MTL - I Woke the Sick and Disabled Prince on Our Wedding Night-Chapter 448 hesitate

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  Chapter 448 Hesitation

   "Isn't this too risky?" Hearing Lu Ze's proposal that he and Lin Suisui would take people to the royal court alone, King Guhan's first reaction was to object.

  Although he does not object to taking risks at certain times in order to achieve success, the proposals made by Lu Ze and the others are really too much.

  They are unfamiliar with the place in Beiman, and it may take a lot of effort to find Wang Ting, but they still want to go there first to investigate Wang Ting?

  What is the difference between this and death?

   "After you have negotiated and set off together, I'm afraid you will be able to catch up and give a gift to your newborn nephew."

  Facing King Guhan's worries and doubts, Lu Ze's response can be said to be quite blunt.

   These days, he also paid attention to it.

  Invited by King Guhan, many tribal leaders came here, even Princess Molewen's father and brother got the news and brought people over.

Although it seems that the current strength here has increased, but because there are too many people participating, everyone has their own calculations and considerations in their hearts, so that they have been blushing for so many days, but they have never heard of it. Come up with a complete plan to satisfy everyone.

   To put it bluntly, there are more people and less cakes, and no matter how they are divided, it is not enough to satisfy everyone.

  Actually, at this time, if you can meet a decisive leader, things will not be so complicated to deal with. However, King Gu Khan is not good at this aspect. He always wants to satisfy everyone, so he keeps procrastinating.

   Actually, it doesn’t mean that King Guhan is incompetent and cowardly, but he is clearly stuck in his mind by a kindness that shouldn’t be there at this time.

  King Guhan has always been regarded as a very loyal person. In his opinion, these tribal leaders can bring their own tribe's people to help him at this time, and he owes these people a favor. So he always thought that no matter what, at least he should not be ashamed of his support.

"Yeah, it's noisy every day, when will it end?" Hearing what Lu Ze said, Mo Zhigen also became angry, and he turned his head and complained to King Guhan with some dissatisfaction: "You said , from the beginning to the end, they only talk about how much benefit they can get after the event is completed, so how much effort they are willing to put in, who said?"

  King Guhan's face turned red. He knew that what Lu Ze and Mo Zhigen said were reasonable, but he always felt guilty for setting rules and making decisions arbitrarily.

"What are you hesitating about?" Seeing that King Gu Khan didn't speak, Mo Zhigen's anger rose slowly: "Those people, why don't you go ask them tomorrow and see who can really give up their all?" The power of the clan, come and cooperate with us to take back the royal court!

  If they are really willing to contribute, they will naturally have nothing to say about their promised status in the future!

   But they just opened their mouths from beginning to end, why should we give them face? "

  Mo Zhigen felt that his proposal could not be more reasonable!

   "And just like what this lord said, we don't have to bother if we delay any longer. They have already won the royal court. What's the point of you going there?"

  Mo Zhigen was really in a hurry.

   Now Khan’s seal is in the hands of King Guhan, but the premise is that he can stand it up!

  If the delay continues like this, there is no guarantee that others will not have a different heart. Among other things, Princess Molewen also has a son! Now her father and brother have come to her side again.

  One or two days is okay, it’s been a long time, and they can completely support Princess Molewen’s son to take the throne. At that time, what’s the matter with King Guhan?

   "There are priorities in everything." Lin Suisui listened to the side for a while, and then she still spoke a word of persuasion: "Princess Molewen is a very assertive woman.

   Moreover, she also has a deep affection for King Zade Khan. If there is no progress, she will most likely find a way by herself. "

   "In any case, it is too dangerous for you to go to the royal court now.

  Actually, I have been thinking about it for the past few days. I listened to what you said just now. I know that it is my problem that I have not made a decision for so long. It is because I am too greedy.

   Please rest assured, I will resolve this matter immediately. So just to be on the safe side, I still suggest you wait a little longer, when it will be safer for us to go to the royal court together. King Gu Khan looked at Lu Ze, and finally spoke out his plan.

"It's not that complicated. Sui Sui and I decided to go to the royal court first, because there were some changes when we discussed the matter before us." Lu Ze firmly insisted on his plan: "Let's go alone , the identity of the companion is not that complicated, on the contrary, it is not easy to attract the attention of others, and it is relatively safer."

"But, in what capacity are you going to the royal court?" King Gu Khan frowned: "You probably don't know that the tribes that support King Zade Khan are gathering around the royal court, in case you are alarmed at this time They, I'm afraid it won't end well."

"Don't worry about this, we have already made plans." Lin Suisui smiled, but did not hide their arrangements: "We plan to set off with the Anduo Shaman, and with his help, we must not be on the way. It won't be too much trouble."

   "An Duo Shaman, is he credible?" Hearing Lin Suisui's arrangement, King Guhan not only did not breathe a sigh of relief, but became even more nervous.

  Others do not know, but he is clear.

  Andor Shaman is simply a villain who does everything he can!

   "That's right, Andor Shaman is not a good person!" Mo Zhigen also rarely stood by King Gu Khan on this matter: "The evil things he did before are simply beyond words!"

   "Don't worry about that, he won't have a chance to betray us." Lin Suisui smiled, she had absolute confidence in controlling the Andor Shaman: "Unless, he really doesn't want to live anymore."

"Don't be afraid of everything, just in case. Even if you are sure, you still have to be careful." Although Mo Zhigen was still a little worried, seeing Lin Suisui so confident, he couldn't say anything more what.

"That's natural." Lin Suisui has never given up on his vigilance since he took control of the Anduo Shaman that day. Naturally, there have been many battles of wits and courage that others don't know about, and now the Anduo Shaman Being able to obey her is actually just the result of having to bow her head after suffering so many losses.

"King Khan, King Khan is not well. Concubine, something has happened to Concubine!" Just as King Gu Khan was thinking about whether he should speak to persuade Lu Ze and the others again, there was a sudden burst of rush from outside. Panic cries for help...

  (end of this chapter)