MTL - I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad-Chapter 456 454. Her Mouth Moves First! (3/1)

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  Chapter 456 454. Her mouth moved first! (31)

   April 11th.

10 o'clock in the morning.

   Cai Yinong finally waited for a call from the person he "dreams day and night".

   "Hello, Mr. Cai, I'm Tang Yan."

  Just by listening to the voice on the phone, one can feel the weakness of lack of breath.

  Although it is indescribable, it sounds like this person has little strength.

  Suddenly, a bad premonition suddenly filled Cai Yinong's mind.

  She subconsciously cared:

   "Yanyan, how is your body? Have you been discharged from the hospital?"

   Tang Yan still said in a low-puffed voice:

   "Thank you Mr. Cai for your concern. I haven't been discharged from the hospital yet, and I will probably be observed for two days."

   "Oh, it's so serious, I said to go and see you..."

  Cai Yinong gave a polite expression.

"No need, Mr. Cai. My not very convenient. Because this time it was a heart tremor caused by overwork, and my family cut off all work matters and visits from friends. The mobile phone I finally got today, contact Sister Ji. Knowing that you have been looking for me for several days, I will call you quickly... and I can't talk for too long. My mother will come back soon, and I have to hang up. The doctor asked me to rest and not to be overworked .”

   Tang Yan explained very clearly.

  It was so clear that Cai Yinong's mind sank even further.

  Don't listen to the meaning of Tang Yan's words, she can even hear this voice, the other party is not suitable for working...

  But tomorrow is the opening day of "Weird Man Yizhimei".

  The preparations for the crew have been completed, and the contracts with the actors have also been signed, including props, venue rental, etc...

  Not to mention anything else, the labor alone costs hundreds of thousands a day.

  The remuneration of the actors and the salaries of the staff seem to be "not a lot" at first glance, but after five or ten days, no one can bear it.

  So, even though she clearly had an ominous premonition in her heart, she still asked:

   "Did Ji Rujing tell you about our situation?"


   Tang Yan responded:

   ""Weird Hero Iljimae", right?"


   As soon as Cai Yinong finished speaking, Tang Yan's apologetic voice sounded:

   "I'm sorry, Mr. Cai. I can't take this drama. Recently, I won't take costume dramas..."

   "We can use a stand-in for..."

"That's not okay, my family disagrees. physical condition is very serious this time, and I really don't allow me to take this kind of scene with a lot of exterior scenes. After repeated discussions with the doctor, I will probably rest for a month to two months, and then take some scenes that are mostly in the studio. My heart needs to be nourished, and it will take at least one or two months."

   Without any concealment, Tang Yan confided the "truth".

   Really can't connect.

  Most of the costume dramas are on location, and the weather is getting hotter now. Let an actor with a heart problem take the filming?

  What if something goes wrong?

   After Tang Yan said these words, Cai Yinong also knew that Tang Yan could not act anymore.

  She couldn't continue to plead.

  Otherwise...that would be playing with the other party's life.

  She is very optimistic about Tang Yan, and when the other party leaves Orange Sky to join Tang Ren, Tang Ren will definitely be able to add another top-level combat power.

  But now because of a play, it's really not worthwhile for her to leave the other party with the impression of "a lifeless life".

   "Is that so... That's okay, your body is tighter than anything else..."

   This phone call entered the stage of greeting and caring.

   Finally, it ended in Tang Yan's words "Mom is back".

  After it was over, Tang Yan sat in Ji Rujing's office and breathed a sigh of relief:

   "Okay, it's been fooled."


  Ji Rujing responded, holding the script of "The Three Thousand Golds of the Xia Family" in his hand:

   "Then prepare to sign a contract for this drama."

   "Farewell first."

   Tang Yan shook his head quickly, with a thoughtful light in his eyes:

"I'm afraid that someone's reputation will leak out. Wait... Anyway, the filming of this scene will only start in June, so I'll tell Syndicate first that I agree, but the contract will have to wait until the signing of the contract. Director Xia's leader doesn't like it." I'm in contact with Tang Ren, but I don't want to offend Tang Ren directly. It's fine to deal with this relationship slowly."

   "That's fine. Then just wait."

  Ji Ru nodded in agreement.

