MTL - I’m Not Human-Chapter 24 The twenty-fourth day of not being a human being

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Look up a bit.

Military uniforms, silver hair, gold cymbals, a beautiful and indifferent face, plus that bright silver-gray tail, this is indeed the a zerg as the head of the Zerg first army.

Then look down a bit.

Soft black hair, the pupil is a round black eye, the skin is normal white skin color, but also has a warm body temperature, which is indeed a human being.

It is human!

But look at the way the other side is protected by Yalves, and Shen Mu and Hamer at least realize that the human youth in front of them are not the captives they are, but rather

It’s the cockroach of this silver worm...

Love, lover?

Hammer is also really admired himself, why at this moment of life and death, he can now involuntarily in the brain to fill a racist and human cross-ethnic abuse.

Thinking about the relationship between humans and Zerg, Hammer even brains up the scripts of Romeo and Juliet.

No, it doesn't seem to be a sad love.

Regarding the blindfolding of Yalves, as a top student who has been a member of the Federal Military Academy and has excellent results, Hammer has a lot of understanding of the Zerg, and of course the taboo of the black eye mask.

That is something that must not be touched.

Yalves is very belligerent, and the battle seems to be a pleasant thing for the other party. This usually expressionless silver-haired worm has occasionally revealed a mocking smile in the battle.

Probably the shape of the slightly lip, the tall and straight figure looks indifferent and full of oppression, the silver-gray tail will be impatiently shaken from time to time, like a dangerous beast that is hunting.

And if it is said that Yalves will usually use the full force in order to make the battle time a little longer, when the eye mask is touched, the other party will not continue to look like a careless look.

Once the eye mask is removed, the opponent seems to have some kind of loss of control, and this loss of control is beyond his enemies.

But now in front of them, the silver worms took the initiative to uncover their own blindfolds and lowered their heads for the young people who were trapped in their tails. It seemed to be just to see each other with their eyes and to confirm the existence of each other.

And Arvis is still sensible now, except that his expression is cold, and there are no signs of getting out of control.

How do you think very fond of the human youth who are surrounded, otherwise how can he hand over the black tie that he solved.

This move is equivalent to an explanation, and his taboo is an exception to the other party.

The expressions on the faces of the two men changed a lot. They didn't know that it was the first to shock the incredible reality. It is better to find a pit to bury their decent face.

Is there anything more terrible in the interstellar forcibly abducting the partner of the planet's master on the Tuz star, one of the Zerg base camps?

Even if they die, they die. The reason for their entry into the coffin is clearly and plainly written on the coffin.

On the other side of Gu Huai, he was so hugged in the awake state. He was still a little uncomfortable with this position, but he thought that he would worry them. Gu Huai then gave Anvil a point to let him come to him. Holding.

Not in a hurry to deal with two humans who could not escape, Yalves first coveted Gu Huai from head to toe with his eyes, and then his eyes stayed on a bruise in Gu Huai's arm.

Hammer followed the sight of Arvis, and he saw the bruises in his heart, and his heart suddenly slammed.

This may be when he accidentally hit the other side when he pressed the other person to the ground.

This bruise was not obvious, but it was enough, enough for Arvis to squint his eyes. When he looked up at the two humans in front of him, the light golden erect had no feelings.

He was not interested in fighting these two humans. Arvis vacated a hand from the person holding his hand and prepared to reach out and crush the heads of both.

The speed at which Yalves made his hand movements was not slow, because he wanted the two to feel the fear compared to the quick death of the two.

The two people who were directly nailed to the place by the powerful powers of the powers looked at the hands of the silver worms in front of them. If they look at the aesthetic point of view, the fingers of the other party are distinct and long-sighted, it should be very beautiful. .

But in the eyes of the two people who were threatened by life, the hand that only reached them was terrible.


Closer -

The two humans will not be able to close their eyes and their eyes will be sharply magnified as the hand approaches.

And just as the hand was about to meet them, Shen Mu and Hamer suddenly saw the young man surrounded by the silver worms holding the hand.

It may not be possible to hold it down, because it can be seen that the youth has no strength at all, just to put a hand on the back of the other hand to show a little stop.

But just like this, Arvis’s hand does not move.

The silver worms in front of their eyes are expressionless, the outline of the side face is not soft, it looks particularly cold, but the other party obeys the requirements of the youth.

This is a great pillow wind, Hammer sighs.

Still caught in the script of cross-racial love, but not long after, the three Yula warships that had been torn apart in the sky allowed the two human generals standing to completely froze, and even the brain was together. .

