MTL - I’m Fighting Back In the Ninja World with Spells-Chapter 465 finally found you

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"I hate this weather!"

Shanhu expressed his feelings unpleasantly.

Because he himself symbolizes heat and fury, how can he like such rainy weather?

At this time, the third eye on Shanhu's forehead opened directly, and Mr. Di's voice suddenly sounded, "Since you don't like it, find the target as soon as possible and leave here."

"It's simple to say, but this broken bird is flying so fast, and the other party has been moving. If it continues like this, God knows when it will find someone?!"

Running all the way, she was still shriveled by the 'dead' woman, and this nasty weather made Shanhu complain directly in a bad tone.

To say the worst thing, he could have avoided it!

Mr. Di also knew that Shanhu's patience was about to reach its limit, but he was not!

At one point, he really thought about whether to take Shanhu's body directly.

It's just that doing so is seriously inconsistent with his original intention.

So he would never do it unless he had to.

"I have a hunch that the other party can't escape this time."

Mr. Di, who couldn't get angry, could only restrain himself, as if he was comforting himself, and at the same time as if he was giving Shanhu motivation.

Fortunately, Shanhu was just complaining, and didn't mean to quit for the time being.

Because he was also afraid that after turning his face with Mr. Di, Mr. Di would occupy the dove's nest.

After all, he still doesn't know what method Mr. Di used to parasitize him.

If you fail to compete for your own body, there will be nowhere to cry.

So in the continuous rain, Shanhu followed Mingbird again and started looking for Shion.

"I hope so..."

In fact, Mr. Di has not said a word, that is, after he entered this country, he faintly felt that he was being watched...

It's just that he couldn't find any abnormality, let alone the source of this feeling.

As for Shanhu, he didn't notice anything at all.

In order to find the target as soon as possible, Mr. Di chose to hide this information, even as his own illusion.

In this way, Shanhu, who doesn't know anything, will focus all his attention on finding someone.




At the same time, Nagato opened his eyes again and frowned slightly.

"This feeling is not human..."

In the past, if he found out that there was a curse spirit entering the country of rain, Nagato would definitely have someone deal with it as soon as possible.

But now Tsunade's existence forced him to hide himself.

So after a little hesitation, he chose to let the other party go temporarily, preparing to deal with it after Tsunade left the country.

He has this confidence and can wait.

He is only worried that the curse spirit will make a big noise at this juncture.

If that were the case, he would be in a dilemma.

"Hopefully I don't get this far, or I'll just have to run over all the pests to death."

Nagato muttered to himself, his eyes seemed to see through the layers of barriers and locked on Tsunade and Shanhu.





Shanhu followed Ming Bird all the way to the east, and finally stopped in front of a hotel.

Then the dead bird flew directly to the window on the second floor and slammed into it.

"Finally... found it!"

Shanhu grinned, revealing a wicked smile.

At the same time, Shion, who was in the room, was taken aback.

A bird that broke through the window and came in was nothing. What was really frightening was that the bird had already shed a lot of blood and its head had collapsed, but it was still crawling on the ground with all its strength. Crawling in the direction.

A long bloodstain was dragged from the ground.

Shion and the bird looked at each other, she could definitely feel that the bird's target was her, and she felt goosebumps all over her body.

Anyone who sees such a scene must have a sigh in their hearts.

At this time, Sakura, who was in the room with her, also screamed, and then ran over with her eyes closed and kicked her away.

The dark bird slammed into the wall heavily, and finally swallowed.

But until it died, its bird head was staring straight at Shion, very infiltrating.

"So you're hiding here... Huh? Why are there two people? Forget it, it doesn't matter, it's the same with taking them all away."

Just after dealing with the ghost bird, Shion looked up and saw a three-eyed monster with a crater on its head, looking at her and Sakura up and down maliciously.

And this image, Shion has seen in her prophecy dream!

The guy who wanted to release the monster came to her!

Shi Yuan's face suddenly paled, if it wasn't for the thought that Tsunade and Mute were next door, she might be even more unbearable.

In contrast, Sakura stood up more courageously.

"Little girl, can you tell me, which of the two of you is called Ziyuan?"

In a flash, Shanhu came to Xiao Ying, then stretched out a hand and grabbed towards Xiao Ying's head.

Under Shanhu's undisguised mixture of maliciousness and murderous intent, Xiao Sakura's brain suddenly went blank.

However, just as Shanhu's hand was about to grab Sakura's head, there was a loud noise from the wall next to A stone quickly smashed into Shanhu's head.

Shanhu casually raised his other hand to grab the stone, and then easily kneaded it into powder.

Sakura also fled backwards as quickly as she woke up from a dream, and then showed the expression of the rest of her life.

Then two figures walked out from the big hole in the wall.

"No one has ever dared to try to take away my people under my nose."

Tsunade's first sentence when he appeared was extremely domineering, giving those present a great sense of security.

Perhaps the usual Tsunade does have an unreliable side, but at a critical moment, she has never fallen off the chain, and it is the same now!

"It turned out to be a bodyguard, thinking that I can escape? It's too naive."

Shanhu's patience was almost exhausted.

Then the temperature around his body began to rise rapidly, and even the light in the air began to distort.

"Be careful, this guy is not easy. Mute, you leave with the two of them first."

Tsunade suddenly sweated profusely, as if she had just taken a sauna, but despite this, she still did not step back.

On the other hand, Mute immediately signaled Shion and Sakura to stay away from each other.

"Burn to coke, human!"

As Shanhu's voice fell, Tsunade's clothes instantly began to spontaneously ignite!

A raging fire actually wrapped Tsunade in an instant.

When Shanhu saw this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

However, the next moment, his smile solidified on his face.

A figure rushed out of the flames, and with fury, punched him in the face.

"This is my mother's last dress, bastard!"