MTL - I’m Driving An RV In the Doomsday-Chapter 85 Bounty Desk

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It was dawn outside at four in the morning, but the people in the car did not feel it. Because there is a self-regulating time setting in the car, it maintains the normal operation of luminosity, temperature and humidity throughout the year.

The car was still dark at this time, and no one woke up.

At seven o'clock, the interior of the RV finally lit up with natural light.

The fluffy head struggled out of a soft embrace, and his sleepy eyes looked at the scene around him inconceivably.


" are you in my bed!"

Yan Cijing woke up early in the morning and found herself buried in Le Buqun's arms, sleeping sweet dreams. The terrified little eyes widened, and he pulled his quilt and looked inside.

With a long sigh, everything is neat.

No, why are you so nervous? The person who suddenly appeared on your bed should be explained!

"I told you last night that I was going to sleep in your room. Who knew I was coming, you were already asleep!"

Le Buqun actually woke up a long time ago, but he was also happy to enjoy the moment of warm and fragrant nephrite, and he let the little wild cat that put away its minions lie on his chest and sleep sweetly.

"Everything in the RV obeys my orders, there is no door I can't open!"

Although it is plain language, there is a faint sense of majesty and domineering. As long as you give an order, everyone in the RV can be forcibly removed in an instant except yourself.

"Then you are amazing!"

I know Le Buqun's tone is true, but Yan Cijing still has to stab.

"So you have to listen to me, and I will have your share in the future."

Le Buqun raised the corners of his mouth, and followed a good manner.

"Who wants to listen to your nonsense! I'm getting up!"

When I heard this man deceive him, this innocent and innocent little white rabbit, he secretly blah blah.

Now Lebuqun is the object of his strict defense, and the situation has suddenly changed from the attacker to the defender, so angry!

"Close your eyes! I need to change!"

"I've seen it all before, there's nothing to avoid."

Looking at the rogue alpha, the fairy Yan couldn't do anything, so she picked up her clothes and went to the bathroom to change. Because I heard that alpha likes to exercise in the morning the most, what if she is overwhelmed and forced to eat herself.

The little wild cat running in a hurry does not let himself see, where is the previous bold temptation! Le Buqun shook his head with a smile and changed into his own clothes.

When I came out, everything was normal. There was a pot of fragrant porridge on the table. There were diced ham, beef diced, and two plates of sour radish next to it.

After having breakfast happily and quietly, Le Buqun and Bai Yu are going to inquire about the situation of the base first to see if there is any chance to go out.

The two got out of the car and walked into the baking earth. After a long time, the two suns hanging in the sky didn't feel weird anymore, but it was really weird.

The hustle and bustle of the base is so busy every day. The army patrolling, the engineering team carrying earth and stone, and the elite convoy going out to clear up.

Just now, I saw a few pickup trucks and a dozen mutant beast corpses coming back, so lively.

There are also survivors who escaped from other places, or refugees rescued by search and rescue units. The base is accommodating newcomers every day, enriching the steel dragon's castle.

In this apocalyptic population decline, population will also be one of the future resources.

The world's population growth is now approaching zero, while mortality rates remain high. Another big problem in the near future.

But now people don't have time to think about this matter, it is a great blessing to be able to survive.

This is on the high platform of the open space in the central square, and the high-pole radio speaker suddenly sounded. There is also a pair of patrolling soldiers guarding below, building propaganda boards around the perimeter, and some announcements.


The broadcast was also set up by the base a few days ago. It took a long time to set up. I don’t know how they restored the information communication.

The radio station located in the area where people come and go is the largest and has the largest audience.

For a while, after the intermittent audition, a string of normal sentences finally came.

"Welcome to Yulong City Base, I'm Xiao Wu from the radio station."

"The pilot broadcast of the first broadcast will be conducted today. Next, I will explain the current situation of the base to you, involving people's livelihood, military defense, production materials, breakthroughs in the latest projects of the base, and weather forecast."

