MTL - I’m From an Ordinary Family, for Real!-Chapter 26 'Chen Chu, I am worthy of being favored, and you are just a piece of trash.

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  Chapter 26 'Chen Chu, I am the one who deserves to be favored, and you are just rubbish'

  In the bathroom, Dad also got up and was brushing his teeth in front of the washbasin.

  Chen Chu said hello, "Dad, good morning."

  Chen Guoqiang was stunned, "Son, what are you doing up so early?"

  Chen Chu picked up a cup of toothbrush and toothpaste, and said, "Run in the morning, exercise."

  Chen Guoqiang hesitated to speak, "It's better to sleep more, and run at four o'clock in the's still too early."

   "It's okay, be quiet early, exercise your body, and study better."

  Chen Guoqiang is very pleased that his son is sensible and self-disciplined.

  Chen Chu brushed his teeth against the dead fish eyes, spit out the foamy water, washed his face, OK.

   Walking out of the bathroom, I saw my dad collecting water in front of the water dispenser.

  Chen Guoqiang said while receiving the water, "Son, you said the water is mountain spring water, where did you get it from?

   Really good, it tastes refreshing.

  Is pure natural mountain spring water so good?

  I use this mountain spring water for cooking and drinking today, and I feel refreshed after drinking it. "

  He doesn't have much culture and can't say any suitable adjectives, but that's about it.

  Chen Chu babbled, "Oh, it might be rich in minerals, I don't know either.

   I asked someone to bring this from the mountain, and it costs two yuan for a 15L bucket. "

  Chen Chu patched up his previous excuse.

   It is said that someone else picked it up from the mountain, and it costs two yuan a barrel.

  Chen Guoqiang had no doubts, but nodded, "Two yuan a barrel is not expensive."

  Chen Chu was taken aback for a moment, touched his chin, hey, this can be done!

  However, he quickly dismissed the idea.

   Take out the marrow washing spring and sell it for money? It can only be said to be vulgar and stupid.

  How much can you sell? Really two dollars a barrel?

  What is the difference between that and free gift.

   If it is too expensive, no one will buy it, even if someone is taken advantage of and buys it.

   If you accidentally discover the effect of the marrow washing spring, it will easily cause others to covet it.

  Chen Chu thought about this, took a glass of water, rinsed his mouth first, and spit it out.

   Take another glass and drink it in one gulp.

  If Chen Bojia finds out about Chen Chu's extravagant behavior of using the Xisuiquan to rinse his mouth.

   It will definitely be heart-wrenching and difficult to breathe.

   Now he treasures that 5L bucket of water very much.

  He thought that Chen Chu himself would not have much of such a precious thing.

   So far, Chen Baijia's family has been drinking the marrow washing spring for fear of wasting every drop.

   Even the water samples taken for laboratory testing were only taken a little.

  Of course, the test results haven't come out yet.


  Chen Guoqiang rode three rounds to get meat from the meat joint factory in the suburbs.

  Chen Chu filled up the water dispenser at home with the marrow washing spring, and filled up the water storage bucket in the kitchen before going out for a morning run.

  The city in the early morning is very quiet, the sky is a color that is about to be bright, between night and day.

  To be honest, Chen Chu likes the color of the sky in the early morning, without the noise, as if it belongs to him alone.

  Chen Chu kept breathing evenly, trotting slowly on the sidewalk, watching his proficiency increase little by little.

   One point of proficiency every five meters, it's easy.

   When you are tired, stop and take a sip of the marrow washing spring to replenish your strength.

   Then keep running.

   From time to time, I will also use my mind to reduce the burden on my body, or other ways to exercise my mind.

   Overall, general proficiency is on the rise.

  The proficiency of the power of thought is also rising, Chen Chu did not skimp on the proficiency of the power of thought and turned it into a general proficiency.

   Instead, let the proficiency of training the mind and the automatic increase of the mind be added to the mind.

   Before I knew it, it was half past six, and I had brushed up nearly 4500 proficiency.

  Directly add the proficiency of around 4000 to the skills of the remaining two subjects.

   Creature LV4 (1/3000)

  Foreign Language LV4 (1/3000)

  Now, he has six science subjects, all of which are LV4.

