MTL - I Woke the Sick and Disabled Prince on Our Wedding Night-Chapter 474 check

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  Chapter 474 inspection

"Hey, Sister Luo, don't go." Seeing Aunt Luo turned around to leave, Mrs. Guo became anxious all of a sudden, she quickly reached out and grabbed Aunt Luo's sleeve, licked her face and said with a smile: "I didn't say no." Agree, don't you still have some disbelief that such a good thing can happen to my family!"

  The three girls are just going to help out, and they can give ten copper coins every day in charge of food and housing. Isn't the money earned the same as the money they picked up?

   "Just have fun!" Aunt Luo's face changed suddenly after hearing what Pozi Guo said. She turned her face and stared at Mrs. Guo, spat, and said bluntly: "It turned out that my niece thought about me and found a clever sect for my family!

  But you have also seen that my daughter-in-law is very heavy now, so the business in this shop can only be handled by me and Ruier first, and I really can't get away.

  I don’t think that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, and you and I have been sisters for so long, so I said that instead of giving such a good thing to others, it’s better to give you a favor! You, you will still remember my kindness in the future!

   I have a good heart, but you have become suspicious of me here! Well, if you don't believe me, I won't force you, just pretend that I haven't been here before, I'm going to find another place! "

   "Don't, don't, I was wrong, good sister, it's okay if I'm wrong! Don't be angry, don't argue with me!

   I haven't seen anything in the world, haven't I encountered such a good thing! "

   Mrs. Guo was really angry when she saw Aunt Luo this time. She couldn't care less about other things. For the sake of money, she rushed forward to accompany her or say she was sorry. In order to show her attitude, she even raised her hand and slapped herself twice in a pretentious manner. It was only by coaxing and deceiving that she kept Aunt Luo from laughing.

"Okay, I won't talk too much with you anymore, I have something to do over there!" Aunt Luo smiled, then changed her face, and solemnly told Mrs. Guo: "You will take care of the three of you in a while." The girl tidies up and changes into decent clothes.

  Tomorrow morning, I will ask Sister Rui to pick them up and send them to the hospital in person.

  Don't worry, they have explained before that we don't need to pick them up when they come back at night. After dinner, someone in the medical center will send them back. "

   "Well, does the master still take care of the dinner?" Aunt Luo's explanation shocked Mrs. Guo. From her understanding, the general shops around hired short-term workers to help manage the meals, and they only took care of one meal at noon.

  Unlike the employees in this medical center, they even provide dinner together. It is a rare generosity.

"Oh, speaking of this, the owner is really arrogant. How much can three children eat? You, if you encounter such a good thing, just have fun!" Aunt Luo twitched the corners of her lips and snorted. He said goodbye immediately.

   Aunt Luo was sent away, and Mrs. Guo just stood here for a while, like a spinning top that was suddenly twitched, turned her head and was swept back to the backyard like the wind.

  She first yelled at her daughter-in-law Song Zhou who was sitting under the eaves in a daze: "What are you doing here, why don't you get up soon!

  Go and take a bath for those three girls, and find clean clothes for each of them! "

   "Where are you going to send the ya and the others?" Song Zhou slightly raised her head, and looked at her mother-in-law who had always been steadfast in this family.

   It's not that she didn't resist, but the final result was always her fault.

  Whether it is the husband or the parents in the family, they all say that she is ignorant, not filial, and does not know how to advance and retreat! It is for her own good that her mother-in-law would do this. She needs to be considerate. After all, her father-in-law died early. Even after being exterminated by the Song family, he will be stabbed in the back for the rest of his life.

  What can she do?

   Even so, she still doesn't want her mother-in-law to manipulate her three daughters at will, especially taking her daughters to the eerie so-called temple time and time again...

  But no matter how unwilling she was, she still couldn't suppress her mother-in-law's arrogance.

  Seeing her mother-in-law suddenly showing such excitement this time, she almost subconsciously wanted to stop her.

However, this time, I don't know whether Mrs. Guo is in a good mood or for some other reason. She was not angry at Song Zhou's question, but stretched out her hand to push her, and urged her in a very fast tone: "Oh, it's a good thing. !

  Aunt Luo next door found a job for the three girls in our family, and went to help in the medical clinic a few blocks away. She provided two meals a day and paid ten copper coins a day! "

  Hearing that the job was introduced by Aunt Luo next door, Song Zhou's eyes finally lit up. She didn't have much feeling for the salary, mainly because she heard that the other party took care of two meals.

   In this way, at least three children can have a rare full meal!

  So the Song and Zhou family didn't delay any longer, and immediately got up and followed Mrs. Guo's instructions, called the three daughters over, and quickly ordered them according to Mrs. Guo's instructions.

  Early the next morning, before Fang Ruier came over, the Song Zhou family took the initiative to send three well-dressed little girls into Fang's house.

  Aunt Luo glanced at the sky that had just dawned outside, and after a brief exchange of pleasantries, she still couldn't help asking in surprise, "Why is it so early? You should let the children sleep more."

   "Auntie helped find this errand. I went to help on the first day. How can I keep you and the host waiting for so long?" Song Zhou smiled at Aunt Luo with some embarrassment, and explained in a low voice.

Aunt Luo also knew about their family's situation, so she didn't ask any more questions. After saying a few words to comfort Mrs. Song and Zhou and reassure her, she ordered Fang Ruier to take the children to the backyard to rest for a while, and then let Fang Ruier take the children to the backyard for a while. They sent them over to Yuanniang.

Song Zhou was naturally very grateful to Aunt Luo, and when he returned, he continued to tell the three children to be obedient, and only when the three children were brought into the inner courtyard by Fang Ruier did he say goodbye to Aunt Luo. Back home.

  Lin Suisui arrived at the clinic much earlier than usual because she was thinking about seeing the three little girls today.

  When she came here this time, in order to get a definite result, she even brought Heka who stayed in the mansion with her.

  Heka was handed over to Su Le, disguised as a handyman and chauffeur, and went all the way into the hospital without attracting the attention of outsiders.

"The three children have arrived." The Yuanniang who came out after receiving the news did not dare to neglect at all, while helping Lin Suisui to get off the carriage, she whispered to Lin Suisui the arrangements of the three little girls from the Song family over there. An explanation: "They have been arranged in the backyard and handed over to Master Du to arrange the work."

  (end of this chapter)