"In addition, we will also broadcast some disaster situations in other surrounding provinces and cities provided by the advance troops and survivors, and broadcast the family search column for free to help the survivors find their relatives, but the number of places is limited. , on a first-come, first-served basis. The staff will register you in the office building."

"This station news, in order to solve the shortage of supplies, the base has been trying its best to seek food, and the dispatched reconnaissance team has searched for a grain storage base in Cangzhou City, former Yu Province, and it is estimated that there are 200,000 tons in it Grain. It can greatly alleviate the shortage of grain for the base.”

"This station news, in addition, researchers are actively looking for meat food, and now they have made good progress. The scientific research institute is also cultivating new types of grain crops, mutant rice, corn, sweet potato seedlings, I believe there will be good results.”

"This station news, someone provided information that a large zombie tide has been seen migrating to the south, and the movement is unknown. There is also a recent riot of mutant beasts, frequently attacking humans. The average of a certain place The temperature is as high as 70°, extremely hot, and no grass grows…”

"This station news, in order to increase the settlement of the surrounding areas and improve the combat power, the base has specially opened a bounty table, which can trade rare materials, weapons, and crystal cores. The access platform released task, get points, and then exchange for what you need. It is guaranteed to be worth the money, and all abilities are welcome to join it. For details, please consult the Bounty Building on the northeast side.”

"This concludes today's news."

"Finally, we must firmly believe that as long as there is still a ray of fire and a glimmer of hope, we will never give up our belief in rebuilding civilization. Everything will be fine, and no difficulties can overthrow this great nation with great hardships!"

When the broadcast was over, everyone looked up at the people around them and at the sky above their heads.

The scorching sun scorched between the heart and blood, hot and boiling.

Live hard! Maybe we can see that day! This is probably the voice of all the ragged and dusty survivors.

But after returning to their senses, everyone was busy earning today's rations.

Some people rushed to the office building to find their relatives. They had to pay for it before, and many people couldn't afford it. Now even if there is still a glimmer of hope, I look forward to hearing the voices of my loved ones in the vast crowd.

The other part of the people, the supernatural beings, were shocked when they heard the last news, and their eyes were full of brilliance.

Bounty Desk!

Not a bounty hunter! Do tasks to get points, you can exchange for food, weapons, and crystal cores! I believe that the base has a lot of good things, so all the power users are eager to try!

Le Buqun and Bai Yu smiled at each other! I was so sleepy that someone came to deliver the pillow!

The two joined the crowd to the Bounty Building.

The gilded and hot gold signboard hangs in front of a new building, and it was also built overtime a few days ago.

The base is perfecting the grand design step by step. In the next few years, it will focus on fortifications, infrastructure equipment, and various urgent projects of scientific research.

The ultimate goal is to truly build a city of hope that can provide tens of millions of people to live in, integrate military defense and living bases, retain fire for human beings to fight external monsters, and restore civilization!

It's all going to be tough and it's going to be hard work for everyone. There are still many challenges in the road ahead. Whether the City of Hope can stand on the majestic and mighty land of China is still unknown.

Withdrawing their exploratory gaze, the two walked into this department specially set up for power users.

There are many people coming, and most of the breath on the body is directly related to their abilities.

A strong man with a fiery temper and flaming arrogance, at first glance, he is a person with elemental fire ability.

Some people have strong statures, phantoms are gone, and the unpredictable footsteps can perfectly avoid the shoulders of the people around them.

There is also a power-type ability user who is as strong as a bull, and a person with a weak body but a strange breath is likely to be a spiritual-type ability user...

Everyone who comes to the bounty table is an explorer who can't bear to dormant and wants to give it a try. Step by step, duty is never something that a strong person should have!

Generally, as long as you don't reveal it intentionally, or try not to try, you can't see the level of the other party.

Of course, except for those who are good at spiritual spying, or those with abilities higher than the other party, they can still know.

