MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 82 Over-the-top red superstar 13

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"Guest, is this strength okay?"

His slender and white fingers pressed lightly on his thick and tight back. His pressing technique was very professional and professional, and his tired body was relieved a lot by this pressing.

Yun Yan was lying on the bed, with his arms naturally at his sides, his forehead resting on the pillow, just leaving room for his face.

With her face flushed from embarrassment hidden under the pillow, Yun Yan said in a sullen voice, "Yes."

Sang Jiuchi suddenly increased his strength and said, "So what?"

The muscles and bones of the butterfly bone were pressed hard, and the muscles and bones twisted under the skin with the strength of Sang Jiuchi's fingertips.

Yun Yan subconsciously snorted, and muttered again: "It's okay."

It turns out that his lines are really only "OK" and "OK"!

Sang Jiuchi sometimes put the towel on his back, and sometimes took it off. The slender fingers start from the shoulders, go down the muscles and bones at the shoulder blades, and press the muscles and bones on both sides of the spine along the spine.

After pressing the muscles and bones, Sang Jiuchi started to open Yun Yan's back by beating.

I can't say it's very professional, I can only say it's very professional.

On the one hand, Yun Yan felt very comfortable, but on the other hand, he was a little nervous because of Sang Jiuchi so close.

"Guest, you've been overworked recently, so please take a rest. Your back muscles are sticking together. I need to come behind you to open up your muscles, is that okay?"

What more can be said, of course: "Yes".

Isn't that the only thing you have to say?

After getting the answer he wanted, in a place where Yun Yan couldn't see, Sang Jiuchi groped and stepped on the edge and sat on it.

The sudden oppression made Yun Yan froze suddenly, and the warmth and oppression opened his eyes.

Yun Yan was stunned for two seconds, and suddenly realized what it was.


He was paralyzed in the lower limbs, but he still had a touch of touch on the upper thigh, which was so poor that it now easily traced the shape.

Yun Yan's blushing turned into a butt: "..."

The red spread all the way down the neck, and even eroded to the back.

Sang Jiuchi's tone was very concerned, "Guest, your back seems to be a little hot, are you okay?"

Yun Yan's hoarse voice was full of heat. He opened his mouth lightly and felt a wave of heat rushing out of his mouth: "I'm fine."

In a place where Yun Yan could not see, Sang Jiuchi's eyes had long since regained focus. He lowered his head and looked at Yun Yan's perfect body. .

In the future of technology stars, mental damage is no longer a terminal illness, and it is only a little more serious than a cold and a fever.

This medical device designed by the medical community is a roller device with a black ball at the top.

A magneto-electric transmitter is installed in the device, which can transmit magneto-electric waves through the skin through the metal to the area of ​​nerve damage.

This electromagnetic wave can stimulate the extension of telomeres in nerve-making cells. The length of the telomeres determines the number of cell divisions. After the telomeres are lengthened, they will divide rapidly to repair damaged nerve fibers.

The one taken by Sang Jiuchi is more advanced, it simulates the touch of human skin.

Yun Yan felt that his back was numb as if it had been electrocuted. Those electric currents spread along the back of "Sang Jiuchi"'s hands, as if they had directly pierced the skin and stimulated the deep cells.

Yun Yan didn't know that it was Sang Jiuchi who was treating him, so he stepped his head deep into the pillow.

There is only one word in my mind right now:

Is this the power of love?

In the power of love, Yun Yan yawned comfortably and fell asleep slowly.

Sang Jiuchi treated Yunyan with electromagnetic therapy for another half an hour before returning the instrument to the space.

Electromagnetic therapy should not be too long each time. Although cell telomeres are important, the longer the better.

Then just give him four more consecutive treatments, half an hour each time, and his nerve cells will slowly start to reconnect.

After half a month, his legs will feel tactile and knee-jerk reactions, and he can fully recover as long as he works hard at that time.

Sang Jiuchi wiped the sweat from his forehead and let out a long sigh of relief.

Massage is really physical work.

Yun Yan had fallen asleep under the electromagnetic stimulation just now, and Sang Jiuchi's gaze moved down from his neck to his ankle, and then moved up from his ankle to halfway.

Finally, Sang Jiuchi began to massage Yunyan's thigh and calf muscles.

If you do not exercise for a long time, your thigh muscles will atrophy. Sang Jiuchi gave him a massage, but found that Yun Yan's thigh and calf muscles were tight and showed no signs of atrophy.

It seems that Yunyan has been secretly doing rehabilitation by himself. He used to be a proud and strong man. He was disabled in a car accident. He must not be reconciled, right?

Even if the doctor pronounced his death sentence, he did not give up on himself and was always ready for the day when he could stand up.

Sang Jiuchi stood at the head of the bed, staring deeply at his lover.

After a long time, he lowered his head and kissed Yun Yan's cheek, and whispered softly in his ear, "Good night, I wish you a good dream."

After turning Yun Yan's body into an upward posture, Sang Jiuchi gently covered him with a quilt, and then tiptoed out of the room gently.

The door was gently closed, and Sang Jiuchi returned to his bedroom.

Now, he has time to study the jade he bought.

With a "click", Sang Jiuchi locked the bedroom door, and the curtains were pulled so that there was no gap left.

After everything was done, Sang Jiuchi came to the table and sat down, looking at the courier in front of him with bright eyes.