   But within a few seconds, she suddenly said:

   "Cai Yinong is a little bit hard to get off now..."

   "Isn't it?"

   Tang Yan nodded.

  Tomorrow, "Strange Man" will be launched, but the role change failed in the middle. After the crew started, the actors will be in place, and the salary and salary will start to be calculated.

  The heroine Liu Zhishi who was originally scheduled was hidden away. Looking at the female artists in Tang Dynasty, except Liu Zhishi, the others are all newcomers. They are either old or not well-known.

   But what if Liu Zhishi is reactivated?

   That's a big joke.

  For a brokerage company, the most effective and deterrent way to control artists is Xuezang.

  That means you are completely cut off from the show business circle, and you no longer have any exposure.

   Especially female artists.

  Without exposure... how long can she be remembered in the show business circle full of beauties?

  So, even an artist is afraid of snow.

   Even an artist doesn't want to be hidden.

  For artists, this is nuclear deterrence. No one wants this bomb to fall on themselves.

  However, what if the ice storage is cancelled?

  If it takes effect for a period of time, such as a few months later, the person who was hidden will come out to apologize, something like "I was young and ignorant, and I made the wrong payment". First show your attitude, and then the company will give you a step down, then there is no problem.

   Anyway, I haven't seen anyone for several months.

   How many months are there in a year?

   is fine too.

  No one wants to be hidden by the company and never have a bright future.

  So this date should actually be flexible.

   In less than a week, the penalty measure of snow storage will be cancelled?

   Then the joke is bigger.

  The final deterrent method has become a thunderstorm with little deterrent effect.

  If you want to freeze it, you can freeze it, if you want to cancel it, you can cancel it.

  Where is the face of the company?

  In the future, who will be afraid of your deterrent power that will change from day to day?

  But if you don’t cancel it, what should you do if hundreds of thousands of people eat horses every day...

   Neither Tang Yan nor Ji Rujing continued.

  But everyone understands in their hearts.

   This encounter... is really hard to get off.


   Tang Yan understands, Ji Rujing understands.

  Does Cai Yinong understand?

  She also understands.

   To put it bluntly, this question is actually a typical **** question of "who do you save when your mother and I fall into the water".

  The heroine of this drama has already used an "outsider" Huo Jianhua, if he finds an outsider heroine in the entertainment circle... that would be nonsense.

   Liu Zhishi, you don’t need it, can you consider other people?

  Why don't you look for someone inside the company, but an outsider?

   What do other female artists in the company think?

   You can find people from the inside... The female artist resources inside the Tang Dynasty are actually disaster-level.

  First of all, they do have female artists, but they are all actors from Xiangjiang. And, the most deadly thing is, whether it is Guan Yonghe, Mei Xiaohui, Wang Yuwen, Zhang Qian...these Xiangjiang actors are all very old.

  The biggest ones are post-60s. The youngest is also born in the 70s.

  So, although the Tang people did start out with Xiangjiang actors in their early years, they began to train their own actresses from the time of Liu Yifei.

  In the beginning, he poured resources on Liu Yifei, but it turned out to be a big grievance.

   Then I started looking for the second generation of Liu Yifei.

  After finding Liu Zhishi, he began to cultivate her vigorously. As a result, Liu Zhishi is now hidden in the snow...

  Then...Tang Ren didn't have the actors he cultivated himself.

  Although there are a few people who can act "pretend to be young", or let Guo Xiaoting and Jin Chen "pretend to be old", the problem is that it doesn't match the script, and their celebrity status is not good.

  But if we look for actors from outside, then these internal artists who can be regarded as the leading role of "Yan Sanniang" are really difficult to explain.

  In the TV series of our own company, there are no leading actors or actresses from our company.

   How does this make everyone have confidence in the company?

  So, she cannot be found by outsiders now, and cannot be found inside.

  What to do?

  Cai Yinong, who felt extremely uncomfortable, was sitting on the office chair. Starting tomorrow, the hundreds of thousands of dollars spent a day made her scalp feel a little numb.

  Why is it so uncomfortable?

  Why... so bad! ?

  She became more and more irritable.

  But I had to force myself to calm down and continue to think about countermeasures.

