MTL - If You Don’t Farm, You’ll Die-Chapter 25

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In Mo's house far away in the capital, Mo Hongfeng was throwing his temper at the secretary's nose. The furnishings in the house were in a mess, there were some broken porcelain pieces on the floor, and tea was spilled everywhere.

"Why didn't you report this to me earlier?! You just let her go around to embarrass herself?"

Mo Hongfeng just came back from the banquet. He was still wearing a suit and his tie was hanging crookedly around his neck. He had been dealing with the will these days, and when it finally came to an end, he was asked about it at the banquet. He was not angry. Call one.

I also dislike him, a half-sister who is only slightly related by blood. I grew up in the countryside, how shallow my eyelids can be, and I don’t live on that little field, and I have made so many moths.

Now the whole country knows, the entire upper circle knows that he, Mo Hongfeng's half-sister, ran off to farm, what a shame!

"You go to her and ask her how much she needs to sell the land to me. Tell her to take the money to go abroad or go to other places. Anyway, leave Taoyuan Village!" Mo Hongfeng said boldly, waving his hand to signal The secretary is gone too.

The secretary hesitated and said, "What if she wants a few million..."

Mo Hongfeng looked surprised, "How many million is that broken land worth? Is she crazy about money? No! Find out for me clearly what she is doing there, anyway, she is not allowed to be so embarrassing again."

Mo Hongfeng became angry when he thought of this. At first, other people didn't know his relationship with Li Guoguo. Even when it came to Taoyuan Village, everyone would not immediately think of his family's ancestral land. After all, there are so many places to buy property. Whoever is full is too free to take care of this.

However, Mo Hongrui directly stabbed it out, and he didn't know where he knew about Li Guoguo's movements. Well, he was questioned in public at the banquet, wondering if the Mo family had fallen, and even the illegitimate daughter had to plant After supporting himself, Mo Hongfeng felt that his blood was surging and his eyes were about to burst.

No, I can't let her mess around anymore, she must leave S city!

After the secretary left, Mo Hongfeng half closed his eyes, and after a while, he took out his mobile phone and dialed.

"Bring the news over there."

Li Guoguo was discussing with Jin Liangmin about building roads. After it was shown on TV, some things were much easier to talk about. The higher-ups wanted political achievements, and it happened that Taoyuan Village also needed to build roads. He thought that this matter was feasible, so he let go and said Will send someone over to take a look.

Jin Liangmin said with a smile on his face: "These days my mouth is going to be worn out, and I have run many times in the town and the market, thanks to you for motivating Mr. Deng, his words are more effective than others' words. No, the leaders at the top think that our idea of ​​building a vegetable base is very good, and it can completely build an agricultural garden. In the future, we can take it out and say that our city S is also a place with agricultural characteristics."

Li Guoguo smiled and nodded, and admired Jin Liangmin a lot. After they put forward the idea, Jin Liangmin has been doing his best to perfect him, and even Baba came to explain the village's plan over and over again with the leaders. If it is her, or She had been hit long ago, but Jin Liangmin became more and more courageous, and she learned a lot from him.

Standing on the field, the two of them seem to be able to see what Taoyuan Village will look like in the future. At that time, there will be vegetable greenhouses everywhere, birds singing and flowers fragrant, fruit trees everywhere, and tourists will be dense.

But within two days of being happy, Jin Liangmin called and said in a depressed mood: "The higher authorities have canceled the road construction plan. Let us figure out a way by ourselves. The money will first be used to support other villages." development, such as Shanquan Village.”

"Shanquan Village?" Li Guoguo looked shocked, which was really unexpected.

Shanquan Village and Taoyuan Village are fundamentally different, and Shanquan Village has long been well-off, while Taoyuan Village is still struggling to survive in the fields. The roads in Shanquan Village are all spacious and flat concrete roads, but what about Taoyuan Village? Can anyone with eyes see the difference?

Jin Liangmin was also a little helpless, "I don't know what's going on, I'll go and see tomorrow, what is going on. Don't worry, even if the road is not repaired, I will ask the villagers in the village to see what's going on. Make the road level."

Li Guoguo said, "Secretary Jin, let's do this. Calculate how much it will cost to pave a concrete road. I want to repair it."

Jin Liangmin seemed to be stunned on the other end of the phone, and said after a while, "Guoguo, let's see what the above said about this matter. It's a good thing for you to repair, but..." It takes a lot to build the road.

