MTL - I Was Fed the Fruit by the World Nobles and Became the Fifth Emperor-Chapter 98

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The Lord of the Sky originally wanted to shake his head and refuse, but at this time he felt that a more terrifying existence than a human being who could discharge was standing on his head.

It didn't dare to shake his head.

And Shandola is the city it needs to protect.

The Lord of Space was stunned for a while, not knowing what to do.

Anilu scratched his ears in embarrassment. He said to Chenos, "This big guy doesn't seem to understand what I'm saying."

Chenos smiled and said, "Let me try."

Then Chenos released a hint of domineering, domineering and pressed towards the Lord of the Sky.

"Go to Shandora City, understand?"

The Lord of the Sky's body trembled violently, just as he was about to nod his head in agreement, he found that the terrifying human was still on its head.

Then its head finally turned around, knowing that the terrifying human couldn't afford to offend it, so it quickly wriggled its body and moved towards the city of Shandola.

In the forest, there has always been the movement path of the Lord of the Sky. It moved towards the city of Shandora along these paths, and the speed was many times faster than that of Chenos and the others.

After a while, they surpassed Tezzolo and arrived even faster, the city of Chandora.

Just after arriving in the city of Chandora, Chenos and the crew stared at the golden city in front of them.

You must know that what they saw was not the broken golden city that Wang Luffi and the others saw.

At that time, there was no gold in the golden city that Wang Luffi and the others saw.

Because at that time, for his wish to go to the Endless Continent, Anilu had already ordered the people in Sky Island to strip all the gold in the Golden City.

And what they saw was the golden city where the gold was still there.

Although a lot of gold in the Golden City was scattered on the ground due to the influence of the sky current.

It looks a little messy,

However, most of the gold in the Golden City still exists, and even the huge golden city is still very well maintained, but the golden bell called Shandora's Lamp that Weiken described has disappeared.

The surrounding area is golden, and at a glance, it is all golden yellow.

It was as if they had come to a golden ocean.

All the crew members were full of shock.

Although they know that this place is called Golden Country, they also know that there is a lot of gold here.

But knowing it and seeing it with your own eyes are completely different.

Seeing it with their own eyes, the visual shock brought by the appearance of gold like the ocean in front of them cannot be described clearly in a few words.


This time, with this gold, they no longer have to worry about lack of money.

And after Chenos looked at the gold, his face was even more happy.

With this gold, he no longer has to worry about Shaq and Tezzolo, the two gold-eating beasts.

Not only that, his mechanical legion plan can also be implemented.

At the same time, he can let Tezzolo use the gold to build a city of gold.

Then use the Golden City to make money.

Gold begets gold.

make money with money,

They won't have to worry about money anymore.

Because now, they are even richer than the richest Tianlong people.

For gold, Weiken and Ganfor did not have much reaction.

Because gold is not the currency they use as a transaction on an empty island without land, nor is it a valuable item.

Therefore, in their cognition, gold and iron are not much different.

Weiken and the others were staring at the black squares in the Golden City that looked very inconsistent.

At this time, Weiken pondered for a while with a solemn expression on his face, then quickly walked to Chenos and knelt down, and then kowtowed heavily.

"Lord Chenos, my subordinate has a request, please agree!"

Chapter 201 I Will Fulfill Your Wish

Chenos followed Weiken's gaze and saw the very conspicuous and very contradictory historical text.

"Is it because of the rock?" he asked Viccan.

Wei Kenfu knelt on the ground and said to Chenos: "Yes, my lord, this is the original historical text that our Shandia people swear to protect. I would like to ask the adults to hand it over to our Shandia people to continue to protect."

The historical text was originally on Gaya Island in Qinghai, and the Shandia people are also the guardians of the historical text living on Gaya Island.

Their ancestors have always sworn to guard this historical text.

It was not until 400 years ago that Apayado was swept to the empty island by the sky current, and was occupied by the angels on the empty island, which also prevented them from guarding the historical essay.

Now, as the patriarch of the Shandia clan, Weiken immediately remembered the education he had been instilled by his clan since childhood.

The Shandia people are the guardians of historical Chinese. Even if they pay the price of their lives, they must guard this historical text.

And the reason why they attacked the Angels again and again was to get back Apayado.

In addition to completing the agreement between their ancestors and Nolando, the main reason is this historical text.

Seeing that Chenos looked at the historical text without speaking, Weiken continued to speak to Chenos.

"Sir, our Shandia tribe is willing to submit to you, the only condition is that the historical text is returned to us, as long as you agree, our Shandia tribe will be sent by you.

If you are not willing to agree, we will not be able to submit to the adults, and even become the enemies of the adults. "

Chenos, who always smiled no matter what he was facing, with the smile he lost for the first time on his face, he walked towards Weiken with a cold face.

He reached out and grabbed Waken's neckline and lifted it up in midair.

