MTL - I’m In Douluo, I Ate the Blue Silver Emperor-Chapter 13 Miss dance

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  Chapter 13 Little Maid


   Facing Xiao Wu's challenge, Mo Bai really didn't want to accept it.

  Xiao Wu at level 12, with the blessing of the soul ring, and soul skills, if he doesn't have a killer, it will be difficult for him to win.

   "How about this, you have taught those who bullied our Seventh Room a lesson, and the head of the house is yours!"

   After thinking for a while, Mo Bai spoke to Xiao Wu.

   In this way, there is no need to accept the challenge, no need to be defeated.


   "Then it's a deal!"

  Xiao Wu's big eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she nodded quickly.

   "What are you looking at? Why don't you hurry up and lead the way for your new head?"

   "In the end, I'm not here to help you get ahead, hum!"

  Afterwards, Xiao Wu turned her head and snorted at Wang Sheng and the others.


  Wang Sheng and the others gave a bitter smile without words, and then Wang Sheng hurriedly said: "Good housekeeper!"

  If you had said you were level 12 earlier, we would have agreed!

   While leading the way, Wang Sheng complained in his heart.

  However, there was a hint of excitement on his face, because Xiao Wu was so powerful, maybe he could really defeat Boss Xiao and those people, that would be great.


  When Mo Bai and the others came to the mountain behind the college, they saw a group of students from the same school waiting there.

   "You are Boss Xiao? You are the one who bullied us work-students, right?"

  Xiao Wu wasn't timid either, and directly started annoying the group of students opposite her.

   "Who are you? Wang Sheng, what are you doing? How do you let a little girl out?"

  Among the crowd on the opposite side, Boss Xiao came out and sneered at Wang Sheng.

   "She is the new boss of our dormitory, if you have anything to say, you can tell our new boss!"

  Wang Sheng was run on, and his face was a little embarrassed, but he explained it.

   "Haha, you're just a little girl? Could it be that you were tricked into being beaten by them?"

   "Do you know what we are competing with today? The loser must recognize the winner as the boss!"

   Boss Xiao burst into laughter when he heard the words, and then said to Xiao Wu.

   "The loser is the younger brother of the winner? That's not bad!"

   "Then it's decided, how to fight? Tell me!"

When Xiao Wu heard Boss Xiao's words, she immediately became excited, and after eating Xiao Wu's previous lesson, she directly reported her soul power level: "My name is Xiao Wu, dancing dance, a first-year student. Wu Hun is a rabbit , Level 12 battle soul master!"

   "What did you say? Level 12?"

"How can it be?"

  Hearing Xiao Wu's words, Boss Xiao and the group of students behind him, who were full of ridicule, suddenly seemed to be pinched by the neck, unable to laugh.

  Everyone looked at Xiao Wu with wide eyes, unable to believe that such a little girl who just entered the first grade was already a twelfth grade soul master.


  When Xiao Wu summoned her yellow century-old spirit ring, they were even more surprised.

  Even Wang Sheng and the others looked at the century-old soul ring on Xiao Wu with wide-eyed surprise.

   "Century-year soul ring, what is the origin of this little girl? Is it the descendant of a big family?"

   Boss Xiao looked at the century-old soul ring on Xiao Wu's body, and his face became more and more restless.

  He knows more than others, knowing that the first soul ring is the century-old soul ring, basically they all have backgrounds.

   "What is the origin of this little girl?"

  Mo Bai looked at Xiao Wu at this moment, and murmured the same in his heart.

  Tang San had to ask for leave to hunt the spirit ring, and had to be accompanied by the master to hunt, and he hasn't come back yet.

  Xiao Wu was lucky, she didn't need to ask for leave, and she didn't hear that anyone took her out, so she directly obtained a century-old soul ring.

  Then the person behind Xiao Wu must be much stronger than the master, so he can bring Xiao Wu back to hunt the soul ring in a very short time.

  In short, Mo Bai feels that Xiao Wu's background is not simple, so it's better not to provoke her.

   "Why don't you talk? Tell me how to fight?"

  Xiao Wu looked at the dumbfounded Boss Xiao, waved her hands and urged.

   "Boss, come on!"

   "He is a level 12 soul master, only the boss you can deal with!"

   "Yes, boss, you are the only soul master among us!"


  Seeing the arrogant Xiao Wu, the students behind Boss Xiao shouted that their Boss Xiao is here.


   "Okay, I'll deal with her!"

   Boss Xiao swallowed his saliva, and finally forced himself to calm down.

  No matter what, let’s fight first, as long as I pay attention not to actually hurt the other party.

   "Since you are also a soul master, let's fight together, whoever wins will be the boss!"

   "Sixth grade, 11th grade battle soul master!"


   After Boss Xiao finished speaking, he immediately summoned his martial soul and soul ring.

  The martial soul is a dark red blood wolf, and the soul ring is a white ten-year soul ring.

  Compared with Xiao Wu's yellow hundred-year-old soul ring, it is obvious that the ring is smaller, and the momentum is not as good.

   "Boss, come on, let's go!"

   "Beat her!"


  Seeing that his boss summoned a martial soul, the students behind Xiao boss immediately cheered him up.


   Boss Xiao cursed secretly in his heart, none of them knew that the opposite was a century-old soul ring, much stronger than him.

   "Then I'm going to go!"

  Xiao Wu didn't care what Boss Xiao was thinking, after a giggle, she rushed towards Boss Xiao.


   Boss Xiao saw this, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

   "The first soul skill - wolf claw!"

   Boss Xiao waved his right hand and patted Xiao Wu who was rushing up.


  Xiao Wu didn't confront him at all, and swiftly avoided him with a dodge.

   "The first soul skill Waist Bow!"


  Afterwards, Xiao Wu used her first soul skill to directly blow Boss Xiao away from him.


  Boss Xiao, who fell on the ground, suddenly froze, with a twisted feeling of pain on his face, and retracted the martial soul on his body.

   "I...I surrender..."

   It seemed that he was afraid that Xiao Wu would continue to attack, so Boss Xiao hurriedly admitted defeat.

   "With this speed and power, I might not be able to beat her!"

   Mo Bai from a distance looked at him, secretly rejoicing that he was wise and decisive before, and escaped a catastrophe.

   "Since I lost, then I am your boss!"

   "Boss doesn't sound good, you all call me Miss Xiaowu from now on, do you hear me?"

  Xiao Wu clapped her hands, proudly stood in front of Boss Xiao, and said with a smile.

   "Yes, Boss... No, Sister Wu!"

   Boss Xiao's face changed a bit, and finally he was willing to bet and yelled.

   "Miss Xiao Wu is amazing!"

   "Miss Wu is awesome!"

  Wang Sheng and the others cheered when they saw Xiao Wu winning the fight, and they all consciously called Miss Xiao Wu.

   "Hello, Miss Wu!"

   Boss Xiao's group saw that their boss had lost, so they could only reluctantly call Miss Xiao Wu.

   "Mobai, what's wrong?"

  At this time, beside Mo Bai, Tang San's voice suddenly sounded.


   Thank you【Mu Yuanyuan】for your reward!



  (end of this chapter)