MTL - I’m Not Human-Chapter 17 The seventeenth day of not being a man

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There is something that is more terrible than telling the secret of the leader but being caught. Alger feels that there is nothing.

Alger is a relatively active class in the Zerg, but this kind of activity is also very limited. He is squinting at this time, his face does not see panic, but his body is slightly stiff.

At this time, Yalves had already reached the two men. Alger tried to make himself a transparent person. He couldn't slip and could only continue to bear the tremendous pressure from the leader on the spot.

Gu Huai did not know Alger’s psychological activities. He looked at Arvis, who was approaching, and then turned his head to look at the fluffy, rounded Zerg cub on the image. The curvature of the corner of his mouth could not help but Obviously.

It’s really... the difference is too big.

If it wasn't for Alger to show him this memory image, Gu Huai couldn't imagine it. In front of him, this infuriating, tall and beautiful silver worm will be like this in the early childhood.

"It's very cute." Gu Huai said with a smile. After he said it, most men would not be happy to be praised, so he hurriedly replied. "It means that when you were young, it doesn't matter now."

In fact, now Yalves will sometimes make Gu Huai feel a little cute, which is related to the behavior of the other party, such as when the other party gave him flowers, because the movements of holding the flowers carefully look too embarrassing. So that he made this feeling.

But in this case, Gu Huai will not hide it, which is related to the male's self-respect.

However, Gu Huai did not know if it was his illusion. When he had just finished saying "It doesn't matter now," he saw that Yalves seemed to lick his lips and smashed the corner of his mouth, which was not quite curved. A flatter line.

"Cute?" Arvis looked at the image, his voice cold and low.

Gu Huai looked at the other person not like an angry look, so he nodded: "Yes, very cute."

Hearing the words of Gu Huai, Yalves’s face was slightly tight, and the indifference on his face seemed to have subtle changes that were not noticeable.

"But only see the back, there is no positive image?" Gu Huai squinted, asked Alger standing next to him.

Alger began to work hard to reduce his sense of existence from a few minutes ago, driven by the desire for survival. Now he was asked by Gu Huai, and he couldn’t answer it immediately.

In fact, there is a positive image, but this short silence of Alger was mistaken by Gu Huai as a positive meaning, so he showed a pity expression.

The zerg is a stuffed creature in the early childhood. In the growing period, the velvet will gradually fade and grow out of the hard shell of the zerg. When the adulthood is reached, the zerg above the δ class will advance to the humanoid form that retains some ethnic characteristics.

The larvae's puping period is not long, so the period in which the larvae keep the fluff is actually very precious. It may not be possible to see the cubs like the stuffed creatures in only one or two years.

The soft skin of the cubs will cover the cold and hard carapace, and the body shape will grow rapidly. It will become dangerous and terrible in other ethnic eyes.

In this way, I can see that the back of the baby's fluff is actually good, and Gu Huai quickly changed his mind.

I didn't have time to listen to Alger. Why did the name of Yalves be related to the cry of the infancy? Gu Huai looked at the parties in front of him and decided to ask the other party directly.

"Because the voice is like that." Arvis lowered his eyes and did not evade the question of Gu Huai.

Who gave this nickname to him? I don’t know if it was too far away or something else. Yalves’ memory of this matter is not clear.

Someone gave him this nickname during his childhood, or did he make this self-identification because of his own voice, and Yalves could not remember.

"Oh... this is called?" Gu Huai casually imagined how Yalves would bark in the early childhood. He suddenly couldn't look at the other side for a moment to look at his naked gold.

This contrast is a big foul.

Next to Alger, he wanted to slip away. He didn't forget that he once imitated the other party's voice in the early years of Yalves, and the other army leader who called him with this nickname was left behind. .

Alger felt that his own leader would of course not do anything to the king, but he was finished.

However, Yalves did not give his eyes to his adjutant at this time, but scorned a single tone: "Well."

In general, Zerg cubs are used to making low-pitched snoring when they call, and the sound of Arvis in his early years can be said to be very special.

"The cub period is really cute." Gu Huai couldn't stop bending his eyes.

In these few words, Gu Huai only refers to "cute" in her childhood, and Yalves hears that the expression on the cold side of the face is even more unspeakable.

The word "cute" means that it is a favorite.

