MTL - I Woke the Sick and Disabled Prince on Our Wedding Night-Chapter 421 ask for help

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King Guhan took Mo Rigen and discussed with Lu Ze for a long time. Finally, he decided to stay in Mo Rigen's tribe to rest. After contacting the surrounding tribes, they went to the king city to rescue Khan. Blessed King Zad Khan, drag him down from his current position!

   Originally, King Guhan thought that his proposal would be opposed by Lu Ze, but to his surprise, Lu Ze adapted well to this proposal, and he agreed directly without even raising any objections.

   "I thought that you would object to my proposal." When everything was arranged properly and King Guhan left with Lu Ze, he couldn't help but speak to Lu Ze in a low voice.

   King Guhan is inevitably a little smug in his heart, it seems that he is not completely out of resourcefulness!

"I want to oppose it, but after thinking about it, it's useless to oppose it, so let's try it first." Lu Ze glanced at King Guhan, who had a look of pride on his face, and gave it to him calmly. A scoop of cold water.

   "Yes, is there a problem?" King Gu Han was stunned, turning his head to stare at Lu Ze with an unwilling face, since there was a problem, why didn't he take the initiative to mention it just now?

"There are so many questions, I don't know where to start." Lu Ze nodded, and said his opinion directly without showing mercy to King Guhan: "You have to ask people from other tribes around for help, which is understandable. .

  However, how can you be sure that this information is not leaked?

  If the rumors leak, and King Zad Khan has a response, how do we break the game? You just thought that you northern barbarians worship Changshengtian, so after meeting Xiaobai, you will be convinced of Suisui's identity as a saint.

   But a person who will directly kill the shaman, how much can you expect from him? "

   "Then, what should we do then?"

   King Guhan was dumbfounded.

  Although Lu Ze's words sounded a little unpleasant, it was the truth. His older brother, King Zad Khan, has always only advocated absolute power. If he can do it and have a chance of winning, it is impossible for him to bow his head.

   As for believing in Changshengtian, unless Changsheng innocent can immediately bring down divine punishment, otherwise…

"Let's do this first." Lu Ze glanced at King Guhan, thought for a while before continuing: "You and your cousin should first get in touch with the surrounding tribes. If it is feasible for everyone to discuss and decide, then follow the method after discussion. .

  If anyone has doubts about this cooperation, then we can only wait and see. As for how to deal with the next thing, we have to think about it for the time being. "

   King Guhan was bewildered, but seeing Lu Ze's calm appearance, he thought about it and accepted the arrangement calmly.

   You must know that Lady Liu is the Crown Princess of the person in front of her!

  If the news really leaks at that time, then if King Zadhan in the royal court wants to do something bad, the most dangerous person should be Lady Liu, who is a saint!

   sent King Guhan away, and Lu Ze, who returned to the tent, saw that Lin Suisui had not rested, and frowned with some disapproval: "Why don't you have a good rest?"

   The oil lamps in this tent are too dark, and reading books hurts your eyes!

   "You didn't come back, so I couldn't sleep." Lin Suisui was obsessed with the book in her hand, and when she saw Lu Ze coming, she was startled. …

However, Lu Ze, who has always eaten this set, didn't buy it this time. He came over and took the sheepskin booklet in Lin Suisui's hand, raised his hand and tapped her forehead lightly: "When did you learn it? Such a slick tongue?

  You think I can't tell that you are reading and forgetting, and you are still thinking of using this trick to coax me. "

"I was wrong, I was wrong. In fact, I didn't finish it at all. I thought I would read it first before going to bed." Lin Suisui raised her hand to cover her forehead. While admitting her mistake, she did not forget to continue to coax Lu Ze: "Furthermore, it's true that I was waiting for you to come back because you didn't come back!

  How is it, have everything been negotiated? "

   "Similar to what we expected before, King Guhan and the others plan to join forces with the surrounding tribes to raise troops, and then enter the royal court to force King Zadhan to hand over control of the royal court."

Lu Ze nodded, came over and sat down next to Lin Suisui, while telling Lin Suisui the results of the discussion with King Guhan and the others, and then said: "So, I didn't stop it. I just let them continue like this. Toss is done!"

   "You forgot, before we set off, you said that King Guhan is not good at dealing with such things. Now everything is just going according to the road we negotiated, so don't think too much about it."

  Lin Suisui was not surprised by this result, she poured a cup of milk tea for Lu Ze and continued: "Leo, it's just that the bigger the trouble, the better.

   And look again. "

  In their early discussion, in this change of hometown, no matter how things develop, King Guhan will be in the top position, and King Zadhan will not die!

  It is best to cut off most of his strength, give him a chance to escape with the remnants of the defeated generals, and let him believe that as long as he finds a way, there will always be a chance to make a comeback.

   In this way, with King Zadhan dragging King Guhan, at least if the interior of the northern barbarians cannot be completely stabilized, then in the next short time, the border should be able to put an end to major wars.

  Lin Suisui and Lu Ze were next to each other, gossiping for a while, then turned off the lights and fell asleep.

   By the time Lin Suisui walked out of the tent the next morning, King Guhan and the others had already arranged messengers to deliver letters to the surrounding tribes, and all they could do now was to wait.

   Having nothing to do, Lin Suisui also wanted to learn more about the life of the northern barbarians.

  Although I didn't have much contact, I only looked at the situation in this tribe in the past two days. At least Mo Zhigen was a good tribe leader. Although the tribe is not too big, most of the people in the tribe are simple and hospitable, generous and kind.

  The adults in the tribe know her identity, so most of them are very restrained and cautious when they get along with her. In comparison, she has been on good terms with the children in the tribe these two days.

   With the help of candy, those little children don't care if they are disrespectful to Changshengtian, and they can instantly become the most obedient little tail on her side.

   And today, the Wu Yunzhu, who has always liked Lin Suisui very much, came to look for Lin Suisui before she even opened her mouth, and started to cry at her pursed mouth.

   "What's the matter?" Lin Suisui was taken aback by her attitude, and hurriedly stretched out her hand to take her over to wipe her tears, and asked her in a low voice, "Did someone bully you?"

   "Sister, it's my little cloud, woohoo, please, save it!" The little girl looked at Lin Suisui and couldn't stop crying.