MTL - I Wasn’t Born Lucky-Chapter 183

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[Lili: It's fine if you change the vest, you don't even tell me? And I also talked about Moriarty's gossip with other evil spirits, and stepped on Moriarty with Sherlock! 】

[Lili shed tears after taking Sherlock's fandom. 】

[Recalling what Hercule said to the phone ghost, "Meiyou, how many surprises do you have that I don't know?", now Meiyou can also call him: "Man, how many vests do you have that I don't know?" "】

[Laugh to death, pay for a report, if you gain, you will lose, Meiyou, if you can read this post, help me say something in front of the boss. 】

[Life is really full of wonders. Ghost calls were originally the kind of copy I feared the most. I was still shivering when I saw someone tell me about Moriarty’s experience before coming, but who would have thought that I would actually call ghosts affectionately? It's called Meiyou. 】

[The beautiful pomelo is awesome, it can navigate up and down to find people, and it is also convenient to carry. It is a qualified tool ghost. 】

[Our sister crying also needs to have a name, sister crying: I originally wanted to ask Sherlock for help remotely to get Sherlock to treat Hercules, but now...Is my beautiful hair never going to be revenge? 】

[Herkeley: It's all my own, all weird talks, what are you and me? Besides, didn't I give you a ghost? 】

[Fagui:? ? ? What the **** do you guys think of me? 】

[Cold, shaking, crying, can this world be better? It's too cruel for us ghosts! 】

[Hey, I'm still happy to read the posts about big guys. The building next door makes me shiver. 】

【next door? What building? 】

[I know, it's the one who said that there are often ordinary people **** things in reality recently...? In the past, although we reincarnations often went to ghost dungeons, it was very safe in reality. Recently, haunted legends have occurred frequently all over the world. Someone sorted out a special building, and I also climbed. 】

When Zheng Yi saw this, his grinning mouth finally closed.

He looked at the jargon and suddenly thought of the supernatural bus discovered by the junior classmate Qi Ning before, and his whole body trembled.

Zheng Yi hurriedly withdrew from this post, went to the special building mentioned by the person in the building, and looked at it intently.

At this point, it was a whole day, Zheng Yi concentrated on not eating much lunch, even Xiao Li looked at him more, but he still did not ask.

In the end, Zheng Yi didn't hold it back, and took the initiative to share it with Xiao Li just before school.

Xiao Li used a little yellow book to open the link to see. This post is filled with the sharing of stories about ghosts and monsters experienced by non-reincarnations. For example, the first floor is about an office worker who works overtime on Friday and returns home late at night. He lives On the seventh floor, take the elevator home every day.

Because it was too late, he was the only person in the elevator, but the moment he stepped into the elevator, the elevator suddenly issued an overweight warning.

The office worker was frightened to death at the time, and immediately withdrew, watching the elevator door closed without anyone rising slowly, finally stopped on the tenth floor, and then descended again.

When the elevator opened again on the first floor, it was still empty.

But the office worker did not press the button again at all.

He was shocked at the time, his legs were soft, and he didn't dare to go home. He went directly to a friend's house and stayed for the whole night. Afterwards, he posted the incident on Weibo, and was seen and carried by a certain samurai.

Xiao Li roughly turned down a bit. There were many such personal experiences in this building, plus the speculations of the reincarnations.

Zheng Yi said to the side: "This is the same as I used to watch ghost stories. It's really scary. I hope I don't encounter it. Recently, I dare not walk the night."

Xiao Li watched some of the most iconic events, and closed his yellow notebook thoughtfully.

"Xiao Li, if one day, I meet a ghost, I... can I move to your house?" Zheng Yi looked at him pitifully, "Or you can come to live in my house and bring me the Shen Mirage. Don't mind, I will be a cow and a horse for you, and I will disappear at night."

Xiao Li: "..."

Why does Zheng Yi always mention Shen Mirage?

His thoughts floated to that day again, throwing away the headache after the hangover. In fact, he slept very well, at least he was more at ease than all his previous sleep, as if he had received some assurance, he could have Going to sleep with a sense of security.

Xiao Li sat at the desk in a daze for a moment, then lowered his head to write his homework.


After this, the rest time between the dungeon missions became a bit long, until that night, Xiao Li answered a call from Ye Zeqing.

"Xia...No, Mo..." Ye Zeqing's tone was quick, but at first he was stuck at the address of Xiao Li, "Forget it, I'll call you Moriarty, I'm more used to it. "

Xiao Li heard something wrong in his tone and asked curiously: "What's the matter?"

Ye Zeqing is different from Zheng Yi. Zheng Yi is dependent on him. He likes to share the trivial things with him, but Ye Zeqing prefers to solve it by himself. After all, Ye Zeqing comes to him. There is also a Ye family behind Zeqing.