   And at this moment, the secretary knocked on the door.

   delivered a fatal blow:

   "Mr. Cai, Director Li asked about the heroine. Because...the actor hasn't tried on costumes yet, so he asked me to remind you."


  The company's biggest reliance, the famous director Li Guoli's words, let Cai Yinong know...

   Casting is imminent.

  As the most important partner, it is also the cornerstone that brought the company to where it is today.

   Li Guoli's words are easier to use than others.

   And the way of conveying the message through the secretary also means...he is a little impatient.

  He is the chief director of this film, and he brought three sub-directors Wu Jinyuan, Liang Shengquan, and You Dazhi to shoot.

  Now that the crew is not fully assembled, he, the chief director, has to wait in Hengdian for the last brick of the crew to land before he can leave with peace of mind.

   His time is also time.

  Thinking of this...


  She suddenly let out a trembling breath.

   A decision has been made.

   "Let Liu Zhishi write a review and apology letter and post it on the company's intranet. Then cancel her punishment and let her go to Hengdian."


  The secretary was taken aback.

   There was a hint of speechlessness on the expression.

  But it is only fleeting. Although she also felt that Mr. Cai's move...was not very good at this moment.

  The tendency to make corporate punitive measures a bit of a joke.

  But since the boss has spoken, she can only follow through.

  So nodded:

   "Okay, I'll get in touch right away."

  But the secretary didn't leave for long, and returned quickly:

   "Mr. Cai..."

"what happened again?"

   Cai Yinong, who hadn't recovered from the embarrassment of the damage to the boss's majesty, showed a hint of impatience on his face.

  Although the secretary could hear the boss's impatience, she still bit the bullet and said:

   "Liu Zhishi... can't be reached."


  Cai Yinong was stunned:


"Liu Zhishi, I can't get in touch. I first called Li Minnian. After talking about the situation, Li Minnian told me: After receiving the company's punishment notice, Shishi felt that she was too impetuous, so she told him that she planned to settle down during this time. Take a look and hopefully start over with a new look.

   In addition, her mobile phone was blasted in the post bar before, so she directly changed the number this time. Li Minnian doesn't know about the new account yet, Liu Zhishi said that she will contact Li Minnian after finishing her mood... I called Liu Zhishi, and it has indeed been canceled and became an empty account..."


  Cai Yinong was dumbfounded.


   "Well, well, I see."

  In the dimly lit studio, Yang Mi looked at the "storm" in front of her, holding up the phone with smiles all over her eyes:

   "Isn't this good? Some things are actually like this. If you get it too easily, it will give people the illusion that it will come and go. It's good to teach some lessons, right?"

  On the other end of the phone, Li Minnian's expression was full of surprise and emotion.

  Although... There are some things that people haven't said clearly these days.

  Even... Shi Shi may not have noticed it yet.

   But he already guessed it.

  Mimi's goal is indeed Shishi.

   And Mimi also knew that she had guessed her target.

  During several verbal temptations, it is self-evident that she always tied herself to Shishi.

  So during this period of time, the two of them kept in touch quite frequently.

   It was her idea even to change Liu Zhishi's mobile phone number.

  In Li Minnian's view, the most incredible thing is...he couldn't figure out what method Mimi used to make Tang Yan refuse to accept the "Weird Hero Yizhimei".

  Mimi didn't say anything.

  He couldn't guess either.

  But it was precisely because of this that he could feel the terrifying energy of the other party...his future boss.

  Tang Yan is not particularly hot, but the heat is not low.

   And she actually had a way to make Tang Yan, who planned to come to Tang Ren after the contract ended, refuse to cooperate with Tang Ren...

   This feels like a yellow hair that appeared silently, unknowingly disintegrating a pair of childhood sweethearts.

  There must be something on the other party, which is Tang Yan's "fear" or "sweetness".

  It's really scary.

   And when she proposed to let Shishi change her mobile phone number, Mimi's guess has now become a reality.

   Once again, one thing was demonstrated in Li Minnian's mind.

  These two don't mention it.

  Just the aura shown by Mimi has filled Li Minnian with awe.

  She... understands people's hearts.

  In other words, even if she doesn't understand people's hearts, she can use tricks to make others do things according to her will.

  Is it a monster?

  A girl who is only twenty-four years old this year, what kind of monster is she?

