MTL - I’m Driving An RV In the Doomsday-Chapter 41 halfway encounter

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This morning, everyone washed up, had breakfast, and removed everything that could be useful. Le Buqun would naturally not miss the precious wines in the wine cabinet and remove them all.

Fu Siwen brought his kitchen utensils, pots and pans and so on. I also got a lot of recipes and porridge recipes, saying that I want to show my skills and become a team chef. Even if you are desperate, you must eat well!

Yan Cijing wanted to stuff her wardrobe into the RV. Under the strict monitoring of Le Buqun, she gave up most of it with tears in her eyes, looking at Le Buqun with deep resentment.

Bai Yu was the most bachelor, wrapped a few light clothes and backpacks, put on sunglasses and a famous watch, picked up the little wolf and swaggered into the co-pilot. It doesn't feel like escaping for life, but traveling.


With a brisk whistle, the silver-gray RV stepped on the accelerator, and slowly drove out of the community where she lived for more than half a month, heading for an unknown road.

After a day of infiltration, the rainwater on the street has retreated a lot, and there is only some low water.

Today's mice seem to be more than yesterday's, although they are not as big as those Bai Yu encountered, they are better in number.

Le Buqun drove a lot of mutant mice all the way in his RV. The tires were bloodied and looked like a hit-and-run car.

And the army has also started, a long convoy, about hundreds of vehicles. There are different heights, most of them are private cars, and there are also pickup buses.

As soon as the big guy appeared, he attracted the attention of the team. He couldn't stand tall and was full of brutal and violent aesthetics, which is a symbol of safety here.

Even the advancing army saw the Arnock RV, and it was natural to see that this RV was refitted, explosion-proof and bulletproof, and was probably not inferior to its own armored vehicle.

Bai Yu, who was sitting in the co-pilot, was very proud. Although the speed of the team was not fast, through the window glass, he could see a private car that was a section shorter than himself, and it was crowded.

"Where did you get this big guy? It's not bad! No wonder that guy Xu Anjie wants to take your car!"

I saw that the lounge in the back was more luxurious and comfortable, with a small kitchen, bedroom, and living room. It was a miniature version of a luxury mansion.

"Why do you ask so much, you sleep in the cockpit!"

Le Buqun sneered, he wouldn't let this person sleep in his baby car unless he gave it to the crystal core!

"Don't! It's okay to sit for a while, watching others run for their lives, it's not too fun to sit on the sofa and drink coffee!"

Bai Yu, whose eyes were shining, had already fantasized about a comfortable escape in the future, oh no, it was a trip.

The convoy was driving in sequence, the road was very quiet and there were no zombies infested. The army in the front led more than 5,000 people to prepare to drive out of the center of Jiangzhou.

After driving for about half an hour, all the cars in front suddenly stopped. The red light on the buttocks stopped suddenly, and there was a lot of shoving and scolding.

"What happened ahead?"

Like everyone else, Bai Yu stuck his head out and leaned out.

It turned out that the tire of the bus in front was punctured and had to stop.

But at this time there is no tire repair, more than 30 people in the car have to get off the car and find an empty car.

But the cars were crowded with people, and there was no room for them if they were not crowded and filled with supplies. Therefore, those people stopped the car behind, and if they did not agree to take a ride, they would not let it go, and the fuse of anger was ignited.

There was a lot of scolding, and some drivers said that they would directly run over them, no matter what they did, everyone had to run for their lives.

The situation is very anxious, even to be angry. The people on the bus blocked the passage with their own things, very rogue. This naturally attracted the attention of the front army.

"What are you doing! Don't be afraid of being hit and killed when you block someone else's way!"

An officer and soldiers came to investigate the situation.

"Comrades, you can't leave us alone, the car is broken, and it can't be repaired. They won't take us, so this is the only way!"

The bus driver was also quite helpless. Most of the car was his relatives and friends, and he wanted to pull his family and flee to the base. Unexpectedly, the tire was broken halfway, and it seemed to be bitten by something, which made me mad!

"No matter what!"

"Go and see who's car is still available, put it in if you can. If you can't put it in, just follow us first! Don't delay your trip!"

The officer frowned, unable to give up on these people, and gave the order. Everyone still obeyed the orders of the army, and even if they objected, they did not dare to disobey. Some drivers reluctantly accepted the number 30 people.

This little farce was resolved, and the team was on the road again.

Seeing the mighty convoy, some fleeing drivers joined along the way, and they are also survivors of Jiangzhou City.

At least one million people are still trapped in Jiangzhou, some are preparing to escape by themselves, and some are storing food for rescue.

Only shortly after the convoy started, with the central area of ​​Jiangzhou as the radiation point, the zombies in all areas seemed to be crazy, attacking all living things crazily.

The human beings hidden in the dark building were found one by one, and a gluttonous feast began.

The mutant rat group also revealed unknown and terrifying minions, and a huge number of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions has engulfed the city like a flood, leaving nothing to grow.


A group of survivors in the city center were madly attacked by mutant mice, many of them with abilities.