"Are you threatening me?"

After Chenos finished speaking, he exuded an extremely terrifying aura, pressing all the surrounding Shandia and Angel warriors to their knees on the ground.

This is true even for those who are a little farther away from Chenos, not to mention Wayken who is facing Chenos' imposing manner.

At this time, Weiken felt that he was not facing Chenos, but an extremely terrifying prehistoric beast.

And the big mouth that this prehistoric beast has opened towards him, as long as he answers incorrectly, this big mouth will tear him to pieces mercilessly.

Under the momentum of Chenos, Weiken said to Chenos with great difficulty: "Sir, we do not intend to offend your majesty, but this is our Shandia mission.

If you are unwilling to agree, then destroy our Shandia tribe. "

Chenos sneered, "Don't you think I dare not?"

Said that the momentum of Chenos was getting higher and higher, and it was already so high that the warriors of the two races were close to the brink of fainting.

At this time, Weiken didn't say anything, but closed his eyes, looking like he was ready to die generously.

Looking at Weiken's appearance, Chenos had murderous intent in his eyes, and a terrifying murderous aura shot straight into Weiken's face, making Weiken feel as if he was on a battlefield full of blood, and his whole body trembled unconsciously.

It's not that Wayne's demands are excessive, just the way he makes them.

Before he surrendered to Chenos, he threatened Chenos once with the whole Shandia fighting.

Now they are threatening the lives of the entire Shandia clan.

If Chenos agrees, what will he ask for in the future, and then threatens with the lives of the entire clan, will Chenos agree to him then?

It is a trivial matter to agree to his request, then he will only become more and more excessive in the future.

Although Weiken may not have such an idea, Chenos, as the leader who will rule them in the future, cannot but guard against the slightest.

Otherwise, it will only make things more complicated.

Therefore, this time he must teach Viken a lesson, let Viken know that if he asks casually, it is really possible for their entire clan to die with him.

Chenos' actions at this time also made all the members think that Chenos really wanted to kill Weiken.

The members' reactions were mixed.

Hancock and Tezzolo unconditionally support Chenos,

Hancock is for love,

And Tezzolo doesn't care, his goal is only one, to overthrow the Tianlong people with Chenos, as for the lives of others, he doesn't care.

And most of the members, such as Moria, Perona, and the others, only care about their partners on the ship, and don't care much about the lives and deaths of others.

And Yang Yuji, Feicun, Baccarat and the newly added Anilu.

Instead, they thought that Chenos was right. Now that Chenos is the emperor of the sea, he must have the dignity of the emperor of the sea.

Not just anyone can be provocative.

And once someone provokes, the price paid is...


Therefore, although they were moved by the romance between the ancestors of Weiken and Norlando, the two men.

But they won't stop Chenos.

But at this moment, Liu Ji, who is a doctor, stood up and said to Chenos with some unbearable heart: "Chenos, he didn't make any big mistakes, can you let him go this time?"

After hearing Liu Ji's words, Chenos turned to look at Liu Ji with a frown.

Liu Ji is very good in everything, but some aspects are too kind.

If encountering an enemy, Liu Ji will kill the enemy without saying a word.

But once he encounters such a situation that he believes that the other party has surrendered to Chenos and belongs to the same camp, her kindness will be infinitely magnified.

Just like the villagers on Sick Island.

She believes that the villagers, like her, are all victims, so she will have infinite tolerance for the villagers.

Even if the other party regarded her as a witch and filth, she did not use her ability to harm those villagers because of this.

Even in the wild, she would secretly heal these villagers.

It's just that sometimes such kindness can actually hurt her.

After being silent for a while, Chenos flicked his hand and threw the Weiken in his hand onto the historical text.

Although Chenos just flicked it casually, the terrifying power on his body made Weiken feel like he had turned into a shooting star and slammed into the historical text.


After Viken slammed into the solid historical text, he vomited blood and fell to the ground, unable to even stand up.

In the next instant, Chenos appeared in front of Weiken.

He said to Weiken coldly: "The historical essay is such a boring and useless thing, you can protect it if you want to protect it.

This time, Liu Ji is begging you, so I'll spare you once.

But next time, if you dare to threaten me with your entire clan's life, then I will grant your wish. "

Chapter 202 The winner is always righteous

At this moment, Moriah also appeared in front of the historical text.

He stroked the historical text and said to Chenos: "Captain, I think this historical text should still be in our hands.

According to rumors, there are 30 pieces of historical text in total, and there are 100 years of blank history recorded at the beginning of the establishment of the world government.

This is something the world government is desperately trying to hide.

If we knew the blank 100-year history, we could use it against the world government.

And it also recorded the location information of three ancient weapons that could destroy the world.

If your target is the Draconians and the World Government,

I suggest that it is better for you to keep this historical essay in your hands. Perhaps with this historical essay, we can obtain the location information of ancient weapons.