MTL - I Wasn’t Born Lucky-Chapter 260

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Fu Jianlin's screams can be said to have broken the sky. Not only did the people squatting next door frowned, but the wife in the room rushed out with doubts: "What's wrong, husband?"

The man clutched his hips, and then sat down on the door, his head and neck violently violently: "Ask and ask, just know to ask, don't know what to do!"

"I... I'm going to call 120? What's wrong with you?" the woman asked anxiously.

The child inside was gone and the mother was still crying, and the man kept adding fuel and jealousy here, but she refused to say what happened to her, which caused her to lose her mind.

"What 120? Do you want the whole world to know that I hit a ghost?!" Fu Jianlin grinned, waiting for the initial pain to pass, he lowered his head and untied the belt and looked inside, "Give it to me. Order ice cubes here!"

"A ghost? You, what's the matter with you?"

Fu Jianlin opened his mouth and cursed: "It was not brought by you, the **** of plague, **** grass. Just now, a mannequin with only half of the body just kicked me inexplicably!"

"Huh?" The woman didn't expect this kind of answer. She helped Fu Jianlin and looked out boldly, "I didn't see anyone else? Did you..."

"Are you suspecting that I'm lying?!"

"No no."

"It's really time to burn incense and burn the bad luck you brought."

Fu Jianlin and his wife did not notice that there was a strand of black hair hidden in the darkness, looking out of the door next door, like a centipede that was so long as to be endless.

It gradually approached Fu Jianlin, hooked his left ankle, and just wanted to wrap it, it was blocked by some force.

After several attempts to no avail, the hair was retracted into place.

Outside the door, Ye Zeqing retracted his peeking gaze, and said to Xiao Li in a whispered voice: "Old Qi, your second child successfully hurt him, but Tan Li can't."

Xiao Li didn't look outside the door. He was sitting in the living room, looking at a coin in his hand.

He has no extra curiosity, after all, just listening to the voice without extra screams knows that Tan Li has not succeeded.

The sound of the door closing next door came from outside, and the painful cry that came in immediately became like a film, but still clear.

The puppet who failed the attack hooked Xiao Li's fingers with her hair and shook it. After being touched by her hair for comfort, Tan Li sank into his pocket again.

Ye Zeqing was waiting for his answer, but Xiao Li didn't expect to speak, so he asked again, "Why is this?"

Xiao Li turned the coin in his hand and tossed it high in the air: "In the memory of the unnamed female corpse, he is invincible with external force, but he can be seduced by the female after he is seduced-let's put the leg and Fu Jiang's voice Counted as a female-assault, blindly guess that he was beaten for the same thing before the female corpse was alive. For some reason, he did not fight back."

"I guessed it randomly." The coin circled in the air, not in the palm of Xiao Li's palm, he added casually, "But you can follow this path first, and solve the matter here earlier."

Zheng Yi was responsible for asking this kind of question before, but now that he is not there, Ye Zeqing has to take on this role: "What way?"

Xiao Li didn't speak, he put the coin in Shen Mir's palm, took out a portable fountain pen, and shook it in front of Ye Zeqing's eyes.


At the same time, Fu Jianlin lay on his back on the bed, iced his place with a sandbag covered with ice cubes, and scolded his busy wife from time to time.

"Will you go to work later?" The woman's voice came from afar from the kitchen, mixed with the sound of washing dishes and the sound of friction.

"Do you think I'm going or not?! If you don't, tell the manager about the situation tomorrow."

Fu Jianlin roared, he pulled over the pillow on the side with great effort, and squeezed it around his waist. He didn't choose to play with the phone, but instead thought about the scene that happened just now.

Those inexplicable legs, the voice, the sharp pain that raised the leg with that blow, rushed straight into the skull...

Fu Jianlin felt a deep tremor.

It was as if this scene was not unfamiliar, and there was a sense of fear hidden deep in his heart, which he didn't usually feel, but now he was hooked by those legs.

What's the matter?

Why did those legs come to him? Is it a female ghost?

He suddenly remembered the note that the leg had asked him to pick up. He hadn't opened it and read it. It was thrown at the door. Fu Jianlin yelled and asked the woman outside to pick it up and hand it to himself.

The woman did, and she asked puzzledly: "What is this?"

Fu Jianlin didn't answer her, took the note, waved her hand and let her go.

The woman got used to it and turned to the kitchen to continue washing dishes.

Fu Jianlin tremblingly unfolded the note, and found that the note was folded from half of the paper, and on that half of the paper was written a paragraph: [Currently the most popular divination game, Pen Xian. 】

【How to use: You only need a pen, a piece of white paper, and two hands to summon the pen fairy. 】

[Pixian Online Q&A, it can ask anything and answer all your doubts, only three questions, don’t you want to give it a try? 】


A mess.

Fu Jianlin also couldn't tell what emotion he was in. He was disappointed and terrified. The content on the note was quite different from what he thought.

He crumpled the paper into a ball, threw it on the table, and lay back to comfort his wounded area.

Lying down, he only felt that the pain was gradually faint, and his sleepiness continued to hit him, and he was about to fall asleep.

However, when Fu Jianlin was about to fall asleep, he was suddenly awakened by the sound of chopping meat.

"what sound?"

He rubbed his face in a daze, looked around after he was sober, and he could clearly hear the sound of a kitchen knife slashing on a certain object.


Fu Jianlin craned his neck: "Dead lady, are you chopping vegetables?!"

"No, I'm feeding the baby." The woman's faint voice came from the next room.


The sound of chopping meat continued. Fu Jianlin sat up on the bed and listened for a while, and finally locked the source of the sound, which was next door.