Le Buqun quietly opened the spiritual realm, and observed a number of second-order power users of the same level as himself, and even a few power users whose mental power became a fog. The bell rang.

Good guy, eight of them are third-order power users, and the remaining two are power users with special powers. The base is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!

Le Buqun and Bai Yu did not cause any reaction because everyone was attracted by the points and rewards on the taskbar.

"The research institute sincerely recruits five wood-type abilities to participate in mutant rice breeding. Salary: first-order abilities, five white crystals per day/two kilograms of rice/two points. Professional Those with work experience, or higher grades, are paid twice as much."

"The base engineering team is urgently recruiting ten earth-type abilities to participate in the construction of the outer city wall, salary: seven white crystals a day / three meals included / two points, and additional high temperature subsidies, first First come first served!"

“Reservoir Workstation is recruiting water-type abilities…”

These are the recruitment tasks in the base work area, suitable for those who have low combat power or who are unwilling to go out to take risks.

These infrastructure jobs are the most suitable, as long as they work hard, the salary of a power user can barely support himself and one or two family members.

Only a part of people linger on this task bar, and those with stronger strength turn their attention to the task bar of going out and paying.

"The third battalion reconnaissance company recruits people with special vision or hearing ability, and the work follows the reconnaissance company to go out to base reconnaissance, detect zombies, mutant beasts and other activity tracks, there is a certain risk. Salary: complete a task After settlement, work meals are provided during the work period, and special recording equipment is worn.

In the event of an accident, there is a death benefit. If you are interested, go to No. 5 Barracks XXXX, the salary is negotiable. "

"The research institute is eagerly looking for mutant plants and seeds, and bringing back a first-order mutant plant will reward a red crystal/30 points. As the level increases, the reward will be doubled. There is no limit to the number of people, no time limit Limited, this task has been released."

"The Fourth Battalion Sharp Knife Company recruits combat-type abilities. They go out to hunt mutant beasts and need physical tests to pass. A true warrior is not afraid of any obstacles. I am brave, I am passionate, and I am unstoppable! Salary! : 10 white crystals per day / food package / 5 points. There are death pensions, additional hunting bonuses, and a chance to get red crystals! Contact address: No. 6 Barracks XXXX”

"The Fire Squad is established! The current leader is a second-order power expert, and there are three first-order power users. I want to recruit a defensive power user! Interested babies can Contact us at XXXX."


A series of dazzling information fills the eyes of everyone, all of them have to go out to do tasks, and there are certain risks.

The greater the risk, the greater the reward, often twice as high as working at the base.

When the bounty table is not open, the power user will also take some tasks, but there is no formal transaction in these systems, the price is not ideal, and sometimes they will be pitted and not paid.

Nowadays, the bounty platform is jointly built by the military and other forces. Everyone must abide by the above rules. Once someone violates the rules, they will be sanctioned by the Base Law, and the serious ones will be expelled from the base.

This approach has greatly gathered the active force of the base.

As there are more and more power users, we will divide their labor and make the best use of them to speed up the construction of the base.

This is an essential job, which not only shares the complex tasks of base coordination. It can make the power user grow rapidly in the battle of blood and fire and become the backbone of the base.

In the future, it will contribute an indispensable force to meet the unknown challenges.

Jumping over the messy task bar, Le Buqun focused on the points in the reward.

"Everyone please be quiet! On behalf of the staff at the Bounty Desk, I have something to explain to you!"

"This is a department that can be said to serve your ability users. I believe you can't wait to take the task. The above remuneration has been written clearly, but you may not know the points usefulness!"

"Now I'll tell you what it does!"

After finishing speaking, the work supervisor signaled to the people behind to bring the lockbox and put it on the display table.

After the first password box was unlocked, a dose of syringe liquid was placed in it.

In the second lockbox are a small bottle of green potion and a small bottle of blue potion.

In the third lockbox is a watch.

The author has this to say:

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 5 bottles of sheep and sheep;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!