MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 105 Furnace Master 10

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Sang Jiuchi looked at the Demon Venerable in front of him, and the Demon Venerable stared at Jiang Tong who was not far away with a tangled expression, his face changed and changed.

I don't know if the Demon Venerable was originally this stupid, or his intelligence has deteriorated after twenty years of dark imprisonment.

After a long time, Demon Venerable looked down at Sang Jiuchi again, and hesitantly asked, "Is it really him?"

Sang Jiuchi: "I'm not sure, but time will give you the answer?"

Sang Jiuchi stood up and adjusted the emerald green feather coat, "I'll go around, please help these people to protect the law, can you?"

Demon Venerable looked at Sang Jiuchi for a long time and asked, "Where did this feather coat on your body come from?"

There are too many strange things in the plane of self-cultivation. Sang Jiuchi originally thought that this dress was just put on by Fan Lu who thought it looked good, and he didn't care too much.

Now that Demon Venerable asked this question, he was slightly moved and asked about F001 in his mind.

Who knows that F001 has come back to life for a while, and now there is no movement, and he has not got the answer on **** the Dark God.

He had no choice but to say, "Master gave it to me."

Mozun's expression suddenly became subtle, he touched his nose awkwardly, "Your master treats you well."

Sang Jiuchi gave him a suspicious look.

Demon Venerable was shocked: "You don't know what this is?"

Sang Jiuchi: "I don't know."

Demon Venerable: "If I'm not mistaken, this should be a heaven-level immortal robe with Cui Lingyin. In ancient times, the Peacock Daming King left his plumage and wing feathers when he ascended. This robe is made from those Made of sewing. There is only one piece in the sky, it is an immortal robe, which can not only resist all spell damage, but also help cultivators to warm up their souls."

"However, this robe only appeared in legends. It disappeared after the war with the Demons 10,000 years ago. The reason why I know it is that I learned it from a book by chance."

Sang Jiuchi looked down at the emerald green feather coat on his body.

There were some green-leafed weeds blowing in the dense forest, and they brushed around Sang Jiuchi without a trace of dust falling.

The original owner did not have this feather coat in his memory. As soon as Sang Jiuchi woke up, he put it on himself, and it was Fan Lu who put it on for him.

He didn't know where his lover got this dress. Even if he didn't know this robe at the beginning, he knew that this dress was probably not simple.

I didn't expect it to be so easy.

The lover of this plane seems to be darkened, and sometimes it is confusing to talk and do things. But what he does, he can always poke into that strange point in the deepest part of his heart.

Coincidence enough to make him feel like the other party did it on purpose.

Sang Jiuchi raised his hand, revealing the iron ring on it.

When the Demon Lord saw it, he grabbed Sang Jiuchi's hand and carefully looked at the pattern on it for a moment, "You actually have this thing?!"

Sang Jiuchi is stupid, isn't this the shackle of imprisonment?

Could it be that these four rings have a lot to do with it?

Demon Venerable: "This is called a closed breath ring. It is made of ancient meteorite iron, and you can freely store your own cultivation. This magic weapon seems useless, but it is very useful. Some monks are not eligible for low-level because of the staggered cultivation time. With the opportunity of the secret realm, you can use the closed breath ring to change your own cultivation level and take advantage of the opportunity to enter the secret realm."

"When this thing was born, it attracted countless cultivators to compete for it, causing a big catastrophe. After closing the breath ring, it was listed as a forbidden object and disappeared from the world. At first glance, this thing is not very good, even if it is a fit and powerful, it may not be able to. Recognize it. I can recognize this thing thanks to that secret book."

"As far as I know, there are only four of them in the entire cultivation world. If you can get one of them, it is a great chance. Keep it hidden and don't show it in front of others."

Sang Jiuchi: "…"

To be honest, all four are on me.

He looked down at the ordinary-looking metal ring quietly. The soft fluff did not touch his skin. It seemed heavy to wear, but it was very light, and there would be no discomfort after wearing it.

This was also worn by Fan Lu, and he also wore four at a time.

In the world plot, Fan Lu went into the devil while refining the volcano, and his cultivation base was rapidly improved through the demonic rampage, but it was only promoted to the Nascent Soul stage.

After he came to this plane, the cultivation base he felt from Fan Lu was only the foundation-building stage. Although he had all kinds of strange behaviors, he didn't think much about it because of the familiar aura of his lover.

