MTL - I Wasn’t Born Lucky-Chapter 240

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The phantom of the ruling court disappeared completely.

Immediately, it was just a blink of an eye. Before everyone's upper and lower eyelids touched each other, the broken walls were still real. After the eyelids touched, the destroyed buildings were all repaired instantly.

The light bulb on the back was restored to its original state, and the entire ruling prison was illuminated as daylight, and the platform was lowered back to the lower level, exactly the same as the prison when everyone came in.

Only Shen Mizhi disappeared.

The cloud and mist that tied Xiao Li's legs also dissipated instantly, and everything seemed to have never happened.

The boy's fingers curled up, and he took a deep breath, his eyelashes trembled, like some kind of bird that could not find his way back.

Wang Huai: "Sherlock..."

Xiao Li asked without raising his head: "How can I enter the **** of heavy punishment?"

Wang Huai: "You?"

Xiao Li: "Answer me."

After a moment of silence, Wang Huai said, "I don't know, it should be those who have committed the most heinous crimes, have touched the bottom line of the prison or interfered with the trial procedures. This is just my guess."

He looked at Xiao Li's profile.

Wang Huai has seen many reincarnation lovers. Faced with the danger of their lives, most of them will choose to fly separately in the face of catastrophe. What's more, they will sacrifice their lovers to create a life for themselves. Few people like this are willing to die for themselves, so he bears it. I couldn't help but comforted again: "He is also for you—"

"I want to go in and accompany him." Xiao Li interrupted him. He stepped back and took out something from his pocket. "The severe sentence prison is not a good place for dating, but I don't think he would mind."

He looked at the brooch in his palm and asked at the barrage of the communicator: "Do you know how to enter the **** of severe punishment?"

The broadcast room was blocked after the adjudication court came out. Just after being released, the audience listened to Xiao Li’s questioning and swept the screen frantically:

[What happened just now, God descended? 】

[There are only a few possibilities that can hinder the live broadcast. 】

[Sherlock is asking severe punishment hell, is someone sentenced? 】

[Wait, Sherlock, haven't you let go of the severe punishment hell! 】

[You may not know the severe punishment **** very well. There are no ghosts and no gods in it, only yourself and the pain that has never existed in your body. 】

[Let’s think about it, the ruling court has not issued any official documents saying what types will be sentenced to severe punishment hell. Except for obstructing law enforcement, the one who entered last time seems to have destroyed and slaughtered a weak race for no reason. 】

[Do you want to save him? 】

In a large section of meaningless barrage, Xiao Li caught one of them, and he said: "Yeah."

The publisher of that barrage then said:

[Then make a deal with me, I will tell you how to commit any crime to get in, and you do one thing for me. 】

Fraud? Or death?

Xiao Li thought briefly for two seconds.

The latter may be true, but the former is more likely to be like a library incident, where the other party casually speaks out an absurd crime.

Xiao Li's messy brain gradually calmed down. He didn't answer immediately. He put on his brooch, took out his little yellow notebook, and wrote scribbled: "How are you? 】

Xiao Huangben did not answer.

Under his handwriting, there was no other response.

Xiao Li looked at Xiao Huang Ben, holding the pen slightly loosened, and it was not until five minutes later that the other party's reply came: [You know? 】

Xiao Li: [Guessed. 】

If it hadn't been because he had guessed that Shen Mirage was Xiao Huangben, if it hadn't been because Shen Mirage was non-human, then he wouldn't have been entangled for so long before he refused to make a decision and didn't want to take that step.

Human passions are hard to last, so what about gods?

Xiao Huangben didn’t know whether he was thinking about words, or because of the isolation of hell. It took him a while before he said: [...Are you not angry? 】

[For the face of being a serious criminal, don't be angry, don't ignore me. 】

At this time, the other party wanted to comfort him first.

Xiao Li was a little angry because of this inexplicably: [I am asking how you feel now? 】

【It's nothing. 】Xiao Huangben’s tone is brisk, 【A few days is nothing to me, and it won’t cause any harm, but I don’t see you are a little uncomfortable, so don’t care. 】

Before Xiao Li started writing again, Xiao Huangben said again: [If you want to end early, complete the task as soon as possible. 】

【You and I are a couple, if you succeed in jailbreak, I will leave here too. 】

[Wrong written, it's a team. 】

Xiao Li: "..."

[The copy rules are the same as the ruling court. You and I enter through the copy rules, and you can also leave through it. It is different from divine power. 】

[They spawned a copy, but they don't control the rules, but order is in control. 】

Xiao Li: [...really? 】

It's not that he doesn't believe in Shen Mirage, but because of this guy's personality, guessing that he wants to go in, it is not impossible to say so in order to deceive him.

Xiao Huang Ben: [I will not lie to you. 】

[Well, otherwise you will become single from just getting out of the single. Xiao Li finally wrote that he closed his little yellow book and did not go to the broadcast room again. He raised his head and said to the rest of the people: "I will leave."

Xiao Huang Ben was shaking wildly.

Xiao Li glanced down and found that the other party had sent [...Is it what I thought? 】, 【! 】Such words, instead of 【I just lied to you】, he did not give a reply. He stuffed the little yellow book into his pocket and prepared to hurry up and make a quick decision.

