way to what the world thinks is the strongest position in the world, which makes Chenos so proud, but such a genius was trampled underfoot by Im. Step on your feet in a sense.

It is conceivable how much this blows to a genius like Chenos.

"Chenos, they're gone, I'm going too, I have to rescue my crew, I know you're feeling very bad right now, but I still have to remind you, watch out for Kaido and Auntie!"

After Shanks finished speaking, looking at Chenos who was motionless on the ground, he could not help but sigh again.

After Shanks and the others left, Mama Kaito also walked towards Chenos.

However, Kaido and Aunt Rarely did not take advantage of Chenos when he was in a bad state, but stood beside Chenos for a long time, seeming to be thinking about something.

Kaido said suddenly: "In the Valley of the Gods, Garp and Roger didn't defeat our captain Rox, they just defeated us crew members."

After that, Kaido and Big Mom also left the island, and their crew members were taken away by the navy, and they needed to rescue them.

After everyone had left, when only Chenos was left on the island of the Admiralty, Chenos' eyes suddenly turned to look around, until after confirming that there was no one around, not even Morgans' seagulls, did he leave. He sat up on the ground, frowning in thought.