MTL - If You Don’t Go To Hell, Who Will?-Chapter 61 Zhongyuan’s grandfather

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In order to give a surprise to Zhongyuan’s grandfather, Zhongyuan and Zhongyuan quietly fled from B City to Shanghai without releasing any winds.

It is said that Zhongyuan’s grandfather is already a self-defeating person. Now he lives in an ordinary community and spends his days. He is idle all day, and he will fight with the old men nearby, or they will blow each other. How is my son how my grandson is doing, leisurely and very comfortable. The so-called big hidden in the city, it is estimated that this is the case.

When I and my grandfather went to his grandfather's residence, it was unfortunate that the old man went out. There was only one cockroach in the family to take care of the father's food and drink. Zhong Yuan called her Yang Lan. Yang Lan said that the old man took you Yang Shu to go to the nearby pavilion to play chess. Today he is looking for Lao Zhao to take revenge.

Zhong Yuan pinched his forehead and said helplessly: "He has no end with the grandfather of Zhao."

Yang Lan grabbed my hand and smiled and said: "What's the knot, there is no end. Today, you win me, I will win you tomorrow, and when I lose, I will go home and throw things. A few days ago, he took a colorful year of Qianlong. The bucket was thrown, and I regretted it. Later, you uncle Yang gave him a glazed red peony plate in the glaze of the Wanli, which stopped."

I shrank my neck, and this old man's temper is not so good.

When Yang Hao saw it, he smiled and said: "Don't be afraid, although the old man broke things, he didn't swear, except for the young master who didn't come back to see him."

Zhong Yuan: "..."

Yang Lan and we chilled for a while, then went out to buy food. I and Zhong Yuan stayed at his house for a while and felt bored, so I decided to go out and look for his grandfather.

In the gazebo that Zhong Yuan said, there was a group of old people around the chess, but did not see the legendary grandfather. Under one question, we only knew that Grandpa Zhong lost the game and had already left with Yang Shu. An old man looked up and smiled at Zhong Yuan, and said to him in a sigh of relief: "Your grandfather is getting more and more useless, and he lost his helmet in less than half an hour."

It is estimated that this is the grandfather Zhao. At this time, the grandfather Zhao was holding a black car and slammed the other side of the gun. I was very curious about the master, so I took Zhongyuan and stopped to watch the situation in the game. I saw that Grandpa Zhao’s black has already taken a big advantage. Both cars and one horse are in the same camp. In comparison, the red side is a bit miserable. It has just been eaten by a cannon. Now He only has one car and two horses left, and the car is still trapped in the rear, and even the river can't pass.

The grandfather of the red chess stared at the chessboard motionlessly, and the atmosphere was really a bit nervous under the city.

Zhong Yuan didn't seem interested in these things. He just smiled and said: "Grandpa Zhao, you are getting more and more prestige."

Grandpa Zhao listened, laughing at the sky, it was very arrogant.

I looked at the chess piece carefully. After watching it for a while, I squeezed the hand of Zhong Yuan and secretly said to him: "This chess, the winning face of Red Chess seems to be bigger than Black."

Who knows that Grandpa Zhao is not only a character outbreak, but his hearing has broken out. He sinks his face and looks at me very unhappy. "Little girl, what do you say?"

"I...hey..." I dragged Zhongyuan and wanted to retreat.

However, I just walked two steps, but I was shouted by the grandfather Zhao. "When you come over, I have to see where the winning face of Red is."

I am not leaving or not, I really regret that mouth.

Zhong Yuan took my hand and smiled at Zhao’s grandfather. He said, "Grandpa Zhao, my wife is young and ignorant, don’t worry about her."

Who knows that Grandpa Zhao raised his eyebrows and said in a serious way: "How do I care about her, I just want to know, where is the winning face of Red."

At this time, the grandfather who was playing the red chess also stood up and let the seat out. Then he smiled at me: "Little girl, don't be afraid, come over, I want to see, where is the red chess win."