  With amazement and awe in his heart, he naturally continued the respectful attitude of the past few days and asked:

   "Mimi, what should we do next?"

   "There is nothing to do. Procrastinate."

  Yang Mi looked at Liu Zhishi who was watching the busy crew with relish at this moment, and chuckled lightly:

   "Ha. Ask my people to apologize to the whole company for copying a dog? Where does she get so much face?"

  The words are joking, but the attitude is domineering.

  In an instant, Li Minnian had the urge to throw his head and blood.

  This kind of boss who can protect the calf...

   If it were put into those hot-blooded anime, just one sentence would make people unable to help following her, willingly chasing her footsteps!

"Don't talk to Shishi about the self-criticism right now, and delay it for another week... no, a week is too fake. Let it last for two or three days, let her know that it hurts, and know how to treat Shishi, and then let her Shishi joined the group. But I just want to wrong you, Brother Li, she can't find Shishi, so she must be angry with you, Brother Li..."

   "I'm sure I'm fine. This time, I didn't protect Shishi well... Besides, as long as Shishi doesn't suffer any grievances, I have no problem at all."


  Yang Mi smiled even happier:

   "From the first time I saw Brother Li, I knew that Brother Li must be a very, very good manager..."


"That's how it is. Anyway...whether it's a storm or something, Li Ge, you feel wronged this time. Shishi's review will definitely not be written. She didn't make a mistake, why should she bow her head? Then after she enters the group, let her Acting with peace of mind, I am currently working on the script of "Scary Step by Step". The script will be out at the beginning of May at the latest, and I will send a film appointment to Tang Ren."

   "... Send me the film appointment of "Scary Step by Step"? But "Gong Suo Xin Yu"..."

"That's what I want to say. Brother Li, you should pay close attention to "Gongsuo Xinyu"... Well, I have been working on this matter recently. But you don't need to worry about these things, Brother Li, I will do it. You just need to When necessary, just follow my instructions to find Mr. Cai."

   What he said was vague.

   Li Minnian listened in a daze.

   But he didn't question it.

   Instead, he responded very readily:

   "Okay, no problem. Just tell me when the time comes~"

  Hearing this word, the little young woman smiled again:

   "Well, that's fine, I'll hang up."


  The phone hangs up.

   There was also an order to prepare to start filming.

  Liang Chaowei wore a top hat and stood in the wet rain again.

  Yang Mi, who had collected her mind, inevitably sighed again.

Yes, that's right.

  This scene has been filmed since hasn't happened yet.

   And Wang Jiawei didn't have the idea of ​​shooting other clips first.

  He is like a muscle that can't be stretched anymore. If the filming of this scene can't be finished, I'd rather have a crew of people here dry up and continue.


  Sighed silently, she walked behind Liu Zhishi, hugged her waist simply, and put her chin on the other's shoulder:

"how do you feel?"

  Liu Zhishi ignored her friend's hands and feet, and pushed her own glasses:

   "Liang Chaowei is so handsome..."

   "Who told you to see if he is handsome? I'm asking you how the crew feels."

   "... I just came here less than a morning, and I saw this scene, how would I know."

"Then you watch it slowly... Pay more attention to the expressiveness of the actors. He is now a distant scene of fighting scenes, and there is actually nothing to watch. If the filming of this piece is over and there is a literary play, then you can go to the monitor to watch it. This The actors in this play are quite strong, and they are all focused on the literary play and the lines, so it’s great to experience more.”

  Hearing this, Liu Zhishi turned her face away in a funny way.

  But because Yang Mi was resting on her shoulder, the tip of her nose scratched her friend's cheek on one side of her face.

  Yang Mi became jealous...

   And the ignorant little sheep is still in the awkward chat of not knowing what danger is:

   "Why do I feel like you're praising yourself? Would you say "Except for me, the other actors in this show are pretty strong"?"

   As for this sentence, Yang Mi just smiled wickedly:




   "Hey you... woo woo woo woo..."

  Before she finished speaking, she was covered by Yang Mi who was quick-eyed and quick-handed:

   "Shh! It's filming, don't make trouble!"

   Stop making trouble?

  Big sister, which one of us is making trouble!

   Everyone is watching!

   This time it was her mouth that moved first! !

  (end of this chapter)