He rubbed his fingers on the express box, the cardboard had bumpy dents and a thin layer of dust, and the four corners were also dented and deformed.

The transparent glue sticks firmly to the sealing position, and the express order is also firmly attached to the carton without any traces of movement.

It seems that Yun Yan has not been demolished.

Sang Jiuchi's heart has been hanging on the focus, and he began to unpack the express delivery.

Pulling the scotch tape along the sticky mouth of the scotch tape, Sang Jiuchi easily opened the box.

The box filled with foam **** was covered with a layer of vacuum bag, and when the bag was opened, the mysterious jade took him into a new world.

Take out the jade pieces one by one and place them on the table one by one.

Sang Jiuchi measured it with his fingers, and the size was exactly right.

Even the lines are drawn so vividly that it is simply realistic.

As expected of a mystery store, YYDS.

In the innermost part of the box, there is also a bottle of lubricating fluid, which is also a high-end product. Sang Jiuchi would like to praise the store's thoughtfulness.

Sang Jiuchi immediately took out his mobile phone, opened the mysterious store, and clicked on the seller's avatar.

Beast: [Thank you for the gift. 】

Manager: [What gift? We never give freebies. 】

Sang Jiuchi frowned and took a photo.

Ferocious Beast: [This, didn't you send it? 】

Store manager: [This is a high-end product imported from abroad. This bottle can quickly catch up with the price of the product you bought. It is definitely not from us. Is it because that little brother of yours was afraid that you would hurt himself and couldn't say it directly, so he secretly put it in~ hee hee ^v^. Little brother is so sweet~]

Sang Jiuchi froze all over. After thanking the store manager, he hastily exited the mall, and once again looked at the packaging of the goods that he thought was perfect.

Looking at it now, nothing is perfect.

The tape was freshly applied, and the edges were still tight with brand new ones. The vicissitudes of the outer packaging is obviously caused by deliberate ravages.

There is also the express tracking number. After carefully removing the tracking number, you can see that there are some yellow debris inside, which should have been brought from the previous carton.

Literally capital crime scene.

Yun Yan this dog thing!

Sang Jiuchi's eyes swept across the high-end goods, with a hideous smile on his face.

If you say you take it apart, you take it apart. Originally, he didn't find it, and everything can be done without anyone noticing.

As a result, Yun Yan insisted on superfluous extravagance to add a gift to him, because he was worried that he would hurt himself?

After that, he pretended that nothing had happened, and picked him up, accompany him to dinner, and gave him a massage as usual.

Yun Yan, this dog thing, is not a pervert in his bones, right?

F001 couldn't help but seek justice for the poor God of War: [Master host, if you want to talk about perverts, who can pervert you. 】

Sang Jiuchi almost didn't come up in one breath, so he heard F001 continue: [On the first day I came back, I engaged in this kind of zero-contact temptation, that is, our God of War is an upright person, so there is no wolf pounce, you say that you wear this way, Who can stand it? 】

F001 finally concluded: [Cough, anyway, the two of you, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, don't look at the express delivery being dismantled, you are still happy. Are you all trying to fill in Yunyan's brain now? 】

Sang Jiuchi didn't have the slightest embarrassment after being dismantled: [...How did I find out that you seem to be getting smarter recently? 】

F001 pinches his waist, [Those who are close to Zhu are red, those who are close to ink are black, pure and innocent, they are no longer innocent, and they are no longer clean, and they can even understand your dirty words in seconds. 】

I really hate this kind of instant understanding, **** it!

Sang Jiuchi chuckled, put the courier on the table, and went to sleep.

Early the next morning, Yun Yan was awakened by the smell of rice.

Not to mention, he was massaged by Sang Jiuchi last night, and all his fatigue from the past few days disappeared. The previously heavy body and sore shoulders were all reborn.

Yun Yan drove the wheelchair out with a refreshing look, and even the gloomy face in the past was ruddy and softened a lot.

Sang Jiuchi had already made breakfast. Seeing that Sang Jiuchi was busy in the early morning, Yunyan felt a little distressed: "You go to bed so late at night and get up so early in the morning. Why don't I find a nanny to come to the house and do it specially? Let's eat, and you can sleep a little longer."

The expression on Sang Jiuchi's face was a little strange, "Are you used to having outsiders at home?"

Yun Yan was silent for two seconds, then slowly replied, "I can adapt."

Sang Jiuchi: "You don't need to adapt. I can't cook for a few days at home. Maybe I'll join the group in a few days. When I'm not filming, I've been resting and making breakfast. You don't need to worry too much."

Yun Yan nodded, looking at Sang Jiuchi secretly.

He always felt that Sang Jiuchi was a little strange today, and his expression was a little restrained, what happened to him? Are you feeling unwell?

"Let's eat." Sang Jiuchi smiled.

Yun Yan made a "hmm" and moved the wheelchair to the dining table.

Beside him, Sang Jiuchi sat down slowly, under the expression of forbearance, Sang Jiuchi carefully adjusted his sitting position and only sat on half of the stool.

Yun Yan almost immediately understood what Sang Jiuchi had done!

Yun Yan lowered his head and covered the shock in his eyes with thick long eyelashes, his throat rolled uncontrollably, and his eyes floated towards Sang Jiuchi again.

Only then did he realize that Sang Jiuchi's cheeks were slightly flushed, the end of his beautiful peach blossom eyes had been embellished with a beautiful pink, and his eyes were dyed with a thick mist.