Now that Demon Venerable told him this, he gradually began to seriously think about the sense of disobedience inside.

From the very beginning, the lover looked at him with teasing, vaguely, even with a sense of pandering, as if it was because the lover did things like this in order to cater to his own preferences.

But the original owner was born noble, and to put it more simply, although they were masters and apprentices, the two of them were, no, familiar.

How could Fan Lu know that he likes these things and let him play them?

Dare to play with yourself like this, unless it is a lover who is familiar and intimate with yourself.

And these things, can the lover of Yuan Ying period get it?

The sensibility is thrown away, and the rest is occupied by reason.

Sang Jiuchi's eyes flickered, and two clear springs suddenly appeared in his eyes where no one could see.

Sparkling, bright jumping.

The fog covering the scenery was gradually blown away by the wind, revealing the original truth inside...

Mozun continued to transmit his voice: "Where did you come from with this bracelet?"

Sang Jiuchi suppressed the urgency in his heart, looked up at Mozun, "My dual cultivator gave it to me."

The Demon Venerable said "oh", and then heard Sang Jiuchi's voice transmission: "I'm going out for a walk, can you help me give them four guardians?"

Mozun looked at the four people who were holding a group for warmth in the distance, and his eyes swept to Jiang Tong intentionally or unintentionally, "Okay, you can go. This is a sound transmission. If something happens, find me immediately."

Sang Jiuchi took the voice transmission from Demon Venerable, "Uncle, you have been in this secret realm for 20 years, and you know a magic weapon of the slaughtering demons left over after the battle between the immortals and demons. Do you know where it is?"

Hearing this "Uncle", Demon Venerable's face was about to burst into a smile, he thought for a moment, "This secret realm is so big, I have visited it all over the past 20 years, the spirit grass, spirit beasts and There are quite a few magic circles, but I have never seen an immortal magic weapon."

"But there is a place where I didn't even go in." Demon Venerable pointed in a direction, "Go west for twenty miles from here, and you will see a cave. The entrance of the cave has an ancient prohibition, and even I didn't enter. Can be opened. If there is anything here but I found it, it must be hidden there."

Sang Jiuchi looked in the direction of Demon Venerable's finger, the sky in the secret realm was getting darker and darker, and with the heavy fog, he could only see the shadows of the dark mountains.

If you don't look, how do you know what's in there? Sang Jiuchi and the other four said hello and left.

The spiritual energy here is abundant, and it has a multiplier effect for them from foundation building to **** transformation, but there is not much bonus for Sang Jiuchi, who has been in the tribulation period for a long time.

Mozun said that not only could he be inseparable from the secret realm, but the secret realm was absorbing his spiritual energy all the time. With a high probability, there might be something in this secret realm.

Or a magic circle, a magic weapon.

In the world of self-cultivation, you can practice with spiritual energy, and respect the strong.

The seemingly illogical plane also follows its own plane laws.

Transform the aura into your own internal strength, and when the aura accumulates to a certain level, it can evolve and upgrade.

It's just that the aura of this plane is getting less and less. What will happen to a land that relies on aura to survive if it loses the aura on which it depends?

Ten thousand years ago, the Demon Race was born and absorbed the spiritual energy of the earth. However, what makes people wonder is that after the death of this creature, the aura they absorbed was not returned to the plane, and the aura seemed to have disappeared.

This does not comply with the law of conservation of energy.

Unless those monsters are not dead at all, or those monsters are just a medium for absorbing aura, the aura has already entered another existence.

Ten thousand years ago, this plane would steadily ascend to one person every once in a while. The three immortals are all feathered and soared.

The so-called feathering is to abandon the physical body in the thunder tribulation, use the thunder tribulation to temper the soul, and rely on the powerful power of the soul to fly straight into the sky and enter the fairyland.

At the moment of their emergence, the powerful spiritual energy stored in their bodies will be returned to this land.

This is also why the effect of practicing around the calamity transcendence person is more effective, and the spiritual energy is released centered on the tribulation transcendence person, and quickly fills the land in the form of an explosion.

Cultivators appear naked on this plane, relying on the spiritual energy provided to complete the advancement of the soul, and then return their spiritual energy to the earth.

It's a virtuous circle.

However, this virtuous circle was disrupted by the sudden appearance of the demons.