Li Guoguo had already figured it out, excluding the expenses every month, he should earn enough to repair the road from the village to the road in Taoyuan. Even if the area is not big enough, two cars should be able to drive side by side.

Jin Liangmin seemed to be lamenting Li Guoguo's ideological awareness again, and he was even more puzzled when compared with the above-mentioned push-backs.

The next morning, Jin Liangmin went to the city to inquire, but Li Guoguo saw a well-dressed professional woman carrying a briefcase at the door of her house. Her long hair was tied behind her head and she wore gold-rimmed glasses. She was a little indifferent. .

"Miss Li, I'm your brother Mo Hongfeng's secretary. You can call me Secretary Liu. I have something to talk to you about. I wonder if I can go in and talk?" Secretary Liu adjusted his glasses and said.

Li Guoguo stood by the door with her arms folded, and she had no intention of stepping aside, especially this woman who claimed to be Mo Hongfeng's secretary, who looked down on her, really made her laugh.

"If you have anything to say, just talk about it. I still have something to do. I don't have time to talk to you slowly." Li Guoguo also said directly with a cold face.

Speaking of which, if Li Guoguo and Mo Hongfeng hadn't shared a common father, they probably wouldn't have even met each other. Thinking about when Li Guoguo was willing to take over the land, Mo Hongfeng didn't use that kind of thing less. Look at Liba people's eyes and look at her, why, now you finally think of her?

I'm afraid I won't go to the Three Treasures Palace if I have nothing to do, right?

Secretary Liu had never seen such an impolite girl, but remembering Mo Hongfeng's order, he could only stand here, letting his high heels sink into the soft soil, and his complexion turned even darker.

"Mr. Mo asked me to ask you how much money you are willing to sell the land in your hands. After all, this is also the ancestral land of the Mo family. Mr. Mo hopes that you can understand his feelings based on blood relationship." Secretary Liu said lightly, with eyebrows and eyes He looked as if she had just finished speaking, and Li Guoguo should agree.

Li Guoguo looked at her amusedly, and said, "What if I say no?"

Secretary Liu lifted his glasses, showing his image as an elite, and said softly with red lips, "I heard that you are applying for approval to build roads? Could it be that you can't repair them these two days?"

"You guys did it?" Li Guoguo's expression turned cold, his brows narrowed slightly, and he narrowed his eyes to look at her.

Secretary Liu raised his chin slightly, "If you are sensible, these are not problems. Mr. Mo is also very concerned about the situation in Taoyuan Village. When you leave, someone will take over and repair the roads in this village."

Li Guoguo raised his lips and said lightly: "How much is it? You know, I'm from the village and I don't know much. President Mo must have given me a lot of money to let me go?"

"One million." This number was also figured out by Secretary Liu himself. Although Mo Hongfeng was very willing to spend money on extravagance, he disliked the land here a lot, so he probably didn't want to spend more.

Li Guoguo feels that this so-called elder brother and this so-called secretary are insulting her IQ. Even if she has no experience, she knows that an acre of land is worth a lot of money, let alone a large piece of land that is more than a hundred acres together. .

one million? hehe.

"I still don't quite understand. The will was very clear at the time, and Mr. Mo didn't like this place. Why do you want to buy it back now?" Li Guoguo asked with an expression of excitement and hesitation.

Secretary Liu said in a contemptuous tone: "Because you are on TV, Mr. Mo knows your current situation. If you don't have enough money and want to show your face to grow vegetables, then there is no need. One million is enough for you to find a place to live." .”

Li Guoguo felt that it was really difficult for him to maintain a smiling face, so he directly lowered his face, his pretty face was covered with frost, and said bluntly: "Isn't this Secretary Liu, how much is your rent in Kyoto for a month? How much is a month for meals? Buying clothes How much is a month?"

Secretary Liu was stunned for a moment, wondering what Li Guoguo meant by asking this question.

"Let me do the math for you." Li Guoguo babbled out a string of numbers, "Suppose your monthly rent is 5,000, your monthly food expenses are 3,000, and your clothing and cosmetics are 2,000, which is considered conservative. Estimate? Do you need 10,000 a month, 120,000 a year? Your so-called one million is enough for me to spend a few years?"

Seeing Secretary Liu's worried face, Li Guoguo slightly narrowed her beautiful peach eyes, slightly hooked the corners of her lips, and mocked directly: "I'm sorry, I just dislike the little money you gave, and you came to show off your wealth in front of me if you didn't have any money." ?hehe."

