MTL - Illusion-Chapter 1663 Dark Saint's Strength

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"Continue!" Yun Feng's eyes turned towards the Supreme, but the final eyes were set on the Dark Saint.

Everyone saw that Feng Feng's eyes were fixed on the fourth dark saint, and one by one felt that Feng Feng had eaten leopard gall. At this time, the law of poison was entangled, and it actually challenged the Dark Saint. Dark Saint rarely shot, but everyone knows that his strength is unfathomable. I heard that the battle with Yao Sheng was just a defeat. Of course, this is just a rumor, and it is not true or false.

But from this we can see that the power of the Dark Saint is terrifying. Xun Feng actually chose this section to challenge Dark Saint. Is he really naive? He can still resist the Dark Saint?

However, I remembered the glance that Jian Feng had just swept over them, but ignored. I have to admit that, except for the top five supreme abilities and fighting against Feng, they really can't deal with Feng.

Seeing Feng Feng's gaze locked on him, Dark Saint finally stepped forward and said, "Since the Saint is still interested, Ben Sheng will play with you."

After that, the figure fell across from Feng Feng.

When Feng Feng saw Dark Saint come out, he laughed and said, "Come here!"

After speaking, Xun Feng didn't care about the law of poison on his body either. The fighting spirit in his body burst out and wrapped his arms straight.

The crowd frowned as they watched the scene. What is this Feng Feng trying to do? Actually do not rule out the poison at this time? Does he still want to bring this poisonous rule against the Dark Lord? Just that sword has consumed his extremely terrifying vindictive spirit. In addition to the suppression of this poisonous rule, even if the Fengxian has the Xianxian sword, it is definitely not an opponent of Dark Saint.

Qin Yi and others looked at Wu Feng with confusion, and Yaoyu couldn't help asking Yao Sheng: "Old ancestor, what is the elder brother doing?"

Yaosheng shook his head and said, "I don't know. But the Supreme Rule of Poison should not be underestimated. If he doesn't get rid of it, he may cause great damage to his body."

Yao Yu frowned as she looked at the surface of the body flowing like a wave. I really wanted to go up to remind Feng Feng, but when seeing Feng Feng's face indifferent, regardless of the poisonous gas erosion and torture pain, he finally put up.

On the contrary, Dark Saint saw this situation, and he frowned and said, "Give the magic Saint some time to recover, the Saint is not willing to take advantage of you."

"Thank you for your good intentions. But I don't think so." Wu Feng laughed, and the fighting spirit in his body burst out. The terrible grudge slipped through the void, causing the void to collapse piece by piece.

"Huh!" Ansheng reminded him that Feng Feng didn't take any notice. Ansheng snorted coldly, and the fighting spirit in his body burst out, and he banged around the rule of corrosion with a punch.


Under this punch, the surrounding area shattered, and under the punch, Feng Feng was blown out, and at the same time, a rule of corrosion poured straight into Feng Feng's body.

"Ben Sheng said, you still have a good rest." An Sheng Sheng saw him take the upper hand with a punch, said watching Feng Feng lightly.

Xie Feng looked at Dark Saint, and his heart was secretly startled. Obviously the opponent didn't do their best. But the power of expression is terrifying. No wonder it is the fourth place. It is indeed a lot stronger than Poison Saint. Of course, there is still a certain gap compared to the demon saint.

Xun Feng wanted to say nothing about a peach-wood comb novel 5200. Even in its heyday, it was difficult to fight against Dark Saint.

But despite the difficulties, Xun Feng could only take this risk. No matter how strong the Dark Saint is, the fighting spirit in the body oozed again, and the forces of the Five Elements bombarded the Dark Saint here. The power of terror was more than just stronger than that, and it still exudes chilling power.

The other most desperately looked forward to the bursting out of Feng Feng, one by one can not help but babble, did not expect that in this case, Feng Feng can burst out such a horrible force, this is beyond their imagination.

The evil Saint looked at Feng Feng desperately to attack the Dark Saint, and at the same time saw the poisonous law of Feng Feng and the Dark Lord who had just entered the corrosion rule, and he frowned: "What on earth does Feng Feng want to do?"

Xie Sheng naturally did not believe that Feng Feng swollen his face to fill a fat man, this boy is very smart, this kind of completely unequal test. He cannot fail without delay. However, Jian Feng seemed to be very anxious, which made Xie Sheng doubt the purpose of Feng Feng.


A few more punches collided, and Feng Qiang was in an absolute downwind. These punches really rolled his blood and his face was a little pale. At the same time, the Dark Saint's Corrosion Law broke into the front of the body.

After the Corruption Rule penetrated into the body of Xie Feng, the evil sage could see the Law of Corruption and the Law of Poison in the body of Xie Feng. The power of the confrontation made Xie Feng's body constantly rolling like a wave.

Of course, Jian Feng also used power to suppress this tumbling within a certain range, and it is precisely to suppress the power of these two laws that all the forces exerted by Jian Feng are even smaller.

With a palm of his hand, An Sheng pushed open Feng Feng again, and watched Feng Feng snorted: "Magic Saint, give up. You are not an opponent of Ben Sheng."

Xie Feng laughed, "Don't try to know so? Come again."

Regardless of the flesh that had just been shaken by the opponent, Xie Feng once again greeted the Dark Saint straightly, but the strength of the fist body was weakened very much, and he had no previous power.

"Stubbornness!" Ansheng Leng snorted, and the power in his body burst out. The horrible corrosive law entangled his arm and swept straight. With such a sweep, the entire space was corroded by him. Off.

Xie Feng looked at the dark fist, his face was also dignified, the strength in his body increased again a few points, and the five elements exploded into the body.


Xie Feng's fist and Dark Saint touched each other without any fancy, a horrible corrosive law poured into the body of Xun Feng, and under the law of corrosiveness, a stream of black blood spewed out of the corner of Xie Feng's mouth. Fly out.

"Yi Feng!" Qin Yi looked at this scene with a terrified heart, just flashed to hug Xie Feng, but was blocked by the demon Saint. He glanced at the evil Saint who was still standing quietly, and said lightly, "Look again."


Before Qin Yi finished, Dark Saint laughed and said, "Relax. The evil Saint is here, it is impossible to let Feng Feng fall. As long as Feng Feng does not fall, with his five-in-one body, there is nothing to threaten His life. "

Qin Yi heard the demon Saint say this, and then he bit his lip and nodded, but the eyes were still worried. !! ~!

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