MTL - I’m Fighting Back In the Ninja World with Spells-Chapter 499 make the world feel pain

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Shinji and the others immediately came to the house where Uchiha was stationed and looked at the direction of the Konoha gate.

Although far away, there are still many building blocks.

However, under the effect of the boy in the sky, Shinji still accurately saw what happened at the gate of Konoha, and the appearance of Penn Liudao.

The information has not yet been inquired, and the last scene that I want to see happened.

Everything sucks!

What are you really afraid of?

Shensi clicked his tongue twice and glanced at Ah Fei out of the corner of his eye, wondering if this guy was someone in the know.

He felt that Ah Fei might not know this time.

Otherwise, he will definitely stop him from coming to Konoha. After all, if he faces Payne Six Paths again, the two sides will definitely fight to the death.

A Fei absolutely did not want to see this scene.

That is to say, this is likely to be the result of Nagato's self-assertion without noticing Ah Fei.

Shinji was suddenly curious about what Ah Fei's expression would look like under the mask at this time?

Shensi's guess was not bad, Ah Fei really didn't know that Nagato was going to trouble Konoha at this time.

If he had known in advance, he would never have come.

Because this will add variables to Nagato's actions, and secondly, it will involve himself in it.

Unless he's crazy, he'll want everyone to get together.

What made his eyes even colder was that during the whole process, Jue Jue didn't show his face even once.

This is absolutely intolerable!

"Oh, what happened? It's so lively~"

At this time, Ah Fei is still working hard and earnestly to maintain his personality, which deserves a most dedicated award.

Feiduan was gearing up, with a grim smile on his face, as if he really wanted to take this opportunity to start a killing spree.

Shensi glanced at the two goods and said, "Don't worry, let Kuwu fly for a while."

"Huh? How can there be no suffering? Who dares to attack Mr. Feiduan?! Courting death!"

With this IQ, it is estimated that he will not be able to read movies in his life.

I didn't wait long, and soon Shensi saw Zuo Zhu coming over quickly.

Just as he was about to tell the news he knew, he was interrupted by Shinji raising his hand. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

"I already know, let's go, hurry up and act."

"it is good."

"This time there are only four main targets, namely Sarutobi Hizan, Shimura Danzo, Shun Koharu and Mito Gate Yan. First determine the exact location of these four people, and then act separately to catch them all in one go. Try to be the fastest. All resolved within time, and then evacuate while the chaos."

Zuozuo said: "I heard some information just now that Danzo is still the leader of Gen, and is now likely to be in Gen's base. Hizan Sarutobi returned to the family after leaving office, and occasionally goes out fishing every day. As for transferring to bed Koharu and Mito Tomon are either at home or in the Hokage Building."

"It's simple, you'll know when you grab a few tongues and ask, it's not a secret anyway."

"Then let's get started."

As soon as the voice fell, Shensi activated the mark and instantly changed into the group uniform of the Heretic God Sect.

Fei Duan and A Fei have also learned from each other when they see it. Of course, such a good display opportunity cannot be missed.

Left assistant is the same!

He originally didn't want to cause more trouble for Brother Shensi, but since Brother Shensi is not afraid and supports him like this, of course he will not let this hard work down.

Then Shinji called out Moxie, who was sleeping inside him, just in case.

"Yamaozao, you and Little Wangba stay to watch the house."

Yuzaoyao slapped her face and was very dissatisfied, but she also knew that she was a hindrance, so she nodded depressedly.

"Yahiko, why are you doing this? Don't you want people to live in harmony?!"

While questioning his former disciple aloud, Jiraiya made a seal with his hands, and wrapped his hair towards Payne Heavenly Dao with his full hair.

Tiandao, on the other hand, easily used Shinra Tianzheng to bounce all the surrounding attacks away, and in the sound of Kuai's shuriken falling to the ground, he slowly said: "That innocent Yahiko is already dead, and now he is standing in front of you. It is the leader of the Akatsuki organization, and the **** of the world... Payne."

" you mean pain? So what have you been through all these years?"

Jiraiya also muttered to himself, his expression full of struggle.

"What we have experienced are things that you can never imagine, teacher Jiraiya. All the ugly sides of human nature are revealed to us, and then one day, I finally realized."

"That is to use truth, goodness and beauty to change the world, and it is impossible for people to coexist peacefully with each other!"

"Humans can only move towards true peace when they live under absolute force."

"And in order to realize this idea, I need the power of the tailed beast. If you still regard yourself as our teacher, then hand over the power of the nine-tailed man. Otherwise, after today, the entire Konoha Village will be because of you. All of them died here in one thought.”

Payne Tiandao's words shocked Jiraiya!

He never imagined that such a 'crazy' idea would come from the mouth of the kind, enthusiastic and generous boy who used to be. Now Zhang Si

Suppress everyone with absolute forcibly create a 'peaceful' world.

This is a complete self-deception practice!

Jiraiya sees at a glance that this concept is a false method that is divorced from reality and illogical.

Even if it succeeds for a while, it will be overthrown sooner or later.

And it will also cause larger and wider bleeding.

Although he really didn't know what the three of Yahiko had experienced over the years, he absolutely did not agree with his disciple's ideas and practices, and it was even more impossible to hand Naruto over.

"Yahiko, I don't know why you have such a crazy and terrible idea, but I have to tell you that your idea is wrong. Only relying on force to suppress may be able to create a temporary peace, but that kind of peace is extremely false. Yes, it can be overthrown at any time..."

"Enough, if you can't understand, then get out of the way. Otherwise, even if it's my former mentor, I will deal with you mercilessly!"

Jirai's face sank, he looked at the reincarnation eyes of 'Yahiko', and was silent, but there were more guesses in his heart.

He was also remorseful, and maybe he shouldn't have left like that at the time.

If he chooses to bring those three children back to Konoha, will it have a completely different result?

But it's too late to say anything.

So Jirai also took a deep breath, straightened up, and said in a firm tone: "Come on, let me see how you have grown over the years. Before stepping on my corpse, you will never find a man. of."

Payne Tiandao nodded lightly, "Then start with you, let the world feel the pain. Come on!"

If you like me in the ninja world, I engage in spells and fights, please collect them: () I have the fastest update speed in the ninja world.