The couple next door are chopping meat?

This sound lasted for a while, instead of disappearing, it became louder, as if to let him hear it on purpose, and later, even added the "sizzle" of frying things in a pan.

Fu Jianlin didn't want to cause trouble at first. The little lovers, including the newly moved people upstairs and downstairs, always gave him a strange feeling, especially the two next door.

The young man who said it was the boy's husband was okay. He didn't pay much attention to him the whole time, and focused on the other person, but the beautiful black-haired young man was always peeking at him instead of watching him with attention. It's like looking at a dead person.

That kind of gaze made Fu Jianlin even imagine that he would observe his every move through the crack of the door.

But why?

Fu Jianlin shivered with the accompaniment of two voices.

Thinking about it carefully, the leg that only had the lower body only appeared after the man next door moved in...

Could it be that he is a ghost?

Fu Jianlin couldn't fall asleep anymore. He was a spirited carp, and listened to the wall next door. The sound kept lingering in his ears, as if he was about to uncover something at the bottom of his heart. Fu Jianlin has a kind of Premonition, he can't listen anymore.

The man plucked up his courage and directly pushed open his door, knocking on the door of the neighbor next door.

Soon someone came to answer the door, it was Xiao Li. He was holding a kitchen knife in his hand, and the slanted knife surface reflected the delicate profile of the young man: "Something?"

Fu Jianlin glanced at the kitchen knife and slowed down his tone of knowledge of the times: "You...what are you doing, it disturbs me."

"Chopping meat." Xiao Li said of course. "After the chops are done, you can go to the pan."

Fu Jianlin didn’t know how to go on. Before Xiao Li’s family moved in, his neighbor was cowardly and introverted and didn’t talk to him at all. At the slightest threat, he only knew "Hmm", but now...

In principle, this young man's physique is not strong, he can fight three of them one by one, but his instinct tells him not to do anything against the opponent.

So Fu Jianlin hesitated twice, but still didn't say the threat, just said "softly" and went back to the room.

Xiao Li put down the kitchen knife and handed the handle to Ye Zeqing, watching him continue to chop a sponge in the living room, while Gong Mingming was frying a piece of wood in a frying pan in the kitchen, trying to make a louder noise.


Xiao Li's efforts soon produced results, and Fu Jianlin became even more frantic after returning.

Covering his ears with his hands, he tossed and baked the cake several times, then suddenly cast his eyes on the paper ball on the table.

Bixian, can Bixian help him?

Fu Jianlin unfolded the wrinkled paper irritably and decided to give it a try.

He called his wife, and the two of them sat down at the edge of the round table with a piece of printing paper in the middle, holding a pen in their hands, and Fu Jianlin said, "I am your past life, you are my current life. , If you want to continue with me, please draw a circle on the paper."

At first, the pen didn't move.

Fu Jianlin didn't know whether he was disappointed or relaxed, but just when he wanted to let go, he found that his pen had moved, and it drew a very regular circle on the paper.

The baby started crying suddenly, crying like a magic sound.

Coupled with the sound of meat chopping and frying next door, the three sounds made Fu Jianlin a little irritable.

"Well, you didn't move it, right?" He said to his wife.

The wife was also very scared. She shook her head and said: "Old Fu, I, I don't want to try it anymore. Let's stop playing this game. There are children. I have to take care of him."

"No, let him cry, crying all day long. It's okay. Just one moment, I will ask a few questions. According to the rules, I can only ask three." Fu Jianlin insisted, and then he rushed to the one in his hand. Pen said, "Pixian, I, I want to ask..."

Under all entanglements, he chose to ask about those legs first.

"The legs I just met, it is a ghost, why does it entangle me?"

As soon as the voice fell, the pen in his hand automatically started writing:

[What did you do, you don’t know? 】

Fu Jianlin: "I, I didn't do anything?"

[Of course you did, you killed one person, no, you killed two people, don’t you remember? 】

"I didn't! What are you talking nonsense?!" Fu Jianlin stood up, pushed the chair back a certain distance, and yelled at his wife as if he had been pricked at some pain point, "This is not a pen fairy, is it? wrong?"

At first sight of such content, the woman was also very scared, but she didn't know anything: "It's not me, it's really not me, but the pen moved by itself!"

Fu Jianlin took a deep breath, and he began to feel that this immortal was nonsense, maybe he was deliberately involved in his mentality.

He decided not to ask such questions, the more he asked, the more uncomfortable he felt.

But he still didn't let go.

Fu Jianlin licked his dry lips, and said, "You are not right, you are wrong."

Pen: [I never make a mistake. 】

"Okay, then you say, when will I get rich next?"

[After tomorrow. 】

"Oh? How will I get rich, get a promotion and raise my salary, or win the lottery?"

Seeing this reply, Fu Jianlin suddenly became interested, and he asked expectantly.

Pen Xian: [You will get billions of coins. 】

Fu Jianlin: "..."

He stared at this line of words, and his mood formed a sharp contrast between before and after. He only felt that his scalp was numb. He swore that he would never believe this fairy's words anymore and believed it was also one of the ghosts.

Only before letting go, Fu Jianlin hesitated for a while, and asked in a ghostly manner: "I, the pen fairy who is talking nonsense, I, I will ask you one last question, the new black-haired young man who moved in next door to me, who is he? Is he human?"

This time, the pen fairy paused for about three minutes before writing with a sharper pen point than before:

[Sherlock? 】


[Of course he is not human, he is a devil! 】


Xiao Huangben: No, he is a little angel.

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