The demons absorbed nearly half of the spiritual energy in this world.

As a result, the aura filled in the entire cultivation world was reduced by one-half, which not only affected the primary cultivation practitioners, but also the cultivation powers.

The monks in the transcendence period can live to the end of the year, and the aura that was filled enough in the past can make the monks in the transcendence period quickly reach the great perfection of transcendence in a thousand years and usher in the catastrophe.

Regardless of whether the ascenders succeed or not, they will return the aura to the earth.

However, with the passage of spiritual energy, few monks have been able to enter the Tribulation Transcendence Period, and even if they enter the Tribulation Transcendence Period, their cultivation will slowly stagnate. The thin aura cannot make them reach the Great Consummation of the Tribulation Period, and they can only wait to die slowly.

And because they occupied the spiritual energy, the monks behind did not have enough spiritual energy to advance, causing the entire plane of self-cultivation to press the slow release button for the evolution speed. Without the dangerous and exciting tribulations of thousands of years ago, the current world of self-cultivation is sloppy and boring.

Xianmen was unable to recruit all the monks due to resource problems, and mortals with spiritual roots who were unwilling to be indifferent began to practice by purchasing the introduction to loose cultivation.

Once inside the gate of practice, they begin to absorb spiritual energy.

If things go on like this, the strength of the head will not be able to rise or die, and the strength of the rear will continue to divide the spiritual energy cultivation base.

After a long time, the vicious circle once again slowed down the progress of the monks.

Finally, the monks in the transcendence period ushered in death in the long years, and after the spiritual energy was returned to the earth, it was immediately divided up by the monks who were waiting to feed, but in the end it was still a drop in the bucket.

Slowly, there are fewer and fewer monks in the tribulation period. Until now, there are only a few monks in the whole cultivation world.

The comprehension world is seriously entangled, and if it goes on like this, the comprehension world will only be like a frog boiled in warm water, slowly dying.

Sang Jiuchi's eyes dimmed, this cultivation plane seems to have passed the peaceful era of ten thousand years, but it is already in danger.

Sang Jiuchi walked in the direction of Demon Venerable for a while. Their location was deep in the jungle, and ordinary monks could not get in at all. He walked all the way, and met no one on the way.

It is said that this is the battlefield after the catastrophe of the demons, but the spiritual energy in this small independent space is very abundant.

After the death of the demons and monks, the spiritual energy filled this small space, quickly nourishing this world, and providing an extremely comfortable cultivation environment for the spirit beasts and spirit grasses living here.

In this small space, several bones of animals can be seen from time to time. In order to compete for resources, spirit beasts and spirit grasses are also fighting desperately.

If the demons who were outside back then could return the spiritual energy to everyone, it would be a different situation outside now.

He walked very fast, but in a few moments he came to a cave.

Sure enough, as the Demon Venerable said, there is an ancient forbidden technique set up on the cave, which cannot be opened.

Sang Jiuchi studied the forbidden technique at the entrance of the cave and returned to the jungle just now.

When he went back, he found that Demon Venerable had built a layer of barrier beside several people. Several people found a place to meditate cross-legged. Demon Venerable was leaning against the tree by himself, and his eyes looked in Jiang Tong's direction from time to time. .

Seeing Sang Jiuchi coming back, Demon Venerable opened the barrier to let him in.

Sang Jiuchi didn't talk nonsense, and said with a voice transmission: "Did you take the books you read before with you?"

There is a bookstore in Wen Tianzong, but there are no books of these ancient law circles in the bookstore. Hearing Mozong talk eloquently just now, he might gain something from him.

Mozong's eyes lit up, and he said, "I carry it all with me. As expected of my nephew, you also like to read books?"

As he said, he took out a storage bag from his arms and handed it to Sang Jiuchi, "This is a book I've found for thousands of years. I've made comments on the books I've read. But there are many books that I don't even know about myself. Understand, you can do what you can."

Sang Jiuchi took the heavy storage bag and walked slowly behind a big tree.

After brushing off the broken leaves on the ground and sitting down, he poured out the books in the storage bag, but in the blink of an eye, the books in front of him immediately piled up as high as a hill.

Sang Jiuchi took out the fluorite to illuminate the surroundings, and took out a book from the mountain of books: "Ancient Lock Spirit Formation".

Sang Jiuchi's study time begins.