The genre does not exist in the Zerg, but instead of interstellar lingua franca, Yalves can roughly understand the meaning of the word.

So the young man told him that his appearance in his childhood made him like it, but now he doesn't like him.

"Is it only cute during the cub period?" Yalves looked down at Gu Huai.

Gu Huai did not respond a little, but after a while he saw the other side coveted and asked: "Now not cute?"


Gu Huai stayed for a second. He looked at the silver worms in front of him and looked expressionless. When he asked this sentence, he had no emotional ups and downs. For a time, he didn’t know whether he should answer it or not.

Hesitating for a while, Gu Huai replied and replied: "Now also... cute?"

When I spoke this, Gu Huai carefully observed the expression of Yalves and prepared to change his mouth when he observed that the other party had any unhappy performance.

But after Gu Huai answered this question, he saw that Yalves would relax his mouth slightly, and the silver-gray tail behind him also slid up and down.

Seeing that Arvis is not upset, Gu Huai is relieved and finds that the other party does not mind being praised. Gu Huai does not have to worry about the time when he will accidentally blame.

"How do you feel today? When you go to the military side, do you still feel uncomfortable?" Gu Huai sat down and asked.

"It's about the same as before." In response, Arvis looked down and glanced at the **** his left wrist.

Now that Arvis is coming back to Gu Huai, he will consciously pick up the eye mask, and the black strap will be tied to the wrist after being solved.

It’s about the same, but after experiencing the feeling of being quiet, going through the noise and the irritability that needs to be suppressed, the pain becomes even more unbearable.

Gu Huai thought about it and said, "When you feel annoyed outside, think about me? Is this better?"

Although I don't know the specific principle of this appeasement, but can make Yalves relieve the pain, Gu Huai does not mind being the other party's stabilizer.

As soon as he was finished, he was stared at by a pair of light golden erects for a while. Gu Huai always felt that his reflection seemed clearer and clearer in these eyes. After a long while, he heard the other voice low and replied: it is good."

Flowers are a beautiful, but very fragile thing, and in the process of picking up a flower from Nom, Arvis got this recognition.

The flowers in my heart are blooming more and more beautifully after opening, and Yalves does not know how to reject this beauty.

This is the most beautiful and precious flower in the world. Because it is precious, Yalves does not dare to reach out and touch the petals. Can only guard the side, quietly watching the growth of this flower.

But what do you do when you really want to touch it? What can you do to not hurt the other person when you touch it, nor to be rejected or hated?

Yalves coveted the black-haired youth in the vicinity. After a moment he let himself remove his eyes and said to Alger, who was next to him, "Go with me to the study."

Alger’s expression was slightly stiff, and he always thought about coming, and nodded his head.

But the result is that Alger is daring to follow the study, but he has not been investigated for anything, but he has been thrown some things that need to be dealt with, as usual.

In the original world, Gu Huai had the habit of taking a nap, and this habit remained after coming to the world.

Did not go back to the room, Gu Huai lay down directly on the sofa in the hall, looking for a comfortable posture and ready to sleep.

"I slept for a while." Gu Huai said to the Tuckers who were around him that he closed his eyes after hearing the low response.

After Gu Huai fell asleep, two Tak worms used their sharp forearms to carefully smother the small quilt next to them, and then gently put the quilt on Gu Huai.

Gu Huai’s nap didn’t sleep very well, and I only woke up after only 30 minutes of sleep.

When I woke up, I found that I had a layer of quilt on my body. Gu Huai soon understood that it was covered by the Tak Zerg around him.

Just woke up and still sleepy, Gu Huai did not notice that this layer of quilt had a prominent bulge, and he had a weight that was not light and heavy.

Until Gu Huai awake slightly moved his leg, he looked at the quilt where the quilt began to move, and Gu Huai felt that the weight pressed on his leg began to move to his upper body.

In less than two seconds, an unidentified creature with a round golden urn was drilled out of the quilt and pressed against Gu Huai's chest.

At this time, Gu Huai just happened to be on the golden eyes of this unidentified creature, and at the same time saw the silver-gray small tail dragged behind him.

Gu Huai has been stuck for a moment, these two features are too obvious, and he just saw the relevant images not long ago.


Without waiting for the Huaihua reaction, the Zerg cub, who had only a silver-gray small tail, made a cry to him in the confrontation. 2k novel reading network