Everyone is desperately trying to escape from this purgatory on earth!

And such a corridor expands infinitely at an amazing speed. There is no creature that can burrow more than a mouse, let alone these strong mutant mice.

In less than a month, the underground of Jiangzhou will be completely hollowed out and become an empty city! Below is a magnificent underground palace, the kingdom of mutant mice.

There is a special cave in the center of the huge underground palace, and there is a huge mutant rat king who is as large as a car.

The fangs are the longest ever seen, and even the claws have evolved into steel claws.

A piece of pig iron that weighs thousands of pounds is its molar stick, which is quickly eaten up. And the golden hair on the body is a little more lush, maybe after swallowing enough metal, it can complete the transformation and transform into a golden mouse.

A steady stream of metal was sent to the Rat King's cave by the mutant rats, and the breath was getting heavier every day, like a power-generating belt, working non-stop.

Until their king leads them back to the ground, no longer a rat in the gutter, but a strong man in the light!

Therefore, Jiangzhou City has become a world of zombies and mutant mice, and those humans who are still caught in the dark have become weak prey.

"Damn it! I can't stay here, I have to leave!"

A group of embarrassed people rushed out of the zombie group, looking frightened and angry!

"Boss, we have lost many brothers. The noses of these zombies and mutant mice are like radars, and they can find us wherever they hide. Now there are only a dozen of them left."

Zhao Feng was disheartened, his clothes were tattered, and there were several bite marks, but he was lucky enough to survive until now.

"Damn it! I thought that after those troops left, Jiangzhou would be Lao Tzu's world!"

When the army entered the city, Zhang Wu knew that he was a fugitive, killed the police, and did a lot of bad things. He took his brother to hide temporarily.

I was thinking about waiting for the army to leave, and my group occupied a city, killing zombies to increase their strength. There is no shortage of materials, and there is no shortage of women. The feeling of life and death was something that I could never imagine before the apocalypse.

How could this group of demented people be willing to leave this paradise on earth and go to the Jade Dragon City base, wouldn't they be in prison again.

"No nonsense! Hurry up to find a car, we have to catch up with the army, we have supernatural abilities, don't believe they can still shoot us!"

His eyes were fierce, the gloom between his eyebrows condensed into ice cubes, Zhang Wu was reluctant and had to order.

At this time, the convoy had not left the downtown area of ​​Jiangzhou, and was also attacked by a group of zombies.

Da da da, the machine guns on the armored vehicles were blazing, and the armed soldiers also picked up the guns in their hands and shot, opening a passage for the convoy behind.

There are thousands of zombies, and their speed and power have evolved to be stronger than an adult alpha.

Far from the slow and slow target of the initial stage, a zombie often needs three or four adults to deal with.

This is still an ordinary zombie. If you encounter a first-order zombie, you need three or five ability users to win.

Suddenly the convoy broke up into a group, even if there was an army command, some people didn't listen at all, just wanted to drive out of the zombie group. Most of these people are ordinary people.

Although the power user is panic, there are four or five hundred power users together, and there are elite soldiers fighting together, so they are not afraid.

Get out of the car to fight, there is no escape!

In front of them is a dense group of corpses, those who drive away are just blood food delivered to the door!

"Put up weapons and abilities and go out, don't drive around and run away!"

The soldiers did their best to preside over the chaotic scene, while also complaining about these timid survivors, who couldn't stop those who wanted to escape, so they poured their anger on the zombies.

"This is a big scene where can I miss me!"

Bai Yu took the lead, waving the sharp blade in his hand, frost and flames, like an assassin in the dark night harvesting the heads of zombies.

Fu Siwen was also very excited. The condensed water **** can come in an instant, corroding the bodies of zombies, and ordinary zombies can't last for ten seconds.

The brighter the flower, the more manure will die under it.

And Le Buqun just sat in the car and didn't move anywhere, his eyes were half-closed, his expression stern.

Suddenly, a subtle mental fluctuation quietly diffused from the car window, extending to the surroundings of the three of them. I don't know if it's an illusion or not, the attack speed of the zombies will become slower.

Le Buqun carefully controls the psychic tentacles, although he has not left the RV, his eyes are everywhere.


"This [contemplation of freedom] really consumes mental power! But the power is okay, and it directly affects 20% of the speed of zombies within three meters."

Le Buqun was a little tired, this was the first time he used his psychic powers. Tried it out, it worked fine.

The system added that yesterday Le Buqun raised his spiritual power to the late first-order stage, and immediately practiced the spiritual method.

"Okay, I'm going down to pick up the core!"

Le Buqun jumped out of the car, took out the blood to join the battlefield, the shadow of the sword danced, like a human-shaped beast rushing into the zombie group. The ability user who was still fighting in the group was stunned for a moment, and then he was brave.

More than half of the ordinary zombies were wiped out, leaving only those powerful first-order zombies, and even two second-order zombies contained the army.

The author has this to say:

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-09-1723:36:49~2021-09-1913:09:00

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 of them;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: trouble :-(7 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!