"Moriarty, do you know that there have been many terrorist incidents in the real world recently?"

"Yeah." Xiao Li said, "Zheng Yi shared it with me."

Ye Zeqing: "I'm also busy with this in other places recently. The Ye family's work is several times more than before. I can't go back temporarily. Are you free now?"

Xiao Li heard a noisy conversation on the other side of the receiver: "It's quite idle. Just tell me if you have anything."

"Yes... it's like this," Ye Zeqing sighed deeply, "I have a friend in reality, who is not a reincarnation. He has a KTV at home. The private boss is near your home. He... …He wants to invite you to sing a song."

Xiao Li: "............Huh?"

The last word God turns?

"...Help him by the way." Ye Zeqing coughed, "His KTV has recently been haunted, and many overnight guests said that they would run into ghosts in the early morning. I should have helped him, but I was out of town. He is a good friend of mine again, so I want to... see if you have the time."

"Of course you are not asking for your help. He will pay you. At least you will sing there for free in the future, and there will be an extra fee. Maybe you don’t like the money. You can ask for anything. I’ll help you follow He said, what do you think?"

If it was simply to ask him to sing, then Xiao Li would definitely not go, but since the enthusiastic student Xiao Li thought about the supernatural incident, he did not hesitate to answer: "The reward is no longer necessary. Open a room for me. My address and contact information, I'll be there."

Ye Zeqing breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, it's troublesome, I'll tell him now."

He hung up the phone and quickly sent Xiao Li the boss's cell phone number, name and address, along with a paragraph: [I have already told him, his name is Pan Jiming, you can just go directly. 】

Xiao Li circled around the house, picked up the schoolbag that was thrown on the floor after returning home, took out all the textbooks in it, and then took off the ghost painting, grabbed the little black cat by the neck, and put the cat away. Into the school bag, leaving a gap for it.

The little black cat tucked its tail and turned over in the bag.

"Just take you out to relax." Xiao Li put on his schoolbag and beckoned to the doll, "Tan Li, you girls should like singing, right?"

Tan Li is a good young ghost, always indulging in the activities of middle-aged people after retirement, such as raising flowers. Xiao Li really wants to develop her extra hobbies. This time is a good opportunity. He has never brought her Tan Li came out to play.

Tan Li raised his head from the flowers, and got into Xiao Li's right pocket with some confusion.

"There is also Zhou Ying. Children must look like children. They can't always play mobile games. It's good to sing." Xiao Li knocked on his phone, and by the way took the lamp that had been on the table for healing. ghost.

After everything was ready, Xiao Li dragged his family to the address given by Ye Zeqing.

This KTV is really not far from Xiao Li's house, and it's only a quarter of an hour's walk away. The signs made up of five-color neon lights are particularly eye-catching in the dark.

A middle-aged man with a sad face was pacing back and forth at the gate of KTV. Apart from him, no other guests came in or out of the gate.

The middle-aged man saw Xiao Li approaching here, and looked up and down suspiciously: "Master Moriarty?"

It’s not to blame him. Xiao Li wears a school uniform outside, and carries a black schoolbag behind his back. His black hair sits smoothly in front of his forehead. He looks like an obedient and excellent student, but it doesn’t fit Ye Zeqing’s mouth. The title of the strongest king in the ghost world.

Xiao Li: "Pan Jiming?"

"Yes, yes, it's me," Pan Jiming looked suspicious, but in the belief of the Ye Family behind Ye Zeqing, he forced a smile, "Master Moriarty, please come with me."

The interior decoration of this KTV is very luxurious. It is more magnificent than some chain song towns. It should be bustling on weekdays, but it is extremely quiet at the moment. Only the footsteps of Pan Jiming's leather shoes echo in the tiled corridor.

Xiao Li looked at the private rooms from side to side: "No guests?"

"After that happened, I closed the business. After all, if something happens to the people who come here, I guess I won't be able to open this store." Pan Jiming said nervously, "That's right, this store is open. For a few years, nothing happened until last week, when some guests who came to me to book a venue overnight reported that they heard footsteps lingering outside the box door."

"At first they thought it was a waiter, and some people felt annoying, so they opened the door to tell the waiter not to walk back and forth, but after opening the door they realized that there was no one outside the door... at all."

Pan Jiming’s voice revealed bitterness: “The guest in that box didn’t really think much at first, but thought it was the echo that amplified the waiter’s footsteps, or the waiter entered other boxes, but when he closed the door, the sound of footsteps stopped. It rang again."

"Not only that, at first, the sound of footsteps was walking back and forth after two meters from the door, and then gradually reduced to one meter. In the end, it was like a person jumping in place at the door of a box."


KTV ghost: I always have a bad hunch... It's an illusion, right? Ov0

Like I am not born with Ou Huang, please collect it: ( I am not born with Ou Huang's literary update the fastest.