The three Ula warships, which look extraordinarily prominent, are warships belonging to the Zerg army, plus Arvis, who is already standing in front of them. The three warships appear here at the same time, the four Zerg The legions all ran together on the planet.

The Zerba’s Yula warship has a conveyor that has been set up in advance. The energy crystal that needs to be consumed to start the conveyor can be converted into one or two planets in value, and it takes a lot of time to re-install the device after it is used up. Therefore, such directional transfer is not easy to use.

But the problem is that the three Yula warships in the sky are obviously transmitted in a directional manner.

what is happening?

Do they think the script is still wrong? ?

The two people who suffered too many psychological impacts in a day opened their mouths, and they couldn’t make any sounds, almost stunned at the sky.

Then three high-ranking zerg of different forms appeared in front of them, all of them were a class of Zerg, and the other three Zerg leaders.

The left hand of the bone wing and the sharp knife shape, which is well recognized, is the second army leader of the Zerg, Capalia.

Next to the other side, there are two light gray faces on one face, and the face is cold. It is not difficult to recognize the higher Zerg in a complex robes. It is the third leader of the Zerg, Ai.

In the end, a tall zerg is very tall, almost two people, and the upper part of the body is covered with a hard outer armor. This is the fourth army leader of the Zerg.

Not to mention that the scalp is numb, and Shen Mu and Hamer, who were forced to stay at the scene, felt that their scalp had to be blown up.

After Kapaliya arrived at the scene, she confirmed the safety of Gu Huai. Then she glanced at Gu Huai’s neck and it was empty.

And because the planet is summer, Gu Huai is not wearing the thick clothes before, so there is still one thing missing from the naked eye.

When I found out this, Kapaliya was only close to the two human beings who were suppressed and could not move, and then she coldly licked the blond human hand.

Hammer really thought that his arm was to be cut off by the other party, but the Tektron worm only opened his finger, took the mech button from his hand, and then searched from his pocket. Energy crystal.

These two things, Hammer was originally prepared to wait for Gu Huai to wake up and give it back to the other side, but did not expect that when Gu Huai woke up, it was just a sudden emergency, so this matter was delayed.

The next scene was even more incredible. Two human generals saw that the female zerg who took the mech button and the energy crystal from their side was close to the young man in the vicinity, and the expression was cold and frosty, but the action seemed to be like Carefully and gently put the necklace with the string of buttons on the neck of the youth.

After wearing the necklace, put the energy crystal back into the hands of the youth.

"Do you have anything missing?" Kapalia asked coldly as she watched the eyes of the two humans cold, and the voice of the inquiry was as soft as possible.

She absolutely does not allow someone to take things away from her own king, let alone to steal the toy ball that the cub loves. It is unforgivable in the eyes of any Zerg.


The ear caught the word, and the two humans present were paralyzed.

"No." Gu Huai shook his head, he did not bring much things.

Lisa, who is the adjutant of Kapaliya, of course took the same battleship with her. At this time, she quickly jumped off the battleship and rushed over.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, I am very happy to see you again." Lisa said with a smile.

If you don't look at the scene, Shen Mu and Hamer may feel that the female Zerg is happy to greet them. The smile on the face is gentler than any time they have seen before.

However, this gentleness does not make them feel relaxed, but it is cold.

They translated the other person's words and felt that the real meaning was like this -

I haven't seen you for a long time (grabbing you), I am very happy to see you again (you can wait for death).


"His Majesty."

The first time I met, although in such a bad situation, Ai and Simodo still chose to offer their loyalty to the king at the moment of meeting, so they both kneel down on Gu Huai.

Looking at this scene, the two human generals simply stopped their heartbeat.

Then they felt a little dizzy.

Wang...what king?

What, what? ?

They think that the youth of mankind is the king of this group of Zerg, and the two of them turned the king of the Zerg to another planet.

Is this reality like this? ?

At this moment, the two people who finally found out the truth of the matter suddenly emptied, the stimulation was too great, and their expression began to become erratic.

It turns out that there is really something terrible in this interstellar that is forcibly abducted by the planet’s master’s companion on one of the Zerg’s base camps.

The two of them, who directly abducted on the Zerg’s territory, are the most precious and important treasures for the group of Zerg.

I just wanted to find a pit to bury my decent face. Now, Shen Mu and Hamer think, don’t look for a pit. They just dig one on the ground and just bury it.

The author has something to say: Only a little bit of nutrient solution, Huaibao can be on the list, continue to seek a nutrient solution = 3 =

Yesterday I received almost 8,000 bottles of nutrient solution. I was so touched. I didn’t expect to be able to ask for so much. Thank you for feeding the ducks!

Drop a hundred red envelopes, Demi! 2k novel reading network