"You don't like farming, do you? Do you know how much an acre of land is now? Please don't have enough brains to read more books, so don't say it to make people laugh."

Li Guoguo spoke happily, and saw Secretary Liu's eyes widening slightly and looking straight behind her, a low-pitched laughter came from behind, Li Guoguo had a bad premonition, turned around and looked, Nie Yunqing was standing not far from her with a smile on his face.

Li Guoguo's mind instantly turned into a mess, it's over, the senior won't hear it, right?

He wouldn't think that he fell into the eyes of money, and even thought that the money given by others was not enough, so he didn't sell the land...

No, she is not such a person! She has to save her image!

Li Guoguo was wailing inwardly, and made an expression of grievance on his face. He lowered his head slightly and looked away. It was quite different from the arrogant and arrogant appearance a few minutes ago. Anyway, Secretary Liu was taken aback for a while.

Nie Yunqing, anyone who has been in the upper circles of the capital, basically knows him, especially the Mo family and the Nie family are like local wealthy families and hermit scholars, there is no comparison. In terms of financial resources, Mo Hongfeng's personal assets are much worse than Nie Yunqing's.

So Secretary Liu was indeed a little stunned when he saw Nie Yunqing here, but after thinking about it, according to the gossip, Nie Yunqing accompanied the old man back to his hometown to recuperate these days. It seems that the old man is from S City?

What kind of fate does it take to meet here? This probability, anyway, Secretary Liu reluctantly showed the expression of a professional secretary, and said, "Mr. Nie, hello."

Nie Yunqing put away the smile on her lips, saw that Secretary Liu's expression was much more indifferent, and nodded lightly, which surprised Secretary Liu, after all, Nie Yunqing was always aloof in the rumors.

"Brother Nie..." Li Guoguo called out timidly, which shocked Secretary Liu again.

Nie Yunqing didn't intend to talk to Secretary Liu, but looked at Li Guoguo and said, "Grandpa said that my cousin sent some delicious food today, let me ask you to come over and get them."

Li Guoguo had his hands behind his back, like a pupil who had done something wrong and was punished, he didn't dare to speak, he could only falter and nod hastily.

Nie Yunqing was about to leave when the news arrived. Seeing that Secretary Liu seemed to be thinking of something, she said to Li Guoguo, "Mr. Nie has decided to build the road in Taoyuan Village for free. It is a public welfare activity. I will only tell you about it. , don't tell others."

Li Guoguo's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he was more confident in Nie Yunqing's words. They had Secretary Liu beside them and said not to tell others, did they want to say in private that Mrs. Mo could no longer interfere in the affairs of Taoyuan Village?

Secretary Liu's face turned pale, and she obviously understood Nie Yunqing's hint. She pursed her lips and stopped talking. Seeing the two disappearing from her eyes, she realized that she had to report this matter to President Mo.

Li Guoguo was in a different mood after following Nie Yunqing, a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say. Could it be that, did you see me sloppy just now? I still have to ask, Mo Hongfeng and I are half-sisters, are we powerful?

Nie Yunqing didn't ask anything, and even took the initiative to talk about Mo Hongfeng with her, as if she didn't notice the relationship between them at all.

"Mo Hongfeng is a man with great ambition and talent, and he is petty in his work. You don't have to worry about the roads in Taoyuan Village. I will privately invest in road repairs. You just need to run a farmhouse. One month is enough for the road to be repaired." Nie Yunqing half-turned her body, eyes deep Looking at her, he said calmly.

Li Guoguo's fingers dug at the palm of his hand, and then he said the words in his voice: "...Thank you."

Nie Yunqing nodded towards her with a smile in her eyes, and stopped in front of Nie's old house, which occupied an area several times larger than the place where Li Guoguo lives now, and once entered the courtyard corridor, it showed a simple and simple atmosphere.

But when you walk into the main hall, you can clearly see the signs of modernization. Nie Shide is sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper, with a babbling song playing in his ears, and the TV is also on, broadcasting entertainment reports. use.

Nie Shide looked up and found Li Guoguo coming, raised his eyebrows and said cheerfully: "Guoguo, come sit down and watch the news with me. You young people like to watch these entertainment reports the most, right? Just watch them with me .”

Nie Yunqing sat on the sofa opposite Nie Shide, put the fruit on the table in front of Li Guoguo, and whispered to her to take it and eat it, so she had to turn her head to talk to Nie Shide.