I had to smash the past and didn't dare to sit. I just pointed at the chessboard and said: "Black is a squad, but it has not yet reached the momentum. Red has a car and two guards guarding the rear, and can temporarily hold for a while."

After listening to Grandpa Zhao, he smiled disdainfully and said, "What can you support for a while? After a while? Isn't it still eaten by me?"

I shook my head and replied: "It won't take so long, the two horses of the red chess can push the black chess to the road."

One person next to him questioned: "The two horses are stronger than the two cars. And there is still a shot."

I shook my head again. "There is nothing wrong with it. There is a saying in the chess game. 'The front of the gun, the square is rampant, the horse is the first, the eight sides are prestige', it can be seen how great the horse is, especially when the two horses are used together. Can be defended, can fight and escape. Look at the situation, there are only two elephants behind the black chess, and there is no one to block the horseshoe, which makes the double horse of the red play more space. Looking back at the red chess In the rear, although the black chess is in a big battle, but because it is too crowded, the horse can't kick, it is almost useless, there are two cars in it, and the red car is obstructed, and the black gun is useless. Therefore, black can really play a role. It seems that there are two cars, and the rest of the horses are all trapped by their own or the other's chess pieces. To say that the offensive and defensive, the red side has to attack a double horse, to have a car and a double, in the chess There is another saying called 'Double Cars vs. Doubles', which shows that the Red side's defensive is very strong. And Black, the front is OK, the back camp is empty, it is much more dangerous than Red."

As soon as I finished speaking, no one was talking around. I suddenly felt a little guilty and felt that I was probably too rash. Chess, this thing is shallow and shallow, and it is deep and deep. It doesn't matter if I lost both of these brushes. Anyway, I am young, and people will not care about me, but if the grandfather of Zhongyuan knows...

I thought as I wiped my sweat, and Zhongyuan’s grandfather would not dislike me because of this...

Zhong Yuan patted me on the shoulder and whispered to me: "Who did you learn from this?"

I stared at the board and replied, "My dad."

My dad likes to play chess. I have two people at home. So he often forced me to learn from him. Of course, every time I learned almost all of my failures, I won him the only time, or because I stole his chess pieces. . Later, he felt boring, let me go with me, one car, one shot...

At this point, the grandfather Zhao was silent for a while and asked: "As you say this, black is definitely dead?"

"Where, the black offensive is very fierce. As long as the speed is quick, the result is not good."

"Talking on paper." Grandpa Zhao’s tone is still disdainful, but the tone is not enough.

"Yeah, I am actually nonsense." I laughed and pulled the clock and tried to escape.

However, I was once again stopped by the grotesque grandfather Zhao. He held a chess piece and knocked on the chessboard. He said, "When I finish this game, I won’t win and I won’t go home."

I had to sigh and sit down. Playing chess, it’s so easy to determine where to win or lose. I’ve actually said that most of them are nonsense. After all, apart from my dad and computer, I haven’t played chess with others, and those chess games are all in I remembered it under my father's influence. My brain is stupid and I don't think about it. Besides the good memory, I have a lot of experience and game scores in my mind. Others, I really have no advantage.

Fortunately, I was lucky. Before Grandpa Zhao was going to die, he succeeded in pushing his poor man to the road.

Grandpa Zhao finally straightened up and said with a sullen voice: "I lost, little girl, and the chess is good."

"Where is it, speculation is just a matter of chance." Being a junior in front of the elders can never be too arrogant. This is what my dad taught me repeatedly.

Just then, a burst of unrestrained laughter suddenly sounded, scared me almost fell to the stool. The man laughed for a while and said: "I can't think of it, I can't think of it, Lao Zhao, you have it today, hahahahaha, you have been planted on a little doll, and you will not see anyone in the future!"

I turned my head and looked at it while I was sweating. I saw a man with a white face and a ruddy hair. He was standing behind him with a middle-aged man. At this time, looking at us, it looked very... oh, surprise?

At this time, Grandpa Zhao said with no anger: "You can also try, I don't believe you can win her."

The old man laughed arrogantly: "She is my grandson, I let her lose her!"

Onlookers: "..."