MTL - I’m Fighting Back In the Ninja World with Spells-Chapter 476 break the yoke

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Under the guidance of the guide, Shinji and his party gradually deepened.

Colorful and colorful snakes, fierce crocodiles lurking in the swamps, and the terrifying miasma that can be hallucinating in just two seconds...

Any one of these dangers alone is enough to make ordinary people lose their lives.

The guide is also careful and careful before daring to move slowly.

This is still for the sake of money. After all, money can make ghosts run the mill. This is true.

As long as the money is in place, it is not impossible for the ancestral hall to dry up!

It's just that this danger is not so obvious in the eyes of Shinji and others.

Along the way, his expression was as relaxed as he was on vacation, in stark contrast to the guide who carefully led the way.

Finally, after a few hours, they came to a dilapidated ancestral hall that had long been occupied by beasts.

"It should be here. I came here once when I was a child."

Hei Pi tried hard to recall his childhood memories, very sure.

However, Shensi shook his head in disappointment, "This road is so dangerous, how could you have been here when you were a child?"

"It's true! I was very impressed. At that time, I secretly followed the people in the village, and then I got lost. Finally, my second uncle found me in this ancestral hall and rescued me."

Hei Pi retorted loudly, and he didn't know if it was a sign of guilty conscience, or if it was true, because Shinji's questioning made him angry.

"Well, even if you came here once when you were young, how can you be sure that the ancestral hall in front of you is the one you met by mistake at that time?"

"I... Anyway, I just know! Do you guys want to pay the bills and default! I can tell you, it's harder to get in, it's even harder to get out! Without me, you stay here and wait to die!"

Shinji didn't care about this guy's attitude, and didn't bother to argue with him.

He just carefully observed around the ancestral hall, and finally determined that this was definitely not the place he was looking for.

Under the gaze of the child of the sky, let alone traces of seals around this place, I couldn't even feel the fluctuation of Chakra!

Wait a minute, where is this chakra fluctuation coming from?

Shinji, who had changed his mind, suddenly looked in one direction, and then the child of the sky began to show his power.

Shinji's eyes began to be raised continuously, then pushed forward, and finally landed on a place that exuded purple-black chakra fluctuations.

Then combine the people and things he is looking for this time.

He knew immediately.

"Sure enough, it's impossible to hit a single shot with a random guide. The ancestral hall that really sealed the monsters is elsewhere. But this guy is not useless at all, at least it saves us a lot of detours. , this money is not wasted."

Shensi directly took out a money bag and threw it at the other party, "This is the reward promised to you, you don't need you for the next thing, you can go."

He was stunned to get so much money so easily all of a sudden.

In the past, it would be good to give half or one third of the money agreed at the beginning.

After all, there are many more guests who are generous in their mouths than those who are really generous.

"Accepting money to do things is justified! Don't worry, since I took your money, I will definitely bring you to the place and then out!"

Black Leather patted his chest, thumping.

Shensi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "It's really no use, the place we're going next will be very dangerous."

"It's because of the danger that I can't let you go by yourself. At least with me, maybe I can save your life at a critical moment."

Shinji's gaze passed through the dense forest and looked somewhere.


Shinji ignored the black skin who kept showing his loyalty, and directly led the people on their way.

"Hey, wait for me, don't walk around! It's very dangerous over there!"

Hei Pi shouted loudly when he saw Shinji and the others disappearing in front of him in a few ups and downs.

Only at this time did he realize that the people he brought this time were not ordinary people.

But as soon as he gritted his teeth, he still chose to follow.

When Shinji brought people to the ancestral hall where the monster's body was sealed, he saw that the outer layer of 'eye cover' immediately shattered.

Shanhu was pinching Shion's neck, and looked at Shensi and the others outside with a gloomy face.

So many people from Shensi could not cover their tracks at all, so they were discovered by Mr. Di long ago.

"It's you again, really haunted!"

Shanhu gritted his teeth, wondering how the other party found this place.

They only found this place by the weak induction between the soul and the body of the monster.

"It should be all of you who are lingering, isn't it bad to die here? Why are you still doing things everywhere?"

Shinji fanned his nose in disgust. The smell here was unpleasant, there was a smell of corpse.

But it looks more like disgusting the smell of Shanhu.

"If you don't care about this woman's life or death, then come on."

Shanhu directly blocked Ziyuan in front of him, looking sinister and irritable.

Shensi burst into laughter, "Threat me with this woman's life? Are you kidding me?"


Shanhu exerted force on her Ziyuan let out a groan.

He didn't believe that the other party didn't care about this woman.

Or he thought that these people came to save this woman.

However, in the face of this situation, Shinji didn't even change his expression.

"I think you may have reversed one thing, that is, it is you, not me, who really need this woman. If you can prevent the things here from unsealing, I think the sacrifice of a human life is nothing."

Shinji's words made Shion give up the struggle immediately and just closed her eyes and waited to die.

Shanhu was stunned, because he felt that what the other party said made sense.

If this woman were to die, the most depressing would undoubtedly be him and Mr. Di.

Can you just let it go?

Where does he put his face?

Seemingly seeing what Shanhu was thinking, Shinji opened the [thirsty person's stomach bag] and condensed a drop of blood with his index finger.

"Why, can't you do it? Why don't I help you?"

With a slight flick, blood droplets spurted out instantly, aiming at Shion's head.

"This guy... is actually here?!"

Shanhu threw Shion out subconsciously, and at the same time jumped back.

The blood bullet shot directly through the bell hanging from Shion's neck.

Just hear the bang!

The seemingly ordinary bell actually exploded with an astonishing wave of power, not only bouncing off Shion and Shanhu, but also instantly destroying the entire ancestral hall.

While Shion was hurt, she also felt that some shackles in her body were broken.

The real power in her body began to awaken.