  LV4 level includes all high school knowledge and some university knowledge.

  At this time, the knowledge was grasped by him as if instinctively, and it was no longer rigid formulas, grammar, and pronunciation.

   It's his breathing instinct.

  Chen Chu paused, and spit out a series of fluent and standard Chinese pronunciation in English.

   is definitely the most standard Chinese textbook pronunciation.

   As for how much difference is there between the pronunciation and that of foreigners? Chen Chu didn't understand either.

go home! Grab breakfast by the way, then go to school!


  When he came to the school, Chen Chu looked at the somewhat different teaching building in astonishment.

  At this time, there were people coming and going in the college, and most of them stopped like Chen Chu, looking at a row of brand-new air-conditioning external units on the outer wall of the teaching building.

   All classrooms are air-conditioned!

  Many people secretly looked at Chen Chu. After all, Chen Baijia, who installed the air conditioner for the school, was optimistic about this sophomore.

   It's really enviable and jealous.

   Arriving in the classroom, Wang Hai has already arrived in the classroom, and the air conditioner has already been turned on.

  Chen Chu shook his schoolbag, and as soon as he sat down, Wang Hai rushed over, grabbed Chen Chu's neck, and shook desperately,


   Sour, so sour!

  Beautiful rich woman and sister, who doesn't want it!

   But isn't it everyone's fantasy?

  But Chen Chu actually found a rich woman, I hate it!

  Chen Chu was full of helplessness, and was shaken by Wang Hai, "Dahai, enough is enough."

  Wang Hai sobbed and sobbed with a mournful face, "Woo, I want a beautiful rich woman~"

  The people at the front and rear tables seemed to have triggered a switch, turned their heads and looked over.

  Chen Chu pushed Wang Hai's hand away, "Okay, okay, how can a man of eight feet be so hypocritical?

   Still not cheering up quickly? "

  Wang Hai gave Chen Chu a white look, "Fuck you."

  Seeing that there seemed to be no excitement, the people at the front and back tables turned their heads away, busy with their own business.

  Wang Hai pulled Chen Chu, and said in a low voice, "Chen Chu, who was that rich woman last night?

  How do you know each other? Are you really taken care of?

   Most importantly, is it pretty? "

  How could it be possible for Chen Chu to tell him, perfunctory, "No, no, just an elder's daughter.

  Not pretty, old and ugly. "

  Wang Hai was full of disbelief, but seeing that Chen Chu didn't say anything, he didn't ask any more questions.

  Anyway, if something really happened, Chen Chu couldn't keep it from him for too long.

  The two are best friends, they have known each other since elementary school, and they can't hide it.

  Wang Hai changed the subject, "Chen Chu, the old class said it in the class.

  This week, Tuesday to Wednesday, monthly exam.

   Moreover, it is the unified examination of the four schools in the city, although it is mainly the third year of senior high school.

   But we also have to take exams in the second year of high school and the first year of high school. How is your review going? "

  Chen Chu thought for a while, "It's a little stressful."

   Full marks are a little stressful, after all, the composition of the Chinese paper does not guarantee full marks.

  Wang Hai thought Chen Chu was saying that he was under pressure from the exam, so he patted Chen Chu on the shoulder to comfort him.


   On the other side, Class 2 (17), a key class.

   Zhang Geng, who was unbalanced in his heart, jealous of Chen Chu, and questioned Chen Baijia's vision, now calmly looked at the news of the mobile phone work group.

  The date of this monthly exam is announced above, and the importance is emphasized.

  Zhang Geng put away his mobile phone and began to flip through the book to review, clenching his fists secretly.

  'Chen Chu? I will use my strength and achievements to prove that I, Zhang Geng, are better than you in everything!

  Whether it is grades, ability, or family background, everything will crush you.

  I want everyone to know that Chen Baijia misjudged the wrong person, and I am the one worthy of being favored!

  You are just a temporary lucky one, lucky enough to be favored by Chen Baijia.

  Luck, only for a while, strength is everything!

  I want to prove, to everyone, to Chen Baijia, that I am better than you in everything!

   And you, are just rubbish! '

  (end of this chapter)