"Grandpa, not everyone wants to see it. If you want to know the situation, just ask your cousin to report to you." Nie Yunqing said helplessly.

The Nie family business is now controlled by Nie Yunqing, and the other cousins ​​also have their own businesses and do not get involved. The cousin Nie Yunqing was talking about was his second uncle's eldest son, Nie Yunping, who was two years older than him and the president of an entertainment company. According to the current popular saying, he was a domineering president.

Nie Shide originally intended for Nie Yunping to develop overseas business, but who knew that this kid would slap his **** without saying a word, and went to the entertainment industry to start a company, but Nie Shide was very angry.

Fortunately, this guy has made some achievements now. Yunhua Entertainment, which he founded, is considered a leading company in the entertainment industry. It has many first-line artists, big and small. No, recently their company is making an amateur talent show and group debut. In order not to appear to be outdated, Shi De supplemented these professional knowledge every day.

Li Guoguo glanced at it, and the flashing figure made her forget the embarrassing incident just now, and put all her heart into the TV.

What she saw was none other than Song Lexue, who said she was going to participate in the audition last time. Since the filming was completely closed, she hadn't contacted her for a long time. She didn't expect that the program they recorded had already started broadcasting.

Nie Shide said with a serious face: "You boy, what do you know? I like to watch Guoguo very much. You are already out of date, you have to keep pace with the times, you know? Otherwise, there will be a generation gap with us soon."

When Li Guoguo heard what Nie Shide said, he looked away from the TV, and said with a busy smile: "There will be no generation gap. I think Brother Nie is very good. There are a lot of things to deal with every day. Things in the entertainment industry." It’s normal not to care. I’m also watching this because I have a friend who entered the draft.”

Nie Shide was very interested when he heard this, and immediately put Nie Yunqing aside and asked Li Guoguo about it. Li Guoguo squeezed a dimple at Nie Yunqing and turned his head to talk to Nie Shide, with a snow-white and slender neck Just before Nie Yunqing's eyes.

Nie Yunqing lowered her eyes, pursed her lips, and was a little annoyed that her eyes were always lingering on Li Guoguo. The whole person seemed cold and unpopular. Nie Shide was used to his grandson's virtue, so he was not surprised Strange.

Only Li Guoguo was a little worried if Nie Yunqing was angry, otherwise why did he ignore them all the time except for giving them a glance at the beginning?

Nie Shide patted Li Guoguo's arm and said, "Guoguo? Why are you in a daze? You go to the table and have a look. If you like it, take it back. Anyway, I can't eat these things, and Yunqing doesn't like sweets either. , I like to eat salty and spicy food."

Li Guoguo wrote down these words carefully, nodded to Nie Shide, glanced at Nie Yunqing before getting up and walking to the table in the living room.

Nie Shide and Nie Yunqing, who were left behind, looked at each other across the air. Nie Shide raised his eyebrows and looked at his grandson's faint expression and wanted to laugh. Nie Yunqing thought much simpler and focused on Li Guoguo. Seeing that grandpa was still looking at him, he told what happened just now.

Nie Shide had only heard about Mo's affairs, but he didn't know that they had become like this in private. Even if Li Guoguo was Mo Hongfeng's half-sister, they were separated now, and each had their own property. Development is right, why do you want to grab my sister's land?

"Mo Hongfeng felt that Li Guoguo lost his people by going to farm, so he naturally hoped that she would hide her name and go to a remote area to live, otherwise wouldn't he lose face in the circle?"

Nie Shide said angrily: "What's wrong with farming? What he eats doesn't rely on farming, but can fall from the sky? Guoguo is willing to work hard to get rich with his own hands. This is a good thing, and it becomes shameful for him?"

Nie Yunqing said softly: "The Mo family is like this, why do you need to get angry? I know this matter well, and I will help Li Guoguo repair the road in Taoyuan Village. I will call Gao Miao over tomorrow, and the road will be repaired soon. It was repaired."

Gao Miao is Nie Yunqing's chief secretary. Nie Yunqing has always been very fond of his work and conduct. Nie Shide also knows him very well, and he is relieved when he hears this.

Seeing that Li Guoguo was about to walk over with his things, Nie Shide quickly lowered his voice and said, "Yunqing, do you like this girl Guoguo? I have never seen you treat anyone so well."

Nie Yunqing looked up at Li Guoguo, complex emotions flashed in his eyes, and finally he said to Nie Shide: "It's nothing, Grandpa, you think too much."