Wang Huai: "Where are you going?"

Xiao Li just blocked Xiaohuang's book strictly. He didn't see the dialogue written in the book, only the barrage in the broadcast room, thinking that Xiao Li was going to "crime".

"Go watch a show." Xiao Li's tone returned to his usual rate of speaking, only a slightly quick pace betrayed him. He passed by Wang Huai and tore a small piece of paper from the page of his little yellow book. , While unobtrusively smoothing the footer with his fingers, he wrote four letters on this piece of paper:


Xiao Li stuffed this note into Wang Huai's hand: "Have you seen "LOST"?

"Huh?" Wang Huai really failed to keep up with his thinking this time. He unfolded the note in his hand and looked at it for three seconds before realizing that it was English, "American drama?"

Will this topic jump too fast?

Last second, I was thinking about how to save my boyfriend. Why did I jump to the American TV show now?

Xiao Li said in one word: "No, it's a variety show. It's pretty good. You can stay here and watch it. The platform below will replay it. I'm going to watch the latest episode now."

He emphasized the phonetic notation of several words in it.

Wang Huai squeezed the note in his hand, pressed his chin down, and slightly waved his hand at Xiao Li.

Xiao Li and Wang Huai passed by and disappeared at the end of the passage.

Zheng Yi and Ye Zeqing wanted to keep up, but Xiao Li stopped them with gestures from a distance. Zheng Yi stopped, and Ye Zeqing started to run and jump on the spot again due to punishment. He gasped and asked. : "Really don't follow up? I feel a little worried."

Looking at this state, is it really insanity?

"Why don't you follow..." Zheng Yi couldn't help but worry.

When Ye Zeqing ran forward for the first step, Wang Huai crossed his arms and stopped directly in the middle of the road.

The doubt in the man's eyes has disappeared. He has fully understood what Xiao Li said just now. He let go of his hand and folded the note upright: "He went to watch the variety show and will be back."

Zheng Yi: "...?"

Ye Zeqing: "......???"

The face is dumbfounded.

I don’t understand the world of your bosses.


Xiao Li came back ten minutes later.

Wang Huai didn't leave this level, he just stayed where he was. The others didn't leave, they all stayed here.

The footsteps are getting closer.

Wang Huai was originally observing his task book. If his task book could also talk like Xiao Huang's book, he would probably now display the sentence "Don’t stare at me, I will be eaten by you], but It is a pity that his task does not have such a function, so he tore off half of the paper unscrupulously.

So hungry.


After hearing the footsteps, Wang Huai released the half of the paper, stood up straight, and looked over there.

Xiao Li looked like ten minutes ago. He quickly stared at Wang Huai. Before Wang Huai could speak, Xiao Li asked in surprise, "What are you doing here?"

Wang Huai: "..."

He said: "Is the variety show "LOST" good-looking?"

Xiao Li froze unnoticeably, as if he didn't understand Wang Huai's words.

He frowned slowly, then quickly let go: "...well, it looks good."

Wang Huai repeated Xiao Li's words: "There will be replays on the following platforms."

Xiao Li looked at Wang Huai's face, his expression was a bit strange, and then as if being reminded, he crossed him and walked deep into the passage.

Zheng Yi watched this scene and whispered: "No, you guys are playing dumb riddles? Can't you tell me what the situation is?"

Wang Huai: "No."

"Then what shall we do next?" Zheng Yi rubbed his stomach. He believed in Xiao Li for fear that he would cause him trouble. "Stand here? We have to move, look for clues, and try. Try it?"

Wang Huai shook his head: "...Don't trouble him."

He lowered his voice and said quickly.


Xiao Li on the other side is indeed a little strange.

He pressed his temples, his expression in a trance, but soon the trance disappeared.

Xiao Li went all the way down the stairs in the passage part, he crossed the place where Zheng Yi and the others were, stepped on the passage leading to the platform, and onto the platform.

The platform is very clean now, everything has been washed out.

Xiao Li looked up at the densely packed floors, and then he lowered his head to look under the platform.

It was pitch black underneath, with only some space between the two arms.

He picked up a stone casually and threw it down, and for a long time he did not hear an answer.

Very deep.

The following is not a **** of severe punishment. The places where Shen Mirzhi was bound by the shackles left with the ruling court, but Xiao Li still thought about him when he saw the bottomless darkness.

Severe punishment **** should have no lights.

Will it be dark?

A peculiar, special feeling arose from Xiao Li's heart. He held his temples again and told himself that he should not be disturbed by this emotion, at least not now.

He let go and jumped off the platform.

Oncoming is a sense of weightlessness.

Xiao Li felt that he had fallen for a long, long time without any light around, but after falling long enough, some red lines were interspersed in the darkness.

These red lines stand vertically from the dark bottom, leading to the top, and collectively disappear at a certain distance.

Xiao Li calculated his pulse, which lasted one minute and twenty seconds.

These red lines became denser as the distance deepened, and became denser as they reached the bottom. Xiao Li reached out to touch it during the fall and found that they were not red lines, but bloodshots.

Like I am not born with Ou Huang, please collect it: ( I am not born with Ou Huang's literary update the fastest.