MTL - I Woke the Sick and Disabled Prince on Our Wedding Night-Chapter 434 miracle

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   Chapter 434 Miracles

   "Yeah." Lu Ze nodded and talked about some past events calmly. Lin Suisui's eyes lit up with relish. Seeing that she was interested in this topic, Lu Ze followed her and explained the trivial matters of the march in more detail.

   "You said that in the grasslands, you usually rely on the stars in the sky to identify the direction, but if it's cloudy or it's raining, what should I do?"

  Lin Suisui admired Lu Ze's ability to rely on the stars in the sky to identify his position, but he admired it, but he had doubts.

   You must know that there will be cloudy, sunny and rainy days on the grasslands. With weather like this, it must be full of stars when they go back.

   But what should I do if it is cloudy and rainy?

   You can’t just sit down and rest and waste time!

   "Generally, it is inconvenient to travel when it rains on the grassland." Lu explained to Lin Suisui very patiently: "We will also take a good look at the weather when we send troops, and we will avoid the rainy season on the grassland.

  The rainy season on the steppe is not suitable for marching. "

  Lu raised his hand slightly, pointed to a lush vegetation not far away, and said to Lin Suisui: "There are actually a lot of hidden murderous intentions on the grassland that seems to be calm now.

  Those low-lying places with water are very likely to hide swamps, and people in the past would fall into it and have difficulty getting out. "

   Listening to Lu Ze's introduction of all the things he had experienced on this grassland, Lin Suisui changed from shock at the beginning to distress now.

   is not only distressed for the hardships that Lu Ze had encountered, but also admiration for those Great Xia soldiers who went deep into the grasslands and may even be buried in other places.

   If it weren't for the sacrifices and sacrifices of these people, the borders of Daxia would not have been able to hold on for so many years.

   "Siamese and Beiman contacted, in fact, to a large extent the purpose was to target Daxia." Lu talked about the past for a while, and suddenly the conversation changed, and he moved to the trouble in front of him.

   "The new king of Siam, who has only been on the throne for a few years, is a ruler with all the skills and strength. He has only conquered some small tribes around Siam and incorporated it under his rule.

  Since he has such ambitions, he will do something to Daxia, it will be a matter of time.

Beiman is Daxia's strong enemy in the north. Based on the principle that the enemy of the enemy is a friend, if Siam can join hands with Beiman to fight against Daxia from the north and south, then Daxia will face two sides of the battle, and there will definitely be some support. difficulty.

   That was the best chance they could take advantage of. "

   "It's just that the Siamese had everything calculated, but they didn't expect that King Guhan would choose to ask us for help in this struggle for the power change of the northern barbarians."

  Lin Suisui reminded him after passing by Lu Ze, and he figured out the key with almost no effort.

If King Guhan didn't come to Yunshan City to look for her and Lu Ze, and ask them for help, then the princess of Siam would definitely have enough time and energy to arrange everything well, and wait until she really won the entire North. Barbarian control, and then cooperate with Siam, then Daxia may really fall into an unprecedented crisis...

   "Yeah, they must have never thought that the previous contact with King Guhan would make him choose to trust us at this most critical time."

  Lu was silent for a while before speaking slowly.

  If they hadn't had that encounter with King Guhan on the road, King Guhan would have never thought of them when he encountered trouble this time. Naturally, they would not be able to know the truth of the turmoil that took place in the Beiman Royal Court.

   Or, even if you know it later, it is absolutely impossible to take the lead as you are now.

"If that's the case, then don't think too much about it." Lin Suisui tilted her head slightly, looking at the dignified Lu Ze and coaxing him softly: "You have been persuading me before, saying that the boat will naturally straighten when it reaches the bridge. Don't think too much about everything, why is it your turn to let go?"

"You're right, everything should be thought of for the best." Lu Ze lowered his eyes, lowered his head and rubbed Lin Suisui's forehead lightly, and then said in a low voice, "Suisui, my good luck is actually you…"

  Lin Suisui always felt that Lu Ze in the past two days, especially the current Lu Ze, was a little weird.

   However, she didn't think too much about it, she just thought that it was Lu Ze who was still afraid of the impact this matter would have if she didn't find out. So when she heard Lu Ze say these words, she was somewhat embarrassed and mumbled with a blushing face, but did not push away Lu Ze's closeness and hug.

  The two rode their horses outside until the moonlight fell, and then returned to the camp on the moonlight.

I don't know how King Guhan and Mo Rigen persuaded the three tribal leaders. Anyway, when Lu Ze brought Lin Suisui back to take a seat by the bonfire, those few people had changed from the previous frowning to the cold. Now there is nothing to talk about with wine.

  Lu Ze and Lin Suisui didn't get involved in their chat, but they didn't participate, but that didn't mean the tribal leaders wouldn't notice it.

   They had heard the legends about the goddess when they came here, and when they saw Lin Suisui at this time, they were naturally aware of her identity.

   But An Duo had already made some arrangements before, and the tribal leaders were very polite and respectful when they saw her.

Lin Suisui's attitude was also very gentle, not as high as some people expected, which made a few tribal leaders a little flattered. Thinking of the miracles about this goddess that I heard from people around me before, The reverence on their faces was even heavier, and they didn't dare to show any disrespect to her.

  Although the tribal leaders in front of her were full of respect towards her, Lin Suisui did not just accept it. She seized the opportunity and re-displayed the "miracle" that Liu Ying had gathered before.

   In fact, this is not Lin Suisui's intentional dazzling skills, but in order to cooperate with An Duo, she still has to make some moves.

   Sure enough, this time, with An Duo helping the flames, the effect was even more shocking and effective than the previous one.

So when another group of tribal leaders arrived the next day, there was hardly any need for King Guhan and the others to persuade them. The tribal leaders here took the lead and acted as recommenders. They would meet them last night. All kinds of addicting things I have come to tell the few amazing people who came over...

   With such a boost, the next thing becomes much simpler. At least when it comes to inviting people to buy, they are simply invincible.

   (end of this chapter)