Nie Shide had a look on his face that you wanted to lie to me, and that I didn't believe it at all. Nie Yunqing was also a little helpless, saying that he liked Li Guoguo now, but he just thought Li Guoguo was very interesting. Looks full of energy.

Especially when she always had a timid and shy face in front of him, and spoke softly, which made him think that Li Guoguo's original personality was so introverted, and he was even a little surprised. As a result, after watching such a show today, I realized that this orchid in the empty valley turned out to be a wild rose with thorns, which was fragrant and thorny.

Although when she was in front of him, those sharp thorns were all retracted, only revealing the soft side.

But, is this like? Nie Yunqing couldn't tell the difference, she just wanted to leave it to time to prove it, now she just wanted to be free and help as much as she wanted.

Li Guoguo worriedly carried the bag and said to Nie Shide, "Grandpa Nie, there are too many of these things, I can't finish them." Out of the corner of his eyes, he couldn't help looking at Nie Yunqing who was sitting quietly on the side.

The slightly squeamish sweet words directly dilute the cold and hard atmosphere just now, Nie Yunqing's expression has also softened a lot, and when he looked at Li Guoguo again, his eyes were also a lot gentler.

Nie Shide saw everything in his eyes, and snorted coldly in his heart, the brat is too good at disguising, it is almost impossible to listen to him to tell the truth.

"It's okay, you can bring these back. There is no one at home to eat, and you can share them with your friends to help eat. Is it not possible to bring them back? I will ask Yun Qing to help take you back. Let's eat here first Shall we go back again?" Nie Shide asked with concern.

Li Guoguo couldn't laugh or cry, is Nie Yunqing so free? I went to pick her up just now, and now I have to send her back. Isn't this an endless cycle of sending her back and forth?

"No, I can bring it back. It just so happens that I have something to do at home, so I'll go back first." Li Guoguo directly forgot about her frail persona, especially a female man, affirmed.

Nie Shide chuckled, and still motioned for his grandson to send him off with his eyes.

Nie Yunqing got up, took off the coat from the hanger and put it on, went to help Li Guoguo carry half of the bags, looked down at her and said, "I'll take you home, I'll just carry the things."

Li Guoguo saw that Nie Yunqing left with the bag, hurriedly said goodbye to Nie Shide, and followed. When he reached the door, he found that Nie Yunqing had parked a car at the gate of the yard. The dark and wild off-road vehicle and the handsome Nie Yunqing really It didn't fit, Li Guoguo looked at it a few more times before remembering to put the things in the back seat.

Nie Yunqing didn't say much on the way, but Li Guoguo cherished the quiet and closed environment where only the two of them were alone.

After Nie Yunqing delivered Li Guoguo to the door of her house, she also helped to lift the things and sent them in. Li Guoguo was a little anxious to see that everyone was about to leave, so he took two quick steps to grab the car The window faltered and his face turned red.

Nie Yunqing was very patient and did not urge her, but looked at her with calm eyes, waiting for what she had to say.

Li Guoguo suddenly became less nervous, and he didn't want to say those words of excuse. Anyway, the seniors should have heard it anyway. Since they didn't say it, then pretend that it didn't happen.

"Be careful all the way, goodbye." Finally Li Guoguo said so.

Nie Yunqing felt that what Li Guoguo wanted to say just now was not what she said, but she didn't get to the bottom of it. She nodded slightly and said to her, "Goodbye. Someone will contact you tomorrow."

Li Guoguo watched the car go farther and farther, pursed his lips, and went back with his head down.

The next morning, a man who claimed to be Nie Yunqing's secretary contacted Li Guoguo, saying that he wanted to discuss road repairs. Because Nie Yunqing didn't set a limit on the length of the repair, he wanted to ask her if she wanted to build the road in the village together or not. Just repair the outside road leading to the highway.

Li Guoguo shook his head and realized that the person on the other side of the phone could not see him at all, so he refused directly: "The road in the village is not in a hurry, we will find a way, and the road outside the village will trouble you."

Li Guoguo felt that since Nie Yunqing was willing to help, the roads outside the village should be repaired, but the roads in the village cannot be entirely dependent on him.

Li Guoguo made a lot of money selling vegetables, and the repairs in the village were more than enough, but she couldn't just pay for the repairs by herself. After what happened last time, she also understood that she couldn't do things with a head on her head, and she couldn't carry it all on her shoulders. To share the responsibility.

The author has something to say: the update on the 28th is around eleven o'clock in the evening, okay?